You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

130 lines
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export interface Video {
type: string;
title: string;
videoId: string;
videoThumbnails: Thumbnail[];
storyboards: Storyboard[];
description: string;
descriptionHtml: string;
published: number;
publishedText: string;
keywords: string[];
viewCount: number;
likeCount: number;
dislikeCount: number;
paid: boolean;
premium: boolean;
isFamilyFriendly: boolean;
allowedRegions: string[];
premiereTimestamp?: number;
genre: string;
genreUrl: string;
author: string;
authorId: string;
authorUrl: string;
authorThumbnails: Thumbnail[];
subCountText: string;
lengthSeconds: number;
allowRatings: boolean;
rating: number;
isListed: boolean;
liveNow: boolean;
isUpcoming: boolean;
dashUrl: string;
adaptiveFormats: AdaptiveFormat[];
formatStreams: FormatStream[];
captions: Caption[];
recommendedVideos: RecommendedVideo[];
export interface AdaptiveFormat {
index: string;
bitrate: string;
init: string;
url: string;
itag: string;
type: string;
clen: string;
lmt: string;
projectionType: ProjectionType;
fps?: number;
container?: Container;
encoding?: string;
resolution?: string;
qualityLabel?: string;
export interface FormatStream {
url: string;
itag: string;
type: string;
quality: string;
fps: number;
container: string;
encoding: string;
resolution: string;
qualityLabel: string;
size: string;
enum Container {
M4A = "m4a",
Mp4 = "mp4",
Webm = "webm"
enum ProjectionType {
Rectangular = "RECTANGULAR"
interface Thumbnail {
url: string;
width: number;
height: number;
quality?: Quality;
enum Quality {
Default = "default",
End = "end",
High = "high",
Maxres = "maxres",
Maxresdefault = "maxresdefault",
Medium = "medium",
Middle = "middle",
Sddefault = "sddefault",
Start = "start"
export interface Caption {
label: string;
language_code: string;
url: string;
export interface RecommendedVideo {
videoId: string;
title: string;
videoThumbnails: Thumbnail[];
author: string;
authorUrl: string;
authorId: string;
lengthSeconds: number;
viewCountText: string;
viewCount: number;
interface Storyboard {
url: string;
templateUrl: string;
width: number;
height: number;
count: number;
interval: number;
storyboardWidth: number;
storyboardHeight: number;
storyboardCount: number;
export default Video;