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44 lines
588 B

2 years ago
- yay:
# Shell
- kitty
- zsh
# Theming
- equilux-theme
- mcmojave-cursors-git
# Xorg + video
- sddm
- xorg-server
- xorg-xinit
- xorg-xsetroot
# WM
- bspwm
- sxhkd
- polybar
- picom
- feh
- rofi
- papirus-icon-theme
- playerctl
# Qt
- qt5-graphicaleffects
- qt5-quickcontrols2
# Networking
- networkmanager
# Fonts
- ttf-roboto
- ttf-fira-code
- ttf-material-design-icons
- noto-fonts-emoji
# Locales
- locale-en-nl-git
# Development
- flutter