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// 000webhost watermark remover
addEventListener("load", function() {
if (document.querySelector('[alt=""]')) {
let el = document.querySelector('[alt=""]').parentNode.parentNode;
5 years ago
// // Tawk
// var Tawk_API=Tawk_API||{}, Tawk_LoadStart=new Date();
// (function(){
// var s1=document.createElement("script"),s0=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];
// s1.async=true;
// s1.src='';
// s1.charset='UTF-8';
// s1.setAttribute('crossorigin','*');
// s0.parentNode.insertBefore(s1,s0);
// })();
// Console mark
console.log('%cDoor Guus van Meerveld', "color:#9c9c9c; font-size:30px;");
// Head tag
var shortcon = $("<link>", {rel :'shortcut icon',href:'/resources/img/favicon.ico'})
// Https
// if (location.protocol == "http:" && location.port !== "3000" && !== "") {
// location.protocol = "https:"
// }