const { Command } = require('discord.js-commando'); const { MessageEmbed } = require('discord.js'); const fun = require('../../js/functions.js'); const list = require('../../json/lists.json'); const axios = require('axios'); const db = new (require('json-config-store'))({ cwd: `${process.cwd()}/database`, configName: 'clanstore.json' }) module.exports = class clanCommand extends Command { constructor(client) { super(client, { name: 'clan', aliases: ['c', 'cl'], group: 'clash', memberName: 'clan', description: 'Get stats about a clan', argsPromptLimit: 0, args: [ { key: 'method', prompt: '', type: 'string', default: 'get' }, { key: 'clanTag', prompt: '', type: 'string', default: "default" }, ], examples: ['.clan get #FFFFFFFF', '.clan members #FFFFFFFF'] }); } run(msg, args) { if (msg.guild && args.clanTag == "default" && db.has(`${}.clanTag`)) { args.clanTag = db.get(`${}.clanTag`) } const clanTag = args.clanTag.replace("#", "") || ""; switch (args.method) { case "get": axios.get(`${clanTag}`) .then(res => { let response = var labels = 'Labels not set' if (response.labels.length) { labels = '' response.labels.forEach(x => { if (response.labels.indexOf(x) != response.labels.length - 1) labels += `${} | ` else labels += }) } var clanLoc = "Location not set" if (response.location) { clanLoc = } msg.say({ embed: { title: `${} | ${response.tag.toUpperCase()}`, color: '#0099ff', description: response.description, thumbnail: { url: response.badgeUrls.small, }, fields: [ { name: 'Labels:', value: `${labels}` }, { name: 'Requirements:', value: `🏆 ${response.requiredTrophies}`, inline: true }, { name: 'Type:', value: `${list.types[response.type]}`, inline: true }, { name: 'Location:', value: `${clanLoc}`, inline: true }, { name: 'Trophies:', value: `<:trophy:722016684935872522> ${response.clanPoints} | <:versustrophy:722016340503822347> ${response.clanVersusPoints} `, inline: true }, { name: 'War:', value: `W: ${response.warWins} | L: ${response.warLosses || "Not public"}`, inline: true }, { name: 'Warlog:', value: `Public warlog: ${response.isWarLogPublic ? "✅" : "❌"}`, inline: true }, { name: 'War league:', value: `League: ${}`, inline: true } ], author: { name: `Requested by: ${}`, icon_url: `${}/${}.jpg` }, footer: { text: 'Bot by Xeeon#7590' }, timestamp: new Date() } }); }).catch(() => msg.say("Could not find that clan.")); break; case "unlink": if (db.has(`${}`)) { db.delete(`${}`) let embed = { embed: { title: "Succefully unlinked!", color: "ededed", description: `Unlinked ${}!`, author: { name: `Requested by: ${}`, icon_url: `${}/${}.jpg` }, footer: { text: 'Bot by Xeeon#7590' }, timestamp: new Date() } } msg.say(embed) } else { msg.say("This server doesn't have any linked clans!") } break; case "members": axios.get(`${clanTag}`) .then(res => { let response = let embed = new MessageEmbed() .setTitle(`Showing members for ${}`) .setColor('#1d9e1b') .setThumbnail(response.badgeUrls.small) .setTimestamp() .setAuthor(`Requested by ${}`, `${}/${}.jpg`) fun.fieldCreator(embed, response.memberList, 0, "members") msg.say(embed) .then(x => fun.addReaction(x, response.memberList, "members")) }).catch(console.error) break; case "link": if (msg.guild && { if (msg.member.hasPermission("ADMINISTRATOR")) { if (db.get(`${}.clanTag`) == clanTag) { let embed = { embed: { title: "Already linked!", color: "ededed", thumbnail: { url: db.get(`${}.clanBadge`) }, description: `${} is linked to ${db.get(`${}.clanName`)} #${clanTag.toUpperCase()}!`, author: { name: `Requested by: ${}`, icon_url: `${}/${}.jpg` }, footer: { text: 'Bot by Xeeon#7590' }, timestamp: new Date() } } msg.say(embed) return } axios.get(`${clanTag}`) .then(response => { db.set(`${}.clanTag`, clanTag) db.set(`${}.clanBadge`, db.set(`${}.clanName`, let embed = { embed: { title: "Succefully linked!", color: "ededed", thumbnail: { url: }, description: `Linked ${} to ${} #${clanTag.toUpperCase()}!`, author: { name: `Requested by: ${}`, icon_url: `${}/${}.jpg` }, footer: { text: 'Bot by Xeeon#7590' }, timestamp: new Date() } } msg.say(embed) }).catch(() => msg.say("An Error occured when reading that command. Please use .help for more information.")) } else msg.say('You don\'t have the rights to execute this command!') } else msg.say("You can't link a server here!") break; default: msg.say("Invalid usage of command; use .help for further information.") break; } } };