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76 lines
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const c = document.createElement.bind(document);
const q = document.querySelector.bind(document);
const functions = require(path + "/json/functions.json");
var showsFunctions = [];
// Load functions from json
function init() {
cycleList(functions, "", 0);
function cycleList(list, title, i) {
let div = c("div");
showsFunctions[i] = {};
list.forEach((item) => {
showsFunctions[i][item.title] = false;
div.appendChild(createListItem(i, item.title, item.description));
if (item.children) {
cycleList(item.children, item.title.replace(/ /g, ""), i + 1);
if (title) div.classList.add(title);
q(".select-function-" + i).appendChild(div);
function createListItem(which, t, s) {
let showsFunctionsLocal = showsFunctions[which],
title = c("div"),
trailing = c("i"),
subtitle = c("div"),
noSpace = t.replace(/ /g, "");
title.innerHTML = t.toUpperCase();
trailing.innerHTML = "arrow_forward_ios";
title.addEventListener("click", () => {
showsFunctionsLocal[t] = !showsFunctionsLocal[t];
Object.keys(showsFunctionsLocal).forEach((i) => {
if (t !== i) {
showsFunctionsLocal[i] = false;
// console.log("Clicked: " + t, "Did not click: " + i);
$("." + i.replace(/ /g, "")).hide();
// console.log(showsFunctions, which, t);
if (showsFunctionsLocal[t]) {
$(".select-function-" + (which + 1)).show();
$("." + noSpace).show();
} else {
$(".select-function-" + (which + 1)).hide();
$("." + noSpace).hide();
subtitle.innerHTML = s;
if (s) title.appendChild(subtitle);
return title;