{ "fullName": "Guus van Meerveld", "role": "Computer programmer", "description": "As a computer programmer working with precision and being methodical are of incredible importance, as a simple minor oversight can change people's lives. This is exactly the way I prefer to work. Methodically approaching a problem, taking it apart step by step and finding an optimal, yet creative solution.", "contact": { "website": "https://guusvanmeerveld.dev", "email": "contact@guusvanmeerveld.dev", "linkedIn": "https://linkedin.com/in/guus-van-meerveld-038357210", "git": "https://github.com/guusvanmeerveld" }, "skills": [ { "name": "DevOps", "year": "1/1/2022", "value": 0.8 }, { "name": "Linux", "year": "1/1/2020", "value": 0.9 }, { "name": "Web development", "year": "1/1/2017", "value": 0.7 } ], "programmingLanguages": [ { "name": "Rust", "year": "1/1/2022", "value": 0.8 }, { "name": "Typescript & Javascript", "value": 0.9, "year": "1/1/2017" }, { "name": "Java", "value": 0.6, "year": "1/8/2022" }, { "name": "Python", "value": 0.6, "year": "1/2/2023" }, { "name": "Scala", "value": 0.5, "year": "1/8/2023" } ], "education": [ { "title": "Bachelor Artificial Intelligence", "timeFrame": "2022 - Present", "institution": "Radboud University", "location": "Nijmegen, Netherlands", "skills": ["Mathematics", "Neuroscience", "Computer science"] }, { "title": "Highschool VWO (NT&G)", "timeFrame": "2016 - 2022", "institution": "RSG Pantarijn MHV Wageningen", "location": "Wageningen, Netherlands", "skills": ["Biology", "Physics", "Mathematics"] } ], "experience": [ { "title": "Albert Heijn", "timeFrame": "2020 - 2023", "role": "Store employee", "description": "" } ] }