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* Copyright 2019 Romain V. <> - <>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
* License along with this program; if not, see <>.
import QtQuick 2.8
import "components"
import "components/style" as Style
Style.Background {
id: control
property alias menu:
property alias free:
property alias taskbar: taskbar // Hook for Full-view button switch.
property string position: config['menu.default.position'] // left, right.
property string defaultSize: config['menu.default.size'] // mini, icon, tiny, half.
property real taskbarMaxSize: 600
property real miniSize // "max size" of each states.
property real iconSize
property real tinySize
property real halfSize
property real fullSize
property string menuState: updateMenuState() // get the current menu state (mini, icon, tiny, half).
readonly property bool isMini: root.menuState == "mini"
readonly property bool isIcon: root.menuState == "icon"
readonly property bool isTiny: root.menuState == "tiny"
readonly property bool isHalf: root.menuState == "half"
readonly property bool isFull: root.menuState == "full"
readonly property bool isRight: position == "right"
readonly property bool isMirror: isRight ? true : false
readonly property real taskbarSize: taskbar.width
readonly property real gripSize: config['menu/border.size']
property real mousePosY
Component.onCompleted: initSize()
Text {
anchors.fill: parent; z: 999; color: "red"
visible: false
text: (
" TaskbarSize : "+ taskbar.width +
"\n ● state : "+menuState+
"\n ● mini : "+miniSize+" - "+isMini+
"\n ● icon : "+iconSize+" - "+isIcon+
"\n ● tiny : "+tinySize+" - "+isTiny+
"\n ● half : "+halfSize+" - "+isHalf+
"\n ● full : "+fullSize+" - "+isFull+
"\n - screensaver : "+screensaver.chrono+
"\n - Mouse.Y : "+mousePosY)
Row {
anchors.fill: parent ; spacing: 0
LayoutMirroring.enabled: control.isMirror
Item {
id: taskbar
width: getDefaultSize()
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
Connections {
target: login
onUserSelected: if (isIcon) taskbar.width = tinySize
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
hoverEnabled: true
onClicked: screensaver.chrono = 0
//onPositionChanged: screensaver.chrono = 0
onDoubleClicked: if (!isFull) taskbar.width = miniSize
onPositionChanged: {
screensaver.chrono = 0;
mousePosY = mouse.y;
Style.MenuBorder {
id: border
z: 100
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
anchors.right: parent.right
LayoutMirroring.enabled: control.isMirror
visible: !control.isFull
menuState: control.menuState // shared with skel.
isPressed: borderArea.pressed // Share borderArea event with MenuBorderStyle.
isMouse: borderArea.containsMouse // Share borderArea event with MenuBorderStyle.
MouseArea {
id: borderArea
hoverEnabled: true
anchors.fill: parent parent; drag.axis: Drag.XAxis
onMouseXChanged: if ( control.updateLayout(mouseX)
onReleased: if ( control.mirrorLayout(mouseX)
onEntered: if (isMini) taskbar.width = iconSize
Style.MenuBackground { anchors.fill: parent; LayoutMirroring.enabled: control.isMirror }
Item {
id: freespace
width: control.width - taskbar.width
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
hoverEnabled: true
propagateComposedEvents: true
onClicked: screensaver.chrono = 0
//onPositionChanged: screensaver.chrono = 0
onDoubleClicked: if (isMini) taskbar.width = iconSize
onPositionChanged: {
screensaver.chrono = 0;
mousePosY = mouse.y;
function updateMenuState() {
// Update menuState property.
var w = taskbar.width;
if (w == fullSize) return "full";
if (w >= fullSize && w < iconSize) return "mini";
if (w == iconSize) return "icon";
if (w >= iconSize && w < halfSize) return "tiny";
return "half";
function initSize() {
var facesize = parseInt(config['userlist/icon.size']);
var bordersize = parseInt(config['userlist/frame.spacing']);
var textfield = parseInt(config["textfield/width"]);
var nbrVisibleUser = 3; //userModel.count
// this is purely cosmetic and can be safe remove.
var gripMargin = 36;
// Update property values.
fullSize = 0;
miniSize = gripSize;
iconSize = facesize + (bordersize*2);
tinySize = iconSize + textfield + login.miniloginSize;
halfSize = iconSize * nbrVisibleUser;
// Adjust with gripSize & margins
iconSize += gripSize;
tinySize += gripMargin;
if (halfSize <= tinySize) { halfSize = tinySize + 1; }
function getDefaultSize() {
if (defaultSize == "mini") return miniSize;
if (defaultSize == "icon") return iconSize;
if (defaultSize == "tiny") return tinySize;
if (defaultSize == "half") return halfSize;
if (defaultSize == "halfmax") return taskbarMaxSize; // Alternative.
if (defaultSize == "full") return 0;
return iconSize;
function updateLayout(mousex) {
var pos = taskbar.width;
? pos -= mousex
: pos += mousex
if (pos <= (miniSize + 20)) { pos = miniSize } else { if (pos < iconSize) pos = iconSize }
if (pos > taskbarMaxSize) pos = taskbarMaxSize;
taskbar.width = pos;
if (pos > iconSize && pos < taskbarMaxSize && isRight) taskbar.x += mousex;
function mirrorLayout(mousex) {
var drop = width - taskbar.width;
? drop += mousex
: drop -= mousex
if (drop < 300) {
position = isRight ? "left" : "right";
if (drop < iconSize) drop = iconSize;
if (drop > taskbarMaxSize) drop = taskbarMaxSize;
taskbar.width = drop;