const { join } = require('path'); const fs = require('fs-extra'); const util = require('util'); const minify = require('minify'); const sass = require('sass'); const chalk = require('chalk'); const sassRender = util.promisify(sass.render); const { performance } = require('perf_hooks'); const sassExtension = '.sass'; const config = require(join(process.cwd(), 'builder.config.js')); /** * Compiles files in a directory to a given directory * @param {string} dir - The input directory * @param {string} outPath - The output directory * @param {'sass' | 'js' | 'html' | 'other' | 'file'} fileType - The file type * @returns */ const builder = async (path, outPath, fileType) => { const isDirectory = (await fs.lstat(path)).isDirectory(); if (isDirectory) { if (fileType === 'other') { await fs.copy(path, outPath); return; } let files = await fs.readdir(path); // Filter out other files files = files.filter((file) => file.endsWith(fileType)); // Minify the files & write them to the build directory files.forEach((file) => fileBuilder(join(path, file), outPath, fileType)); } else { fileBuilder(path, outPath, fileType); } }; /** * Compiles a file * @param {string} file - The input files path * @param {'sass' | 'js' | 'html' | 'css' | 'file'} fileType - The file type */ const fileBuilder = async (file, outPath, fileType) => { const t0 =; const compiled = await compile(file, fileType); if (compiled) { if (fileType === 'sass') { file = file.replace(sassExtension, '.min.css'); } const path = file.split('/'); const fileName = path[path.length - 1]; const withPaths = replaceFileContents(compiled); await fs.ensureDir(outPath); await fs.writeFile(join(outPath, fileName), withPaths); const t1 =; console.log(`${chalk.gray(fileName)} ${Math.round(t1 - t0)}ms`); } }; /** * Compiles a string of data given its type. * @param {string} data * @param {'sass' | 'js' | 'html' | 'css' | 'file'} fileType * @returns {Promise} The compiled data */ const compile = async (file, fileType) => { switch (fileType) { case 'sass': const data = await sassRender({ file, outputStyle: 'compressed' }); return data.css.toString(); case 'js': case 'css': case 'html': return await minify(file).catch((err) => console.log('Error compiling file ' + file + ':' + err) ); default: return await fs.readFile(file, { encoding: 'utf-8' }); } }; /** * Replaces all specified paths in builder.config.js with their definitions * @param {string} data - The data that needs its paths replaced * @returns */ const replaceFileContents = (data) => { if (config.paths) { Object.keys(config.paths).forEach((key) => { data = data.replace(new RegExp(key, 'g'), '/' + config.paths[key]); }); } data = data.replace(new RegExp(sassExtension, 'g'), '.min.css'); if (process.env.TARGET_BROWSER != 'chrome') { data = data.replace(new RegExp('chrome.', 'g'), 'browser.'); } return data; }; module.exports = { builder, fileBuilder, };