You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

51 lines
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import create from "zustand";
import { PausedBy, VideoSpeed, VideoStatus } from "@interfaces/videoPlayer";
interface VideoState {
progress: number;
setProgress: (progress: number) => void;
speed: VideoSpeed;
setSpeed: (speed: VideoSpeed) => void;
error?: string;
setError: (error: string) => void;
waiting: boolean;
setWaiting: (waiting: boolean) => void;
muted: boolean;
toggleMuted: () => void;
pausedBy?: PausedBy;
playing: VideoStatus;
togglePlaying: (pausedBy?: PausedBy) => void;
setPlaying: (playing: VideoStatus, pausedBy?: PausedBy) => void;
const useVideoState = create<VideoState>((set) => ({
progress: 0,
setProgress: (progress) => set(() => ({ progress })),
speed: 1,
setSpeed: (speed) => set(() => ({ speed })),
error: undefined,
setError: (error) => set(() => ({ error })),
waiting: true,
setWaiting: (waiting) => set(() => ({ waiting })),
muted: false,
toggleMuted: () => set((state) => ({ muted: !state.muted })),
pausedBy: undefined,
playing: VideoStatus.Paused,
togglePlaying: (pausedBy?: PausedBy) =>
set((state) => ({
state.playing == VideoStatus.Playing
? VideoStatus.Paused
: VideoStatus.Playing,
pausedBy: state.playing == VideoStatus.Playing ? pausedBy : undefined
setPlaying: (playing, pausedBy) =>
set(() => ({
pausedBy: playing == VideoStatus.Paused ? pausedBy : undefined
export default useVideoState;