You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

55148 lines
1.2 MiB

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters!

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters that may be confused with others in your current locale. If your use case is intentional and legitimate, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to highlight these characters.

type Account implements INode {
activationCode: String
activationStartUrl: URI
expiryDate: DateTime
id: ID!
isActivated: Boolean!
isBlocked: Boolean!
isExpired: Boolean!
lastLoginTime: DateTime
person: Person
twoFactorPhoneNumber: String
userName: String!
verificationMethod: VerificationMethod!
type AccountActivatedCustomerMessage implements INode & ICustomerMessage {
accountId: ID!
creationDate: DateTimeOffset!
description: String
id: ID!
isAcknowledged: Boolean!
isArchived: Boolean!
isRead: Boolean!
personId: ID!
priority: MessagePriority!
title: String
input AccountActivationRestartInput {
email: String!
type AccountActivationStartedCustomerMessage implements INode & ICustomerMessage {
accountId: ID!
creationDate: DateTimeOffset!
description: String
id: ID!
isAcknowledged: Boolean!
isArchived: Boolean!
isRead: Boolean!
personId: ID!
priority: MessagePriority!
title: String
input AccountActivationStartInput {
activationCode: String!
email: String!
houseNumber: Int!
phoneNumber: String
zipCode: String!
input AccountActivationValidateTokenInput {
token: String!
enum AccountActivationVerificationMethod {
input AccountActivationVerifyCodeInput {
activationCode: String!
email: String!
houseNumber: Int!
verificationCode: String!
zipCode: String!
input AccountActivationVerifyInput {
houseNumber: Int!
houseNumberSuffix: String
password: String!
token: String!
zipCode: String!
input AccountActivationVerifyWithCodeInput {
password: String!
token: String!
verificationCode: String!
input AccountBlockInput {
personId: ID!
input AccountChangeEmailInput {
emailAddress: String!
password: String!
input AccountChangeEmailVerifyInput {
token: String!
input AccountChangePasswordInput {
newPassword: String!
oldPassword: String!
type AccountCreatedCustomerMessage implements INode & ICustomerMessage {
accountId: ID!
creationDate: DateTimeOffset!
description: String
id: ID!
isAcknowledged: Boolean!
isArchived: Boolean!
isRead: Boolean!
personId: ID!
priority: MessagePriority!
title: String
input AccountCreateInput {
personId: ID!
userName: String = ""
input AccountDeleteInput {
personId: ID!
type AccountEmailModifiedCustomerMessage implements INode & ICustomerMessage {
accountId: ID!
creationDate: DateTimeOffset!
description: String
id: ID!
isAcknowledged: Boolean!
isArchived: Boolean!
isRead: Boolean!
personId: ID!
priority: MessagePriority!
title: String
input AccountRecoverInput {
email: String!
input AccountRecoverVerifyInput {
password: String!
token: String!
type AccountRecoveryStartedCustomerMessage implements INode & ICustomerMessage {
accountId: ID!
creationDate: DateTimeOffset!
description: String
id: ID!
isAcknowledged: Boolean!
isArchived: Boolean!
isRead: Boolean!
personId: ID!
priority: MessagePriority!
title: String
type AccountRestoreCustomerMessage implements INode & ICustomerMessage {
accountId: ID!
creationDate: DateTimeOffset!
description: String
id: ID!
isAcknowledged: Boolean!
isArchived: Boolean!
isRead: Boolean!
personId: ID!
priority: MessagePriority!
title: String
type AccountSession {
authToken: String!
expireTime: DateTimeOffset!
isFirstLogin: Boolean!
lastLoginTime: DateTime
personId: ID!
refreshToken: String!
input AccountUnblockInput {
personId: ID!
type AccountVerification {
email: String!
phoneNumber: String!
verificationToken: String!
type ActionSpecification {
baseActionType: BaseActionType!
canAddMedia: Boolean!
canBeSubmitted: Boolean!
canFinish: Boolean
@deprecated(reason: "Use canBeSubmitted. It will be removed in R62-3.")
faq: Faq
faqEnds: Boolean
@deprecated(reason: "Use canBeSubmitted. It will be removed in R62-3.")
faqId: ID
@deprecated(reason: "Use Faq connection. It will be removed in R62-3.")
internalNote: String!
isNoService: Boolean!
isPlannable: Boolean!
isRemarkAllowed: Boolean
isRemarkRequired: Boolean
message: String!
serviceFund: ServiceFund
servicePaymentOptions: ServicePaymentOptions
shouldBePaid: Boolean
showVendorEmail: Boolean
showVendorInformation: Boolean
reason: "Use ShowVendorName, ShowVendorEmail and ShowVendorPhoneNumber instead. This will be deleted."
showVendorName: Boolean
showVendorPhoneNumber: Boolean
vendor: IContact
vendorOptions: LegalPersonConnection!
withoutServiceFundAmount: String
type Activity implements INode {
activityType: String!
caseFlow: CaseFlow
channel: String!
conversationId: ID
createdOn: DateTime!
deletedInfo: ActivityDeletedInfo
description: String
externalMediaDownloadUrl: String
id: ID!
isDeleted: Boolean!
isPublic: Boolean!
where: WhereMediaInput
orderBy: OrderByMediaInput
after: Cursor
first: Int = 10
): IMediaConnection
newOwner: PersonOrFuncionGroupUnionResult
properties: Json
repairRequest: RepairRequest
selfServiceDetails: SelfServiceDetails
sourceApplicationName: String
subject: IContact
task: Task
triggeredBy: IContact
@deprecated(reason: "Use TriggeredBy2. This one will be removed in R63.")
triggeredBy2: TriggeredByResult
type ActivityConnection {
edges: [ActivityEdge]
items: [Activity!]
pageInfo: PageInfo!
totalCount: Int
type ActivityDeletedInfo {
deletedBy: IContact
deletedOn: DateTime!
deletedReason: String
input ActivityDeleteInput {
id: ID!
message: String
type ActivityDeleteResult {
deletedActivity: Activity
type ActivityEdge {
cursor: Cursor!
node: Activity!
input ActivityRestoreInput {
id: ID!
type ActivityRestoreResult {
restoredActivity: Activity
type AcwState {
connectedTime: DateTime!
endTime: DateTime!
expiresOn: DateTime
startTime: DateTime!
type AdditionalField implements INode {
deepLinkLabel: String
deepLinkOpenInSelf: Boolean!
deepLinkUrl: String
description: String!
filter: String
hideEmptyFieldLabel: Boolean!
id: ID!
isActive: Boolean!
isSearchable: Boolean!
name: String!
orderIndex: Int!
positions: [String]!
type AdditionalFieldConnection {
edges: [AdditionalFieldEdge]
items: [AdditionalField!]
pageInfo: PageInfo!
totalCount: Int
type AdditionalFieldEdge {
cursor: Cursor!
node: AdditionalField!
input AdditionalFieldUpdateInput {
deepLinkLabel: String
deepLinkOpenInSelf: Boolean
deepLinkUrl: String
description: String!
filter: String
hideEmptyFieldLabel: Boolean
id: ID!
isActive: Boolean!
isSearchable: Boolean!
name: String!
orderIndex: Int!
positions: [String]!
type Address {
addressLine: String!
city: String!
country: String!
fullAddressLine: String!
houseNumber: Int!
houseNumberExtension: String!
street: String!
type: AddressType!
zipCode: String!
type AddressField implements IFormComponent {
cityFieldDefaultValue: String
cityFieldName: String
component: String
countryFieldDefaultValue: String
countryFieldName: String
countryListValue: Json
houseNumberFieldDefaultValue: Int!
houseNumberFieldName: String
houseNumberSuffixFieldDefaultValue: String
houseNumberSuffixFieldName: String
id: ID!
index: Int!
label: String
prefill: Boolean!
required: Boolean!
streetFieldDefaultValue: String
streetFieldName: String
tag: String
zipCodeFieldDefaultValue: String
zipCodeFieldName: String
input AddressInput {
city: String
country: String
houseNumber: Int!
houseNumberExtension: String
street: String
type: AddressTypeInput!
zipCode: String
enum AddressType {
enum AddressTypeInput {
input AddSlugInput {
contentId: ID!
isMain: Boolean!
locale: String!
value: String!
type AdminInfoComponent implements IFormComponent {
component: String
id: ID!
index: Int!
infoTextTemplate: String
tag: String
type AnimationSettings {
isEnabled: Boolean!
setting: SocialAnimationSettings!
type Announcement implements INode {
createdBy: Person
createdByContact: IContact
createdOn: DateTime!
description: String!
endDate: DateTime
id: ID!
isExternal: Boolean!
lastModifiedBy: Person
lastModifiedByContact: IContact
lastModifiedOn: DateTime
people: [IContact!]!
residentialZones: [IResidentialZone!]!
startDate: DateTime
title: String!
url: String!
type AnnouncementConnection {
edges: [AnnouncementEdge]
items: [Announcement!]
pageInfo: PageInfo!
totalCount: Int
input AnnouncementCreateInput {
applicationIds: [ID!]
description: String!
endDate: DateTime
personIds: [ID!]
residentialZoneIds: [ID!]
startDate: DateTime
title: String!
url: String
type AnnouncementCustomerMessage implements INode & ICustomerMessage {
announcementId: ID!
creationDate: DateTimeOffset!
description: String
id: ID!
isAcknowledged: Boolean!
isArchived: Boolean!
isRead: Boolean!
personId: ID!
priority: MessagePriority!
title: String
type AnnouncementEdge {
cursor: Cursor!
node: Announcement!
input AnnouncementUpdateInput {
applicationIds: [ID!]
description: String!
endDate: DateTime
id: ID!
personIds: [ID!]
residentialZoneIds: [ID!]
startDate: DateTime
title: String!
url: String
type Answer implements INode {
defects: [Defect!]!
generalArea: Boolean!
icon: String
id: ID!
index: Int!
locationType: LocationType
name: String
subAnswers: [Answer!]!
type AnswerPathItem implements INode {
id: ID!
enum ApplyPolicy {
interface Appointment {
title: String!
enum AppointmentStatus {
Attachment for query type Microblog
type Attachment {
Id of the attached document (corresponds to an Id of either 'SocialEmbraceFile' or 'SocialM365File')
fileId: ID!
The size of the attached document in bytes
fileSize: Int!
Id of the attached document(corresponds to an Id of a querytype 'FileSystemEntry')
id: ID! @deprecated(reason: "Please use FileId instead | 20240205")
Name of the attached document
name: String
The height of the attached document(0 => not relevant, null => not known yet, value => actual image height)
originalImageHeight: Int
The width of the attached document(0 => not relevant, null => not known yet, value => actual image width)
originalImageWidth: Int
The location of the preview url. Used to determine what previewers to use for the various cases
previewSource: SocialPreviewSource!
A url for an image preview, it's valid for 5 minutes
previewUrl: String
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type AttachmentConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [AttachmentEdge]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [Attachment]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
type AttachmentDownloadUrlResult {
downloadUrl: String
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type AttachmentEdge {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: Attachment
enum AvatarType {
Avatar image with dimension 1280x1280
Avatar image with dimension 160x160
Avatar image with dimension 24x24
Avatar image with dimension 32x32
Avatar image with dimension 320x320
Avatar image with dimension 40x40
Avatar image with dimension 48x48
Avatar image with dimension 56x56
Avatar image with dimension 64x64
Avatar image with dimension 640x640
Avatar image with dimension 72x72
Avatar image with dimension 80x80
Avatar image with dimension 96x96
enum BaseActionType {
type BatchedContentError {
id: ID!
message: String
type BatchedContentResult {
errors: [BatchedContentError!]!
items: [IContentNode!]!
input BatchedOperationInputFilter {
entityType: EntityType!
status: [ContentStatus!]!
type BillPaymentCustomerMessage implements INode & ICustomerMessage {
creationDate: DateTimeOffset!
description: String
id: ID!
invoiceId: ID
isAcknowledged: Boolean!
isArchived: Boolean!
isRead: Boolean!
paymentId: ID!
personId: ID!
priority: MessagePriority!
title: String
enum BillSortOrder {
enum BillStatus {
enum BillStatusFilter {
type BooleanType {
currentValue: Boolean!
type Calendar implements INode {
duration: Int!
endTime: DateTime!
id: ID!
isAllDay: Boolean!
isRecurring: Boolean!
location: String
startTime: DateTime!
status: AppointmentStatus!
subject: String
The career information of the person
type Career {
educations(after: Cursor, first: Int): EducationConnectionSocialProfileField
experiences(after: Cursor, first: Int): ExperienceConnectionSocialProfileField
type CaseFlow implements INode {
allowPublicMessages: Boolean!
assignTo: PersonOrFuncionGroupUnionResult
cancelationReason: String
cancelationStatus: String
canceledBy: Person
canceledOn: DateTime
createdOn: DateTime!
deadline: DateTime!
dossier: Dossier
id: ID!
lastUpdatedOn: DateTime
where: WhereMediaInput
orderBy: OrderByMediaInput
after: Cursor
first: Int = 10
): IMediaConnection
messages(input: WhereCaseFlowMessages): [CaseFlowMessage!]!
number: String!
relatedPerson: IContact
status: CaseFlowStatus!
steps: [CaseFlowStep!]!
ticket: Ticket
title: String!
input CaseFlowAbortInput {
cancellationStatusId: ID!
id: ID!
reason: String!
type CaseFlowAbortOutput {
caseFlow: CaseFlow!
input CaseFlowAssignInput {
caseFlowId: ID!
ownerId: ID!
type CaseFlowAssignOutput {
caseFlow: CaseFlow!
type CaseFlowCancelationStatus implements INode {
id: ID!
label: String!
type CaseFlowConnection {
edges: [CaseFlowEdge]
items: [CaseFlow!]
pageInfo: PageInfo!
totalCount: Int
input CaseFlowCreateInput {
caseFlowTemplateId: ID!
dossierId: ID
personId: ID
ticketId: ID
type CaseFlowEdge {
cursor: Cursor!
node: CaseFlow!
type CaseFlowFinishedCustomerMessage implements INode & ICustomerMessage {
caseFlowId: ID!
creationDate: DateTimeOffset!
description: String
id: ID!
isAcknowledged: Boolean!
isArchived: Boolean!
isRead: Boolean!
personId: ID!
priority: MessagePriority!
title: String
input CaseflowMediaAppendInput {
id: ID!
mediaId: ID!
type CaseflowMediaAppendOutput {
caseFlow: CaseFlow!
type CaseFlowMessage implements INode {
createdBy: Person
createdByName: String!
createdOn: DateTime!
id: ID!
media: [IMedia!]!
message: String!
type CaseFlowMessageCustomerMessage implements INode & ICustomerMessage {
caseFlowId: ID!
creationDate: DateTimeOffset!
description: String
id: ID!
isAcknowledged: Boolean!
isArchived: Boolean!
isRead: Boolean!
mediaIds: [ID!]
personId: ID!
priority: MessagePriority!
title: String
input CaseFlowMessageInput {
caseFlowId: ID!
isPublic: Boolean! = false
mediaIds: [ID!]
message: String!
type CaseFlowMessageOutput {
caseFlow: CaseFlow!
enum CaseFlowMessageVisibility {
type CaseFlowStartedCustomerMessage implements INode & ICustomerMessage {
caseFlowId: ID!
creationDate: DateTimeOffset!
description: String
id: ID!
isAcknowledged: Boolean!
isArchived: Boolean!
isRead: Boolean!
personId: ID!
priority: MessagePriority!
title: String
enum CaseFlowStatus {
type CaseFlowStep implements INode {
assignedOn: DateTime
assignTo: PersonOrFuncionGroupUnionResult
completedBy: Person
completedOn: DateTime
deadline: DateTime
description: String!
id: ID!
selfServiceScenarios: [CaseFlowStepSelfServiceScenario!]!
status: CaseFlowStepStatus!
tasks: [CaseFlowStepTask!]!
title: String!
input CaseFlowStepAssignInput {
caseFlowId: ID!
ownerId: ID!
type CaseFlowStepAssignOutput {
caseFlow: CaseFlow!
input CaseFlowStepCompleteInput {
caseFlowId: ID!
type CaseFlowStepCompleteOutput {
caseFlow: CaseFlow!
type CaseFlowStepSelfServiceScenario implements INode {
icon: String
id: ID!
isFinished: Boolean!
isOptional: Boolean!
selfServiceScenario: SelfServiceScenario
startAutomatically: Boolean!
title: String!
type CaseFlowStepSelfServiceScenarioCustomerMessage implements INode & ICustomerMessage {
caseFlowId: ID!
creationDate: DateTimeOffset!
description: String
id: ID!
isAcknowledged: Boolean!
isArchived: Boolean!
isRead: Boolean!
personId: ID!
priority: MessagePriority!
title: String
enum CaseFlowStepStatus {
type CaseFlowStepTask implements INode {
description: String!
id: ID!
isFinished: Boolean!
isOptional: Boolean!
outcome: CaseFlowStepTaskOutcome
outcomes: [CaseFlowStepTaskOutcome!]!
task: Task
title: String!
type CaseFlowStepTaskCompletedResult {
completedCaseFlowStepTask: CaseFlowStepTask
input CaseFlowStepTaskCompleteInput {
caseFlowStepTaskId: ID!
outcomeId: ID!
type CaseFlowStepTaskOutcome implements INode {
id: ID!
status: CaseFlowStepTaskOutcomeStatus!
title: String!
enum CaseFlowStepTaskOutcomeStatus {
type CaseFlowTemplate implements INode {
id: ID!
name: String!
type CaseFlowTemplateConnection {
edges: [CaseFlowTemplateEdge]
items: [CaseFlowTemplate!]
pageInfo: PageInfo!
totalCount: Int
type CaseFlowTemplateEdge {
cursor: Cursor!
node: CaseFlowTemplate!
enum CelebrationType {
input ChangePhoneMonitorAttributeArgsBoolInput {
value: Boolean!
input ChangePhoneMonitorAttributeArgsOptionInput {
value: String
input ChangePhoneMonitorAttributeInput {
booleanValue: ChangePhoneMonitorAttributeArgsBoolInput
id: String
optionValue: ChangePhoneMonitorAttributeArgsOptionInput
input ChangePhoneMonitorAttributesInput {
inputs: [ChangePhoneMonitorAttributeInput]
phoneMonitorId: GUID!
enum ChannelType {
enum ChannelTypeInput {
enum ChatEndedReason {
type ChatKccAnonymousCustomer implements ChatKccCustomerParticipant & ChatKccParticipant {
emailAddress: String!
firstName: String!
id: ID!
lastName: String!
type ChatKccAuthenticatedCustomer implements ChatKccCustomerParticipant & ChatKccParticipant {
id: ID!
personId: ID!
input ChatKccCannedRepliesFilter {
messageContains: String
type ChatKccCannedReply {
id: ID!
text: String
type ChatKccCannedReplyConnection {
edges: [ChatKccCannedReplyEdge]
items: [ChatKccCannedReply!]
pageInfo: PageInfo!
totalCount: Int
type ChatKccCannedReplyEdge {
cursor: Cursor!
node: ChatKccCannedReply!
type ChatKccChatOperator implements ChatKccParticipant {
after: Cursor
first: Int
where: ChatKccChatOperatorConversationItemFilter
): ChatKccConversationItemConnection!
firstName: String!
id: ID!
isLoggedIn: Boolean!
isMe: Boolean!
lastName: String!
personId: ID
input ChatKccChatOperatorConversationItemFilter {
includeActive: Boolean!
includeEnded: Boolean!
includeInAcw: Boolean!
input ChatKccChatOperatorConversationItemFilterOptions {
includeActive: Boolean!
includeEnded: Boolean!
includeInAcw: Boolean!
personId: ID!
type ChatKccChatOperatorView {
chatKccChatOperator: ChatKccChatOperator
type ChatKccConversation implements ChatKccConversationItem & ICustomersChatNode {
afterCallWorkStartedOn: DateTimeOffset
createdOn: DateTimeOffset!
currentChatOperator: ChatKccChatOperator
endedOn: DateTimeOffset
endedReason: ChatEndedReason
id: ID!
initialQuestion: String!
lastActivityOn: DateTimeOffset!
lastMessage: ChatKccMessage
linkedToPersonId: ID
first: Int
after: Cursor
where: ChatKccMessagesFilter
orderBy: ChatKccMessagesSortOrder
): ChatKccMessageConnection!
next: ChatKccConversation
previous: ChatKccConversation
rating: Int
replyWindow: ReplyWindow
subject: ChatKccCustomerParticipant!
interface ChatKccConversationItem {
createdOn: DateTimeOffset!
id: ID!
initialQuestion: String!
linkedToPersonId: ID
subject: ChatKccCustomerParticipant!
type ChatKccConversationItemConnection {
edges: [ChatKccConversationItemEdge]
items: [ChatKccConversationItem!]
pageInfo: PageInfo!
totalCount: Int
type ChatKccConversationItemEdge {
cursor: Cursor!
node: ChatKccConversationItem!
type ChatKccConversationRequest implements ChatKccConversationItem & ICustomersChatNode {
abandonedOn: DateTimeOffset
chatKccConversationId: ID
createdOn: DateTimeOffset!
id: ID!
initialQuestion: String!
linkedToPersonId: ID
rejectedOn: DateTimeOffset
subject: ChatKccCustomerParticipant!
input ChatKccConversationRequestsFilterOptions {
includeAbandoned: Boolean!
includePending: Boolean!
includeRejected: Boolean!
input ChatKccConversationsFilter {
chatOperatorConversations: ChatKccChatOperatorConversationItemFilterOptions
conversationRequests: ChatKccConversationRequestsFilterOptions
conversations: ChatKccConversationsFilterOptions
input ChatKccConversationsFilterOptions {
excludeChatOperatorPersonId: ID
includeActiveAttached: Boolean!
includeActiveDetached: Boolean!
includeEnded: Boolean!
includeInAcw: Boolean!
includeTerminated: Boolean!
interface ChatKccCustomerParticipant {
id: ID!
type ChatKccExternalChannelParticipant implements ChatKccCustomerParticipant & ChatKccParticipant {
channelId: String!
displayName: String!
id: ID!
first: Int
after: Cursor
where: ChatKccMessagesFilter
orderBy: ChatKccMessagesSortOrder
): ChatKccMessageConnection!
profileId: String!
interface ChatKccMessage {
id: ID!
text: String!
timestamp: DateTimeOffset!
type ChatKccMessageAttachment {
fileName: String
mimeType: String
umbrellaMediaId: ID!
type ChatKccMessageAttachmentConnection {
edges: [ChatKccMessageAttachmentEdge]
items: [ChatKccMessageAttachment!]
pageInfo: PageInfo!
totalCount: Int
type ChatKccMessageAttachmentEdge {
cursor: Cursor!
node: ChatKccMessageAttachment!
type ChatKccMessageConnection {
edges: [ChatKccMessageEdge]
items: [ChatKccMessage!]
pageInfo: PageInfo!
totalCount: Int
type ChatKccMessageEdge {
cursor: Cursor!
node: ChatKccMessage!
input ChatKccMessagesFilter {
messageTypes: MessageTypeFilterOptions
timestampGreaterThan: DateTimeOffset
timestampLessThan: DateTimeOffset
enum ChatKccMessagesSortOrder {
type ChatKccMutationResult {
isSuccess: Boolean!
interface ChatKccParticipant {
id: ID!
type ChatKccParticipantMessage implements ChatKccMessage {
attachments(after: Cursor, first: Int): ChatKccMessageAttachmentConnection!
id: ID!
participant: ChatKccParticipant
text: String!
timestamp: DateTimeOffset!
type ChatKccSystemMessage implements ChatKccMessage {
id: ID!
text: String!
timestamp: DateTimeOffset!
enum ChatTokenType {
type CheckPermissionsResult {
canCreate: Boolean!
canRead: Boolean!
type Choice {
icon: String!
id: String!
subChoices: [SubChoice!]!
title: [LocalizedString!]!
type ChoiceOption {
label: String
value: String
type ChoiceViewState implements IViewState {
choices: [Choice!]!
id: String!
title: [LocalizedString!]!
type CollectionMethod {
code: String!
name: String!
type: PaymentMethod!
type CollectiveObject implements INode {
code: String
description: String
id: ID!
number: String
enum CompleteByType {
reason: "Use either ExactMatch or IncludeMembersOrFunctionGroups"
reason: "Use either ExactMatch or IncludeMembersOrFunctionGroups"
reason: "Use either ExactMatch or IncludeMembersOrFunctionGroups"
enum CompletionState {
type Complex implements INode & IResidentialZone {
input: WhereIContactTasksInput
after: Cursor
first: Int = 10
): AnnouncementConnection!
city: String!
code: String!
district: District!
id: ID!
indicators: [IndicatorEvaluationResult]!
name: String!
properties: Json!
input: WhereComplexTasksInput
first: Int
after: Cursor
): TaskConnection
input: WhereComplexTicketsInput
after: Cursor
first: Int = 10
): TicketConnection
units(after: Cursor, first: Int = 10): UnitConnection!
type ComplexConnection {
edges: [ComplexEdge]
items: [Complex!]
pageInfo: PageInfo!
totalCount: Int
type ComplexEdge {
cursor: Cursor!
node: Complex!
type ConfigApplication {
name: String!
iconName: String!
themeId: String
modules: [ConfigModule!]!
type ConfigModule {
name: String!
iconName: String
activeIconName: String
tooltipTranslationKey: String
routeName: String
type Configuration {
portal: PortalConfiguration!
repairRequestRestrictions: RepairRequestConfigRestrictions!
tasks(input: TaskTypeConfigurationInput): TasksConfiguration!
taskTypes: [TaskTypeWithConfigurationOptions]!
tickets: TicketsConfiguration!
type ConnectorActiveState {
loginCommandDefinitions: [LoginCommandDefinition]
phoneMonitors: [PhoneMonitor]
type ConnectorInactiveState {
isFaulted: Boolean!
message: String
type ConnectorOutput {
description: String!
descriptionTranslationKey: String!
name: String!
nameTranslationKey: String!
variables: [ConnectorOutputVariable!]!
type ConnectorOutputVariable {
description: String!
fieldType: String!
isOptional: Boolean!
name: String!
type ConnectorParameter {
description: String!
fieldType: String!
formField: FormField!
isOptional: Boolean!
name: String!
type ContactCustomerMessage implements INode & ICustomerMessage {
creationDate: DateTimeOffset!
description: String
faqId: ID @deprecated(reason: "To be removed.")
id: ID!
isAcknowledged: Boolean!
isArchived: Boolean!
isRead: Boolean!
mediaIds: [ID!] @deprecated(reason: "To be removed.")
personId: ID!
priority: MessagePriority!
title: String
type ContactDetails {
addresses: [Address!]!
emailAddresses: [ContactEmailAddress!]!
phoneNumbers: [ContactPhoneNumber!]!
enum ContactDirectionInput {
type ContactEmailAddress {
description: String!
email: String!
isVerified: Boolean!
type ContactField implements IFormComponent {
component: String
emailFieldDefaultValue: String
emailFieldName: String
id: ID!
index: Int!
label: String
phoneFieldDefaultValue: String
phoneFieldName: String
required: Boolean!
tag: String
type ContactMomentCustomerMessage implements INode & ICustomerMessage {
creationDate: DateTimeOffset!
description: String
faqId: ID
id: ID!
isAcknowledged: Boolean!
isArchived: Boolean!
isRead: Boolean!
mediaIds: [ID!]
personId: ID!
priority: MessagePriority!
title: String
type ContactPhoneNumber {
description: String!
number: String!
type: PhoneType!
unlisted: Boolean!
type CONTENT_Blog implements IContentStatus {
id: ID!
version: Int
status: String!
Current user's scope for this CONTENT_Blog resource
This is a calculated field exposed only to queries (it is not possible to mutate it).
It is calculated based on readPermissionType, readPermissionRoles, editPermissionType.. field values.
Item that holds a certain userPermissionScope value, automatically assumes lower levels of permission as well. (read < edit < delete < manage)
Eg delete assumes delete, edit and read.
userPermissionScope: CONTENT_UserPermissionScopeEnum
where: WhereCONTENT_BlogInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_BlogOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_BlogConnection
created: Instant
createdBy: String
lastModified: Instant
lastModifiedBy: String
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
author: String
title: String
text: String
rating: String
visits: Float
isNew: Boolean
where: WhereCONTENT_CommentInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_CommentOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_CommentConnection!
type CONTENT_BlogConnection {
totalCount: Int
pageInfo: PageInfo!
edges: [CONTENT_BlogEdge]
input CONTENT_BlogCreateInput {
options: CreationOptions
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
author: String
title: String
text: String
rating: String
visits: Float
isNew: Boolean
comments: [CONTENT_CommentCreateInput]
type CONTENT_BlogEdge {
node: CONTENT_Blog
cursor: String!
enum CONTENT_BlogOrder {
input CONTENT_BlogUpdateInput {
id: ID!
options: UpdateOptions
status: String
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
author: String
title: String
text: String
rating: String
visits: Float
isNew: Boolean
type CONTENT_Comment implements IContentStatus {
id: ID!
version: Int
status: String!
Current user's scope for this CONTENT_Comment resource
This is a calculated field exposed only to queries (it is not possible to mutate it).
It is calculated based on readPermissionType, readPermissionRoles, editPermissionType.. field values.
Item that holds a certain userPermissionScope value, automatically assumes lower levels of permission as well. (read < edit < delete < manage)
Eg delete assumes delete, edit and read.
userPermissionScope: CONTENT_UserPermissionScopeEnum
where: WhereCONTENT_CommentInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_CommentOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_CommentConnection
created: Instant
createdBy: String
lastModified: Instant
lastModifiedBy: String
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
message: String
creator: String
where: WhereCONTENT_BlogInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_BlogOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_BlogConnection!
type CONTENT_CommentConnection {
totalCount: Int
pageInfo: PageInfo!
edges: [CONTENT_CommentEdge]
input CONTENT_CommentCreateInput {
options: CreationOptions
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
message: String
creator: String
blog: [ID]
type CONTENT_CommentEdge {
node: CONTENT_Comment
cursor: String!
enum CONTENT_CommentOrder {
input CONTENT_CommentUpdateInput {
id: ID!
options: UpdateOptions
status: String
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
message: String
creator: String
blog: [ID]
type CONTENT_Config implements IContentStatus {
id: ID!
version: Int
status: String!
Current user's scope for this CONTENT_Config resource
This is a calculated field exposed only to queries (it is not possible to mutate it).
It is calculated based on readPermissionType, readPermissionRoles, editPermissionType.. field values.
Item that holds a certain userPermissionScope value, automatically assumes lower levels of permission as well. (read < edit < delete < manage)
Eg delete assumes delete, edit and read.
userPermissionScope: CONTENT_UserPermissionScopeEnum
entityPermissionScope: CONTENT_UserPermissionScopeEnum
where: WhereCONTENT_ConfigInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_ConfigOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_ConfigConnection
created: Instant
createdBy: String
lastModified: Instant
lastModifiedBy: String
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
name: String!
entityReadPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
entityReadPermissionRoles: [String!]
entityEditPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
entityEditPermissionRoles: [String!]
entityDeletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
entityDeletePermissionRoles: [String!]
entityManagePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
entityManagePermissionRoles: [String!]
entityReadPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
entityEditPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
entityDeletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
entityManagePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
typeConfig: JsonScalar
typeDefinition: JsonScalar
type CONTENT_ConfigConnection {
totalCount: Int
pageInfo: PageInfo!
edges: [CONTENT_ConfigEdge]
input CONTENT_ConfigCreateInput {
options: CreationOptions
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
name: String!
entityReadPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
entityReadPermissionRoles: [String!]
entityEditPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
entityEditPermissionRoles: [String!]
entityDeletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
entityDeletePermissionRoles: [String!]
entityManagePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
entityManagePermissionRoles: [String!]
entityReadPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
entityEditPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
entityDeletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
entityManagePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
typeConfig: JsonScalar
typeDefinition: JsonScalar
type CONTENT_ConfigEdge {
node: CONTENT_Config
cursor: String!
enum CONTENT_ConfigOrder {
input CONTENT_ConfigUpdateInput {
id: ID!
options: UpdateOptions
status: String
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
name: String
entityReadPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
entityReadPermissionRoles: [String!]
entityEditPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
entityEditPermissionRoles: [String!]
entityDeletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
entityDeletePermissionRoles: [String!]
entityManagePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
entityManagePermissionRoles: [String!]
entityReadPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
entityEditPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
entityDeletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
entityManagePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
typeConfig: JsonScalar
typeDefinition: JsonScalar
type CONTENT_ContentBlock implements IContentStatus {
id: ID!
version: Int
status: String!
Current user's scope for this CONTENT_ContentBlock resource
This is a calculated field exposed only to queries (it is not possible to mutate it).
It is calculated based on readPermissionType, readPermissionRoles, editPermissionType.. field values.
Item that holds a certain userPermissionScope value, automatically assumes lower levels of permission as well. (read < edit < delete < manage)
Eg delete assumes delete, edit and read.
userPermissionScope: CONTENT_UserPermissionScopeEnum
where: WhereCONTENT_ContentBlockInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_ContentBlockOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_ContentBlockConnection
created: Instant
createdBy: String
lastModified: Instant
lastModifiedBy: String
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
reference: String
content: [CONTENT_LocalisedString]
type CONTENT_ContentBlockConnection {
totalCount: Int
pageInfo: PageInfo!
edges: [CONTENT_ContentBlockEdge]
input CONTENT_ContentBlockCreateInput {
options: CreationOptions
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
reference: String
content: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
type CONTENT_ContentBlockEdge {
node: CONTENT_ContentBlock
cursor: String!
enum CONTENT_ContentBlockOrder {
input CONTENT_ContentBlockUpdateInput {
id: ID!
options: UpdateOptions
status: String
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
reference: String
content: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
type CONTENT_Conversation implements IContentStatus {
id: ID!
version: Int
status: String!
Current user's scope for this CONTENT_Conversation resource
This is a calculated field exposed only to queries (it is not possible to mutate it).
It is calculated based on readPermissionType, readPermissionRoles, editPermissionType.. field values.
Item that holds a certain userPermissionScope value, automatically assumes lower levels of permission as well. (read < edit < delete < manage)
Eg delete assumes delete, edit and read.
userPermissionScope: CONTENT_UserPermissionScopeEnum
where: WhereCONTENT_ConversationInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_ConversationOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_ConversationConnection
created: Instant
createdBy: String
lastModified: Instant
lastModifiedBy: String
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
name: String @deprecated
tags: String
applications: String
experts: String
startingStep: String
scheduleName: String
publicationDate: Instant
publicationEndDate: Instant
logResult: Boolean
retentionPeriod: Float
title: [CONTENT_LocalisedString]
note: [CONTENT_LocalisedString]
where: WhereCONTENT_TopicInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_TopicOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_TopicConnection
where: WhereCONTENT_KnowledgeArticleInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_KnowledgeArticleOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_KnowledgeArticleConnection
where: WhereCONTENT_StepInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_StepOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_StepConnection
type CONTENT_ConversationConnection {
totalCount: Int
pageInfo: PageInfo!
edges: [CONTENT_ConversationEdge]
input CONTENT_ConversationCreateInput {
options: CreationOptions
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
name: String
tags: String
applications: String
experts: String
startingStep: String
scheduleName: String
publicationDate: Instant
publicationEndDate: Instant
logResult: Boolean
retentionPeriod: Float
title: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
note: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
topics: [ID]
articles: [ID]
startStep: [ID]
type CONTENT_ConversationEdge {
node: CONTENT_Conversation
cursor: String!
enum CONTENT_ConversationOrder {
input CONTENT_ConversationUpdateInput {
id: ID!
options: UpdateOptions
status: String
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
name: String
tags: String
applications: String
experts: String
startingStep: String
scheduleName: String
publicationDate: Instant
publicationEndDate: Instant
logResult: Boolean
retentionPeriod: Float
title: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
note: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
topics: [ID]
articles: [ID]
startStep: [ID]
type CONTENT_District implements IContentStatus {
id: ID!
version: Int
status: String!
Current user's scope for this CONTENT_District resource
This is a calculated field exposed only to queries (it is not possible to mutate it).
It is calculated based on readPermissionType, readPermissionRoles, editPermissionType.. field values.
Item that holds a certain userPermissionScope value, automatically assumes lower levels of permission as well. (read < edit < delete < manage)
Eg delete assumes delete, edit and read.
userPermissionScope: CONTENT_UserPermissionScopeEnum
where: WhereCONTENT_DistrictInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_DistrictOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_DistrictConnection
created: Instant
createdBy: String
lastModified: Instant
lastModifiedBy: String
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
housingID: Float
title: [CONTENT_LocalisedString]
description: [CONTENT_LocalisedString]
where: WhereCONTENT_NeighborhoodInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_NeighborhoodOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_NeighborhoodConnection
where: WhereCONTENT_TownInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_TownOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_TownConnection
type CONTENT_DistrictConnection {
totalCount: Int
pageInfo: PageInfo!
edges: [CONTENT_DistrictEdge]
input CONTENT_DistrictCreateInput {
options: CreationOptions
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
housingID: Float
title: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
description: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
neighborhoods: [CONTENT_NeighborhoodCreateInput]
parentTown: [ID]
type CONTENT_DistrictEdge {
node: CONTENT_District
cursor: String!
enum CONTENT_DistrictOrder {
input CONTENT_DistrictUpdateInput {
id: ID!
options: UpdateOptions
status: String
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
housingID: Float
title: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
description: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
parentTown: [ID]
type CONTENT_Event implements IContentStatus {
id: ID!
version: Int
status: String!
Current user's scope for this CONTENT_Event resource
This is a calculated field exposed only to queries (it is not possible to mutate it).
It is calculated based on readPermissionType, readPermissionRoles, editPermissionType.. field values.
Item that holds a certain userPermissionScope value, automatically assumes lower levels of permission as well. (read < edit < delete < manage)
Eg delete assumes delete, edit and read.
userPermissionScope: CONTENT_UserPermissionScopeEnum
where: WhereCONTENT_EventInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_EventOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_EventConnection
created: Instant
createdBy: String
lastModified: Instant
lastModifiedBy: String
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
image: String
startTime: Instant!
endTime: Instant
fullDay: Boolean
location: String
numberOfPlaces: Float
url: JsonScalar
hideFromMenu: Boolean
hideFromMobileMenu: Boolean
hideShare: Boolean
allowComments: Boolean
revisionDate: Instant
revisers: JsonScalar
eventManagers: JsonScalar
sendNotifications: Boolean
memberLimit: String
closingTime: Instant
participants: JsonScalar
allowCancelation: Boolean
useBackupList: Boolean
registerParticipantsOnTimeline: Boolean
registerBackupParticipantsOnTimeline: Boolean
backupList: JsonScalar
rawMigrationData: JsonScalar
title: [CONTENT_LocalisedString]
summary: [CONTENT_LocalisedString]
body: [CONTENT_LocalisedString]
category: [CONTENT_LocalisedString]
urlTitle: [CONTENT_LocalisedString]
type CONTENT_EventConnection {
totalCount: Int
pageInfo: PageInfo!
edges: [CONTENT_EventEdge]
input CONTENT_EventCreateInput {
options: CreationOptions
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
image: String
startTime: Instant!
endTime: Instant
fullDay: Boolean
location: String
numberOfPlaces: Float
url: JsonScalar
hideFromMenu: Boolean
hideFromMobileMenu: Boolean
hideShare: Boolean
allowComments: Boolean
revisionDate: Instant
revisers: JsonScalar
eventManagers: JsonScalar
sendNotifications: Boolean
memberLimit: String
closingTime: Instant
participants: JsonScalar
allowCancelation: Boolean
useBackupList: Boolean
registerParticipantsOnTimeline: Boolean
registerBackupParticipantsOnTimeline: Boolean
backupList: JsonScalar
rawMigrationData: JsonScalar
title: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
summary: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
body: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
category: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
urlTitle: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
type CONTENT_EventEdge {
node: CONTENT_Event
cursor: String!
enum CONTENT_EventOrder {
input CONTENT_EventUpdateInput {
id: ID!
options: UpdateOptions
status: String
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
image: String
startTime: Instant
endTime: Instant
fullDay: Boolean
location: String
numberOfPlaces: Float
url: JsonScalar
hideFromMenu: Boolean
hideFromMobileMenu: Boolean
hideShare: Boolean
allowComments: Boolean
revisionDate: Instant
revisers: JsonScalar
eventManagers: JsonScalar
sendNotifications: Boolean
memberLimit: String
closingTime: Instant
participants: JsonScalar
allowCancelation: Boolean
useBackupList: Boolean
registerParticipantsOnTimeline: Boolean
registerBackupParticipantsOnTimeline: Boolean
backupList: JsonScalar
rawMigrationData: JsonScalar
title: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
summary: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
body: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
category: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
urlTitle: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
type CONTENT_Faq implements IContentStatus {
id: ID!
version: Int
status: String!
Current user's scope for this CONTENT_Faq resource
This is a calculated field exposed only to queries (it is not possible to mutate it).
It is calculated based on readPermissionType, readPermissionRoles, editPermissionType.. field values.
Item that holds a certain userPermissionScope value, automatically assumes lower levels of permission as well. (read < edit < delete < manage)
Eg delete assumes delete, edit and read.
userPermissionScope: CONTENT_UserPermissionScopeEnum
where: WhereCONTENT_FaqInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_FaqOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_FaqConnection
created: Instant
createdBy: String
lastModified: Instant
lastModifiedBy: String
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
message: String @deprecated
tags: String
internalNote: String
expiresOn: Instant @deprecated
sss: String @deprecated
team: String @deprecated
root: Boolean! @deprecated
question: [CONTENT_LocalisedString]
description: [CONTENT_LocalisedString]
answer: [CONTENT_LocalisedString]
subquestionTitle: [CONTENT_LocalisedString]
where: WhereCONTENT_FaqInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_FaqOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_FaqConnection
where: WhereCONTENT_FaqTagInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_FaqTagOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_FaqTagConnection
where: WhereCONTENT_FaqInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_FaqOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_FaqConnection
where: WhereCONTENT_FaqOptionInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_FaqOptionOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_FaqOptionConnection
type CONTENT_FaqConnection {
totalCount: Int
pageInfo: PageInfo!
edges: [CONTENT_FaqEdge]
input CONTENT_FaqCreateInput {
options: CreationOptions
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
message: String
tags: String
internalNote: String
expiresOn: Instant
sss: String
team: String
root: Boolean!
question: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
description: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
answer: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
subquestionTitle: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
faqs: [CONTENT_FaqCreateInput]
faqTags: [ID]
subquestions: [ID]
faqOptions: [ID]
type CONTENT_FaqEdge {
node: CONTENT_Faq
cursor: String!
type CONTENT_FaqGroup implements IContentStatus {
id: ID!
version: Int
status: String!
Current user's scope for this CONTENT_FaqGroup resource
This is a calculated field exposed only to queries (it is not possible to mutate it).
It is calculated based on readPermissionType, readPermissionRoles, editPermissionType.. field values.
Item that holds a certain userPermissionScope value, automatically assumes lower levels of permission as well. (read < edit < delete < manage)
Eg delete assumes delete, edit and read.
userPermissionScope: CONTENT_UserPermissionScopeEnum
where: WhereCONTENT_FaqGroupInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_FaqGroupOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_FaqGroupConnection
created: Instant
createdBy: String
lastModified: Instant
lastModifiedBy: String
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
name: String!
where: WhereCONTENT_FaqItemInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_FaqItemOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_FaqItemConnection!
where: WhereCONTENT_KnowledgeItemInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_KnowledgeItemOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_KnowledgeItemConnection
type CONTENT_FaqGroupConnection {
totalCount: Int
pageInfo: PageInfo!
edges: [CONTENT_FaqGroupEdge]
input CONTENT_FaqGroupCreateInput {
options: CreationOptions
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
name: String!
faqItems: [CONTENT_FaqItemCreateInput]
knowledgeItems: [CONTENT_KnowledgeItemCreateInput]
type CONTENT_FaqGroupEdge {
node: CONTENT_FaqGroup
cursor: String!
enum CONTENT_FaqGroupOrder {
input CONTENT_FaqGroupUpdateInput {
id: ID!
options: UpdateOptions
status: String
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
name: String
type CONTENT_FaqItem implements IContentStatus {
id: ID!
version: Int
status: String!
Current user's scope for this CONTENT_FaqItem resource
This is a calculated field exposed only to queries (it is not possible to mutate it).
It is calculated based on readPermissionType, readPermissionRoles, editPermissionType.. field values.
Item that holds a certain userPermissionScope value, automatically assumes lower levels of permission as well. (read < edit < delete < manage)
Eg delete assumes delete, edit and read.
userPermissionScope: CONTENT_UserPermissionScopeEnum
where: WhereCONTENT_FaqItemInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_FaqItemOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_FaqItemConnection
created: Instant
createdBy: String
lastModified: Instant
lastModifiedBy: String
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
order: Float!
question: [CONTENT_LocalisedString]!
answer: [CONTENT_LocalisedString]
where: WhereCONTENT_FaqGroupInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_FaqGroupOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_FaqGroupConnection!
type CONTENT_FaqItemConnection {
totalCount: Int
pageInfo: PageInfo!
edges: [CONTENT_FaqItemEdge]
input CONTENT_FaqItemCreateInput {
options: CreationOptions
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
order: Float!
question: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]!
answer: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
faqGroup: [ID]
type CONTENT_FaqItemEdge {
node: CONTENT_FaqItem
cursor: String!
enum CONTENT_FaqItemOrder {
input CONTENT_FaqItemUpdateInput {
id: ID!
options: UpdateOptions
status: String
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
order: Float
question: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
answer: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
faqGroup: [ID]
type CONTENT_FaqOption implements IContentStatus {
id: ID!
version: Int
status: String!
Current user's scope for this CONTENT_FaqOption resource
This is a calculated field exposed only to queries (it is not possible to mutate it).
It is calculated based on readPermissionType, readPermissionRoles, editPermissionType.. field values.
Item that holds a certain userPermissionScope value, automatically assumes lower levels of permission as well. (read < edit < delete < manage)
Eg delete assumes delete, edit and read.
userPermissionScope: CONTENT_UserPermissionScopeEnum
where: WhereCONTENT_FaqOptionInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_FaqOptionOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_FaqOptionConnection
created: Instant
createdBy: String
lastModified: Instant
lastModifiedBy: String
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
icon: String
name: [CONTENT_LocalisedString]
where: WhereCONTENT_FaqInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_FaqOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_FaqConnection
type CONTENT_FaqOptionConnection {
totalCount: Int
pageInfo: PageInfo!
edges: [CONTENT_FaqOptionEdge]
input CONTENT_FaqOptionCreateInput {
options: CreationOptions
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
icon: String
name: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
faqs: [CONTENT_FaqCreateInput]
type CONTENT_FaqOptionEdge {
node: CONTENT_FaqOption
cursor: String!
enum CONTENT_FaqOptionOrder {
input CONTENT_FaqOptionUpdateInput {
id: ID!
options: UpdateOptions
status: String
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
icon: String
name: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
enum CONTENT_FaqOrder {
type CONTENT_FaqTag implements IContentStatus {
id: ID!
version: Int
status: String!
Current user's scope for this CONTENT_FaqTag resource
This is a calculated field exposed only to queries (it is not possible to mutate it).
It is calculated based on readPermissionType, readPermissionRoles, editPermissionType.. field values.
Item that holds a certain userPermissionScope value, automatically assumes lower levels of permission as well. (read < edit < delete < manage)
Eg delete assumes delete, edit and read.
userPermissionScope: CONTENT_UserPermissionScopeEnum
where: WhereCONTENT_FaqTagInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_FaqTagOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_FaqTagConnection
created: Instant
createdBy: String
lastModified: Instant
lastModifiedBy: String
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
name: String!
where: WhereCONTENT_FaqInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_FaqOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_FaqConnection
type CONTENT_FaqTagConnection {
totalCount: Int
pageInfo: PageInfo!
edges: [CONTENT_FaqTagEdge]
input CONTENT_FaqTagCreateInput {
options: CreationOptions
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
name: String!
faqs: [CONTENT_FaqCreateInput]
type CONTENT_FaqTagEdge {
node: CONTENT_FaqTag
cursor: String!
enum CONTENT_FaqTagOrder {
input CONTENT_FaqTagUpdateInput {
id: ID!
options: UpdateOptions
status: String
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
name: String
input CONTENT_FaqUpdateInput {
id: ID!
options: UpdateOptions
status: String
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
message: String
tags: String
internalNote: String
expiresOn: Instant
sss: String
team: String
root: Boolean
question: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
description: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
answer: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
subquestionTitle: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
faqTags: [ID]
subquestions: [ID]
faqOptions: [ID]
type CONTENT_Group implements IContentStatus {
id: ID!
version: Int
status: String!
Current user's scope for this CONTENT_Group resource
This is a calculated field exposed only to queries (it is not possible to mutate it).
It is calculated based on readPermissionType, readPermissionRoles, editPermissionType.. field values.
Item that holds a certain userPermissionScope value, automatically assumes lower levels of permission as well. (read < edit < delete < manage)
Eg delete assumes delete, edit and read.
userPermissionScope: CONTENT_UserPermissionScopeEnum
where: WhereCONTENT_GroupInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_GroupOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_GroupConnection
created: Instant
createdBy: String
lastModified: Instant
lastModifiedBy: String
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
groupId: String!
type CONTENT_GroupConnection {
totalCount: Int
pageInfo: PageInfo!
edges: [CONTENT_GroupEdge]
input CONTENT_GroupCreateInput {
options: CreationOptions
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
groupId: String!
type CONTENT_GroupEdge {
node: CONTENT_Group
cursor: String!
enum CONTENT_GroupOrder {
input CONTENT_GroupUpdateInput {
id: ID!
options: UpdateOptions
status: String
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
groupId: String
type CONTENT_Job implements IContentStatus {
id: ID!
version: Int
status: String!
Current user's scope for this CONTENT_Job resource
This is a calculated field exposed only to queries (it is not possible to mutate it).
It is calculated based on readPermissionType, readPermissionRoles, editPermissionType.. field values.
Item that holds a certain userPermissionScope value, automatically assumes lower levels of permission as well. (read < edit < delete < manage)
Eg delete assumes delete, edit and read.
userPermissionScope: CONTENT_UserPermissionScopeEnum
where: WhereCONTENT_JobInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_JobOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_JobConnection
created: Instant
createdBy: String
lastModified: Instant
lastModifiedBy: String
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
publicationDate: Instant
headerImageId: String
photo: String @deprecated
hideFromMenu: Boolean
hideFromMobileMenu: Boolean
hideShare: Boolean
allowComments: Boolean
revisionDate: Instant
revisers: JsonScalar
isPinned: Boolean
tags: String
rawMigrationData: JsonScalar
slug: [CONTENT_LocalisedString]
title: [CONTENT_LocalisedString]
photoCaption: [CONTENT_LocalisedString]
introduction: [CONTENT_LocalisedString]
content: [CONTENT_LocalisedString]
type CONTENT_JobConnection {
totalCount: Int
pageInfo: PageInfo!
edges: [CONTENT_JobEdge]
input CONTENT_JobCreateInput {
options: CreationOptions
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
publicationDate: Instant
headerImageId: String
photo: String
hideFromMenu: Boolean
hideFromMobileMenu: Boolean
hideShare: Boolean
allowComments: Boolean
revisionDate: Instant
revisers: JsonScalar
isPinned: Boolean
tags: String
rawMigrationData: JsonScalar
slug: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
title: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
photoCaption: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
introduction: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
content: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
type CONTENT_JobEdge {
node: CONTENT_Job
cursor: String!
enum CONTENT_JobOrder {
input CONTENT_JobUpdateInput {
id: ID!
options: UpdateOptions
status: String
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
publicationDate: Instant
headerImageId: String
photo: String
hideFromMenu: Boolean
hideFromMobileMenu: Boolean
hideShare: Boolean
allowComments: Boolean
revisionDate: Instant
revisers: JsonScalar
isPinned: Boolean
tags: String
rawMigrationData: JsonScalar
slug: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
title: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
photoCaption: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
introduction: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
content: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
type CONTENT_KnowledgeArticle implements IContentStatus {
id: ID!
version: Int
status: String!
Current user's scope for this CONTENT_KnowledgeArticle resource
This is a calculated field exposed only to queries (it is not possible to mutate it).
It is calculated based on readPermissionType, readPermissionRoles, editPermissionType.. field values.
Item that holds a certain userPermissionScope value, automatically assumes lower levels of permission as well. (read < edit < delete < manage)
Eg delete assumes delete, edit and read.
userPermissionScope: CONTENT_UserPermissionScopeEnum
where: WhereCONTENT_KnowledgeArticleInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_KnowledgeArticleOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_KnowledgeArticleConnection
created: Instant
createdBy: String
lastModified: Instant
lastModifiedBy: String
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
path: String
headerImageId: String
scheduleName: String
publicationDate: Instant
publicationEndDate: Instant
tags: String
applications: String
people: String
teams: String
zenyaDocuments: String
zenyaCollections: String
title: [CONTENT_LocalisedString]
content: [CONTENT_LocalisedString]
note: [CONTENT_LocalisedString]
links: [CONTENT_LocalisedString]
attachments: [CONTENT_LocalisedString]
where: WhereCONTENT_TopicInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_TopicOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_TopicConnection
where: WhereCONTENT_ConversationInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_ConversationOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_ConversationConnection
where: WhereCONTENT_ReviewOptionInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_ReviewOptionOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_ReviewOptionConnection
type CONTENT_KnowledgeArticleConnection {
totalCount: Int
pageInfo: PageInfo!
edges: [CONTENT_KnowledgeArticleEdge]
input CONTENT_KnowledgeArticleCreateInput {
options: CreationOptions
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
path: String
headerImageId: String
scheduleName: String
publicationDate: Instant
publicationEndDate: Instant
tags: String
applications: String
people: String
teams: String
zenyaDocuments: String
zenyaCollections: String
title: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
content: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
note: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
links: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
attachments: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
topics: [CONTENT_TopicCreateInput]
conversations: [CONTENT_ConversationCreateInput]
review: [ID]
type CONTENT_KnowledgeArticleEdge {
node: CONTENT_KnowledgeArticle
cursor: String!
enum CONTENT_KnowledgeArticleOrder {
input CONTENT_KnowledgeArticleUpdateInput {
id: ID!
options: UpdateOptions
status: String
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
path: String
headerImageId: String
scheduleName: String
publicationDate: Instant
publicationEndDate: Instant
tags: String
applications: String
people: String
teams: String
zenyaDocuments: String
zenyaCollections: String
title: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
content: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
note: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
links: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
attachments: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
review: [ID]
type CONTENT_KnowledgeGroup implements IContentStatus {
id: ID!
version: Int
status: String!
Current user's scope for this CONTENT_KnowledgeGroup resource
This is a calculated field exposed only to queries (it is not possible to mutate it).
It is calculated based on readPermissionType, readPermissionRoles, editPermissionType.. field values.
Item that holds a certain userPermissionScope value, automatically assumes lower levels of permission as well. (read < edit < delete < manage)
Eg delete assumes delete, edit and read.
userPermissionScope: CONTENT_UserPermissionScopeEnum
where: WhereCONTENT_KnowledgeGroupInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_KnowledgeGroupOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_KnowledgeGroupConnection
created: Instant
createdBy: String
lastModified: Instant
lastModifiedBy: String
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
order: Float!
name: [CONTENT_LocalisedString]!
where: WhereCONTENT_KnowledgeItemInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_KnowledgeItemOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_KnowledgeItemConnection
type CONTENT_KnowledgeGroupConnection {
totalCount: Int
pageInfo: PageInfo!
edges: [CONTENT_KnowledgeGroupEdge]
input CONTENT_KnowledgeGroupCreateInput {
options: CreationOptions
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
order: Float!
name: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]!
knowledgeItems: [CONTENT_KnowledgeItemCreateInput]
type CONTENT_KnowledgeGroupEdge {
node: CONTENT_KnowledgeGroup
cursor: String!
enum CONTENT_KnowledgeGroupOrder {
input CONTENT_KnowledgeGroupUpdateInput {
id: ID!
options: UpdateOptions
status: String
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
order: Float
name: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
type CONTENT_KnowledgeItem implements IContentStatus {
id: ID!
version: Int
status: String!
Current user's scope for this CONTENT_KnowledgeItem resource
This is a calculated field exposed only to queries (it is not possible to mutate it).
It is calculated based on readPermissionType, readPermissionRoles, editPermissionType.. field values.
Item that holds a certain userPermissionScope value, automatically assumes lower levels of permission as well. (read < edit < delete < manage)
Eg delete assumes delete, edit and read.
userPermissionScope: CONTENT_UserPermissionScopeEnum
where: WhereCONTENT_KnowledgeItemInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_KnowledgeItemOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_KnowledgeItemConnection
created: Instant
createdBy: String
lastModified: Instant
lastModifiedBy: String
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
order: Float!
hideFromGroupList: Boolean
title: [CONTENT_LocalisedString]!
directLink: [CONTENT_LocalisedString]
slug: [CONTENT_LocalisedString]
content: [CONTENT_LocalisedString]
where: WhereCONTENT_KnowledgeGroupInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_KnowledgeGroupOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_KnowledgeGroupConnection
where: WhereCONTENT_FaqGroupInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_FaqGroupOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_FaqGroupConnection
type CONTENT_KnowledgeItemConnection {
totalCount: Int
pageInfo: PageInfo!
edges: [CONTENT_KnowledgeItemEdge]
input CONTENT_KnowledgeItemCreateInput {
options: CreationOptions
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
order: Float!
hideFromGroupList: Boolean
title: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]!
directLink: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
slug: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
content: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
knowledgeGroup: [ID]
faqGroup: [ID]
type CONTENT_KnowledgeItemEdge {
node: CONTENT_KnowledgeItem
cursor: String!
enum CONTENT_KnowledgeItemOrder {
input CONTENT_KnowledgeItemUpdateInput {
id: ID!
options: UpdateOptions
status: String
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
order: Float
hideFromGroupList: Boolean
title: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
directLink: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
slug: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
content: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
knowledgeGroup: [ID]
faqGroup: [ID]
input CONTENT_LocalisedInputString {
text: String
locale: String!
type CONTENT_LocalisedString {
text: String
locale: String!
type CONTENT_Neighborhood implements IContentStatus {
id: ID!
version: Int
status: String!
Current user's scope for this CONTENT_Neighborhood resource
This is a calculated field exposed only to queries (it is not possible to mutate it).
It is calculated based on readPermissionType, readPermissionRoles, editPermissionType.. field values.
Item that holds a certain userPermissionScope value, automatically assumes lower levels of permission as well. (read < edit < delete < manage)
Eg delete assumes delete, edit and read.
userPermissionScope: CONTENT_UserPermissionScopeEnum
where: WhereCONTENT_NeighborhoodInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_NeighborhoodOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_NeighborhoodConnection
created: Instant
createdBy: String
lastModified: Instant
lastModifiedBy: String
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
housingID: Float
title: [CONTENT_LocalisedString]
description: [CONTENT_LocalisedString]
where: WhereCONTENT_DistrictInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_DistrictOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_DistrictConnection
type CONTENT_NeighborhoodConnection {
totalCount: Int
pageInfo: PageInfo!
edges: [CONTENT_NeighborhoodEdge]
input CONTENT_NeighborhoodCreateInput {
options: CreationOptions
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
housingID: Float
title: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
description: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
parentDistrict: [ID]
type CONTENT_NeighborhoodEdge {
node: CONTENT_Neighborhood
cursor: String!
type CONTENT_NeighborhoodManager implements IContentStatus {
id: ID!
version: Int
status: String!
Current user's scope for this CONTENT_NeighborhoodManager resource
This is a calculated field exposed only to queries (it is not possible to mutate it).
It is calculated based on readPermissionType, readPermissionRoles, editPermissionType.. field values.
Item that holds a certain userPermissionScope value, automatically assumes lower levels of permission as well. (read < edit < delete < manage)
Eg delete assumes delete, edit and read.
userPermissionScope: CONTENT_UserPermissionScopeEnum
where: WhereCONTENT_NeighborhoodManagerInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_NeighborhoodManagerOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_NeighborhoodManagerConnection
created: Instant
createdBy: String
lastModified: Instant
lastModifiedBy: String
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
photo: String
name: String
phone: String
email: String
district: String
contactLink: String
description: [CONTENT_LocalisedString]
workingDays: [CONTENT_LocalisedString]
type CONTENT_NeighborhoodManagerConnection {
totalCount: Int
pageInfo: PageInfo!
edges: [CONTENT_NeighborhoodManagerEdge]
input CONTENT_NeighborhoodManagerCreateInput {
options: CreationOptions
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
photo: String
name: String
phone: String
email: String
district: String
contactLink: String
description: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
workingDays: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
type CONTENT_NeighborhoodManagerEdge {
node: CONTENT_NeighborhoodManager
cursor: String!
enum CONTENT_NeighborhoodManagerOrder {
input CONTENT_NeighborhoodManagerUpdateInput {
id: ID!
options: UpdateOptions
status: String
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
photo: String
name: String
phone: String
email: String
district: String
contactLink: String
description: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
workingDays: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
enum CONTENT_NeighborhoodOrder {
input CONTENT_NeighborhoodUpdateInput {
id: ID!
options: UpdateOptions
status: String
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
housingID: Float
title: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
description: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
parentDistrict: [ID]
type CONTENT_NewsItem implements IContentStatus {
id: ID!
version: Int
status: String!
Current user's scope for this CONTENT_NewsItem resource
This is a calculated field exposed only to queries (it is not possible to mutate it).
It is calculated based on readPermissionType, readPermissionRoles, editPermissionType.. field values.
Item that holds a certain userPermissionScope value, automatically assumes lower levels of permission as well. (read < edit < delete < manage)
Eg delete assumes delete, edit and read.
userPermissionScope: CONTENT_UserPermissionScopeEnum
where: WhereCONTENT_NewsItemInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_NewsItemOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_NewsItemConnection
created: Instant
createdBy: String
lastModified: Instant
lastModifiedBy: String
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
publicationDate: Instant
headerImageId: String
photo: String @deprecated
hideFromMenu: Boolean
hideFromMobileMenu: Boolean
hideShare: Boolean
allowComments: Boolean
revisionDate: Instant
revisers: JsonScalar
isPinned: Boolean
tags: String
rawMigrationData: JsonScalar
slug: [CONTENT_LocalisedString]
title: [CONTENT_LocalisedString]
photoCaption: [CONTENT_LocalisedString]
introduction: [CONTENT_LocalisedString]
content: [CONTENT_LocalisedString]
type CONTENT_NewsItemConnection {
totalCount: Int
pageInfo: PageInfo!
edges: [CONTENT_NewsItemEdge]
input CONTENT_NewsItemCreateInput {
options: CreationOptions
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
publicationDate: Instant
headerImageId: String
photo: String
hideFromMenu: Boolean
hideFromMobileMenu: Boolean
hideShare: Boolean
allowComments: Boolean
revisionDate: Instant
revisers: JsonScalar
isPinned: Boolean
tags: String
rawMigrationData: JsonScalar
slug: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
title: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
photoCaption: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
introduction: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
content: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
type CONTENT_NewsItemEdge {
node: CONTENT_NewsItem
cursor: String!
enum CONTENT_NewsItemOrder {
input CONTENT_NewsItemUpdateInput {
id: ID!
options: UpdateOptions
status: String
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
publicationDate: Instant
headerImageId: String
photo: String
hideFromMenu: Boolean
hideFromMobileMenu: Boolean
hideShare: Boolean
allowComments: Boolean
revisionDate: Instant
revisers: JsonScalar
isPinned: Boolean
tags: String
rawMigrationData: JsonScalar
slug: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
title: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
photoCaption: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
introduction: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
content: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
type CONTENT_Notification implements IContentStatus {
id: ID!
version: Int
status: String!
Current user's scope for this CONTENT_Notification resource
This is a calculated field exposed only to queries (it is not possible to mutate it).
It is calculated based on readPermissionType, readPermissionRoles, editPermissionType.. field values.
Item that holds a certain userPermissionScope value, automatically assumes lower levels of permission as well. (read < edit < delete < manage)
Eg delete assumes delete, edit and read.
userPermissionScope: CONTENT_UserPermissionScopeEnum
where: WhereCONTENT_NotificationInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_NotificationOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_NotificationConnection
created: Instant
createdBy: String
lastModified: Instant
lastModifiedBy: String
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
name: [CONTENT_LocalisedString]!
url: [CONTENT_LocalisedString]
text: [CONTENT_LocalisedString]!
color: [CONTENT_LocalisedString]
type CONTENT_NotificationConnection {
totalCount: Int
pageInfo: PageInfo!
edges: [CONTENT_NotificationEdge]
input CONTENT_NotificationCreateInput {
options: CreationOptions
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
name: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]!
url: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
text: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]!
color: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
type CONTENT_NotificationEdge {
node: CONTENT_Notification
cursor: String!
enum CONTENT_NotificationOrder {
input CONTENT_NotificationUpdateInput {
id: ID!
options: UpdateOptions
status: String
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
name: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
url: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
text: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
color: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
Defines a type of permission that is defined for resource(s)
enum CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum {
Uses a list of user roles to define permission
Can be accessed anonymously
Uses a list of users to define permission
Uses the permissions set for given entity
type CONTENT_PortalContent implements IContentStatus {
id: ID!
version: Int
status: String!
Current user's scope for this CONTENT_PortalContent resource
This is a calculated field exposed only to queries (it is not possible to mutate it).
It is calculated based on readPermissionType, readPermissionRoles, editPermissionType.. field values.
Item that holds a certain userPermissionScope value, automatically assumes lower levels of permission as well. (read < edit < delete < manage)
Eg delete assumes delete, edit and read.
userPermissionScope: CONTENT_UserPermissionScopeEnum
where: WhereCONTENT_PortalContentInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_PortalContentOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_PortalContentConnection
created: Instant
createdBy: String
lastModified: Instant
lastModifiedBy: String
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
dummy: String
where: WhereCONTENT_PortalContentBlockInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_PortalContentBlockOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_PortalContentBlockConnection!
type CONTENT_PortalContentBlock implements IContentStatus {
id: ID!
version: Int
status: String!
Current user's scope for this CONTENT_PortalContentBlock resource
This is a calculated field exposed only to queries (it is not possible to mutate it).
It is calculated based on readPermissionType, readPermissionRoles, editPermissionType.. field values.
Item that holds a certain userPermissionScope value, automatically assumes lower levels of permission as well. (read < edit < delete < manage)
Eg delete assumes delete, edit and read.
userPermissionScope: CONTENT_UserPermissionScopeEnum
where: WhereCONTENT_PortalContentBlockInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_PortalContentBlockOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_PortalContentBlockConnection
created: Instant
createdBy: String
lastModified: Instant
lastModifiedBy: String
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
order: Float!
type: String!
data: [CONTENT_LocalisedString]
where: WhereCONTENT_PortalContentInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_PortalContentOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_PortalContentConnection!
type CONTENT_PortalContentBlockConnection {
totalCount: Int
pageInfo: PageInfo!
edges: [CONTENT_PortalContentBlockEdge]
input CONTENT_PortalContentBlockCreateInput {
options: CreationOptions
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
order: Float!
type: String!
data: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
portalContent: [ID]
type CONTENT_PortalContentBlockEdge {
node: CONTENT_PortalContentBlock
cursor: String!
enum CONTENT_PortalContentBlockOrder {
input CONTENT_PortalContentBlockUpdateInput {
id: ID!
options: UpdateOptions
status: String
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
order: Float
type: String
data: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
portalContent: [ID]
type CONTENT_PortalContentConnection {
totalCount: Int
pageInfo: PageInfo!
edges: [CONTENT_PortalContentEdge]
input CONTENT_PortalContentCreateInput {
options: CreationOptions
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
dummy: String
portalContentBlocks: [CONTENT_PortalContentBlockCreateInput]
type CONTENT_PortalContentEdge {
node: CONTENT_PortalContent
cursor: String!
enum CONTENT_PortalContentOrder {
input CONTENT_PortalContentUpdateInput {
id: ID!
options: UpdateOptions
status: String
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
dummy: String
type CONTENT_Project implements IContentStatus {
id: ID!
version: Int
status: String!
Current user's scope for this CONTENT_Project resource
This is a calculated field exposed only to queries (it is not possible to mutate it).
It is calculated based on readPermissionType, readPermissionRoles, editPermissionType.. field values.
Item that holds a certain userPermissionScope value, automatically assumes lower levels of permission as well. (read < edit < delete < manage)
Eg delete assumes delete, edit and read.
userPermissionScope: CONTENT_UserPermissionScopeEnum
where: WhereCONTENT_ProjectInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_ProjectOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_ProjectConnection
created: Instant
createdBy: String
lastModified: Instant
lastModifiedBy: String
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
image: String
geoLocation: String
city: [CONTENT_LocalisedString]
title: [CONTENT_LocalisedString]!
description: [CONTENT_LocalisedString]
state: [CONTENT_LocalisedString]
features: [CONTENT_LocalisedString]
facilities: [CONTENT_LocalisedString]
schedule: [CONTENT_LocalisedString]
type CONTENT_ProjectConnection {
totalCount: Int
pageInfo: PageInfo!
edges: [CONTENT_ProjectEdge]
input CONTENT_ProjectCreateInput {
options: CreationOptions
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
image: String
geoLocation: String
city: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
title: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]!
description: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
state: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
features: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
facilities: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
schedule: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
type CONTENT_ProjectEdge {
node: CONTENT_Project
cursor: String!
enum CONTENT_ProjectOrder {
input CONTENT_ProjectUpdateInput {
id: ID!
options: UpdateOptions
status: String
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
image: String
geoLocation: String
city: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
title: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
description: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
state: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
features: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
facilities: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
schedule: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
type CONTENT_ReviewOption implements IContentStatus {
id: ID!
version: Int
status: String!
Current user's scope for this CONTENT_ReviewOption resource
This is a calculated field exposed only to queries (it is not possible to mutate it).
It is calculated based on readPermissionType, readPermissionRoles, editPermissionType.. field values.
Item that holds a certain userPermissionScope value, automatically assumes lower levels of permission as well. (read < edit < delete < manage)
Eg delete assumes delete, edit and read.
userPermissionScope: CONTENT_UserPermissionScopeEnum
where: WhereCONTENT_ReviewOptionInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_ReviewOptionOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_ReviewOptionConnection
created: Instant
createdBy: String
lastModified: Instant
lastModifiedBy: String
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
name: String
where: WhereCONTENT_KnowledgeArticleInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_KnowledgeArticleOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_KnowledgeArticleConnection
type CONTENT_ReviewOptionConnection {
totalCount: Int
pageInfo: PageInfo!
edges: [CONTENT_ReviewOptionEdge]
input CONTENT_ReviewOptionCreateInput {
options: CreationOptions
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
name: String
knowledgeArticles: [CONTENT_KnowledgeArticleCreateInput]
type CONTENT_ReviewOptionEdge {
node: CONTENT_ReviewOption
cursor: String!
enum CONTENT_ReviewOptionOrder {
input CONTENT_ReviewOptionUpdateInput {
id: ID!
options: UpdateOptions
status: String
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
name: String
type CONTENT_Segment implements IContentStatus {
id: ID!
version: Int
status: String!
Current user's scope for this CONTENT_Segment resource
This is a calculated field exposed only to queries (it is not possible to mutate it).
It is calculated based on readPermissionType, readPermissionRoles, editPermissionType.. field values.
Item that holds a certain userPermissionScope value, automatically assumes lower levels of permission as well. (read < edit < delete < manage)
Eg delete assumes delete, edit and read.
userPermissionScope: CONTENT_UserPermissionScopeEnum
where: WhereCONTENT_SegmentInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_SegmentOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_SegmentConnection
created: Instant
createdBy: String
lastModified: Instant
lastModifiedBy: String
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
name: String!
type: String
title: [CONTENT_LocalisedString]
type CONTENT_SegmentConnection {
totalCount: Int
pageInfo: PageInfo!
edges: [CONTENT_SegmentEdge]
input CONTENT_SegmentCreateInput {
options: CreationOptions
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
name: String!
type: String
title: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
type CONTENT_SegmentEdge {
node: CONTENT_Segment
cursor: String!
enum CONTENT_SegmentOrder {
input CONTENT_SegmentUpdateInput {
id: ID!
options: UpdateOptions
status: String
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
name: String
type: String
title: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
type CONTENT_Smartlabel implements IContentStatus {
id: ID!
version: Int
status: String!
Current user's scope for this CONTENT_Smartlabel resource
This is a calculated field exposed only to queries (it is not possible to mutate it).
It is calculated based on readPermissionType, readPermissionRoles, editPermissionType.. field values.
Item that holds a certain userPermissionScope value, automatically assumes lower levels of permission as well. (read < edit < delete < manage)
Eg delete assumes delete, edit and read.
userPermissionScope: CONTENT_UserPermissionScopeEnum
where: WhereCONTENT_SmartlabelInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_SmartlabelOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_SmartlabelConnection
created: Instant
createdBy: String
lastModified: Instant
lastModifiedBy: String
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
name: String!
tags: String
type: String!
value: [CONTENT_LocalisedString]!
type CONTENT_SmartlabelConnection {
totalCount: Int
pageInfo: PageInfo!
edges: [CONTENT_SmartlabelEdge]
input CONTENT_SmartlabelCreateInput {
options: CreationOptions
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
name: String!
tags: String
type: String!
value: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]!
type CONTENT_SmartlabelEdge {
node: CONTENT_Smartlabel
cursor: String!
enum CONTENT_SmartlabelOrder {
input CONTENT_SmartlabelUpdateInput {
id: ID!
options: UpdateOptions
status: String
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
name: String
tags: String
type: String
value: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
Defines the states available for a content item on updating
enum CONTENT_States {
The draft state of an item. A draft item can be updated to Published, Archived
The published state of an item. A published item can be updated to Draft, Archived, NewDraft
The archived state of an item. An archived item can updated to Draft
The draft state of an item indicating it is a new version. A NewDraft item can be updated to Published, NewArchived. When this state is active for an item the published version can still be retrieved.
The archived state of an item indicating it is a new version. A NewArchived item can be updated to NewDraft. When this state is active for an item the published version can still be retrieved.
type CONTENT_Step implements IContentStatus {
id: ID!
version: Int
status: String!
Current user's scope for this CONTENT_Step resource
This is a calculated field exposed only to queries (it is not possible to mutate it).
It is calculated based on readPermissionType, readPermissionRoles, editPermissionType.. field values.
Item that holds a certain userPermissionScope value, automatically assumes lower levels of permission as well. (read < edit < delete < manage)
Eg delete assumes delete, edit and read.
userPermissionScope: CONTENT_UserPermissionScopeEnum
where: WhereCONTENT_StepInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_StepOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_StepConnection
created: Instant
createdBy: String
lastModified: Instant
lastModifiedBy: String
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
name: String!
type: String!
props: String!
tags: String!
where: WhereCONTENT_StepInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_StepOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_StepConnection
where: WhereCONTENT_ConversationInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_ConversationOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_ConversationConnection
where: WhereCONTENT_StepInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_StepOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_StepConnection
type CONTENT_StepConnection {
totalCount: Int
pageInfo: PageInfo!
edges: [CONTENT_StepEdge]
input CONTENT_StepCreateInput {
options: CreationOptions
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
name: String!
type: String!
props: String!
tags: String!
steps: [CONTENT_StepCreateInput]
conversations: [CONTENT_ConversationCreateInput]
substeps: [ID]
type CONTENT_StepEdge {
node: CONTENT_Step
cursor: String!
enum CONTENT_StepOrder {
input CONTENT_StepUpdateInput {
id: ID!
options: UpdateOptions
status: String
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
name: String
type: String
props: String
tags: String
substeps: [ID]
type CONTENT_Tag implements IContentStatus {
id: ID!
version: Int
status: String!
Current user's scope for this CONTENT_Tag resource
This is a calculated field exposed only to queries (it is not possible to mutate it).
It is calculated based on readPermissionType, readPermissionRoles, editPermissionType.. field values.
Item that holds a certain userPermissionScope value, automatically assumes lower levels of permission as well. (read < edit < delete < manage)
Eg delete assumes delete, edit and read.
userPermissionScope: CONTENT_UserPermissionScopeEnum
where: WhereCONTENT_TagInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_TagOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_TagConnection
created: Instant
createdBy: String
lastModified: Instant
lastModifiedBy: String
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
name: String!
type: String!
scope: String
synonyms: String
type CONTENT_TagConnection {
totalCount: Int
pageInfo: PageInfo!
edges: [CONTENT_TagEdge]
input CONTENT_TagCreateInput {
options: CreationOptions
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
name: String!
type: String!
scope: String
synonyms: String
type CONTENT_TagEdge {
node: CONTENT_Tag
cursor: String!
enum CONTENT_TagOrder {
input CONTENT_TagUpdateInput {
id: ID!
options: UpdateOptions
status: String
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
name: String
type: String
scope: String
synonyms: String
type CONTENT_Team implements IContentStatus {
id: ID!
version: Int
status: String!
Current user's scope for this CONTENT_Team resource
This is a calculated field exposed only to queries (it is not possible to mutate it).
It is calculated based on readPermissionType, readPermissionRoles, editPermissionType.. field values.
Item that holds a certain userPermissionScope value, automatically assumes lower levels of permission as well. (read < edit < delete < manage)
Eg delete assumes delete, edit and read.
userPermissionScope: CONTENT_UserPermissionScopeEnum
where: WhereCONTENT_TeamInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_TeamOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_TeamConnection
created: Instant
createdBy: String
lastModified: Instant
lastModifiedBy: String
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
teamId: String!
type CONTENT_TeamConnection {
totalCount: Int
pageInfo: PageInfo!
edges: [CONTENT_TeamEdge]
input CONTENT_TeamCreateInput {
options: CreationOptions
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
teamId: String!
type CONTENT_TeamEdge {
node: CONTENT_Team
cursor: String!
enum CONTENT_TeamOrder {
input CONTENT_TeamUpdateInput {
id: ID!
options: UpdateOptions
status: String
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
teamId: String
type CONTENT_Topic implements IContentStatus {
id: ID!
version: Int
status: String!
Current user's scope for this CONTENT_Topic resource
This is a calculated field exposed only to queries (it is not possible to mutate it).
It is calculated based on readPermissionType, readPermissionRoles, editPermissionType.. field values.
Item that holds a certain userPermissionScope value, automatically assumes lower levels of permission as well. (read < edit < delete < manage)
Eg delete assumes delete, edit and read.
userPermissionScope: CONTENT_UserPermissionScopeEnum
where: WhereCONTENT_TopicInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_TopicOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_TopicConnection
created: Instant
createdBy: String
lastModified: Instant
lastModifiedBy: String
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
applications: String
name: String!
hidden: Boolean
root: Boolean
tags: String
path: String
icon: String
mainArticle: String
order: Float
headerImageId: String
title: [CONTENT_LocalisedString]
description: [CONTENT_LocalisedString]
where: WhereCONTENT_TopicInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_TopicOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_TopicConnection
where: WhereCONTENT_ConversationInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_ConversationOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_ConversationConnection
where: WhereCONTENT_TopicInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_TopicOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_TopicConnection
where: WhereCONTENT_KnowledgeArticleInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_KnowledgeArticleOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_KnowledgeArticleConnection
type CONTENT_TopicConnection {
totalCount: Int
pageInfo: PageInfo!
edges: [CONTENT_TopicEdge]
input CONTENT_TopicCreateInput {
options: CreationOptions
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
applications: String
name: String!
hidden: Boolean
root: Boolean
tags: String
path: String
icon: String
mainArticle: String
order: Float
headerImageId: String
title: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
description: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
topics: [CONTENT_TopicCreateInput]
conversations: [CONTENT_ConversationCreateInput]
subtopics: [ID]
articles: [ID]
type CONTENT_TopicEdge {
node: CONTENT_Topic
cursor: String!
enum CONTENT_TopicOrder {
input CONTENT_TopicUpdateInput {
id: ID!
options: UpdateOptions
status: String
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
applications: String
name: String
hidden: Boolean
root: Boolean
tags: String
path: String
icon: String
mainArticle: String
order: Float
headerImageId: String
title: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
description: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
subtopics: [ID]
articles: [ID]
type CONTENT_Town implements IContentStatus {
id: ID!
version: Int
status: String!
Current user's scope for this CONTENT_Town resource
This is a calculated field exposed only to queries (it is not possible to mutate it).
It is calculated based on readPermissionType, readPermissionRoles, editPermissionType.. field values.
Item that holds a certain userPermissionScope value, automatically assumes lower levels of permission as well. (read < edit < delete < manage)
Eg delete assumes delete, edit and read.
userPermissionScope: CONTENT_UserPermissionScopeEnum
where: WhereCONTENT_TownInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_TownOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_TownConnection
created: Instant
createdBy: String
lastModified: Instant
lastModifiedBy: String
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
housingID: Float
title: [CONTENT_LocalisedString]
description: [CONTENT_LocalisedString]
where: WhereCONTENT_DistrictInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_DistrictOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_DistrictConnection
type CONTENT_TownConnection {
totalCount: Int
pageInfo: PageInfo!
edges: [CONTENT_TownEdge]
input CONTENT_TownCreateInput {
options: CreationOptions
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
housingID: Float
title: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
description: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
districts: [CONTENT_DistrictCreateInput]
type CONTENT_TownEdge {
node: CONTENT_Town
cursor: String!
enum CONTENT_TownOrder {
input CONTENT_TownUpdateInput {
id: ID!
options: UpdateOptions
status: String
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
housingID: Float
title: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
description: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
Output type that contains current user's permission scope for a resource
enum CONTENT_UserPermissionScopeEnum {
Users with "NoPermission" scope can not access a resource. Item with this value should never be returned.
Users with "Read" scope can read a resource.
Users with "Edit" scope can read and edit a resource.
Users with "Delete" scope can read, edit and delete a resource.
Users with "Manage" scope can read, edit, delete a resource and manage resource's permission definitions
type CONTENT_Wiki implements IContentStatus {
id: ID!
version: Int
status: String!
Current user's scope for this CONTENT_Wiki resource
This is a calculated field exposed only to queries (it is not possible to mutate it).
It is calculated based on readPermissionType, readPermissionRoles, editPermissionType.. field values.
Item that holds a certain userPermissionScope value, automatically assumes lower levels of permission as well. (read < edit < delete < manage)
Eg delete assumes delete, edit and read.
userPermissionScope: CONTENT_UserPermissionScopeEnum
where: WhereCONTENT_WikiInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_WikiOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_WikiConnection
created: Instant
createdBy: String
lastModified: Instant
lastModifiedBy: String
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
tags: String
discussionID: String @deprecated
rawMigrationData: String
teamID: String @deprecated
groupID: String
ownerID: String
authorID: String
avatar: String
headerImageId: String
generateTableOfContent: Boolean
onlyICanEdit: Boolean @deprecated
lockedDate: Instant
lockedBy: String
locked: Boolean
content: [CONTENT_LocalisedString]
title: [CONTENT_LocalisedString]
type CONTENT_WikiConnection {
totalCount: Int
pageInfo: PageInfo!
edges: [CONTENT_WikiEdge]
input CONTENT_WikiCreateInput {
options: CreationOptions
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
tags: String
discussionID: String
rawMigrationData: String
teamID: String
groupID: String
ownerID: String
authorID: String
avatar: String
headerImageId: String
generateTableOfContent: Boolean
onlyICanEdit: Boolean
lockedDate: Instant
lockedBy: String
locked: Boolean
content: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
title: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
type CONTENT_WikiEdge {
node: CONTENT_Wiki
cursor: String!
enum CONTENT_WikiOrder {
type CONTENT_WikiTag implements IContentStatus {
id: ID!
version: Int
status: String!
Current user's scope for this CONTENT_WikiTag resource
This is a calculated field exposed only to queries (it is not possible to mutate it).
It is calculated based on readPermissionType, readPermissionRoles, editPermissionType.. field values.
Item that holds a certain userPermissionScope value, automatically assumes lower levels of permission as well. (read < edit < delete < manage)
Eg delete assumes delete, edit and read.
userPermissionScope: CONTENT_UserPermissionScopeEnum
where: WhereCONTENT_WikiTagInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_WikiTagOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_WikiTagConnection
created: Instant
createdBy: String
lastModified: Instant
lastModifiedBy: String
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
tag: String
type CONTENT_WikiTagConnection {
totalCount: Int
pageInfo: PageInfo!
edges: [CONTENT_WikiTagEdge]
input CONTENT_WikiTagCreateInput {
options: CreationOptions
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
tag: String
type CONTENT_WikiTagEdge {
node: CONTENT_WikiTag
cursor: String!
enum CONTENT_WikiTagOrder {
input CONTENT_WikiTagUpdateInput {
id: ID!
options: UpdateOptions
status: String
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
tag: String
input CONTENT_WikiUpdateInput {
id: ID!
options: UpdateOptions
status: String
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit: Boolean
readPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
readPermissionRoles: [String!]
editPermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
editPermissionRoles: [String!]
deletePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
deletePermissionRoles: [String!]
managePermissionType: CONTENT_PermissionTypeEnum
managePermissionRoles: [String!]
readPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
editPermissionCollaborators: [String!]
deletePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
managePermissionCollaborators: [String!]
permissionParent: ID
tags: String
discussionID: String
rawMigrationData: String
teamID: String
groupID: String
ownerID: String
authorID: String
avatar: String
headerImageId: String
generateTableOfContent: Boolean
onlyICanEdit: Boolean
lockedDate: Instant
lockedBy: String
locked: Boolean
content: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
title: [CONTENT_LocalisedInputString]
input ContentArchiveInput {
id: ID!
type ContentAvailableLanguage {
englishName: String!
iso2Code: String!
nativeName: String!
input ContentBatchedOperationInput {
filter: BatchedOperationInputFilter
ids: [ID!]
newParentId: ID
restoreWithNewParent: Boolean
input ContentBreakLeaseInput {
id: ID!
type ContentConfig implements IContentNode {
entityDeletePermissionCollaborators: [GUID!]
entityDeletePermissionRoles: [String!]
entityDeletePermissionType: PermissionType!
entityEditPermissionCollaborators: [GUID!]
entityEditPermissionRoles: [String!]
entityEditPermissionType: PermissionType!
entityManagePermissionCollaborators: [GUID!]
entityManagePermissionRoles: [String!]
entityManagePermissionType: PermissionType!
entityPublishPermissionCollaborators: [GUID!]
entityPublishPermissionRoles: [String!]
entityPublishPermissionType: PermissionType!
entityReadPermissionCollaborators: [GUID!]
entityReadPermissionRoles: [String!]
entityReadPermissionType: PermissionType!
id: ID!
meta: ContentMeta!
name: EntityType!
savedBy: User
savedOn: DateTimeOffset!
typeConfig: String!
typeDefinition: String!
version: Int!
where: WhereContentVersion
after: Cursor
first: Int = 100
): ContentConfigVersionConnection
type ContentConfigConnection {
edges: [ContentConfigEdge]
items: [ContentConfig]
pageInfo: PageInfo!
totalCount: Int
type ContentConfigEdge {
cursor: String!
node: ContentConfig
input ContentConfigInput {
entityDeletePermissionCollaborators: [GUID!]
entityDeletePermissionRoles: [String!]
entityDeletePermissionType: PermissionType!
entityEditPermissionCollaborators: [GUID!]
entityEditPermissionRoles: [String!]
entityEditPermissionType: PermissionType!
entityManagePermissionCollaborators: [GUID!]
entityManagePermissionRoles: [String!]
entityManagePermissionType: PermissionType!
entityPublishPermissionCollaborators: [GUID!]
entityPublishPermissionRoles: [String!]
entityPublishPermissionType: PermissionType!
entityReadPermissionCollaborators: [GUID!]
entityReadPermissionRoles: [String!]
entityReadPermissionType: PermissionType!
id: ID!
name: EntityType!
typeConfig: String!
typeDefinition: String!
enum ContentConfigOrder {
type ContentConfigVersion {
entityDeletePermissionCollaborators: [GUID!]
entityDeletePermissionRoles: [String!]
entityDeletePermissionType: PermissionType!
entityEditPermissionCollaborators: [GUID!]
entityEditPermissionRoles: [String!]
entityEditPermissionType: PermissionType!
entityManagePermissionCollaborators: [GUID!]
entityManagePermissionRoles: [String!]
entityManagePermissionType: PermissionType!
entityPublishPermissionCollaborators: [GUID!]
entityPublishPermissionRoles: [String!]
entityPublishPermissionType: PermissionType!
entityReadPermissionCollaborators: [GUID!]
entityReadPermissionRoles: [String!]
entityReadPermissionType: PermissionType!
name: EntityType!
savedBy: User
savedOn: DateTimeOffset!
typeConfig: String!
typeDefinition: String!
version: Int!
type ContentConfigVersionConnection {
edges: [ContentConfigVersionEdge]
items: [ContentConfigVersion]
pageInfo: PageInfo!
totalCount: Int
type ContentConfigVersionEdge {
cursor: String!
node: ContentConfigVersion
input ContentConfigWhere {
archivedBy: ContentWhereNullableIdFilter
archivedOn: ContentWhereNullableDateTimeFilter
createdBy: ContentWhereIdFilter
createdOn: ContentWhereDateTimeFilter
entityDeletePermissionRoles: ContentWhereNullableTagsFilter
entityDeletePermissionType: PermissionTypeContentWhereEnumFilter
entityEditPermissionRoles: ContentWhereNullableTagsFilter
entityEditPermissionType: PermissionTypeContentWhereEnumFilter
entityManagePermissionRoles: ContentWhereNullableTagsFilter
entityManagePermissionType: PermissionTypeContentWhereEnumFilter
entityPublishPermissionRoles: ContentWhereNullableTagsFilter
entityPublishPermissionType: PermissionTypeContentWhereEnumFilter
entityReadPermissionRoles: ContentWhereNullableTagsFilter
entityReadPermissionType: PermissionTypeContentWhereEnumFilter
id: ContentWhereIdFilter
lastModifiedBy: ContentWhereIdFilter
lastModifiedOn: ContentWhereDateTimeFilter
name: EntityTypeContentWhereEnumFilter
or: [ContentConfigWhere]
publishedBy: ContentWhereNullableIdFilter
publishedFrom: ContentWhereNullableDateTimeFilter
publishedOn: ContentWhereNullableDateTimeFilter
publishedUntil: ContentWhereNullableDateTimeFilter
status: [ContentStatus!]
type ContentConversation implements IContentNode {
applications: [String!]!
where: ContentWhereMeta
orderBy: ContentKnowledgeArticleOrder
first: Int
after: Cursor
orderByLanguage: String
): ContentKnowledgeArticleConnection
articlesIds: [ID!]!
where: WhereContentSave
after: Cursor
first: Int = 100
): ContentConversationSaveConnection
experts: [User]
expertsIds: [ID!]
id: ID!
logResult: Boolean!
meta: ContentMeta!
note: String
retentionPeriod: Int!
savedBy: User
savedOn: DateTimeOffset!
scheduleName: String
startingStep: String!
tags: [String!]!
title: [LocalizedString!]!
where: ContentWhereMeta
orderBy: ContentTopicOrder
first: Int
after: Cursor
orderByLanguage: String
): ContentTopicConnection
topicsIds: [ID!]!
version: Int!
where: WhereContentVersion
after: Cursor
first: Int = 100
): ContentConversationVersionConnection
type ContentConversationConnection {
edges: [ContentConversationEdge]
items: [ContentConversation]
pageInfo: PageInfo!
totalCount: Int
type ContentConversationEdge {
cursor: String!
node: ContentConversation
input ContentConversationInput {
applications: [String!]!
articlesIds: [ID!]!
expertsIds: [ID!]
id: ID!
logResult: Boolean!
note: String
retentionPeriod: Int!
scheduleName: String
startingStep: String!
tags: [String!]!
title: [LocalizedStringInput!]!
topicsIds: [ID!]!
enum ContentConversationOrder {
type ContentConversationSave {
applications: [String!]!
articlesIds: [ID!]!
expertsIds: [ID!]
logResult: Boolean!
note: String
retentionPeriod: Int!
savedBy: User
savedOn: DateTimeOffset!
scheduleName: String
startingStep: String!
tags: [String!]!
title: [LocalizedString!]!
topicsIds: [ID!]!
type ContentConversationSaveConnection {
edges: [ContentConversationSaveEdge]
items: [ContentConversationSave]
pageInfo: PageInfo!
totalCount: Int
type ContentConversationSaveEdge {
cursor: String!
node: ContentConversationSave
type ContentConversationVersion {
applications: [String!]!
articlesIds: [ID!]!
expertsIds: [ID!]
logResult: Boolean!
note: String
retentionPeriod: Int!
savedBy: User
savedOn: DateTimeOffset!
scheduleName: String
startingStep: String!
tags: [String!]!
title: [LocalizedString!]!
topicsIds: [ID!]!
version: Int!
type ContentConversationVersionConnection {
edges: [ContentConversationVersionEdge]
items: [ContentConversationVersion]
pageInfo: PageInfo!
totalCount: Int
type ContentConversationVersionEdge {
cursor: String!
node: ContentConversationVersion
input ContentConversationWhere {
applications: ContentWhereTagsFilter
archivedBy: ContentWhereNullableIdFilter
archivedOn: ContentWhereNullableDateTimeFilter
articles: ContentWhereIdsFilter
createdBy: ContentWhereIdFilter
createdOn: ContentWhereDateTimeFilter
experts: ContentWhereIdsFilter
id: ContentWhereIdFilter
lastModifiedBy: ContentWhereIdFilter
lastModifiedOn: ContentWhereDateTimeFilter
logResult: ContentWhereBooleanFilter
note: ContentWhereNullableStringFilter
or: [ContentConversationWhere]
publishedBy: ContentWhereNullableIdFilter
publishedFrom: ContentWhereNullableDateTimeFilter
publishedOn: ContentWhereNullableDateTimeFilter
publishedUntil: ContentWhereNullableDateTimeFilter
query: String
retentionPeriod: ContentWhereNumberFilter
scheduleName: ContentWhereNullableStringFilter
status: [ContentStatus!]
tags: ContentWhereTagsFilter
title: ContentWhereStringFilter
topics: ContentWhereIdsFilter
input ContentCreateTagInput {
name: String!
scope: String
input ContentDeleteInput {
id: ID!
type ContentDistrict implements IContentNode {
description: [LocalizedString!]!
housingID: Int
id: ID!
meta: ContentMeta!
parentTown(where: ContentWhereMeta): ContentTown
parentTownId: ID
savedBy: User
savedOn: DateTimeOffset!
title: [LocalizedString!]!
version: Int!
where: WhereContentVersion
after: Cursor
first: Int = 100
): ContentDistrictVersionConnection
type ContentDistrictConnection {
edges: [ContentDistrictEdge]
items: [ContentDistrict]
pageInfo: PageInfo!
totalCount: Int
type ContentDistrictEdge {
cursor: String!
node: ContentDistrict
input ContentDistrictInput {
description: [LocalizedStringInput!]!
housingID: Int
id: ID!
parentTownId: ID
title: [LocalizedStringInput!]!
enum ContentDistrictOrder {
type ContentDistrictVersion {
description: [LocalizedString!]!
housingID: Int
parentTownId: ID
savedBy: User
savedOn: DateTimeOffset!
title: [LocalizedString!]!
version: Int!
type ContentDistrictVersionConnection {
edges: [ContentDistrictVersionEdge]
items: [ContentDistrictVersion]
pageInfo: PageInfo!
totalCount: Int
type ContentDistrictVersionEdge {
cursor: String!
node: ContentDistrictVersion
input ContentDistrictWhere {
archivedBy: ContentWhereNullableIdFilter
archivedOn: ContentWhereNullableDateTimeFilter
createdBy: ContentWhereIdFilter
createdOn: ContentWhereDateTimeFilter
description: ContentWhereStringFilter
housingID: ContentWhereNullableNumberFilter
id: ContentWhereIdFilter
lastModifiedBy: ContentWhereIdFilter
lastModifiedOn: ContentWhereDateTimeFilter
or: [ContentDistrictWhere]
parentTown: ContentWhereNullableIdFilter
publishedBy: ContentWhereNullableIdFilter
publishedFrom: ContentWhereNullableDateTimeFilter
publishedOn: ContentWhereNullableDateTimeFilter
publishedUntil: ContentWhereNullableDateTimeFilter
query: String
status: [ContentStatus!]
title: ContentWhereStringFilter
type ContentGroup implements IContentNode {
groupId: ID
id: ID!
meta: ContentMeta!
name: String!
savedBy: User
savedOn: DateTimeOffset!
version: Int!
where: WhereContentVersion
after: Cursor
first: Int = 100
): ContentGroupVersionConnection
where: ContentWhereMeta
orderBy: ContentWikiOrder
first: Int
after: Cursor
): ContentWikiConnection
type ContentGroupConnection {
edges: [ContentGroupEdge]
items: [ContentGroup]
pageInfo: PageInfo!
totalCount: Int
type ContentGroupEdge {
cursor: String!
node: ContentGroup
enum ContentGroupOrder {
type ContentGroupVersion {
groupId: ID
name: String!
savedBy: User
savedOn: DateTimeOffset!
version: Int!
type ContentGroupVersionConnection {
edges: [ContentGroupVersionEdge]
items: [ContentGroupVersion]
pageInfo: PageInfo!
totalCount: Int
type ContentGroupVersionEdge {
cursor: String!
node: ContentGroupVersion
input ContentGroupWhere {
archivedBy: ContentWhereNullableIdFilter
archivedOn: ContentWhereNullableDateTimeFilter
createdBy: ContentWhereIdFilter
createdOn: ContentWhereDateTimeFilter
group: ContentWhereNullableIdFilter
id: ContentWhereIdFilter
lastModifiedBy: ContentWhereIdFilter
lastModifiedOn: ContentWhereDateTimeFilter
name: ContentWhereStringFilter
or: [ContentGroupWhere]
publishedBy: ContentWhereNullableIdFilter
publishedFrom: ContentWhereNullableDateTimeFilter
publishedOn: ContentWhereNullableDateTimeFilter
publishedUntil: ContentWhereNullableDateTimeFilter
status: [ContentStatus!]
type ContentHistory {
actionType: String!
newParent: IContentNode
publishedFrom: DateTimeOffset
publishedUntil: DateTimeOffset
timestamp: DateTimeOffset!
user: User
version: Int
type ContentJob implements IContentNode {
allowComments: Boolean!
content: [LocalizedString!]!
headerImage: MediaFile
headerImageId: ID
hideFromMenu: Boolean!
hideFromMobileMenu: Boolean!
hideShare: Boolean!
id: ID!
introduction: [LocalizedString!]!
isPinned: Boolean!
meta: ContentMeta!
photoCaption: [LocalizedString!]
revisers: String!
revisionDate: DateTimeOffset
savedBy: User
savedOn: DateTimeOffset!
slug: [LocalizedString!]!
tags: [String!]!
title: [LocalizedString!]!
version: Int!
where: WhereContentVersion
after: Cursor
first: Int = 100
): ContentJobVersionConnection
type ContentJobConnection {
edges: [ContentJobEdge]
items: [ContentJob]
pageInfo: PageInfo!
totalCount: Int
type ContentJobEdge {
cursor: String!
node: ContentJob
input ContentJobInput {
allowComments: Boolean!
content: [LocalizedStringInput!]!
headerImageId: ID
hideFromMenu: Boolean!
hideFromMobileMenu: Boolean!
hideShare: Boolean!
id: ID!
introduction: [LocalizedStringInput!]!
isPinned: Boolean!
photoCaption: [LocalizedStringInput!]
revisers: String!
revisionDate: DateTimeOffset
slug: [LocalizedStringInput!]!
tags: [String!]!
title: [LocalizedStringInput!]!
enum ContentJobOrder {
type ContentJobVersion {
allowComments: Boolean!
content: [LocalizedString!]!
headerImageId: ID
hideFromMenu: Boolean!
hideFromMobileMenu: Boolean!
hideShare: Boolean!
introduction: [LocalizedString!]!
isPinned: Boolean!
photoCaption: [LocalizedString!]
revisers: String!
revisionDate: DateTimeOffset
savedBy: User
savedOn: DateTimeOffset!
slug: [LocalizedString!]!
tags: [String!]!
title: [LocalizedString!]!
version: Int!
type ContentJobVersionConnection {
edges: [ContentJobVersionEdge]
items: [ContentJobVersion]
pageInfo: PageInfo!
totalCount: Int
type ContentJobVersionEdge {
cursor: String!
node: ContentJobVersion
input ContentJobWhere {
allowComments: ContentWhereBooleanFilter
archivedBy: ContentWhereNullableIdFilter
archivedOn: ContentWhereNullableDateTimeFilter
content: ContentWhereStringFilter
createdBy: ContentWhereIdFilter
createdOn: ContentWhereDateTimeFilter
headerImage: ContentWhereNullableIdFilter
hideFromMenu: ContentWhereBooleanFilter
hideFromMobileMenu: ContentWhereBooleanFilter
hideShare: ContentWhereBooleanFilter
id: ContentWhereIdFilter
introduction: ContentWhereStringFilter
isPinned: ContentWhereBooleanFilter
lastModifiedBy: ContentWhereIdFilter
lastModifiedOn: ContentWhereDateTimeFilter
or: [ContentJobWhere]
photoCaption: ContentWhereNullableStringFilter
publishedBy: ContentWhereNullableIdFilter
publishedFrom: ContentWhereNullableDateTimeFilter
publishedOn: ContentWhereNullableDateTimeFilter
publishedUntil: ContentWhereNullableDateTimeFilter
query: String
revisers: ContentWhereStringFilter
revisionDate: ContentWhereNullableDateTimeFilter
slug: ContentWhereStringFilter
status: [ContentStatus!]
tags: ContentWhereTagsFilter
title: ContentWhereStringFilter
type ContentKnowledgeArticle implements IContentNode {
applications: String!
attachments: [MediaFileLocalizedContentSectionedCollection]
where: WhereContentSave
after: Cursor
first: Int = 100
): ContentKnowledgeArticleSaveConnection
content: [LocalizedString!]!
groupsIds: [ID!]
headerImage: MediaFile
headerImageId: ID
id: ID!
links: [LinkLocalizedContentSectionedCollection]!
meta: ContentMeta!
note: [LocalizedString!]
path(where: ContentWhereMeta): [IContentNode]
people: [User]
peopleIds: [ID!]
savedBy: User
savedOn: DateTimeOffset!
scheduleName: String
slugs(where: WhereContentSlug): [ContentSlug]
tags: [String!]!
title: [LocalizedString!]!
topic(where: ContentWhereMeta): ContentTopic
version: Int!
where: WhereContentVersion
after: Cursor
first: Int = 100
): ContentKnowledgeArticleVersionConnection
zenyaCollectionIds: [ID!]
zenyaDocuments: IDContentSectionedCollection!
type ContentKnowledgeArticleConnection {
edges: [ContentKnowledgeArticleEdge]
items: [ContentKnowledgeArticle]
pageInfo: PageInfo!
totalCount: Int
type ContentKnowledgeArticleEdge {
cursor: String!
node: ContentKnowledgeArticle
input ContentKnowledgeArticleInput {
applications: String!
attachments: [IDLocalizedContentSectionedCollectionInput]!
content: [LocalizedStringInput!]!
groupsIds: [ID!]
headerImageId: ID
id: ID!
links: [ContentLinkInputLocalizedContentSectionedCollectionInput]!
note: [LocalizedStringInput!]
peopleIds: [ID!]
scheduleName: String
tags: [String!]!
title: [LocalizedStringInput!]!
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version: Int!
where: WhereContentVersion
after: Cursor
first: Int = 100
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photo: String!
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where: WhereContentVersion
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first: Int = 100
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segment(where: ContentWhereMeta): ContentSegment
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reason: "Deprecated, slug logic is abstracted at Content Meta level. Field will be removed on 4/21/2024."
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first: Int = 100
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reason: "Deprecated, slug logic is abstracted at Content Meta level. Field will be removed on 4/21/2024."
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reason: "Deprecated, slug logic is abstracted at Content Meta level. Field will be removed on 4/21/2024."
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first: Int = 100
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first: Int = 100
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where: WhereContentVersion
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first: Int = 100
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mainArticle(where: ContentWhereMeta): ContentKnowledgeArticle
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orderLanguage: String
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first: Int = 100
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createdBy: ContentWhereIdFilter
createdOn: ContentWhereDateTimeFilter
description: ContentWhereStringFilter
housingID: ContentWhereNullableNumberFilter
id: ContentWhereIdFilter
lastModifiedBy: ContentWhereIdFilter
lastModifiedOn: ContentWhereDateTimeFilter
or: [ContentTownWhere]
publishedBy: ContentWhereNullableIdFilter
publishedFrom: ContentWhereNullableDateTimeFilter
publishedOn: ContentWhereNullableDateTimeFilter
publishedUntil: ContentWhereNullableDateTimeFilter
query: String
status: [ContentStatus!]
title: ContentWhereStringFilter
input ContentUnpublishInput {
id: ID!
input ContentWhereBooleanFilter {
equals: Boolean
notEquals: Boolean
input ContentWhereDateTimeFilter {
from: DateTimeOffset
until: DateTimeOffset
input ContentWhereIdFilter {
equals: ID
in: [ID!]
notEquals: ID
notIn: [ID!]
input ContentWhereIdsFilter {
contains: ID
containsOneOf: [ID!]
equals: [ID!]
isEmpty: Boolean
input ContentWhereMeta {
archivedBy: ContentWhereNullableIdFilter
archivedOn: ContentWhereNullableDateTimeFilter
createdBy: ContentWhereIdFilter
createdOn: ContentWhereDateTimeFilter
lastModifiedBy: ContentWhereIdFilter
lastModifiedOn: ContentWhereDateTimeFilter
publishedBy: ContentWhereNullableIdFilter
publishedFrom: ContentWhereNullableDateTimeFilter
publishedOn: ContentWhereNullableDateTimeFilter
publishedUntil: ContentWhereNullableDateTimeFilter
status: [ContentStatus!]
input ContentWhereNullableDateTimeFilter {
from: DateTimeOffset
isNull: Boolean
until: DateTimeOffset
input ContentWhereNullableIdFilter {
equals: ID
in: [ID!]
isNull: Boolean
notEquals: ID
notIn: [ID!]
input ContentWhereNullableNumberFilter {
equals: Int
greaterThan: Int
greaterThanOrEqualTo: Int
in: [Int!]
isNull: Boolean
lessThan: Int
lessThanOrEqualTo: Int
notEquals: Int
input ContentWhereNullableStringFilter {
equals: String
in: [String]
isNull: Boolean
notEquals: String
notIn: [String]
query: String
startsWith: String
input ContentWhereNullableTagsFilter {
contains: String
containsOneOf: [String]
equals: [String]
isEmpty: Boolean
isNull: Boolean
notContaining: String
notContainingOneOf: [String]
notEquals: [String]
input ContentWhereNumberFilter {
equals: Int
greaterThan: Int
greaterThanOrEqualTo: Int
in: [Int!]
lessThan: Int
lessThanOrEqualTo: Int
notEquals: Int
input ContentWhereStringFilter {
equals: String
in: [String]
notEquals: String
notIn: [String]
query: String
startsWith: String
input ContentWhereTagsFilter {
contains: String
containsOneOf: [String]
equals: [String]
isEmpty: Boolean
notContaining: String
notContainingOneOf: [String]
notEquals: [String]
type ContentWiki implements IContentNode {
where: WhereContentSave
after: Cursor
first: Int = 100
): ContentWikiSaveConnection
content: String!
generateTableOfContent: Boolean!
group(where: ContentWhereMeta): ContentGroup
headerImageId: ID
id: ID!
meta: ContentMeta!
path(where: ContentWhereMeta): [IContentNode]
savedBy: User
savedOn: DateTimeOffset!
tags: [String!]!
title: String!
version: Int!
where: WhereContentVersion
after: Cursor
first: Int = 100
): ContentWikiVersionConnection
type ContentWikiConnection {
edges: [ContentWikiEdge]
items: [ContentWiki]
pageInfo: PageInfo!
totalCount: Int
type ContentWikiEdge {
cursor: String!
node: ContentWiki
input ContentWikiInput {
content: String!
generateTableOfContent: Boolean!
headerImageId: ID
id: ID!
tags: [String!]!
title: String!
input ContentWikiMove {
groupId: ID
id: ID!
input ContentWikiNew {
groupId: ID
enum ContentWikiOrder {
type ContentWikiSave {
content: String!
generateTableOfContent: Boolean!
headerImageId: ID
savedBy: User
savedOn: DateTimeOffset!
tags: [String!]!
title: String!
type ContentWikiSaveConnection {
edges: [ContentWikiSaveEdge]
items: [ContentWikiSave]
pageInfo: PageInfo!
totalCount: Int
type ContentWikiSaveEdge {
cursor: String!
node: ContentWikiSave
type ContentWikiVersion {
content: String!
generateTableOfContent: Boolean!
headerImageId: ID
savedBy: User
savedOn: DateTimeOffset!
tags: [String!]!
title: String!
version: Int!
type ContentWikiVersionConnection {
edges: [ContentWikiVersionEdge]
items: [ContentWikiVersion]
pageInfo: PageInfo!
totalCount: Int
type ContentWikiVersionEdge {
cursor: String!
node: ContentWikiVersion
input ContentWikiWhere {
archivedBy: ContentWhereNullableIdFilter
archivedOn: ContentWhereNullableDateTimeFilter
content: ContentWhereStringFilter
createdBy: ContentWhereIdFilter
createdOn: ContentWhereDateTimeFilter
generateTableOfContent: ContentWhereBooleanFilter
group: ContentWhereNullableIdFilter
headerImage: ContentWhereNullableIdFilter
id: ContentWhereIdFilter
lastModifiedBy: ContentWhereIdFilter
lastModifiedOn: ContentWhereDateTimeFilter
or: [ContentWikiWhere]
path: ContentWhereIdsFilter
publishedBy: ContentWhereNullableIdFilter
publishedFrom: ContentWhereNullableDateTimeFilter
publishedOn: ContentWhereNullableDateTimeFilter
publishedUntil: ContentWhereNullableDateTimeFilter
query: String
status: [ContentStatus!]
tags: ContentWhereTagsFilter
title: ContentWhereStringFilter
type Continuation {
description: String
icon: String
id: ID!
nextStepId: ID!
input ContinueAccountActivationInput {
personId: ID!
input ContinueSessionInput {
input: [InputVariable!]
sessionId: ID!
type ContinueSessionResult {
session: ConversationSession
userErrors: [UserError!]
type Contract implements INode {
accountNumber: String!
collectionMethodDetailed: CollectionMethod!
contractPriceComponent: [ContractPriceComponent!]!
endDate: DateTime
grossPrice: Decimal
grossRent: Decimal
hasApproximatedEndDate: Boolean!
id: ID!
indicators: [IndicatorEvaluationResult]!
input: WhereInvoicesInput
orderBy: OrderByInvoicesInput
first: Int
after: Cursor
): InvoiceConnection
netRent: Decimal
outstandingBalance: Decimal!
people: [IContact!]
properties: Json!
startDate: DateTime
status: ContractStatus!
subsidizedRent: Decimal
unit: Unit!
type ContractConnection {
edges: [ContractEdge]
items: [Contract!]
pageInfo: PageInfo!
totalCount: Int
type ContractEdge {
cursor: Cursor!
node: Contract!
type Contractor {
id: ID!
isVerified: Boolean!
name: String
type ContractPriceComponent implements INode {
description: String!
id: ID!
isServiceFund: Boolean!
monthlyCost: Decimal!
name: String!
orderIndex: Int!
status: ContractPriceComponentStatus!
enum ContractPriceComponentStatus {
enum ContractStatus {
enum ContractStatusInput {
type ContractTerminationByTerminationDateField implements IFormComponent {
component: String
contractTerminationDateOffsetDays: Int!
contractTerminationDateOffsetMonths: Int!
contractTerminationLabel: String
disabledDates: [DateTime!]
disableHolidays: Boolean!
disableWeekends: Boolean!
endInspectionDateFieldName: String
endInspectionLabel: String
endInspectionPeriod: Int!
endInspectionRequired: Boolean!
endInspectionStartOffSet: Int!
endInspectionVisible: Boolean!
id: ID!
index: Int!
label: String
preInspectionDateFieldName: String
preInspectionLabel: String
preInspectionPeriod: Int!
preInspectionRequired: Boolean!
preInspectionStartOffset: Int!
preInspectionVisible: Boolean!
required: Boolean!
tag: String
terminationDateFieldName: String
type ContractTerminationField implements IFormComponent {
component: String
disabledDates: [DateTime!]
finalInspectionField: InspectionFieldProperties
id: ID!
index: Int!
initialInspectionField: InspectionFieldProperties
label: String
required: Boolean!
tag: String
terminationDateField: InspectionFieldProperties
type ConversationConnector implements IConversationsNode {
action: String!
actionNameTranslationKey: String!
connector: String!
connectorNameTranslationKey: String!
description: String!
descriptionTranslationKey: String!
id: ID!
outputs: [ConnectorOutput!]!
parameters: [ConnectorParameter!]!
type ConversationFieldProperty {
fieldType: String!
isOptional: Boolean!
name: String!
type ConversationFieldType {
baseFieldType: String
isArray: Boolean!
properties: [ConversationFieldProperty!]!
typeName: String!
type ConversationLinkItem {
isExternal: Boolean!
title: String!
value: String!
type ConversationLinks {
items: [ConversationLinkItem!]!
sections: [ConversationLinkSection!]!
type ConversationLinkSection {
items: [ConversationLinkItem!]!
title: String!
type ConversationSession implements IConversationsNode {
canRevert: Boolean!
currentStep: IViewState
finishedAt: String
finishedSteps: [StepData!]!
id: ID!
isFinished: Boolean!
lastModifiedAt: String!
startedAt: String!
user: User
type ConversationSessionConnection {
edges: [ConversationSessionEdge]
items: [ConversationSession!]
pageInfo: PageInfo!
totalCount: Int
type ConversationSessionEdge {
cursor: String!
node: ConversationSession!
type ConvertIdModel {
id: ID!
type Coordinate {
latitude: Float!
longitude: Float!
type Correspondence {
id: ID!
type CorrespondenceCustomerMessage implements INode & ICustomerMessage {
correspondenceId: ID!
creationDate: DateTimeOffset!
description: String
id: ID!
isAcknowledged: Boolean!
isArchived: Boolean!
isRead: Boolean!
personId: ID!
priority: MessagePriority!
title: String
enum CorrespondenceType {
enum CorrespondenceTypeInput {
type Country {
Returns 2 capital letters('NL', 'BG', 'FR')
code: String
name: String
input CreateCustomerInput {
email: String
firstName: String!
gender: GenderInput!
insertion: String
lastName: String!
phoneNumber: String
input CreatePhoneFavoriteInput {
description: String
hoverText: String
internalPhone: String
isActive: Boolean!
order: Float!
phone: String!
title: String!
input CreateProspectInput {
address: AddressInput
birthDate: DateTime
email: String
firstName: String!
gender: GenderInput!
initials: String
insertion: String
lastName: String!
mobileNumber: String
nationality: String
personIdentification: PersonIdentificationInput
phoneNumber: String
input CreateTaskForTicketInput {
channel: ChannelTypeInput!
completeById: ID!
contractId: ID
description: String
endDate: DateTime
faqId: ID
fromId: ID!
isPublic: Boolean! = false
mediaIds: [ID!]
personId: ID
residentialZoneId: ID
subject: String!
tagId: ID
taskType: TaskTypeInput
ticketId: ID
input CreateVendorInput {
businessNumber: String
contactDetails: VendorModificationContactDetailsInput
fullName: String!
input CreationOptions {
publish: Boolean @deprecated
status: CONTENT_States
The `Cursor` scalar type is an ordered key used in paginated Relay connections.
scalar Cursor
enum CustomerContractStatusInput {
input CustomerMessageAcknowledgeInput {
id: ID!
type CustomerMessageAcknowledgeOutput {
id: ID!
type CustomerMessageArchiveOutput {
id: ID!
type CustomerMessageDearchiveOutput {
id: ID!
input CustomerMessageReadInput {
id: ID!
type CustomerMessageReadOutput {
id: ID!
type CustomerMessageType {
id: Int!
name: String
type CustomerSatisfaction implements INode {
category: String!
createdOn: DateTime!
externalReportUrl: String!
id: ID!
score: Decimal!
type CustomerSatisfactionCategory {
category: String!
count: Int!
input: WhereCustomerSatisfactionScoresInput
after: Cursor
first: Int = 10
): CustomerSatisfactionConnection!
type CustomerSatisfactionConnection {
edges: [CustomerSatisfactionEdge]
items: [CustomerSatisfaction!]
pageInfo: PageInfo!
totalCount: Int
type CustomerSatisfactionEdge {
cursor: Cursor!
node: CustomerSatisfaction!
type CustomSelfServiceReportCustomerMessage implements INode & ICustomerMessage {
creationDate: DateTimeOffset!
description: String
id: ID!
isAcknowledged: Boolean!
isArchived: Boolean!
isRead: Boolean!
personId: ID!
priority: MessagePriority!
selfServiceReportId: ID!
title: String
The 'Date' scalar type represents a year, month and day in accordance with the
[ISO-8601]( standard.
scalar Date
type DateField implements IFormComponent {
component: String
disabledDates: [DateTime!]
disableHolidays: Boolean!
disableWeekends: Boolean!
fieldName: String
id: ID!
index: Int!
label: String
maxSelectableDate: String
minSelectableDate: String
placeholder: String
required: Boolean!
tag: String
type DateRange {
end: String!
start: String!
The `DateTime` scalar type represents a date and time. `DateTime` expects timestamps to be formatted in accordance with the [ISO-8601]( standard.
scalar DateTime
The `DateTimeOffset` scalar type represents a date, time and offset from UTC. `DateTimeOffset` expects timestamps to be formatted in accordance with the [ISO-8601]( standard.
scalar DateTimeOffset
type DateTimeSocialProfileField {
state: SocialProfileFieldState!
value: DateTime
enum DayOfWeek {
input DeactivatePersonInput {
id: ID!
scalar Decimal
type Decision {
description: String!
icon: String!
subject: String!
type Defect implements INode {
description: String
icon: String
id: ID!
name: String
type DefectConnection {
edges: [DefectEdge]
items: [Defect!]
pageInfo: PageInfo!
totalCount: Int
type DefectEdge {
cursor: Cursor!
node: Defect!
input DeleteSlugInput {
entityId: ID!
locale: String!
value: String!
type DialingState {
startTime: DateTime!
type District implements INode & IResidentialZone {
id: ID!
indicators: [IndicatorEvaluationResult]!
name: String!
type DocumentsField implements IFormComponent {
component: String
id: ID!
index: Int!
label: String
tag: String
type Dossier implements INode {
after: Cursor
first: Int = 10
): IDossierCaseFlowActivityConnection!
assignedTo: Person!
caseFlows: [CaseFlow!]!
closedOn: DateTimeOffset
createdOn: DateTimeOffset!
dossierNumber: String!
id: ID!
relations(after: Cursor, first: Int = 10): DossierRelationConnection!
title: String
type DossierAssigneeChangedActivity implements INode & IDossierCaseFlowActivity {
created: DateTimeOffset!
creator: IContact
creatorName: String
dossierId: ID
id: ID!
newAssignee: IContact!
newAssigneeName: String!
oldAssignee: IContact
oldAssigneeName: String
type DossierCaseFlowChangedStatusActivity implements INode & IDossierCaseFlowActivity {
caseFlowId: ID!
caseFlowTitle: String!
created: DateTimeOffset!
creator: IContact
creatorName: String
dossierId: ID
id: ID!
newStatus: String!
oldStatus: String!
type DossierCaseFlowLinkActivity implements INode & IDossierCaseFlowActivity {
caseFlowId: ID!
caseFlowTitle: String!
created: DateTimeOffset!
creator: IContact
creatorName: String
dossierId: ID
id: ID!
type DossierCaseFlowMessageActivity implements INode & IDossierCaseFlowActivity {
caseFlowId: ID!
caseFlowTitle: String!
created: DateTimeOffset!
creator: IContact
creatorName: String
dossierId: ID
id: ID!
input DossierCaseFlowTemplateAddInput {
caseFlowTemplateId: ID!
input DossierCaseFlowTemplateRemoveInput {
caseFlowTemplateId: ID!
type DossierCaseFlowUnLinkActivity implements INode & IDossierCaseFlowActivity {
caseFlowId: ID!
caseFlowTitle: String!
created: DateTimeOffset!
creator: IContact
creatorName: String
dossierId: ID
id: ID!
input DossierChangeAssigneeInput {
assigneeId: ID!
dossierId: ID!
type DossierChangedStatusActivity implements INode & IDossierCaseFlowActivity {
created: DateTimeOffset!
creator: IContact
creatorName: String
dossierId: ID
id: ID!
newStatus: String!
oldStatus: String!
input DossierChangeTitleInput {
dossierId: ID!
title: String!
input DossierCloseInput {
dossierId: ID!
type DossierConnection {
edges: [DossierEdge]
items: [Dossier!]
pageInfo: PageInfo!
totalCount: Int
type DossierCreatedActivity implements INode & IDossierCaseFlowActivity {
created: DateTimeOffset!
creator: IContact
creatorName: String
dossierId: ID
id: ID!
input DossierCreateInput {
assigneePersonId: ID!
title: String!
type DossierEdge {
cursor: Cursor!
node: Dossier!
input DossierLinkCaseFlowInput {
caseFlowId: ID!
dossierId: ID!
type DossierRelation implements INode {
dossier: Dossier!
id: ID!
isNotificationsEnabled: Boolean!
relatedPerson: IContact!
relationType: DossierRelationType
type DossierRelationAddedActivity implements INode & IDossierCaseFlowActivity {
created: DateTimeOffset!
creator: IContact
creatorName: String
dossierId: ID
id: ID!
relation: IContact!
relationName: String!
relationType: String!
type DossierRelationConnection {
edges: [DossierRelationEdge]
items: [DossierRelation!]
pageInfo: PageInfo!
totalCount: Int
type DossierRelationEdge {
cursor: Cursor!
node: DossierRelation!
input DossierRelationLinkInput {
dossierId: ID!
dossierRelationTypeId: ID!
enableNotifications: Boolean!
personId: ID!
type DossierRelationRemovedActivity implements INode & IDossierCaseFlowActivity {
created: DateTimeOffset!
creator: IContact
creatorName: String
dossierId: ID
id: ID!
relation: IContact!
relationName: String!
relationType: String!
type DossierRelationType implements INode {
id: ID!
isActive: Boolean!
name: String!
input DossierRelationTypeCreateInput {
isActive: Boolean!
name: String!
input DossierRelationTypeUpdateInput {
id: ID!
isActive: Boolean!
name: String!
input DossierRelationUnLinkInput {
dossierRelationId: ID!
type DossierRelationUnLinkResult {
dossierRelationId: ID!
input DossierRelationUpdateInput {
dossierRelationId: ID!
dossierRelationTypeId: ID
enableNotifications: Boolean!
input DossierReopenInput {
dossierId: ID!
input DossierUnlinkCaseFlowInput {
caseFlowId: ID!
dossierId: ID!
enum DraftStatusInput {
type DropDownField implements IFormComponent {
component: String
fieldName: String
id: ID!
index: Int!
label: String
options: [ChoiceOption]
required: Boolean!
tag: String
Education of the person
type Education {
Degree received at end of study
degree: String
Year when the study ended. Optional if study is ongoing
endYear: Int
Field or topic of study
fieldOfStudy: String
id: ID!
Name of the school associated with education
schoolName: String!
Year when the study started
startYear: Int!
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type EducationConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [EducationEdge]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [Education]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
type EducationConnectionSocialProfileField {
state: SocialProfileFieldState!
value: EducationConnection!
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type EducationEdge {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: Education
input EmailAddressInput {
description: String
email: String
type EmailField implements IFormComponent {
component: String
fieldName: String
id: ID!
index: Int!
label: String
placeholder: String
required: Boolean!
tag: String
enum EmployeeNameFormat {
enum EndStepStatus {
input EntityIdWrapper {
id: ID!
enum EntityType {
input EntityTypeContentWhereEnumFilter {
equals: EntityType
in: [EntityType!]
notEquals: EntityType
notIn: [EntityType!]
input EntityTypeContentWhereNullableEnumFilter {
equals: EntityType
in: [EntityType!]
isNull: Boolean
notEquals: EntityType
notIn: [EntityType!]
type EstablishedState {
callHoldTime: DateTime
canDirectTransfer: Boolean!
connectedTime: DateTime!
startTime: DateTime!
Experience of the person
type Experience {
Name of the company worked for
companyName: String!
Final month of the position
endMonth: Int
Final year of the position
endYear: Int
id: ID!
Flag whether this is the current ongoing position
isCurrent: Boolean!
Starting month of the position
startMonth: Int!
Starting year of the position
startYear: Int!
Job position for the time period
title: String!
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type ExperienceConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [ExperienceEdge]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [Experience]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
type ExperienceConnectionSocialProfileField {
state: SocialProfileFieldState!
value: ExperienceConnection!
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type ExperienceEdge {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: Experience
type Expertise implements INode {
description: String!
id: ID!
name: String!
type ExpertiseAndWorkAreaGroup {
expertise: Expertise
workArea: WorkArea
type ExportSessionResult {
downloadUri: String!
input ExportSessionsInput {
conversationId: ID!
sessionIds: [ID!]
startedAfter: DateTimeOffset
startedBefore: DateTimeOffset
type ExternalRepairman {
resourceId: String
resourceName: String
type Facet {
connector: String!
isAvailable: Boolean!
name: String!
updateableFields: [String!]!
type FacetValue {
Number of items with this value
hitCount: Int!
Id of selected value (can be used in query). Remark: Can be empty. For example when the subject has none of the facets. (user with 0 departments or 0 teams etc)
id: String
Display name of selected value. Remark: Can be empty. For example when the subject has none of the facets. (user with 0 departments or 0 teams etc)
name: String
For some objects the GraphQL node is returned
node: IFacetNode
type Faq implements INode {
additionalInternalInfo: String
answer: String!
createdBy: Person
createdOn: DateTime!
faqTargetGroups: [FaqTargetGroup!]!
faqType: FaqType!
followupQuestion: FollowupQuestion
id: ID!
isPublic: Boolean!
lastModifiedBy: Person
lastModifiedOn: DateTime!
mainTag: ThesaurusTag
media: [IMedia!]!
question: String!
status: PublicationStatus!
viewsCount: Int!
type FaqConnection {
edges: [FaqEdge]
items: [Faq!]
pageInfo: PageInfo!
totalCount: Int
input FaqCreateInput {
additionalInternalInfo: String
answer: String!
applicationIds: [ID!]
expiresOn: DateTime
faqType: FaqTypeInput!
followupQuestion: FollowupQuestionInput
mainTagId: ID!
mediaItems: [MediaItemWithVisibilityInput]
question: String!
status: PublicationStatusInput!
synonyms: [String]
tagIds: [ID!]
targetGroups: [FaqTargetGroupInput]
type FaqEdge {
cursor: Cursor!
node: Faq!
type FaqTargetGroup implements INode {
answer: String!
id: ID!
isVisible: Boolean!
targetGroup: TargetGroup
input FaqTargetGroupInput {
answer: String!
targetGroupId: ID!
visible: Boolean!
enum FaqType {
enum FaqTypeInput {
input FaqUpdateInput {
additionalInternalInfo: String
answer: String
expiresOn: DateTime
faqType: FaqTypeInput!
id: ID!
mainTagId: ID!
mediaItems: [MediaItemWithVisibilityInput]
question: String
status: PublicationStatusInput!
type FieldChangeResult {
field: [String]
new: String
old: String
type FieldData {
id: String!
label: [LocalizedString!]!
value: FieldValue!
type FieldValue {
booleanValue: Boolean
dateRangeValue: DateRange
dateValue: String
localizedStringValue: [LocalizedString!]
numberValue: Decimal
stringArrayValue: [String]
stringValue: String
type: String!
A folder or file. If it is a folder then it can contain other folders or files
type FileSystemEntry implements ISocialNode {
All the items inside the folder
where: WhereDocumentsChildrenInput
orderBy: OrderDocumentsInput
after: Cursor
first: Int
): FileSystemEntryConnection!
Amount of comments of the document's discussion
commentsCount: Int
When the file or folder is created (UTC)
created: DateTime!
The person that initially created the folder or file. Remark: can be null!
createdBy: SocialPerson
Matadata of the document, previews and actions urls
where: WhereDocumentPreviewMetadataInput
): PreviewMetaData
Url that forces a download. Only available for files, not folders. This is a security sensitive personal url and has a limited lifetime. Therefore it will only be set when retrieved through a node query.
downloadUrl: String
Url that can be used to edit a file in a local applicaton (for example in Office). Only available for files, not folders. This is a security sensitive personal url. Therefore it will only be set when retrieved through a node query. To open the file with for example local installed Word there needs to be some special handling in JavaScript. See for more info or contact the Social product team for an working example TypeScript file.
editUrl: String
If the item is a folder or file
fileSystemType: FileSystemType!
history(after: Cursor, first: Int): FileSystemEntryConnection!
id: ID!
Flag whether the current user has marked this file as favorite
isFavorite: Boolean!
If the file or folder is in the recycle bin
isRecycled: Boolean!
If the folder is a system folder which cannot be removed or renamed
isSystem: Boolean!
When the file or folder is last modified (UTC)
modified: DateTime
The person that did the last changes on the folder or file. Remark: can be null!
modifiedBy: SocialPerson
Name of the file or folder
name: String!
Url that opens a Microsoft Office file in Office Online so that it can be edited in the browser (should be opened in new browser tab).
officeOnlineUrl: String
Url that navigates to the original document location (e.g. OneDrive, SharePoint, etc.)
originalLocation: String
The Owner of the file. It returns SocialGroup if the file is a group file.
owner: ISocialDocumentOwner
Parent's Id if the file has a parent
parentId: ID
Relative path in document module. It is relative to the root of the group or user his documents.
path: String
permissions: SocialFileSystemEntryPermissions!
When the file or folder is recycled (UTC)
recycled: DateTime
The person that recycled the folder or file. Remark: can be null!
recycledBy: SocialPerson
Size of file in bytes
size: Int!
Document's tags
tags: [String]
version: String
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type FileSystemEntryConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [FileSystemEntryEdge]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [FileSystemEntry]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type FileSystemEntryEdge {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: FileSystemEntry
enum FileSystemType {
Item is a file
Item is a folder
type FileUploadRestrictionsResult {
allowedExtensions: [String]
maxAllowedFileSize: Int!
type FinancialOverview {
balance: Decimal!
hasArrears: Boolean!
hasBailiffCase: Boolean!
hasPaymentArrangement: Boolean!
type FlowState {
appointments: [FlowStateAppointment]
decisions: [Decision]
formSubmissions: [FormSubmission]
type FlowStateAppointment {
end: DateTime!
start: DateTime!
title: String
type FollowupQuestion implements INode {
answer: String!
children: [FollowupQuestion!]!
choice: String!
id: ID!
index: Int!
nextQuestion: String!
input FollowupQuestionInput {
answer: String
id: ID!
index: Int!
name: String
options: [FollowupQuestionInput]
question: String
type Form {
components: [IFormComponent!]!
id: ID!
tags: [String!]!
title: String
input FormDataInput {
key: String
value: String
type FormField {
areWeekendsDisabled: Boolean
defaultValue: String
descriptionKey: String
endDate: String
isCreatable: Boolean
isCreateable: Boolean @deprecated(reason: "Renamed to IsCreatable")
label: [LocalizedString!]
labelKey: String
maxRangeOfDays: Int
minRangeOfDays: Int
name: String!
placeholder: [LocalizedString!]
query: String
startDate: String
triggers: [String!]
type: String!
validationRules: [ValidationRule!]
values: [SelectValue!]
type FormSubmission {
title: String!
values: [FormSubmissionValue]
type FormSubmissionAddressValue {
city: String
country: String
houseNumber: Int!
houseNumberSuffix: String
street: String
zipCode: String
type FormSubmissionBooleanValue {
booleanValue: Boolean!
type FormSubmissionCollectionValue {
collectionValue: [String]
type FormSubmissionContactValue {
emailAddress: String
phoneNumber: String
type FormSubmissionContractTerminationValue {
finalInspectionTime: DateTime
initialInspectionTime: DateTime
terminationDate: DateTime!
type FormSubmissionDateTimeValue {
dateTimeValue: DateTime!
type FormSubmissionDecimalValue {
decimalValue: Decimal!
type FormSubmissionEmailAddressValue {
emailAddress: String
type FormSubmissionHousingAllocationRegistrationPartnerValue {
address: FormSubmissionAddressValue
birthDate: DateTime!
emailPartnerValue: String
firstName: String
gender: Gender!
insertion: String
lastName: String
mobile: String
phonePartnerValue: String
enum FormSubmissionHousingAllocationRegistrationTypeValue {
type FormSubmissionHousingAllocationRegistrationValue {
currentLivingSituation: String
emailValue: String
grossIncome: Int!
numberOfChildren: Int!
numberOfPeople: Int!
partnerInfo: FormSubmissionHousingAllocationRegistrationPartnerValue
phoneNumberValue: String
registrationType: FormSubmissionHousingAllocationRegistrationTypeValue!
type FormSubmissionIbanValue {
iban: String
type FormSubmissionIdinSignatureValue {
name: String
payload: String
signingDate: DateTime!
type FormSubmissionIdinValue {
signatures: [FormSubmissionIdinSignatureValue]
type FormSubmissionInternalConstantValue {
internalConstant: String
type FormSubmissionMediaValue {
mediaId: GUID!
@deprecated(reason: "Use MediaId2 instead of this one. It will be deleted.")
mediaId2: ID!
tag: String
type FormSubmissionNumberValue {
numberValue: Int!
type FormSubmissionPhoneNumberValue {
phoneNumber: String
type FormSubmissionServiceFundFieldResponseValue {
joinServiceFund: Boolean!
serviceFundDescription: String
serviceFundId: GUID!
serviceFundInitialCost: Decimal!
serviceFundMonthlyCost: Decimal!
serviceFundName: String
type FormSubmissionTextValue {
textValue: String
type FormSubmissionValue {
key: String
value: FormSubmissionValueUnionResult
union FormSubmissionValueUnionResult =
| FormSubmissionDateTimeValue
| FormSubmissionDecimalValue
| FormSubmissionNumberValue
| FormSubmissionBooleanValue
| FormSubmissionCollectionValue
| FormSubmissionContactValue
| FormSubmissionContractTerminationValue
| FormSubmissionAddressValue
| FormSubmissionPhoneNumberValue
| FormSubmissionEmailAddressValue
| FormSubmissionInternalConstantValue
| FormSubmissionIbanValue
| FormSubmissionIdinValue
| FormSubmissionHousingAllocationRegistrationValue
| FormSubmissionMediaValue
| FormSubmissionServiceFundFieldResponseValue
type FormViewState implements IViewState {
description: [LocalizedString!]!
fields: [FormField!]!
id: String!
type FunctionGroup implements INode {
colleagues: [Person!]
email: String!
id: ID!
phoneNumber: String!
thesaurusTags: [ThesaurusTag!]
title: String!
type FunctionGroupConnection {
edges: [FunctionGroupEdge]
items: [FunctionGroup!]
pageInfo: PageInfo!
totalCount: Int
type FunctionGroupEdge {
cursor: Cursor!
node: FunctionGroup!
enum Gender {
enum GenderInput {
type GeneralSettings {
accessibilitySettings: [SocialAccessibilitySetting]
animationSettings: [AnimationSettings]
Available languages for the environment. One of them is selected for the current user
languages: [Language]
Available interface themes
themes: [InterfaceTheme]
type GeographyAddress {
city: String
coordinates: GeographyCoordinates
houseNumber: Int
houseNumberSuffix: String
street: String
zipCode: String
type GeographyCoordinates {
latitude: Float!
longitude: Float!
enum GridHeightTypeEnum {
Auto @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Viewport @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
type GroupFacet {
facet: GroupFacetType!
values: [FacetValue]
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type GroupFacetConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [SocialGroupEdge]
facets: [GroupFacet]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [SocialGroup]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
First query with all facets that are needed with empty list of selected values. After that query with the ids of the selected values.
input GroupFacetInput {
facet: GroupFacetType!
Ids of selected values
values: [String]
enum GroupFacetType {
Managers of a group
The documents storage type of the group (possible values: EMBRACE, OFFICE365)
If it is a public or private group (possible values: PUBLIC, PRIVATE)
Tags that are connected to a group
If the current user is a member or not (possible values: MEMBER, NOMEMBER)
type GroupMemberInfo {
groupId: ID!
Not implemented yet
invitedBy: SocialPerson
When the user has visited the group in UTC.
lastVisit: DateTime
member: SocialPerson
memberId: ID!
membershipStatus: MembershipStatus!
When the user became member in UTC.
memberSince: DateTime
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type GroupMemberInfoEdge {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: GroupMemberInfo
type GroupMemberInfoFacet {
facet: SocialGroupMemberInfoFacetType!
values: [FacetValue]
type GroupMemberInfoFacetConnection {
edges: [GroupMemberInfoEdge]
facets: [GroupMemberInfoFacet]
items: [GroupMemberInfo]
pageInfo: PageInfo
totalCount: Int!
The 'Guid' scalar type global unique identifier
scalar Guid
Globally Unique Identifier.
scalar GUID
type HousingAccessibility implements HousingNode {
id: ID!
name: String
type HousingAccountability {
address: HousingAddress
Allocation process
allocationProcess: HousingAllocationProcess
Assignment date
assignmentDate: DateTimeOffset
Number of responses
numberOfResponses: Int
position: Int
reason: String
slug: HousingSlug
url: HousingUrl @deprecated(reason: "Use slug field instead")
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type HousingAccountabilityConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [HousingAccountabilityEdge]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [HousingAccountability]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type HousingAccountabilityEdge {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: HousingAccountability
Input type for getting accountability list
input HousingAccountabilityListOrder {
Sort ascending
sortAscending: Boolean!
Sort by address
sortByAddress: Boolean!
Output type for list of accountability items
type HousingAccountabilityListOutput implements IResult {
Accountability list
accountabilityList: HousingAccountabilityConnection
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): HousingAccountabilityConnection
List of user errors
userErrors: [HousingUserError]
List of user warnings
userWarnings: [HousingUserWarning]
type HousingAddress {
Get or sets AddressLine
addressLine: String
Get or sets City
city: String
Get or sets 2-letter Country ISO code
country: String
Get or sets FullAddressLine
fullAddressLine: String
Get or sets HouseNumber
houseNumber: Int!
Get or sets HouseNumberExtension
houseNumberExtension: String
Get or sets HouseNumberLetter
houseNumberLetter: String
Get or sets Lines
lines: String
Get or sets Street
street: String
Get or sets Type
type: HousingAddressType!
Get or sets ZipCode
zipCode: String
Create InputType for an address
input HousingAddressCreateInput {
Get or sets AddressLine
addressLine: String
Get or sets City
city: String!
Get or sets 2-letter Country ISO code
country: String
Get or sets HouseNumber
houseNumber: Int!
Get or sets HouseNumberExtension
houseNumberExtension: String
Get or sets HouseNumberLetter
houseNumberLetter: String
Get or sets Lines
lines: String
Get or sets SameAsPrimary
sameAsPrimary: Boolean
Get or sets Street
street: String!
Get or sets Type
type: HousingAddressType
Get or sets ZipCode
zipCode: String!
Input type used for the ZipCodeFromLatLng lookup
input HousingAddressFromLatLngInput {
latitude: Float!
longitude: Float!
Address type
enum HousingAddressType {
Home address type
Postal address type
Create InputType for an address
input HousingAddressUpdateInput {
Get or sets AddressLine
addressLine: String
Get or sets City
city: String!
Get or sets 2-letter Country ISO code
country: String
Get or sets HouseNumber
houseNumber: Int!
Get or sets HouseNumberExtension
houseNumberExtension: String
Get or sets HouseNumberLetter
houseNumberLetter: String
Get or sets Lines
lines: String
Get or sets SameAsPrimary
sameAsPrimary: Boolean
Get or sets Street
street: String!
Get or sets Type
type: HousingAddressType
Get or sets ZipCode
zipCode: String!
Named group of age category
type HousingAgeGroup implements HousingNode {
id: ID!
name: String
Allocation process
type HousingAllocationProcess implements HousingNode {
description: String
id: ID!
name: String
type HousingAllocationRegistrationField implements IFormComponent {
component: String
currentLivingSituationFieldName: String
grossIncomeFieldName: String
id: ID!
index: Int!
label: String
numberOfChildrenFieldName: String
numberOfPeopleFieldName: String
partnerAddressCityFieldName: String
partnerAddressHouseNumberFieldName: String
partnerAddressHouseNumberSuffixFieldName: String
partnerAddressStreetFieldName: String
partnerAddressZipCodeFieldName: String
partnerBirthDateFieldName: String
partnerEmailFieldName: String
partnerFirstNameFieldName: String
partnerGenderFieldName: String
partnerInsertionFieldName: String
partnerLastNameFieldName: String
partnerMobileFieldName: String
partnerPhoneFieldName: String
registrationTypeFieldName: String
required: Boolean!
tag: String
Configuration of what happens for each Household (Allotment)
type HousingAllotment implements HousingNode {
action: HousingAllotmentAction!
group: HousingAllotmentGroup
id: ID!
Pricing category
pricingCategory: HousingAllotmentPricingCategory
Determines what needs to happen for the affected Households. VOORRANG GEEN_VOORRANG UITSLUITING (Label)
enum HousingAllotmentAction {
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type HousingAllotmentConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [HousingAllotmentEdge]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [HousingAllotment]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type HousingAllotmentEdge {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: HousingAllotment
A subset of Households based on their family composition and income
type HousingAllotmentGroup implements HousingNode {
deleted: Boolean!
households: HousingAllotmentHouseholdConnection
id: ID!
name: String
Qualified family composition and household income
type HousingAllotmentHousehold implements HousingNode {
age: HousingAgeGroup
deleted: Boolean!
id: ID!
income: HousingAllotmentMoneyRangeConnection
max: Int!
min: Int!
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type HousingAllotmentHouseholdConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [HousingAllotmentHouseholdEdge]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [HousingAllotmentHousehold]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type HousingAllotmentHouseholdEdge {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: HousingAllotmentHousehold
Qualified (money) ranges, there is always one active (newest startDate)
type HousingAllotmentMoneyRange implements HousingNode {
deleted: Boolean!
id: ID!
Max value
max: Float!
Min value
min: Float!
Start date
startDate: DateTimeOffset!
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type HousingAllotmentMoneyRangeConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [HousingAllotmentMoneyRangeEdge]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [HousingAllotmentMoneyRange]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type HousingAllotmentMoneyRangeEdge {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: HousingAllotmentMoneyRange
Unit pricing group, price is monthly
type HousingAllotmentPricingCategory implements HousingNode {
deleted: Boolean!
id: ID!
name: String
pricing: HousingAllotmentMoneyRangeConnection
Applicant of a Unit this is needed to keep the state of a response OR a mediation process (no publication is made in that situation)
type HousingApplicant implements IHousingApplicant & HousingNode {
AcceptBefore date
acceptBefore: DateTimeOffset
Allocation chance (lottery)
allocationChance: Float
Applicant priority (lottery)
applicantPriority: HousingApplicantPriority
Application on a publication.
application: HousingApplication
Checked income
checkedIncome: Int
File checked
fileChecked: Boolean
Frontend applicant state
frontendApplicantState: HousingFrontendApplicantState
household: HousingHousehold
id: ID!
Interest state
interestState: HousingApplicantInterestState
Memo for this applicant
memo: String
Number of applicants with higher priority (lottery)
numberOfApplicantsWithHigherPriority: Int
Number of applicants in your group (lottery)
numberOfOtherApplicantsInYourGroup: Int
Refuse fine
refuseFine: Int
Refuse reason
refuseReason: IUnitReason
state: HousingApplicantState
Applicant state history
stateHistory: [HousingApplicantStateHistory]
State remarks
stateRemarks: String
Types of applicant filters.
enum HousingApplicantFilter {
Active applications
All applicants, no filter
Closed applications
Pending applications
The interest state for an applicant
enum HousingApplicantInterestState {
Not interested
Waiting on response
The applicant items for the user
type HousingApplicantItem implements IHousingUserItem & HousingNode {
active: Boolean!
address: HousingAddress
applicantStateCode: HousingApplicantStateCode!
Possible deadline
deadline: DateTimeOffset
id: ID!
important: Boolean!
slug: HousingSlug
type: HousingUserItemType!
url: HousingUrl @deprecated(reason: "Use slug field instead")
type HousingApplicantNotification implements IHousingNotification {
address: HousingAddress
Applicant id
applicantId: ID!
deadline: DateTimeOffset
invitation: HousingInvitation
Is applicant directly assigned
isAssignedApplicant: Boolean!
Last update
mutationDate: DateTimeOffset!
Photo URL
photoUrl: HousingUrl
slug: HousingSlug
status: HousingApplicantStateCode!
url: HousingUrl @deprecated(reason: "Use slug field instead")
Applicant priority within all applications of one publication
enum HousingApplicantPriority {
Applicant can't apply to this publication
Applicant does not have priority
Applicant has priority
There are no priorities
enum HousingApplicantsOrder {
type HousingApplicantsOutput implements IResult {
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): IHousingApplicantConnection
List of user errors
userErrors: [HousingUserError]
List of user warnings
userWarnings: [HousingUserWarning]
type HousingApplicantSpecific {
Allocation chance (lottery)
allocationChance: Float
allocationRanking: Int
Applicant Id
applicantId: ID
Applicant priority (lottery)
applicantPriority: HousingApplicantPriority
Is 100 percent match
is100PercentMatch: Boolean!
Living preference score
livingPreferenceScore: Int!
Number of applicants with higher priority (lottery)
numberOfApplicantsWithHigherPriority: Int
Number of applicants in your group (lottery)
numberOfOtherApplicantsInYourGroup: Int
Quick view match with points
quickViewMatchWithPoints: String
Quick view miss match with points
quickViewMisMatchWithPoints: String
sortingGroup: HousingSortingGroup
Applicant state
type HousingApplicantState implements HousingNode {
Description about this state in certain cases why this state is applied (rejection/refusal etc)
description: String
id: ID!
invitation: HousingInvitation
manager: HousingContact
Mutation date
mutationDate: HousingConfigurableDateTime
name: String
What are the actions you can do with this applicant/Response
possibleAction: HousingApplicantStateAction!
progressPercentage: Int!
stateCode: HousingApplicantStateCode!
TODO: comment
enum HousingApplicantStateAction {
The applicant is currently in a state that the unit can't be offered but it is possible to change this through some action
No action can be taken at this time example: applicant has a running offer on a other Unit
The are currently no reasons the Unit can't be offered to the applicant
The are currently no reasons the Unit can't be offered to the applicant, AND the applicant is selected to be offered the Unit
The Applicant state as an Enum version
enum HousingApplicantStateCode {
Accepted tentatively
Awaiting contract
Definitive added to list
Definitive rejection
Excluded after changing income
Expired interest invite
Final results
Group offer refused by unit seeker
Group offer refused without an offer
Group offer rejected by back office user
Group visit refused by unit seeker
Group visit refused without an offer
In progress
Interest after interest invite
Invited to check for interest
Invited to group visit
INVITED_TO_GROUP_INVITE @deprecated(reason: "Use InvitedToGroupVisit instead")
Invited to group offer
Invited to group visit
Invited to intake
Offer accepted
Offer refused by unit seeker
Offer rejected by back office user
Publication withdrawn
Refused interest invite
Removed by back office user
Removed by unit seeker
Rental contract not signed
Selected from list
Unit accepted
Unit offered
Waiting for response
Historical applicant state information
type HousingApplicantStateHistory {
The date and time of the change of the state
dateTime: DateTimeOffset!
Historical applicant state
state: HousingApplicantState
Response on a publication. Everything in this should be locked at the moment the allocation is determent it can change during the runtime of a publication
type HousingApplication implements HousingNode {
Allocation ranking
allocationRanking: Int
Historically this information was one with the application but it shouldn't be as this is only active when then Unit is actually offered in someway to the Household this should hold all the allocation proccess states
applicant: HousingApplicant
Application date
applicationDate: DateTimeOffset!
RejectId the reason why an application is not taken with the final selection of applications
criteriaRejectReason: String
id: ID!
publication: HousingPublication
Refuse reason
refuseReason: IUnitReason
Response unit label
responseUnitLabel: String
slug: HousingSlug
The current state of the application if the is a active applicant for this response it will be the same
state: HousingApplicantState
url: HousingUrl @deprecated(reason: "Use slug instead")
Input type used for the HousingApplicationInput lookup
input HousingApplicationInput {
applicantId: ID!
Output type for the apply to unit check query/mutation
type HousingApplyOutput implements IResult {
Is applying allowed?
canApply: Boolean!
description: String
state: HousingApplyState!
List of user errors
userErrors: [HousingUserError]
List of user warnings
userWarnings: [HousingUserWarning]
The state for the application, describes if a seeker can apply
enum HousingApplyState {
Application date expired
Duplicate was found
Generic error occured
Internal server error occured
Max amount of applications reached
No correct sex
No PhD students label
No registration for other objects
No registration for private sector homes
No registration for rental housing
No registration for student homes
No tenant
No transitional arrangement
No youth discount
House is not for PhD students
Application was not allowed
Application is not allowed in this academic year
Age is not correct
Age is not correct for student homes
Not fitting
Publication is not for a single person
Publication is not for two people
Ok but not fitting
Publication is not active yet
Registration is incomplete
Registration needs update
Search profile is not matching
Search profile is not present
User was not found
Validation error
Assigned applicant
type HousingAssignedApplicant implements IHousingApplicant & HousingNode {
application on a publication.
application: HousingApplication
Checked income
checkedIncome: Int
File checked
fileChecked: Boolean
household: HousingHousehold
id: ID!
Memo for this applicant
memo: String
Refuse fine
refuseFine: Int
Refuse reason
refuseReason: IUnitReason
state: HousingApplicantState
Applicant state history
stateHistory: [HousingApplicantStateHistory]
State remarks
stateRemarks: String
unit: HousingAssignedUnit
An unit that is directly assigned
type HousingAssignedUnit implements HousingNode {
id: ID!
location: HousingLocation
photos(size: HousingMediaSize): HousingMediaConnection
Input type used for the Media lookup
input HousingAttachmentInput {
AttachmentTypeId represents the id of the attachment type
attachmentTypeId: ID!
Guid of the document that should be downloaded from the remote media handler
documentGuid: String
The node id of the housing node
housingNodeId: ID!
The attachment of the document
type HousingAttachmentType implements HousingNode {
id: ID!
Attic accessibility
type HousingAtticAccessibility implements HousingNode {
id: ID!
name: String
Abstraction to define any audit data. This data could then be presented as a single list, or in a unified matter.
interface HousingAudit {
Time of the change.
date: DateTimeOffset!
Get or sets Entity
entity: String
Get or sets Field
field: String
Get or sets Id
id: ID!
Get or sets NewValue
newValue: String
Get or sets OldValue
oldValue: String
Get or sets Operation
operation: HousingAuditOperation!
Id of the instance that was changed.
originId: String
Person who comitted the change.
user: HousingCommonPerson
Abstraction to define any audit data. This data could then be presented as a single list, or in a unified matter. interface IAudit { id: ID! date: DateTime! user: Person originId: String entity: String field: String operation: AuditOperation oldValue: String newValue: String
enum HousingAuditOperation {
type HousingAvailableFor implements HousingNode {
id: ID!
name: String
Base-type for avatars and header/banner images
type HousingAvatar {
Get or sets ExternalUrl
externalUrl: HousingUrl
Get or sets Id
id: String
type HousingBalcony implements HousingNode {
id: ID!
name: String
Bicycle Storage
type HousingBicycleStorage implements HousingNode {
id: ID!
name: String
type HousingBlockade implements HousingNode {
End date
endDate: DateTimeOffset
id: ID!
Start date
startDate: DateTimeOffset
text: String
type: HousingBlockadeType!
Unit refuse reason id
unitRefuseReasonId: Int!
Indicates that a person and or registration should (not) be banned from certain actions or features.
enum HousingBlockadeType {
No show
No show not lottery
Not sign lease contract
Refusal not lottery
Base class for OutputTypes used by the actual GraphQL queries and mutations
type HousingBooleanOutput implements IResult {
List of user errors
userErrors: [HousingUserError]
List of user warnings
userWarnings: [HousingUserWarning]
value: Boolean!
what kind of Central Heating is available(CV)
type HousingCentralHeating implements HousingNode {
id: ID!
name: String
type HousingCity implements HousingNode {
CmsId the id the cms uses to get the correct description
cmsId: String
id: ID!
municipality: HousingMunicipality
name: String
Part of the city
type HousingCityPart implements HousingNode {
city: HousingCity
id: ID!
municipality: HousingMunicipality
name: String
Code for purchase mode
type HousingCodePurchaseMode implements HousingNode {
id: ID!
name: String
HousingCommonPerson Output type
type HousingCommonPerson implements HousingNode {
Get or sets ContactDetails
contactDetails: HousingContactDetails
Made this one nullable, Social has this as an optional field on a profile
dateOfBirth: HousingDate
Get or sets DateOfDeath
dateOfDeath: HousingDate
Get or sets FirstName
firstName: String
Get or sets FullName
fullName: String
Get or sets Gender
gender: HousingGenderEnum!
Get or sets Id
id: ID!
Get or sets Initials
initials: String
Get or sets LastName
lastName: String
Get or sets LastNamePrefix
lastNamePrefix: String
A boolean condition for the config file
type HousingConfigBoolCondition implements IHousingConfigCondition {
condition: HousingConfigCondition!
Field identifier
field: String
String values
stringValues: [String]
values: [Boolean!]
Types of Config conditions.
enum HousingConfigCondition {
A string condition for the config file
type HousingConfigDateTimeOffsetCondition implements IHousingConfigCondition {
condition: HousingConfigCondition!
Field identifier
field: String
String values
stringValues: [String]
values: [DateTimeOffset!]
A Date validation for the config file
type HousingConfigDateValidator implements IHousingConfigValidator {
Validator type
type: HousingConfigValidatorType!
value: DateTimeOffset!
A ExtraRegistrationQuestionType condition for the config file
type HousingConfigExtraRegistrationQuestionTypeCondition implements IHousingConfigCondition {
condition: HousingConfigCondition!
Field identifier
field: String
String values
stringValues: [String]
values: [HousingExtraRegistrationQuestionType!]
A config setting concerning a certain field
type HousingConfigField {
Config conditions are used when certain settings are dependent on an other value, they should become active as soon as all conditions are met
conditions: [IHousingConfigCondition]
Is the field disabled
disabled: Boolean!
Field identifier
field: String
Maximum of characters allowed
maxLength: Int
Is the field required
required: Boolean!
Is the field required
validators: [IHousingConfigValidator]
Is the field visible
visible: Boolean!
A integer condition for the config file
type HousingConfigIntCondition implements IHousingConfigCondition {
condition: HousingConfigCondition!
Field identifier
field: String
String values
stringValues: [String]
values: [Int!]
A Int validation for the config file
type HousingConfigIntValidator implements IHousingConfigValidator {
Validator type
type: HousingConfigValidatorType!
value: Int!
A ConfigPaymentType condition for the config file
type HousingConfigPaymentTypeCondition implements IHousingConfigCondition {
condition: HousingConfigCondition!
Field identifier
field: String
String values
stringValues: [String]
values: [HousingPaymentMethods!]
A phone number condition for the config file
type HousingConfigPhoneNumberTypeCondition implements IHousingConfigCondition {
condition: HousingConfigCondition!
Field identifier
field: String
String values
stringValues: [String]
values: [HousingPhoneNumberType!]
A ProspectTenantType condition for the config file
type HousingConfigProspectTenantTypeCondition implements IHousingConfigCondition {
condition: HousingConfigCondition!
Field identifier
field: String
String values
stringValues: [String]
values: [HousingProspectTenantType!]
Config regex validator
type HousingConfigRegexValidator implements IHousingConfigValidator {
errorMessage: HousingLocalizedString
Validator type
type: HousingConfigValidatorType!
value: HousingRegex
A RegistrationType condition for the config file
type HousingConfigRegistrationTypeCondition implements IHousingConfigCondition {
condition: HousingConfigCondition!
Field identifier
field: String
String values
stringValues: [String]
values: [String]
A string condition for the config file
type HousingConfigStringCondition implements IHousingConfigCondition {
condition: HousingConfigCondition!
Field identifier
field: String
String values
stringValues: [String]
values: [String]
Configurable boolean
type HousingConfigurableBoolean implements IConfigurableBaseType {
required: Boolean!
value: Boolean!
visible: Boolean!
Configurable date time
type HousingConfigurableDateTime implements IConfigurableBaseType {
maxValue: DateTimeOffset
minValue: DateTimeOffset
required: Boolean!
value: DateTimeOffset
visible: Boolean!
Configurable integer
type HousingConfigurableInt implements IConfigurableBaseType {
maxValue: Int!
minValue: Int!
required: Boolean!
value: Int!
visible: Boolean!
Configurable string
type HousingConfigurableString implements IConfigurableBaseType {
required: Boolean!
value: String
visible: Boolean!
Types of validation.
enum HousingConfigValidatorType {
TODO: comment
interface HousingContact {
Get or sets Avatar
avatar: HousingAvatar
Get or sets ContactDetails
contactDetails: HousingContactDetails
Get or sets FullName
fullName: String
Get or sets Id
id: ID!
Contact details
type HousingContactDetails {
The first (index 0) is the primary
addresses: [HousingAddress]
The first (index 0) is the primary
emailAddresses: [HousingContactEmailAddress]
The first (index 0) is the primary
phoneNumbers: [HousingContactPhoneNumber]
Create InputType for contact details
input HousingContactDetailsCreateInput {
The first (index 0) is the primary
addresses: [HousingAddressCreateInput]
The first (index 0) is the primary
emailAddresses: [HousingContactEmailAddressCreateInput]
The first (index 0) is the primary
phoneNumbers: [HousingContactPhoneNumberCreateInput]
Create InputType for contact details
input HousingContactDetailsUpdateInput {
The first (index 0) is the primary
addresses: [HousingAddressUpdateInput]
The first (index 0) is the primary
emailAddresses: [HousingContactEmailAddressUpdateInput]
The first (index 0) is the primary
phoneNumbers: [HousingContactPhoneNumberUpdateInput]
Contact email address
type HousingContactEmailAddress {
Get or sets Email
email: HousingEmailAddress
Get or sets Type
type: HousingEmailAddressType!
Create InputType for a contact email address
input HousingContactEmailAddressCreateInput {
Get or sets Email
email: String!
Get or sets Type
type: HousingEmailAddressType
Create InputType for a contact email address
input HousingContactEmailAddressUpdateInput {
Get or sets Email
email: String!
Get or sets Type
type: HousingEmailAddressType
TODO: comment
type HousingContactPhoneNumber {
Get or sets Description
description: String
Get or sets Number
number: HousingPhoneNumber
This is the original phonenumber, the raw string from the backend system
raw: String
Get or sets Type
type: HousingPhoneNumberType!
If this number is public or unlisted, private
unlisted: Boolean!
Create InputType for contact phone number
input HousingContactPhoneNumberCreateInput {
Get or sets Number
number: String!
Get or sets Type
type: HousingPhoneNumberType
Create InputType for contact phone number
input HousingContactPhoneNumberUpdateInput {
Get or sets Number
number: String!
Get or sets Type
type: HousingPhoneNumberType
Corporation location
type HousingCorporationLocation implements HousingNode {
id: ID!
name: String
Correspondence template
type HousingCorrespondenceTemplate implements HousingNode {
customFields: [HousingCorrespondenceTemplateCustomField]
id: ID!
name: String
type: HousingCorrespondenceType!
Correspondence template custom field
type HousingCorrespondenceTemplateCustomField implements HousingNode {
id: ID!
TODO: comment
enum HousingCorrespondenceType {
type HousingCountriesOutput implements IResult {
countries: [HousingCountry]
List of user errors
userErrors: [HousingUserError]
List of user warnings
userWarnings: [HousingUserWarning]
type HousingCountry implements HousingNode {
id: ID!
iso: String
name: String
Input type for credentials creation
input HousingCredentialsCreateInput {
password: String!
The HousingDate scalar type represents a dateformatted using ISO standard: `yyyy-MM-dd`.
type HousingDate {
ISO formatted date `yyyy-MM-ddT00:00` (e. g. 2021-01-26T00:00).
dateTimeValue: DateTime
ISO formatted date `yyyy-MM-dd` (e. g. 2021-01-26).
value: String
The HousingDate scalar type represents a date. HousingDate expects 'Value' property formatted using ISO standard: `yyyy-MM-dd`.
input HousingDateInput {
formatted date `yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ`
dateTimeValue: DateTime
ISO formatted date `yyyy-MM-dd` (e. g. 2021-01-26).
value: String
type HousingDistrict implements HousingNode {
city: HousingCity
Part of the city
cityPart: HousingCityPart
CmsId the id the cms uses to get the correct description
cmsId: String
id: ID!
municipality: HousingMunicipality
name: String
Educational Institution
type HousingEducationalInstitution implements HousingNode {
id: ID!
name: String
Prospect tenant type
prospectTenantType: HousingProspectTenantType!
Output type for educational institutions
type HousingEducationalInstitutionOutput implements IResult {
List of educational institutions
educationalInstitutions: [HousingEducationalInstitution]
List of user errors
userErrors: [HousingUserError]
List of user warnings
userWarnings: [HousingUserWarning]
type HousingEmailAddress {
value: String
Email address type
enum HousingEmailAddressType {
What kind of outdoor space is available
type HousingEnergyRating implements HousingNode {
id: ID!
index: Float!
name: String
Estate agent
type HousingEstateAgent implements HousingNode {
id: ID!
name: String
url: HousingUrl
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type HousingEstateAgentConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [HousingEstateAgentEdge]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [HousingEstateAgent]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type HousingEstateAgentEdge {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: HousingEstateAgent
Preferred ordering of these elements
type HousingExtendedProperty implements IExtendedProperty & HousingNode {
Tooltip text for the end-user.
description: String
id: ID!
items: HousingExtendedPropertyItemConnection
The internal name.
name: String
Preferred ordering of these elements.
sequence: Int!
The label text.
title: String
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type HousingExtendedPropertyConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [HousingExtendedPropertyEdge]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [HousingExtendedProperty]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type HousingExtendedPropertyEdge {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: HousingExtendedProperty
Extended property item
type HousingExtendedPropertyItem implements IExtendedProperty & HousingNode {
Tooltip text for the end-user.
description: String
Groups related items.
groupName: String
id: ID!
The internal name.
name: String
options: HousingExtendedPropertyOptionConnection
Preferred ordering of these elements.
sequence: Int!
The label text.
title: String
type: HousingExtendedPropertyItemType!
Value of selected option(s) or text input.
value: String
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type HousingExtendedPropertyItemConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [HousingExtendedPropertyItemEdge]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [HousingExtendedPropertyItem]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type HousingExtendedPropertyItemEdge {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: HousingExtendedPropertyItem
These have underlying options: RANGE MULTISELECT SINGLESELECT
enum HousingExtendedPropertyItemType {
Extended property option
type HousingExtendedPropertyOption implements IExtendedProperty & HousingNode {
Help text for the end-user.
description: String
id: ID!
The internal name.
name: String
When an option is selected, there can be additional related items
nestedItems: HousingExtendedPropertyItemConnection
Represents the current or default value(s), for RANGE the minimum and maximum should be selected and all in between is ignored.
selected: Boolean!
Preferred ordering of these options.
sequence: Int!
The label text.
title: String
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type HousingExtendedPropertyOptionConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [HousingExtendedPropertyOptionEdge]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [HousingExtendedPropertyOption]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type HousingExtendedPropertyOptionEdge {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: HousingExtendedPropertyOption
Base interface for IHousingExtraRegistrationQuestion classes
input HousingExtraRegistrationQuestionInput {
Get or sets Id
id: ID!
Gets or sets Value
value: Boolean
HousingExtraRegistrationQuestion item specific for RotterdamLaw Article 8
type HousingExtraRegistrationQuestionRotterdamLawArt8 implements IHousingExtraRegistrationQuestion & HousingNode {
Gets or sets Description
description: String
Get or sets Id
id: ID!
Gets or sets Name
name: String
Gets or sets Type
type: HousingExtraRegistrationQuestionType!
Gets or sets Value
value: Boolean
HousingExtraRegistrationQuestion item specific for RotterdamLaw Article 9
type HousingExtraRegistrationQuestionRotterdamLawArt9 implements IHousingExtraRegistrationQuestion & HousingNode {
Gets or sets Description
description: String
Get or sets Id
id: ID!
Gets or sets Name
name: String
Gets or sets Type
type: HousingExtraRegistrationQuestionType!
Gets or sets Value
value: Boolean
HousingExtraRegistrationQuestion type.
enum HousingExtraRegistrationQuestionType {
RotterdamLaw Article 8
RotterdamLaw Article 9
type HousingFile implements HousingNode {
When the file was created
createdDate: DateTimeOffset!
description: String
id: ID!
name: String
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type HousingFileConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [HousingFileEdge]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [HousingFile]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type HousingFileEdge {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: HousingFile
Input type for file upload information
input HousingFileInput {
Guid of the document that should be downloaded from the remote media handler
documentGuid: String
FileTypeId represents the id of the file type
fileTypeId: ID!
The node id of the housing node
housingNodeId: ID!
HousingFiles Output
type HousingFilesOutput implements IResult {
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): HousingFileConnection
List of user errors
userErrors: [HousingUserError]
List of user warnings
userWarnings: [HousingUserWarning]
The filetype of the document
type HousingFileType implements HousingNode {
id: ID!
type HousingFilter implements HousingNode {
id: ID!
Filter items
items: [IHousingFilterItem]
type: HousingFilterType!
Input type for filter operator on booleans
input HousingFilterOperatorBool {
eq: Boolean!
Input type for filter operators on integer
input HousingFilterOperatorInt {
Equal to value
eq: Int
Greater than value
gt: Int
Greater than or equal to value
gte: Int
Less than value
lt: Int
Less than or equal to value
lte: Int
Input type for filter operator on strings
input HousingFilterOperatorString {
contains: String
eq: String
type HousingFiltersOutput implements IResult {
filters: [HousingFilter]
List of user errors
userErrors: [HousingUserError]
List of user warnings
userWarnings: [HousingUserWarning]
Types of filters.
enum HousingFilterType {
type HousingFloor implements HousingNode {
id: ID!
name: String
type HousingFlooring implements HousingNode {
id: ID!
name: String
Applicant actioncode indicating actiontypes that can be used for an applicant in the frontend
enum HousingFrontendApplicantActionCode {
Accept unit
Decline invitation
Download invitation information (iCal)
Interested in the unit
Not interested in the unit
Refuse unit
Remove active application
Upload files
Information about the applicat state, to be used in frontend
type HousingFrontendApplicantState implements HousingNode {
Description of the frontend state
description: String
A list with frontend actions that are available to this applicant
frontendApplicantStateActions: [IHousingFrontendApplicantStateActionBase]
id: ID!
mutationDate: DateTime
Name of the frontend state
name: String
progressPercentage: Int!
StateCode to indicate what frontend state the applicant currently has
stateCode: HousingFrontendApplicantStateCode!
General frontend applicant state action
type HousingFrontendApplicantStateAction implements IHousingFrontendApplicantStateActionBase & HousingNode {
ActionCode to indicate the type of frontend action
actionCode: HousingFrontendApplicantActionCode!
Description of the frontend action
description: String
id: ID!
Name of the frontend action
name: String
Applicant statecode as used in the frontend
enum HousingFrontendApplicantStateCode {
Applicant has applied to active publication
Corporation waiting for unit acceptance by applicant
Rental contract is being created
Invited for interest poll
Rental contract is not signed
Rental contract is signed
Someone else got the unit
Waiting for response during group offer
Unit will be offered to first in group offer
Waiting for response after group visit
Invited for group visit
Unit will be offered to first in group visit
Applicant invited to intake
Applicant on list for intake advance notice
Applicant is current candidate for intake advance notice
Applicant is interested in the unit
Applicant has not replied to interest poll before closing date
Applicant has applied, and publication closing dat has passed
Unit was refused by applicant
Applicant was rejected by corporation
Upload of files before offer
Required files have been uploaded before offer
Frontend applicant state action meant for downloading invitation information
type HousingFrontendApplicantStateInvitationAction implements IHousingFrontendApplicantStateActionBase & HousingNode {
ActionCode to indicate the type of frontend action
actionCode: HousingFrontendApplicantActionCode!
Description of the frontend action
description: String
id: ID!
Invitation for this action
invitation: HousingInvitation
Name of the frontend action
name: String
Frontend applicant state action meant for uploading files
type HousingFrontendApplicantStateUploadAction implements IHousingFrontendApplicantStateActionBase & HousingNode {
ActionCode to indicate the type of frontend action
actionCode: HousingFrontendApplicantActionCode!
Description of the frontend action
description: String
id: ID!
Name of the frontend action
name: String
List of required upload types
uploadFileTypes: [HousingUploadFileType]
type HousingGarden implements HousingNode {
id: ID!
name: String
type HousingGender {
value: String
A person's gender
enum HousingGenderEnum {
The latitude/longitude
type HousingGeoPosition {
latitude: Float!
longitude: Float!
Health check import type
input HousingHealthCheckInput {
password: String!
To email address
toEmailAddress: String!
A UnitSeeker subscribes as a group of UnitSeekers. The group (Household) can register (registration) for Unit Types. e.g. House or Garage.
type HousingHousehold {
active: Boolean!
Blockade expired
blockadeExpired: String
blockades: [HousingBlockade]
comments: String
contact: HousingHouseholdContact
Created date
createdDate: DateTimeOffset!
deleted: Boolean!
Deleted date
deletedDate: DateTimeOffset
Deleted version
deletedVersion: String
Expired date
expireDate: DateTimeOffset!
Household income
householdIncome: Int!
labels: [HousingLabel]
Number of children
numberOfChildren: Int!
Number of others
numberOfOthers: Int!
Number of people
numberOfPeople: Int!
Number of refusals
numberOfRefusals: Int!
Payment mediation
paymentMediation: Int!
penalty: Int!
Previous registration id
previousRegistrationId: String
roles: [HousingRole]
Unit seekers
unitSeekers: [HousingPerson]
Updated date
updatedDate: DateTimeOffset
Household contract
type HousingHouseholdContact {
gender: HousingGender
initials: String
Last name
lastname: String
Last name prefix
lastNamePrefix: String
Phone number
phoneNumber: HousingPhoneNumber
relation: String
A UnitSeeker subscribes as a group of UnitSeekers. The group (Household) can register (registration) for Unit Types. e.g. House or Garage.
input HousingHouseholdCreateInput {
UnitSeekers only one PRIMARY type Unitseeker can/must be present
unitSeekers: [HousingPersonCreateInput]
Household registration
type HousingHouseholdRegistration implements HousingNode {
Extension needed
extensionNeeded: Boolean
household: HousingHousehold
id: ID!
Registration number
registrationNumber: Int!
List of current registration statuses
registrationStatuses: [HousingRegistrationStatus]
Registration type
registrationTypes: [HousingRegistrationType]
@deprecated(reason: "Use Types field instead")
types: [HousingRegistrationType]
Update needed
updateNeeded: Boolean
Input type for household registration creation
input HousingHouseholdRegistrationCreateInput {
household: HousingHouseholdCreateInput
Payment options
paymentOptions: HousingPaymentOptionsInput
Registration type
registrationTypes: [HousingRegistrationTypeEnum!]
Registration types
types: [HousingRegistrationTypeInput]
Household registration output
type HousingHouseholdRegistrationOutput implements IResult {
node: HousingHouseholdRegistration
List of user errors
userErrors: [HousingUserError]
List of user warnings
userWarnings: [HousingUserWarning]
Input for household registration update
input HousingHouseholdRegistrationUpdateInput {
household: HousingHouseholdUpdateInput
Payment options
paymentOptions: HousingPaymentOptionsInput
Registration type
registrationTypes: [HousingRegistrationTypeEnum!]
Registration types
types: [HousingRegistrationTypeInput]
A UnitSeeker subscribes as a group of UnitSeekers. The group (Household) can register (registration) for Unit Types. e.g. House or Garage.
input HousingHouseholdUpdateInput {
UnitSeekers only one PRIMARY type unit seeker can/must be present
unitSeekers: [HousingPersonUpdateInput]
Input type for importing users
input HousingImportUserInput {
Number of batches
numberOfBatches: Int
Number of users per batch
numberOfUsersPerBatch: Int
password: String!
Import only accounts with provided emails
specificEmailsOnly: [String]
To email address
toEmailAddress: String!
Input type for the income inflation correction
input HousingIncomeInflationCorrectionInput {
income: Int!
incomeYear: Int!
Output for income inflation correction
type HousingIncomeInflationCorrectionOutput implements IResult {
correctedIncome: Int!
List of user errors
userErrors: [HousingUserError]
List of user warnings
userWarnings: [HousingUserWarning]
a type to be able to have either min/max value or an exact value or even both without replicating the same property thus having the same naming conventions for these structures everytime. Used for new development units to declare these in ranges.
type HousingIntMinMaxValue {
The exact value
exact: Int!
Max value
max: Int!
Min value
min: Int!
The invitation for a certain HousingApplicantState
type HousingInvitation {
Acceptance date
acceptanceDate: HousingConfigurableDateTime
Base64 encoded string with the information needed for the ICalendar
ical: String
Planned meeting end date
plannedMeetingEndDate: HousingConfigurableDateTime
Planned meeting start date
plannedMeetingStartDate: HousingConfigurableDateTime
refused: Boolean @deprecated(reason: "Use RSVP instead")
The reason why an applicant refused the unit
refuseUnitReason: String
The RSVP status of the invitation
rSVP: HousingInvitationRsvp!
RSVP status of an invitatation
enum HousingInvitationRsvp {
Skip reason
Reject reason
Refusal reason
type HousingKitchen implements HousingNode {
id: ID!
name: String
A label represents a custom property and can be appended to any object. (label/urgent/signalizing/blocking)
type HousingLabel implements HousingNode {
Application date
applicationDate: DateTimeOffset
Creation date
creationDate: DateTimeOffset!
End date
endDate: DateTimeOffset
group: HousingLabelGroup
id: ID!
Start date
startDate: DateTimeOffset
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type HousingLabelConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [HousingLabelEdge]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [HousingLabel]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type HousingLabelEdge {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: HousingLabel
Label group
type HousingLabelGroup implements HousingNode {
id: ID!
name: String
status: HousingLabelGroupStatus!
Label group status
enum HousingLabelGroupStatus {
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
Living Complex type of a Unit (Complex)
type HousingLivingComplexType implements HousingNode {
id: ID!
name: String
Living preference business
type HousingLivingPreferenceBusiness implements IHousingLivingPreference {
active: Boolean!
Budget from
budgetFrom: Int!
Budget to
budgetTo: Int!
Extra/addition options
extras: HousingExtendedPropertyConnection
id: ID!
locations: [HousingLivingPreferenceLocation]
Square meters
sizeFrom: Int!
Square meters
sizeTo: Int!
type: HousingLivingPreferenceType
Monthly minimal rental price
type HousingLivingPreferenceHouse implements IHousingLivingPreference {
active: Boolean!
Budget from
budgetFrom: Int!
Budget to
budgetTo: Int!
Buy budget from
buyBudgetFrom: Int!
Buy budget to
buyBudgetTo: Int!
Extra/addition options
extras: HousingExtendedPropertyConnection
id: ID!
locations: [HousingLivingPreferenceLocation]
Sub types
subTypes: [HousingLivingPreferenceSubType]
type: HousingLivingPreferenceType
All available places that can be chosen. For querying all options.
type HousingLivingPreferenceLocation implements IHousingLivingPreference {
id: ID!
name: String
selected: Boolean!
List of sub locations
subLocations: [HousingLivingPreferenceLocation]
Living preference parking
type HousingLivingPreferenceParking implements IHousingLivingPreference {
active: Boolean!
Budget from
budgetFrom: Int!
Budget to
budgetTo: Int!
Extra/addition options
extras: HousingExtendedPropertyConnection
id: ID!
locations: [HousingLivingPreferenceLocation]
List of sub types
subTypes: [HousingLivingPreferenceSubType]
type: HousingLivingPreferenceType
Living preference
type HousingLivingPreferences implements HousingNode {
There can be only one set of settings per type. And only one type is the current/active one.
activeType: HousingLivingPreferenceType
id: ID!
preferences: [IHousingLivingPreference]
Living preference storage
type HousingLivingPreferenceStorage implements IHousingLivingPreference & HousingNode {
active: Boolean!
Budget from
budgetFrom: Int!
Budget to
budgetTo: Int!
Extra/addition options
extras: HousingExtendedPropertyConnection
id: ID!
locations: [HousingLivingPreferenceLocation]
Size from in square meters
sizeFrom: Int!
Size to in square meters
sizeTo: Int!
type: HousingLivingPreferenceType
Living preference sub type
type HousingLivingPreferenceSubType implements HousingNode {
id: ID!
name: String
Parent type
parentType: HousingLivingPreferenceType
Living preference type
type HousingLivingPreferenceType implements HousingNode {
id: ID!
name: String
Living situation
type HousingLivingSituation implements HousingNode {
Get or sets Group
group: String
Get or sets Id
id: ID!
Get or sets Name
name: String
Get or sets Text
text: String
Output for living situations
type HousingLivingSituationsOutput implements IResult {
List of LivingSituations
livingSituations: [HousingLivingSituation]
List of user errors
userErrors: [HousingUserError]
List of user warnings
userWarnings: [HousingUserWarning]
Localization string that contains locale and text
type HousingLocalizedString {
locale: String
text: String
A location where a Organization does business
type HousingLocalOffice implements HousingNode {
id: ID!
name: String
text: String
website: HousingUrl
Location data like address lat/lon etc
type HousingLocation implements HousingNode {
address: HousingAddress
Get or sets AddressLine1
addressLine1: String
Get or sets AddressLine2
addressLine2: String
city: HousingCity
Part of the city
cityPart: HousingCityPart
district: HousingDistrict
The latitude/longitude of the location
geoPosition: HousingGeoPosition
id: ID!
municipality: HousingMunicipality
neighborhood: HousingNeighborhood
Marital status
type HousingMaritalStatus implements HousingNode {
id: ID!
name: String
type HousingMedia {
size: HousingMediaSize
url: URL
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type HousingMediaConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [HousingMediaEdge]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [HousingMedia]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type HousingMediaEdge {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: HousingMedia
Media size
enum HousingMediaSize {
Main photo
Photo viewer
Output type with a message
type HousingMessageOutput {
message: String
A type to be able to have either min/max value or an exact value or even both without replicating the same property thus having the same naming conventions for these structures everytime. Used for new development units in prices to declare these in ranges.
type HousingMoneyMinMaxValue {
The exact value
exact: Decimal!
Maximum value
max: Decimal!
Minimum value
min: Decimal!
type HousingMunicipality implements HousingNode {
id: ID!
name: String
Output type for nationalities
type HousingNationalitiesOutput implements IResult {
List of Nationalities
nationalities: [HousingNationality]
List of user errors
userErrors: [HousingUserError]
List of user warnings
userWarnings: [HousingUserWarning]
type HousingNationality implements HousingNode {
id: ID!
Iso code
iso: String
name: String
type HousingNeighborhood implements HousingNode {
city: HousingCity
Part of the city
cityPart: HousingCityPart
CmsId the id the cms uses to get the correct description
cmsId: String
district: HousingDistrict
id: ID!
municipality: HousingMunicipality
name: String
Housing node interface
interface HousingNode {
Get or sets Id
id: ID!
Output type for notifications
type HousingNotificationsOutput implements IResult {
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): IHousingNotificationConnection
List of user errors
userErrors: [HousingUserError]
List of user warnings
userWarnings: [HousingUserWarning]
Outdoor space
type HousingOutdoorSpace implements HousingNode {
id: ID!
name: String
Parking opportunity
type HousingParkingOpportunity implements HousingNode {
id: ID!
name: String
input HousingPasswordChangeInput {
Email address
emailAddress: String
New password
newPassword: String
Password reset token
passwordResetToken: String
Password policy as determined by the identity provider
type HousingPasswordPolicyField {
Minimum number of digits
digits: Int!
Minimum number of lowercase characters
lowercaseCharacters: Int!
Minimum Length of the password
minimumLength: Int!
Password can't be the username
notUsername: Boolean!
Minimum number of special characters
specialCharacters: Int!
Minimum number of uppercase characters
uppercaseCharacters: Int!
input HousingPasswordResetRequestInput {
Email address
emailAddress: String
Payment methods
enum HousingPaymentMethods {
Eenmalige incasso
Input for payment options
input HousingPaymentOptionsInput {
iban: String
paymentMethod: HousingPaymentMethods!
type HousingPerson implements HousingNode {
Buy notify
buyNotify: Boolean!
Commencement study date
commencementStudyDate: HousingDate
Get or sets ContactDetails
contactDetails: HousingContactDetails
Created date
createdDate: DateTimeOffset!
Created date
createdOn: DateTimeOffset!
@deprecated(reason: "Depricated: use CreatedDate instead")
Current contract start date
currentContractStartDate: DateTimeOffset!
Made this one nullable, Social has this as an optional field on a profile
dateOfBirth: HousingDate
Get or sets DateOfDeath
dateOfDeath: HousingDate
deleted: Boolean!
Deleted date
deletedDate: DateTimeOffset
Deleted date
deletedOn: DateTimeOffset!
@deprecated(reason: "Depricated: use DeletedDate instead")
Deleted reason
deletedReason: String
Deleted version
deletedVersion: String
Educational institution
educationalInstitution: HousingEducationalInstitution
Educational level
educationalLevel: String
ExtraRegistrationQuestions, containing a list of additional questions or properties that might be asked during creating or updating a registration e.g. RotterdamLaw
extraRegistrationQuestions: [IHousingExtraRegistrationQuestion]
Get or sets FirstName
firstName: String
Get or sets FullName
fullName: String
Get or sets Gender
gender: HousingGenderEnum!
Get or sets Id
id: ID!
income: Int
Income updated date
incomeUpdatedDate: DateTimeOffset!
Income year
incomeYear: Int
Get or sets Initials
initials: String
Get or sets LastName
lastName: String
Get or sets LastNamePrefix
lastNamePrefix: String
Living preferences
livingPreferences: HousingLivingPreferences
Living situation
livingSituation: HousingLivingSituation
Local binding city ID
localBindingCityID: Int!
Local binding from date
localBindingFromDate: DateTime
Local binding to date
localBindingToDate: DateTime
Marital status
maritalStatus: HousingMaritalStatus
nationality: HousingNationality
nickname: String
Other notify
otherNotify: Boolean!
Prospect tenant type
prospectTenantType: HousingProspectTenantType!
registrations: [HousingRegistration]
Rental date
rentalDate: DateTimeOffset!
Rent notify
rentNotify: Boolean!
Student type
studentType: HousingStudentType
Supervisor visit date
supervisorVisitDate: DateTimeOffset!
Target group
targetGroup: String
Updated date
updatedDate: DateTimeOffset
Updated date
updatedOn: DateTimeOffset!
@deprecated(reason: "Depricated: use UpdatedDate instead")
Input type for person creation
input HousingPersonCreateInput {
Commencement study date
commencementStudyDate: HousingDateInput
Get or sets ContactDetails
contactDetails: HousingContactDetailsCreateInput
credentials: HousingCredentialsCreateInput
Current contract start date
currentContractStartDate: DateTime
Get or sets DateOfBirth
dateOfBirth: HousingDateInput
Educational institution id
educationalInstitutionId: ID
First name
firstName: String
Get or sets Gender
gender: HousingGenderEnum!
income: Int
incomeYear: Int
Get or sets Initials
initials: String
Get or sets LastName
lastName: String
Get or sets LastNamePrefix
lastNamePrefix: String
Living situation id
livingSituationId: ID
Nationality id
nationalityId: ID
Prospect tenant type
prospectTenantType: HousingProspectTenantType!
Student type id
studentTypeId: ID
Input type for person update
input HousingPersonUpdateInput {
Commencement study date
commencementStudyDate: HousingDateInput
Get or sets ContactDetails
contactDetails: HousingContactDetailsUpdateInput
Current contract start date
currentContractStartDate: DateTime
Get or sets DateOfBirth
dateOfBirth: HousingDateInput
Educational institution id
educationalInstitutionId: ID
ExtraRegistrationQuestions, containing a list of additional questions or properties that might be asked during creating or updating a registration e.g. RotterdamLaw
extraRegistrationQuestions: [HousingExtraRegistrationQuestionInput]
First name
firstName: String
Get or sets Gender
gender: HousingGenderEnum!
Get or sets Id
id: ID
income: Int
incomeYear: Int
Get or sets Initials
initials: String
Get or sets LastName
lastName: String
Get or sets LastNamePrefix
lastNamePrefix: String
Living situation id
livingSituationId: ID
Nationality id
nationalityId: ID
Prospect tenant type
prospectTenantType: HousingProspectTenantType!
Student type id
studentTypeId: ID
type HousingPhoneNumber {
type: HousingPhoneNumberType!
value: String
Phone number type
enum HousingPhoneNumberType {
Point of interest information
type HousingPointOfInterest {
Distance in meters
distance: Int
Latitude in degrees (decimal)
latitude: Float
Longitude in degrees (decimal)
longitude: Float
name: String
Point of interest type
pointOfInterestType: HousingPointOfInterestType!
pointOfInterestTypeDescription: String
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type HousingPointOfInterestConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [HousingPointOfInterestEdge]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [HousingPointOfInterest]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type HousingPointOfInterestEdge {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: HousingPointOfInterest
An enum for the Housing point of interest types
enum HousingPointOfInterestType {
Input type for points of interest information
input HousingPointsOfInterestInput {
latitude: Float!
longitude: Float!
pointOfInterestType: HousingPointOfInterestType
Information about points of interest
type HousingPointsOfInterestOutput implements IResult {
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): HousingPointOfInterestConnection
List of user errors
userErrors: [HousingUserError]
List of user warnings
userWarnings: [HousingUserWarning]
Portico gallery
type HousingPorticoGallery implements HousingNode {
id: ID!
name: String
Price segment
type HousingPriceSegment {
Number of units in segment
numberOfUnitsInSegment: Int!
Price from
priceFrom: Int!
Price to
priceTo: Int!
type HousingPriceSegmentsOutput implements IResult {
maxPrice: Decimal!
segments: [HousingPriceSegment]
List of user errors
userErrors: [HousingUserError]
List of user warnings
userWarnings: [HousingUserWarning]
Process state action
type HousingProcessStateAction {
Action type
actionType: HousingProcessStateActionType!
Is the action always active or is it activated after a buttonAction?
alwaysActive: Boolean!
Is there confirmation needed for this action
confirmationNeeded: Boolean!
What text is shown as a confirmationText
confirmationText: String
What Correspondence (letters/emails) are send-able from this state
correspondenceTemplates: [HousingCorrespondenceTemplate]
Configurable what fields are visible during an action
fields: [HousingProcessStateProperty]
title: String
enum of all current possible actions in all the states of the allocation process
enum HousingProcessStateActionType {
There are extra properties that are not on the process state so we need a configurable (not always the same) way to add this information
type HousingProcessStateProperty implements IExtendedProperty & HousingNode {
Tooltip text for the end-user.
description: String
id: ID!
The internal name.
name: String
options: HousingExtendedPropertyOptionConnection
Is the property required
required: Boolean!
Preferred ordering of these elements.
sequence: Int!
The label text.
title: String
What kind of property is it
type: HousingExtendedPropertyItemType!
Value of selected option(s) or text input.
value: String
Proprietor of the unit
type HousingProprietor implements HousingNode {
id: ID!
name: String
The type of profile
enum HousingProspectTenantType {
type HousingPublication implements HousingNode {
Allocation chance (lottery)
allocationChance: Float @deprecated(reason: "See ApplicantSpecific property")
Allocation process
allocationProcess: HousingAllocationProcess
Applicant specific
applicantSpecific: HousingApplicantSpecific
The rules for assign appropriately that are loaded based on the unit properties
assignAppropriately: HousingAllotmentConnection
Created date
createdDate: DateTimeOffset!
If true this publication can be shown publicly this is used for clustered units (new developments)
freeRespond: Boolean!
Gender Preference
genderPreference: String
highlights: [HousingPublicationHighlight]
id: ID!
In the spot light
inTheSpotlight: Boolean!
Is 100 percent match
is100PercentMatch: Boolean!
@deprecated(reason: "See ApplicantSpecific property")
labels: HousingLabelConnection
Living preference score
livingPreferenceScore: Int!
@deprecated(reason: "See ApplicantSpecific property")
Mutation date
mutationDate: DateTimeOffset!
particularities: String
Priority rules
priorityRules: String
Quick view match with points
quickViewMatchWithPoints: String
@deprecated(reason: "See ApplicantSpecific property")
Quick view miss match with points
quickViewMisMatchWithPoints: String
@deprecated(reason: "See ApplicantSpecific property")
requirements: String
Show address
showAddress: Boolean!
Show on map
showOnMap: Boolean!
slug: HousingSlug
Start time
startTime: DateTimeOffset!
Stop time
stopTime: DateTimeOffset
Street view enabled
streetViewEnabled: Boolean!
Total number of applications
totalNumberOfApplications: Int!
unit: HousingPublicationUnit
url: HousingUrl @deprecated(reason: "Use slug instead")
Youth Discount
youthDiscount: Decimal!
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type HousingPublicationConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [HousingPublicationEdge]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [HousingPublication]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type HousingPublicationEdge {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: HousingPublication
type HousingPublicationHighlight {
description: String
Input type for the publication id
input HousingPublicationIdInput {
Publication id
publicationId: ID!
enum HousingPublicationsOrder {
Output type for publications
type HousingPublicationsOutput implements IResult {
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): HousingPublicationConnection
List of user errors
userErrors: [HousingUserError]
List of user warnings
userWarnings: [HousingUserWarning]
A Unit this can be a house or a different object (parking spot, etc) a publication is a separate object
type HousingPublicationUnit implements HousingNode {
accessibility: HousingAccessibility
Activity room
activityRoom: Boolean!
Association of owners contribution
associationOfOwnersContribution: Float!
Attic accessibility
atticAccessibility: HousingAtticAccessibility
availability: String
Available date
availableDate: DateTimeOffset
Available For
availableFor: HousingAvailableFor
Average waiting time
averageWaitingTime: String
balcony: HousingBalcony
Basic rent
basicRent: HousingMoneyMinMaxValue
bath: Boolean!
Bicycle storage
bicycleStorage: HousingBicycleStorage
brochure: HousingMediaConnection
caretaker: Boolean!
centralHeating: HousingCentralHeating
children: HousingPublicationUnitConnection
Code purchase mode
codePurchaseMode: HousingCodePurchaseMode
comments: String
Complex rating
complexRating: Float
Complex type
complexType: HousingLivingComplexType
Construction year
constructionYear: Int!
Contract costs
contractCosts: Float!
corporationLocation: HousingCorporationLocation
Created date
createdDate: DateTimeOffset
Current tenant birth date
currentTenantBirthDate: DateTimeOffset
Current tenant customer number
currentTenantCustomerNumber: Int
Current tenant email
currentTenantEmail: String
Current tenant gender
currentTenantGender: HousingGender
Current tenant household income
currentTenantHouseholdIncome: Int
Current tenant household size
currentTenantHouseholdSize: Int
Current tenant initials
currentTenantInitials: String
Current tenant last name
currentTenantLastName: String
Current tenant middle name
currentTenantMiddleName: String
Current tenant mobile phone number
currentTenantMobilePhoneNumber: String
Current tenant phone number
currentTenantPhoneNumber: String
customization: Boolean!
deleted: Boolean!
Deleted reason
deletedReason: HousingUnitDeletedReason
deposit: Float!
description: String
dimensions: HousingUnitDimensionConnection
District information
districtInformation: String
electricity: Boolean!
elevator: Boolean!
End Date Temporary Rental Agreement
endDateTemporaryRentalAgreement: DateTimeOffset
Energy costs
energyCosts: HousingMoneyMinMaxValue
Energy rating
energyRating: HousingEnergyRating
Estate agent
estateAgent: HousingEstateAgentConnection
External allocation reference
externalAllocationReference: String
External id
externalId: String
External URL
externalUrl: HousingUrl
Filter price
filterPrice: Float!
floor: HousingFloor
flooring: HousingFlooring
Floor plans
floorPlans: HousingMediaConnection
For sale
forSale: Boolean!
Funda Url
fundaUrl: HousingUrl
garden: HousingGarden
Google Maps Route URL
googleMapsRouteUrl: HousingUrl
Gross rent
grossRent: HousingMoneyMinMaxValue
Is HeatingCostsAdvance included in GrossRent?
grossRentIncludingHeatingCostsAdvance: Boolean!
Is ServiceFee included in GrossRent?
grossRentIncludingServiceFee: Boolean!
Healthcare mediator
healthcareMediator: Boolean!
Healthcare present
healthcarePresent: Boolean!
Advance on heating costs
heatingCostsAdvance: HousingMoneyMinMaxValue
Is the given advance on heating costs included in the servicefee?
heatingCostsAdvanceInServiceFee: Boolean!
id: ID!
Information allocation process
informationAllocationProcess: String
kitchen: HousingKitchen
labels: HousingLabelConnection
Land in ownership
landInOwnership: Boolean!
Leased date
leasedDate: DateTimeOffset
Linked Parking Space
linkedParkingSpace: Boolean!
Living group
livingGroup: Boolean!
Living rules
livingRules: Boolean!
Local office
localOffice: HousingLocalOffice
location: HousingLocation
Meal provision
mealProvision: Boolean!
Meeting room
meetingRoom: Boolean!
Missing fields is actually a cache of what fields still need to be filled in to complete all necessary information of the unit.
missingFields: String
Mobility scooter charging point
mobilityScooterChargingPoint: Boolean!
Mobility scooter parking
mobilityScooterParking: Boolean!
Mutation date
mutationDate: DateTimeOffset
name: String
Nearest art and culture
nearestArtAndCulture: Float!
Nearest education and daycare
nearestEducationAndDaycare: Float!
Nearest healthcare
nearestHealthcare: Float!
Nearest public transportation
nearestPublicTransportation: Float!
Nearest services municipalities
nearestServicesMunicipalities: Float!
Nearest shops and banks
nearestShopsAndBanks: Float!
Nearest sport and recreation
nearestSportAndRecreation: Float!
Neighborhood center
neighborhoodCenter: Boolean!
Neighborhood information
neighborhoodInformation: String
New development
newDevelopment: Boolean!
New tenant
newTenant: String
New tenant instance
newTenantInstance: String
Number of bedrooms
numberOfBedrooms: HousingIntMinMaxValue
Number Of Residents
numberOfResidents: Int!
Number of responses
numberOfResponses: Int!
Number of rooms
numberOfRooms: HousingIntMinMaxValue
Number Of Showers
numberOfShowers: Int!
Number of stars
numberOfStars: Int!
Number Of Toilets
numberOfToilets: Int!
One time administration fee
oneTimeAdministrationFee: Decimal!
Outdoor space
outdoorSpace: HousingOutdoorSpace
owner: HousingUnitOwner
parent: HousingPublicationUnit
Parking opportunity
parkingOpportunity: HousingParkingOpportunity
Personal reporting
personalReporting: Boolean!
photos(size: HousingMediaSize): HousingMediaConnection
Plot name
plotName: String
Portico gallery
porticoGallery: HousingPorticoGallery
processState: HousingUnitAllocationProcessState
progress: Int!
Project developer
projectDeveloper: String
Project Developer URL
projectDeveloperUrl: HousingUrl
Property state
propertyState: HousingState
proprietor: HousingProprietor
Purchase costs
purchaseCosts: HousingPurchaseCosts
quote: String
Renovation year
renovationYear: Int!
Rent Benefit
rentBenefit: Boolean!
Residential environment
residentialEnvironment: HousingResidentialEnvironment
Response form email
responseFormEmail: String
restaurant: Boolean!
Second toilet
secondToilet: Boolean!
Selling price
sellingPrice: Float!
Selling price type
sellingPriceType: HousingSellingPriceType
Service fee
serviceFee: HousingMoneyMinMaxValue
Service tenant maintenance
serviceTenantMaintenance: Boolean!
shower: Boolean!
skylight: Boolean!
slug: HousingSlug
Solar panel
solarPanel: Boolean!
Starter interest scheme
starterInterestScheme: Boolean!
Storage type
storageType: HousingStorageType
storey: HousingStorey
Street view enabled
streetViewEnabled: Boolean!
Sub Complex
subComplex: String
Subsidizable rent
subsidizableRent: HousingMoneyMinMaxValue
Subsidizable service fee
subsidizableServiceFee: HousingMoneyMinMaxValue
Suitable for
suitableFor: HousingSuitableFor
Sunny Side
sunnySide: HousingSunnySide
System rental date
systemRentalDate: DateTimeOffset
Temporary lease
temporaryLease: Boolean!
Tenant old country
tenantOldCountry: String
Tenant old house number
tenantOldHouseNumber: Int!
Tenant old house number addition
tenantOldHouseNumberAddition: String
Tenant old place
tenantOldPlace: String
Tenant old postal code
tenantOldPostalCode: String
Tenant old street
tenantOldStreet: String
terrace: HousingTerrace
toilet: HousingToilet
Town information
townInformation: String
Unit type
type: HousingUnitTypeConnection @deprecated(reason: "See Unit types")
Unit types
types: HousingUnitTypeConnection
url: HousingUrl @deprecated(reason: "Use slug instead")
usage: HousingUnitUsage
videophone: Boolean!
Video registration
videoRegistration: Boolean!
view: HousingView
Water point
waterPoint: Boolean!
Wheelchair accessible
wheelchairAccessible: Boolean!
Yield compensation
yieldCompensation: HousingMoneyMinMaxValue
YouTube movie
youTubeMovie: HousingUrl
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type HousingPublicationUnitConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [HousingPublicationUnitEdge]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [HousingPublicationUnit]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type HousingPublicationUnitEdge {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: HousingPublicationUnit
Purchase costs
type HousingPurchaseCosts implements HousingNode {
id: ID!
name: String
Input type used for the canceling an application
input HousingRefuseUnitInput {
Applicant id
applicantId: ID!
Refuse reason id
refuseReasonId: ID
type HousingRegex {
Error message
errorMessage: HousingUserError
expression: String
flags: String
A UnitSeeker (or group) can Register for different unit types e.g. house or garage. (wozo/huishouden inschrijving)
type HousingRegistration implements HousingNode {
List of audit info
auditInfo: [HousingRegistrationAuditItem]
Created date
createdDate: DateTimeOffset!
deleted: Boolean!
Deleted date
deletedDate: DateTimeOffset
Deleted reason
deletedReason: String
Deleted version
deletedVersion: String
household: HousingHousehold
id: ID!
Registration date
registrationDate: DateTimeOffset!
List of historical changes to the registration status
statusHistory: [HousingStatusHistory]
Registration type
type: HousingRegistrationTypeEnum!
Unit seeker
unitSeeker: HousingPerson
Updated date
updatedDate: DateTimeOffset
Virtual date
virtualDate: DateTimeOffset!
All recorded changes of the registration.
type HousingRegistrationAuditItem implements HousingNode & HousingAudit {
date: DateTimeOffset!
entity: String
field: String
id: ID!
New value
newValue: String
Old value
oldValue: String
operation: HousingAuditOperation!
Origin id
originId: String
The type of person on the (household) registration, for which the change has been made.
prospectTenantType: HousingProspectTenantType!
user: HousingCommonPerson
When creating a registration certain parts are configurable per environment this is the way to let the frontend know what they are.
type HousingRegistrationConfig {
Registration types available
availableRegistrationTypes: [HousingRegistrationTypeEnum!]
@deprecated(reason: "Use RegistrationTypes field instead")
ExtraRegistrationQuestions, containing a list of additional questions or properties that might be asked during creating or updating a registration e.g. RotterdamLaw
extraRegistrationQuestions: [IHousingExtraRegistrationQuestion]
Field specific settings including conditional settings
fields: [HousingConfigField]
Is second user always secondary by type
isSecondAlwaysSecondary: Boolean!
Maximum number of family members
maximumNumberOfFamilyMembers: Int
passwordPolicy: HousingPasswordPolicyField
Registration types
registrationTypes: [HousingRegistrationType]
Output type containing Registration configuration information
type HousingRegistrationConfigOutput implements IResult {
Registration configuration information
configInfo: HousingRegistrationConfig
List of user errors
userErrors: [HousingUserError]
List of user warnings
userWarnings: [HousingUserWarning]
Represents a registration status.
type HousingRegistrationStatus implements HousingNode {
The effect of this status
effect: HousingRegistrationStatusEffect!
id: ID!
name: String
Enum for the types of registration statuses effects.
enum HousingRegistrationStatusEffect {
Registration can't apply to any units
No effect
Registering can be done for multiple types of housing objects (units)
type HousingRegistrationType implements HousingNode {
id: ID!
name: String
registrationFee: Decimal!
type: HousingRegistrationTypeEnum!
Enum for the types of registration.
enum HousingRegistrationTypeEnum {
Free sector rent
Registration type input
input HousingRegistrationTypeInput {
id: ID!
Residential environment
type HousingResidentialEnvironment implements HousingNode {
id: ID!
name: String
The role of a household withing Housing (like tenant or accomodation seeker
type HousingRole {
text: String
type: HousingRoleType!
An enum for the Housing role types
enum HousingRoleType {
Selling price type
type HousingSellingPriceType implements HousingNode {
id: ID!
name: String
Housing slug
type HousingSlug {
value: String
type HousingSortingGroup implements HousingNode {
category: HousingSortingGroupCategory!
description: String
id: ID!
Living preferences sorting group category
enum HousingSortingGroupCategory {
Applying is possible after upgrading
Logged in but living preference filter is not for units
Registration type = Units for sale & unit type = For sale
No priority
Not logged in
Ruled Out
Unknown category, should not happen
type HousingState implements HousingNode {
id: ID!
name: String
type HousingStatus {
id: Int!
message: String
Represents a historical change to the registration status.
type HousingStatusHistory implements HousingNode {
Date when the change has taken in affect.
createdDate: DateTimeOffset!
Person who committed the change in status.
createdUser: HousingCommonPerson
id: ID!
Description added by the person committing the change.
text: String
The new status.
title: String
Storage type
type HousingStorageType implements HousingNode {
id: ID!
name: String
Storey of a unit
type HousingStorey implements HousingNode {
id: ID!
name: String
Student type
type HousingStudentType implements HousingNode {
id: ID!
name: String
Output type for student types
type HousingStudentTypeOutput implements IResult {
List of student types
studentTypes: [HousingStudentType]
List of user errors
userErrors: [HousingUserError]
List of user warnings
userWarnings: [HousingUserWarning]
Suitable for
type HousingSuitableFor implements HousingNode {
id: ID!
name: String
type HousingSunnySide implements HousingNode {
id: ID!
name: String
Surface area type
enum HousingSurfaceAreaType {
Hobby room
Living bedroom
Living room
Traffic zone
Input type for tenant check
input HousingTenantCheckInput {
Birth date
dateOfBirth: HousingDateInput
initials: String
Last name
lastName: String
Output for tenant check
type HousingTenantCheckOutput implements IResult {
True if the person is registered as a tenant in the primary system of the corporation
isTenant: Boolean!
List of user errors
userErrors: [HousingUserError]
List of user warnings
userWarnings: [HousingUserWarning]
type HousingTerrace implements HousingNode {
id: ID!
name: String
Test API output
type HousingTestApiOutput {
status: HousingStatus
version: HousingVersion
type HousingToilet implements HousingNode {
id: ID!
name: String
Travel time input type
input HousingTravelTimeInput {
address: HousingAddressCreateInput
Tenant type
tenantType: HousingProspectTenantType!
Output for travel time
type HousingTravelTimeOutput implements IResult {
destination: String
Travel time in minutes
minutes: Decimal!
Travel priority
priority: Boolean!
List of user errors
userErrors: [HousingUserError]
List of user warnings
userWarnings: [HousingUserWarning]
type HousingType implements INode {
code: String!
description: String!
id: ID!
orderIndex: Int!
Input type for unicity check
input HousingUnicityCheckInput {
Birth date
dateOfBirth: HousingDateInput
gender: HousingGenderEnum
Unit seeker's Id
id: ID
initials: String
Last name
lastName: String
Tenant type
prospectTenantType: HousingProspectTenantType
Output for unicity check
type HousingUnicityCheckOutput implements IResult {
IsUnique field that is true if object is unique
isUnique: Boolean!
List of user errors
userErrors: [HousingUserError]
List of user warnings
userWarnings: [HousingUserWarning]
Output type for the uniqueness check.
type HousingUniquenessCheckOutput implements IResult {
Whether persons are unique in the system.
isUnique: Boolean!
List of user errors
userErrors: [HousingUserError]
List of user warnings
userWarnings: [HousingUserWarning]
Currently all those values reside on the Unit but the state of a unit should be separate of the unit itself
type HousingUnitAllocationProcessState implements HousingNode {
Acceptance date
acceptanceDate: HousingConfigurableDateTime
What actions are possible in this state
actions: [HousingProcessStateAction]
Allocation process
allocationProcess: HousingAllocationProcess
Allocation process manager
allocationProcessManager: HousingContact
All required data is filled
allRequiredDataIsFilled: Boolean!
One or more applicants (more in case of a state where more then one is selected)
applicants: [HousingApplicant]
caretaker: HousingContact
comments: String
Document delivery date
documentDeliveryDate: DateTimeOffset!
id: ID!
name: String
Planned meeting contact email
plannedMeetingContactEmail: HousingConfigurableString
Planned meeting contact phone number
plannedMeetingContactPhoneNumber: HousingConfigurableString
Planned meeting end date
plannedMeetingEndDate: HousingConfigurableDateTime
Planned meeting remarks
plannedMeetingRemarks: HousingConfigurableString
Planned meeting reminder email
plannedMeetingReminderEmail: HousingConfigurableBoolean
Planned meeting reminder sent
plannedMeetingReminderSent: HousingConfigurableBoolean
Planned meeting reminder SMS
plannedMeetingReminderSMS: HousingConfigurableBoolean
Planned meeting reminder SMS retry
plannedMeetingReminderSMSRetry: HousingConfigurableBoolean
Planned meeting reminder SMS retry count
plannedMeetingReminderSMSRetryCount: HousingConfigurableInt
Planned meeting start date
plannedMeetingStartDate: HousingConfigurableDateTime
publication: HousingPublication
skipped: Boolean!
Unit consultant email
unitConsultantEmail: String
Unit consultant gender
unitConsultantGender: HousingGender
Unit consultant initials
unitConsultantInitials: String
Unit consultant last name
unitConsultantLastName: String
Unit consultant last name prefix
unitConsultantLastNamePrefix: String
Unit consultant phone number
unitConsultantPhoneNumber: String
Last state change
unitProcessStateDate: DateTimeOffset!
Withdrawal reason
withdrawalReason: Int!
Deleted reason
type HousingUnitDeletedReason implements HousingNode {
id: ID!
name: String
Unit dimension
type HousingUnitDimension {
area: HousingSurfaceAreaType!
The surface area in square millimeters
surfaceArea: Int!
The max surface area in square millimeters used in for example new development
surfaceAreaMax: Int!
The min surface area in square millimeters used in for example new development
surfaceAreaMin: Int!
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type HousingUnitDimensionConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [HousingUnitDimensionEdge]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [HousingUnitDimension]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type HousingUnitDimensionEdge {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: HousingUnitDimension
Owner of the Unit
type HousingUnitOwner implements HousingNode {
emailAddress: String
id: ID!
logo: URL
name: String
phoneNumber: String
website: URL
Unit refuse reason
type HousingUnitRefuseReason implements IUnitReason & HousingNode {
Blockade text
blockadeText: String
Blockade type
blockadeType: HousingBlockadeType
id: ID!
name: String
Number of days
numberOfDays: Int!
Output type for unit refuse reasons
type HousingUnitRefuseReasonsOutput implements IResult {
List of unit refuse reasons
reasons: [HousingUnitRefuseReason]
List of user errors
userErrors: [HousingUserError]
List of user warnings
userWarnings: [HousingUserWarning]
Unit reject reason
type HousingUnitRejectReason implements IUnitReason & HousingNode {
id: ID!
name: String
Unit skip reason
type HousingUnitSkipReason implements IUnitReason & HousingNode {
id: ID!
name: String
What type is the Unit
type HousingUnitType implements HousingNode {
id: ID!
name: String
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type HousingUnitTypeConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [HousingUnitTypeEdge]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [HousingUnitType]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type HousingUnitTypeEdge {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: HousingUnitType
How is the unit used
type HousingUnitUsage implements HousingNode {
id: ID!
name: String
Information about filetypes for upload
type HousingUploadFileType implements HousingNode {
id: ID!
Name of the filetype
name: String
type HousingUrl {
value: String
type HousingUser {
email: String
First name
firstName: String
initials: String
Is impersonated
isImpersonated: Boolean!
Last name
lastName: String
prefixes: String
User error message
type HousingUserError {
field: [String]
message: HousingLocalizedString
enum HousingUserItemsOrder {
No specific ordering so the code determines the optimal order
Items of the user
type HousingUserItemsOutput implements IResult {
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): IHousingUserItemConnection
List of user errors
userErrors: [HousingUserError]
List of user warnings
userWarnings: [HousingUserWarning]
Types of useritems.
enum HousingUserItemType {
Input type for checking the username
input HousingUsernameCheckInput {
Username (email address) to check
username: String
Output type for validation of username for registration
type HousingUsernameCheckOutput implements IResult {
Whether the username is unique
isUnique: Boolean!
Whether the username is valid
isValid: Boolean!
List of user errors
userErrors: [HousingUserError]
List of user warnings
userWarnings: [HousingUserWarning]
Info about logged in user
type HousingUserOutput implements IResult {
Info about logged in user.
user: HousingUser
List of user errors
userErrors: [HousingUserError]
List of user warnings
userWarnings: [HousingUserWarning]
User warning message
type HousingUserWarning {
field: [String]
message: HousingLocalizedString
type HousingVersion {
Build version
buildVersion: String
id: Int!
type HousingView implements HousingNode {
id: ID!
name: String
Filter object for the applicants
input HousingWhereApplicantsInput {
Gets or sets filter for HousingApplicantFilter
applicantFilter: HousingApplicantFilter
Publication id
applicantId: HousingFilterOperatorString
Filter object for the publications
input HousingWherePublicationsInput {
Allocation type id
allocationTypeId: HousingFilterOperatorString
and: [HousingWherePublicationsInput!]
City type id
cityId: HousingFilterOperatorString
District type id
districtId: HousingFilterOperatorString
Housing type id
housingTypeId: HousingFilterOperatorString
Neighborhood type id
neighborhoodId: HousingFilterOperatorString
Number of bedrooms
numberOfBedrooms: HousingFilterOperatorInt
or: [HousingWherePublicationsInput!]
price: HousingFilterOperatorInt
Publication id
publicationId: HousingFilterOperatorString
Filter object for the applicants
input HousingWhereUserItemsInput {
Publication id
active: HousingFilterOperatorBool
input HousingZipCodeCheckInput {
Get or sets HouseNumber
houseNumber: String
Get or sets HouseNumberExtension
houseNumberExtension: String
Get or sets HouseNumberInt
houseNumberInt: Int
Get or sets HouseNumberLetter
houseNumberLetter: String
Get or sets ZipCode
zipCode: String
Output type for zip code check
type HousingZipCodeCheckOutput implements IResult {
address: HousingAddress
List of user errors
userErrors: [HousingUserError]
List of user warnings
userWarnings: [HousingUserWarning]
type IbanField implements IFormComponent {
component: String
fieldName: String
id: ID!
index: Int!
label: String
placeholder: String
required: Boolean!
tag: String
interface IBasicField {
component: String
fieldName: String
id: ID!
index: Int!
label: String
placeholder: String
required: Boolean!
tag: String
Interface for configurable BaseTypes
interface IConfigurableBaseType {
Get or sets required
required: Boolean!
Get or sets visible
visible: Boolean!
interface IContact {
account: Account
activities(after: Cursor, first: Int = 10): ActivityConnection
input: WhereIContactTasksInput
first: Int
after: Cursor
): AnnouncementConnection
input: WherePersonCaseFlowsInput
first: Int
after: Cursor
): CaseFlowConnection
contactDetails: ContactDetails
input: WherePersonContractsInput
after: Cursor
first: Int = 10
): ContractConnection!
correspondenceType: CorrespondenceType!
input: WhereIContactDossiersInput
first: Int
after: Cursor
): DossierConnection
financialOverview: FinancialOverview!
fullName: String!
id: ID!
indicators(input: WherePersonInicatorsInput): [IndicatorEvaluationResult]!
input: WhereInvoicesInput
orderBy: OrderByInvoicesInput
first: Int
after: Cursor
): InvoiceConnection
isActive: Boolean!
isDeactivatable: Boolean!
isExcludedFromSingleService: Boolean!
permissions: [Permission!]!
preferences: PersonPreferences
properties: Json!
roles: [RoleType!]!
input: WherePersonSelfServiceScenariosInput
first: Int
after: Cursor
): SelfServiceScenarioConnection!
input: WhereIContactTasksInput
first: Int
after: Cursor
): TaskConnection
input: WherePersonTicketsInput
after: Cursor
first: Int = 10
): TicketConnection
writeableFields: WritableFields!
type IContactConnection {
edges: [IContactEdge]
items: [IContact!]
pageInfo: PageInfo!
totalCount: Int
type IContactEdge {
cursor: Cursor!
node: IContact!
interface IContentNode {
id: ID!
meta: ContentMeta!
version: Int!
interface IContentStatus {
status: String!
interface IConversationsNode {
id: ID!
interface ICustomerMessage {
creationDate: DateTimeOffset!
description: String
id: ID!
isAcknowledged: Boolean!
isArchived: Boolean!
isRead: Boolean!
personId: ID!
priority: MessagePriority!
title: String
type ICustomerMessageConnection {
edges: [ICustomerMessageEdge]
items: [ICustomerMessage!]
pageInfo: PageInfo!
totalCount: Int
type ICustomerMessageCustomerMessage implements INode & ICustomerMessage {
creationDate: DateTimeOffset!
description: String
id: ID!
isAcknowledged: Boolean!
isArchived: Boolean!
isRead: Boolean!
personId: ID!
priority: MessagePriority!
title: String
type ICustomerMessageEdge {
cursor: Cursor!
node: ICustomerMessage!
interface ICustomersChatNode {
id: ID!
interface ICustomersMailNode {
id: ID!
type IDContentSection {
items: [ID!]
title: String!
type IDContentSectionedCollection {
items: [ID!]
sections: [IDContentSection]
input IDContentSectionedCollectionInput {
items: [ID!]
sections: [IDContentSectionInput]
input IDContentSectionInput {
items: [ID!]
title: String!
type IDealIssuer {
country: String
id: String
name: String
type Identity2AccessControl {
permissions: Identity2AccountPermissions
credentials: [Identity2Credential]
mfaDevices: [Identity2Credential]
type Identity2Account {
id: ID!
credentials: [Identity2Credential]
reason: "Use the `credentials` field under the new `identity` field instead."
mfaDevices: [Identity2Credential]
reason: "Use the `mfaDevices` field under the new `identity` field instead."
accountPermissions: Identity2AccountPermissions
reason: "Use the `permissions` field under the new `identity` field instead."
identity: Identity2AccessControl
where: Identity2WhereRoleInput
Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
first: Int
Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
after: String
): Identity2RolesCoreConnection
where: Identity2WhereGroupInput
Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
first: Int
Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
after: String
): Identity2GroupsCoreConnection
username: String
email: String
firstName: String
lastName: String
profileLanguage: String
enabled: Boolean
emailVerified: Boolean
temporarilyLocked: Boolean!
externalManaged: Boolean!
createdTimestamp: Long
attributes: [Identity2KeyValuePairOfStringAndString!]
portal: PortalAuthenticatedMe
Returns a list of birthdays and anniversaries for a date range starting two days before today and up to three months thereafter. For example if today is 01 June 2020 the range will be 30 May 2020 - 30 Aug 2020
where: WhereAnniversariesInput
after: Cursor
first: Int! = 10
): SocialAnniversaryConnection!
Get all chat conversations
chats(where: WhereChatsInput): SocialChatConversationsOutput!
Fetch the favorited entities' ids of the current user
where: WhereFavoriteInput
facets: [SocialFavoriteFacetInput]
after: Cursor
first: Int
): SocialFavoriteFacetConnection!
Returns all settings for integration with Liquit
liquitConfiguration: SocialLiquitConfiguration!
Get the two messages with the most comments and the message with the most emotions of all groups where the current user participates.
mostPopularMessages(where: WhereMostPopularPostsInput): [Microblog]!
Retrieve most used tags of the week from all groups the user has access to
mostUsedTags(first: Int): [SocialRecentTag]
Retrieve all OAuth tokens that are configured for the tenant. Can return empty list if none are configured.
oAuthTokens: [SocialOAuthToken]
Personal Emails of the current user from Office 365 Mailbox
after: Cursor
first: Int
): SocialOffice365EmailsConnectionWithConnectedApplicationStatus!
Office 365 teams that the current user has joined
after: Cursor
first: Int
): SocialOffice365TeamConnectionWithConnectedApplicationStatus!
Determines if the user's onboarding is completed.
onboardingCompleted: Boolean!
Connection of the current user's OneDrive files. Returns up to 100 files and supports forward paging
oneDriveFiles(where: WhereOneDriveFilesInput!): SocialOneDriveFile
Retrieve colleagues who are out of office
where: WhereOutOfOfficeInput
first: Int
after: Cursor
): SocialPersonConnection!
All groups that the user pinned
pinnedGroups(after: Cursor, first: Int): SocialGroupConnection!
The current privacy policy text
privacyPolicy: PrivacyPolicy
The SocialPerson that is matching the Identity 'User'. Only users that have a Suite user or Suite Application Manager role are handled
profile: SocialPerson
Profile completeness percentage
profileCompleteness: Int!
Returns all enabled sections of profile fields
profileEditSections: [SocialProfileSectionType!]
Provides an url to download the profile information.
profileInfoDownloadUrl: String
Retrieve all Push tokens that the user has registered.
pushTokens: SocialPushTokens!
Get the current user's most recent documents
recentDocuments(first: Int): [FileSystemEntry]
@deprecated(reason: "Please use RecentFiles instead | 20240118")
Get the current user's most recent files
recentFiles(where: WhereRecentFilesInput!, first: Int!): [SocialFileUnion]
Shared permissions object to group all permissions from all services
social: SocialAuthenticatedMe!
The url to the management screens of Social. See SocialMe.Permissions.TenantManagement if the user has access to these screens.
tenantManagementUrl: String
Get Office 365 to-do lists of the current user.
toDoLists: SocialMeTodoListsOutput
Returns all unconnected external (Office 365) groups that current user is able to connect with Embrace
unconnectedRemoteGroups: [SocialRemoteGroup]
Get the amount of unread messages for the conversation for the current user
unreadChatMessagesCount: Int!
type Identity2AccountPermissions {
canChangeEmail: Boolean!
canChangePassword: Boolean!
canRequestPasswordReset: Boolean!
A connection to a list of items.
type Identity2AssignedRolesConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: Identity2PageInfo!
A list of edges.
edges: [Identity2AssignedRolesEdge!]
A flattened list of the nodes.
nodes: [Identity2Role]
An edge in a connection.
type Identity2AssignedRolesEdge {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: String!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: Identity2Role
A connection to a list of items.
type Identity2AvailableRolesConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: Identity2PageInfo!
A list of edges.
edges: [Identity2AvailableRolesEdge!]
A flattened list of the nodes.
nodes: [Identity2Role]
An edge in a connection.
type Identity2AvailableRolesEdge {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: String!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: Identity2Role
input Identity2ChangeEmailInput {
newEmail: String!
input Identity2ChangePasswordInput {
currentPassword: String!
newPassword: String!
confirmPassword: String!
A connection to a list of items.
type Identity2CompositesConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: Identity2PageInfo!
A list of edges.
edges: [Identity2CompositesEdge!]
A flattened list of the nodes.
nodes: [Identity2Role]
An edge in a connection.
type Identity2CompositesEdge {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: String!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: Identity2Role
input Identity2CreateGroupInput {
name: String!
description: String
parentId: ID!
createdBy: String
isObsolete: Boolean
attributes: [Identity2KeyValueEntryInput]
roleIds: [ID]
input Identity2CreateRoleInput {
clientId: ID
name: String!
description: String
createdBy: String
isObsolete: Boolean
attributes: [Identity2KeyValueEntryInput]
input Identity2CreateUserInput {
username: String!
email: String
firstName: String
lastName: String
profileLanguage: String
enabled: Boolean
emailVerified: Boolean
attributes: [Identity2KeyValueEntryInput]
type Identity2Credential {
id: String
createdDate: Long
type: String
userLabel: String
input Identity2DeleteClientRolesInput {
roleIds: [ID]!
A connection to a list of items.
type Identity2EffectiveRolesConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: Identity2PageInfo!
A list of edges.
edges: [Identity2EffectiveRolesEdge!]
A flattened list of the nodes.
nodes: [Identity2Role]
An edge in a connection.
type Identity2EffectiveRolesEdge {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: String!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: Identity2Role
type Identity2Group implements Identity2Node {
id: ID!
parentId: ID
where: Identity2WhereGroupInput
Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
first: Int
Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
after: String
): Identity2SubgroupsConnection
Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
first: Int
Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
after: String
): Identity2UsersConnection
name: String
description: String
isUserDefinedRoot: Boolean!
isUserDefined: Boolean!
isObsolete: Boolean!
createdBy: String
createdAt: Long
attributes: [Identity2KeyValuePairOfStringAndString!]
roles: [Identity2Role]
type Identity2GroupBasicInfo {
id: ID
name: String
path: String
A connection to a list of items.
type Identity2GroupsConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: Identity2PageInfo!
A list of edges.
edges: [Identity2GroupsEdge!]
A flattened list of the nodes.
nodes: [Identity2Group]
A connection to a list of items.
type Identity2GroupsCoreConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: Identity2PageInfo!
A list of edges.
edges: [Identity2GroupsCoreEdge!]
A flattened list of the nodes.
nodes: [Identity2GroupBasicInfo]
An edge in a connection.
type Identity2GroupsCoreEdge {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: String!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: Identity2GroupBasicInfo
An edge in a connection.
type Identity2GroupsEdge {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: String!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: Identity2Group
type Identity2KeyValueEntry {
key: String!
value: String!
input Identity2KeyValueEntryInput {
key: String!
value: String!
type Identity2KeyValuePairOfStringAndString {
key: String!
value: String!
type Identity2MfaCode {
secret: String
qRCode: String
input Identity2MfaCodeInput {
deviceName: String!
code: String!
enum Identity2MfaCodeStatus {
input Identity2MfaDeviceInput {
deviceName: String!
code: String!
secret: String!
The node interface is implemented by entities that have a global unique identifier.
interface Identity2Node {
id: ID!
Information about pagination in a connection.
type Identity2PageInfo {
Indicates whether more edges exist following the set defined by the clients arguments.
hasNextPage: Boolean!
Indicates whether more edges exist prior the set defined by the clients arguments.
hasPreviousPage: Boolean!
When paginating backwards, the cursor to continue.
startCursor: String
When paginating forwards, the cursor to continue.
endCursor: String
type Identity2PasswordPolicy {
minimumLength: Int!
digits: Int!
lowercaseCharacters: Int!
uppercaseCharacters: Int!
specialCharacters: Int!
input Identity2RequestPasswordResetInput {
clientName: String!
redirectUri: String
input Identity2ResetPasswordInput {
newPassword: String!
type Identity2Role implements Identity2Node {
id: ID!
containerId: ID
where: Identity2WhereRoleInput
Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
first: Int
Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
after: String
): Identity2CompositesConnection
Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
first: Int
Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
after: String
): Identity2UsersConnection
name: String
description: String
type: Identity2RoleType
isComposite: Boolean
isObsolete: Boolean
createdBy: String
createdAt: Long
attributes: [Identity2KeyValuePairOfStringAndString!]
type Identity2RoleBasicInfo {
id: ID
name: String
type: Identity2RoleType
containerId: ID
input Identity2RoleInput {
name: String!
clientId: ID
A connection to a list of items.
type Identity2RolesConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: Identity2PageInfo!
A list of edges.
edges: [Identity2RolesEdge!]
A flattened list of the nodes.
nodes: [Identity2Role]
A connection to a list of items.
type Identity2RolesCoreConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: Identity2PageInfo!
A list of edges.
edges: [Identity2RolesCoreEdge!]
A flattened list of the nodes.
nodes: [Identity2RoleBasicInfo]
An edge in a connection.
type Identity2RolesCoreEdge {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: String!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: Identity2RoleBasicInfo
An edge in a connection.
type Identity2RolesEdge {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: String!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: Identity2Role
enum Identity2RoleType {
A connection to a list of items.
type Identity2SubgroupsConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: Identity2PageInfo!
A list of edges.
edges: [Identity2SubgroupsEdge!]
A flattened list of the nodes.
nodes: [Identity2Group]
An edge in a connection.
type Identity2SubgroupsEdge {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: String!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: Identity2Group
input Identity2UpdateGroupInput {
name: String
description: String
isObsolete: Boolean
attributes: [Identity2KeyValueEntryInput]
roleIds: [ID]
input Identity2UpdateRoleInput {
description: String
isObsolete: Boolean
attributes: [Identity2KeyValueEntryInput]
composites: [ID]
input Identity2UpdateUserInput {
username: String
firstName: String
lastName: String
profileLanguage: String
enabled: Boolean
emailVerified: Boolean
temporarilyLocked: Boolean
When adding new user attributes, current ones must also be provided in order not to be overwritten.
attributes: [Identity2KeyValueEntryInput]
input Identity2UserRolesInput {
roleIds: [ID]!
clientId: ID
A connection to a list of items.
type Identity2UsersConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: Identity2PageInfo!
A list of edges.
edges: [Identity2UsersEdge!]
A flattened list of the nodes.
nodes: [User]
An edge in a connection.
type Identity2UsersEdge {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: String!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: User
input Identity2WhereGroupInput {
Includes groups whose hierarchy path contains the specified search term.
_search: String
input Identity2WhereRoleInput {
Includes roles whose name contains the specified search term.
_search: String
Includes roles from the specified client. The prefix for encoding the client id is "Client&lt;new_line&gt;d".
clientId_eq: ID
input Identity2WhereUserInput {
Includes users whose first name is equal to or contains the specified search term (depending on the 'exact' field).
firstName: String
Includes users whose last name is equal to or contains the specified search term (depending on the 'exact' field).
lastName: String
Includes users whose username is equal to or contains the specified search term (depending on the 'exact' field).
username: String
Includes a user whose email is equal to or contains the specified search term (depending on the 'exact' field).
email: String
When set to true, firstName, lastName, username and email fields must match exactly.
exact: Boolean
Includes enabled users only.
enabled: Boolean
Includes users with verified emails only.
emailVerified: Boolean
Includes users linked to the specified Identity Provider only.
idpAlias: String
Includes users with the specified user id at the linked Identity Provider.
idpUserId: String
Search query for custom attributes, in the format 'key1:value2 key2:value2'
searchByAttributes: String
Search query contained in username, first or last name, or email.
_search: String
Includes users with specified role assigned. NOTE: Can't be combined with other filters.
role: Identity2RoleInput
input IdentityAddUserIntoGroupInput {
groupId: ID!
userId: ID!
type IdentityAddUserIntoGroupOutput {
result: Boolean
errors: [UserError]
input IdentityAssignRoleToGroupInput {
groupId: ID!
roleContainer: String!
roleName: String!
roleType: Int!
type IdentityAssignRoleToGroupOutput {
result: Boolean
errors: [UserError]
type IdentityConfig {
self: String
portalClientId: String
issuer: String
authorization_endpoint: String
token_endpoint: String
token_introspection_endpoint: String
userinfo_endpoint: String
end_session_endpoint: String
jwks_uri: String
check_session_iframe: String
registration_endpoint: String
claims_parameter_supported: Boolean
request_parameter_supported: Boolean
request_uri_parameter_supported: Boolean
tls_client_certificate_bound_access_tokens: Boolean
introspection_endpoint: String
code_challenge_methods_supported: [String]
scopes_supported: [String]
claim_types_supported: [String]
claims_supported: [String]
token_endpoint_auth_signing_alg_values_supported: [String]
token_endpoint_auth_methods_supported: [String]
response_modes_supported: [String]
request_object_signing_alg_values_supported: [String]
userinfo_signing_alg_values_supported: [String]
id_token_encryption_enc_values_supported: [String]
id_token_encryption_alg_values_supported: [String]
id_token_signing_alg_values_supported: [String]
subject_types_supported: [String]
response_types_supported: [String]
grant_types_supported: [String]
Identity Group represents a group of Identity Users.
type IdentityGroup implements IdentityNode {
id: ID!
name: String!
If a group is root for adding user-defined groups. Read-only property.
isUserDefinedRoot: Boolean
If a group is a user-defined group. Read-only property.
isUserDefined: Boolean
If a group is obsolete.
isObsolete: Boolean
Group parent in group hierarchy. Value of this property is set only once, when the group is created.
parentId: String
Children are subgroups of the group.
first: Int = null
last: Int = null
after: String = null
before: String = null
where: WhereIdentityGroupInput = null
orderBy: OrderByIdentityGroupInput = null
): IdentityGroupConnection
Users added into the group
first: Int = 10
last: Int
after: String
before: String
where: WhereIdentityUserInput
orderBy: OrderByIdentityUserInput
): IdentityUserConnection
Roles assigned to the group.
first: Int
last: Int
after: String
before: String
where: WhereIdentityRoleInput
orderBy: OrderByIdentityRoleInput
): IdentityRoleConnection
type IdentityGroupConnection {
pageInfo: PageInfo!
edges: [IdentityGroupEdge]
totalCount: Int
input IdentityGroupCreateInput {
ParentId is an Id of parent group under which the new one is created. Parent group must be a user-defined root or user-defined group.
parentId: ID!
name: String!
type IdentityGroupCreateOutput {
result: IdentityGroup
errors: [UserError]
input IdentityGroupDeleteInput {
groupId: ID!
type IdentityGroupDeleteOutput {
result: Boolean
errors: [UserError]
type IdentityGroupEdge {
node: IdentityGroup
cursor: String
enum IdentityGroupSortOrder {
input IdentityGroupUpdateInput {
groupId: ID!
name: String!
isObsolete: Boolean!
type IdentityGroupUpdateOutput {
result: IdentityGroup
errors: [UserError]
interface IdentityNode {
id: ID!
input IdentityRemoveUserFromGroupInput {
groupId: ID!
userId: ID!
type IdentityRemoveUserFromGroupOutput {
result: Boolean
errors: [UserError]
type IdentityResource implements IdentityNode {
id: ID!
name: String!
externalId: String
scopes: [String!]
type IdentityResourceConnection {
pageInfo: PageInfo!
edges: [IdentityResourceEdge]
totalCount: Int
input IdentityResourceCreateInput {
resourceServerId: String!
name: String!
externalId: String
scopes: [String!]
type IdentityResourceCreateOutput {
result: IdentityResource
errors: [UserError]
input IdentityResourceDeleteInput {
resourceServerId: ID!
resourceId: ID!
type IdentityResourceDeleteOutput {
result: Boolean!
errors: [UserError]
type IdentityResourceEdge {
node: IdentityResource
cursor: String
type IdentityResourceScope implements IdentityNode {
id: ID!
name: String!
type IdentityResourceScopeConnection {
pageInfo: PageInfo!
edges: [IdentityResourceScopeEdge]
totalCount: Int
input IdentityResourceScopeCreateInput {
resourceServerId: String!
name: String!
type IdentityResourceScopeCreateOutput {
result: IdentityResourceScope
errors: [UserError]
input IdentityResourceScopeDeleteInput {
resourceServerId: ID!
resourceScopeId: ID!
type IdentityResourceScopeDeleteOutput {
result: Boolean!
errors: [UserError]
type IdentityResourceScopeEdge {
node: IdentityResourceScope
cursor: String
enum IdentityResourceScopeSortOrder {
input IdentityResourceScopeUpdateInput {
resourceServerId: String!
resourceScopeId: ID!
name: String!
type IdentityResourceScopeUpdateOutput {
result: IdentityResourceScope
errors: [UserError]
type IdentityResourceServer implements IdentityNode {
id: ID!
name: String!
first: Int
last: Int
after: String
before: String
where: WhereIdentityRoleInput
orderBy: OrderByIdentityRoleInput
): IdentityRoleConnection
first: Int
last: Int
after: String
before: String
where: WhereIdentityResourceInput
orderBy: OrderByIdentityResourceInput
): IdentityResourceConnection
first: Int
last: Int
after: String
before: String
where: WhereIdentityResourceScopeInput
orderBy: OrderByIdentityResourceScopeInput
): IdentityResourceScopeConnection
type IdentityResourceServerConnection {
pageInfo: PageInfo!
edges: [IdentityResourceServerEdge]
totalCount: Int
type IdentityResourceServerEdge {
node: IdentityResourceServer
cursor: String
enum IdentityResourceServerSortOrder {
enum IdentityResourceSortOrder {
input IdentityResourceUpdateInput {
resourceServerId: ID!
resourceId: ID!
name: String!
externalId: String
scopes: [String!]
type IdentityResourceUpdateOutput {
result: IdentityResource
errors: [UserError]
input IdentityRevokeRoleFromGroupInput {
groupId: ID!
roleContainer: String!
roleName: ID!
roleType: Int!
type IdentityRevokeRoleFromGroupOutput {
result: Boolean
errors: [UserError]
type IdentityRole implements IdentityNode {
id: ID!
Name of the role which is set only on role creation.
name: String!
Role description.
description: String
Role type: 0 - Realm role, 1 - client (resource server) role
type: Int
Container of the role. Applicable only for client roles and container is client id.
containerId: String
If the role is composite. Read-only property.
isComposite: Boolean
If the role is obsolete.
isObsolete: Boolean
attributes: [KeyValuePair!]
Scopes assigned to the role.
scopes: [IdentityScopesWithResource!]
Resources assigned to the role.
resources: [String!]
Resource types assigned to the role.
resourceTypes: [String!]
Subroles of the role. Only composite roles have this property.
first: Int
last: Int
after: String
before: String
where: WhereIdentityRoleInput
orderBy: OrderByIdentityRoleInput
): IdentityRoleConnection
Not implemented yet.
first: Int = null
last: Int = null
after: String = null
before: String = null
where: WhereIdentityGroupInput = null
orderBy: OrderByIdentityGroupInput = null
): IdentityGroupConnection
type IdentityRoleConnection {
pageInfo: PageInfo!
edges: [IdentityRoleEdge]
Total count is set to -1.
It should not be used, as backend service does not provide the functionality.
totalCount: Int
input IdentityRoleCreateInput {
containerId: String
name: String!
description: String
type: Int
isObsolete: Boolean
scopes: [IdentityScopesWithResourceInput!]
resources: [String!]
resourceTypes: [String!]
type IdentityRoleCreateOutput {
result: IdentityRole
errors: [UserError]
input IdentityRoleDeleteInput {
containerId: ID
roleId: ID!
type IdentityRoleDeleteOutput {
result: Boolean!
errors: [UserError]
type IdentityRoleEdge {
node: IdentityRole
cursor: String
enum IdentityRoleSortOrder {
input IdentityRoleUpdateInput {
containerId: String
roleId: ID!
description: String
type: Int
isObsolete: Boolean
scopes: [IdentityScopesWithResourceInput!]
resources: [String!]
resourceTypes: [String!]
type IdentityRoleUpdateOutput {
result: IdentityRole
errors: [UserError]
type IdentityScopesWithResource {
Scope names.
scopes: [String!]
Resource assosicated with the scopes.
resource: String
input IdentityScopesWithResourceInput {
scopes: [String!]
resource: String
type IdentityUser implements IdentityNode {
id: ID!
userName: String!
User's first name.
firstName: String!
User's last name.
lastName: String!
User's email address.
email: String
If user is enabled.
enabled: Boolean
If user's email is verified.
emailVerified: Boolean
Groups that user belongs.
first: Int = 10
last: Int
after: String
before: String
where: WhereIdentityGroupInput
orderBy: OrderByIdentityGroupInput = null
): IdentityGroupConnection
type IdentityUserConnection {
pageInfo: PageInfo!
edges: [IdentityUserEdge]
totalCount: Int
type IdentityUserEdge {
node: IdentityUser
cursor: String
enum IdentityUserSortOrder {
type IdinField implements IFormComponent {
component: String
dateFieldName: String
id: ID!
index: Int!
label: String
nameFieldName: String
payloadFieldName: String
required: Boolean!
tag: String
type IDLocalizedContentSectionedCollection {
locale: String!
value: IDContentSectionedCollection!
input IDLocalizedContentSectionedCollectionInput {
locale: String!
value: IDContentSectionedCollectionInput!
interface IDossierCaseFlowActivity {
created: DateTimeOffset!
creator: IContact
creatorName: String
dossierId: ID
id: ID!
type IDossierCaseFlowActivityConnection {
edges: [IDossierCaseFlowActivityEdge]
items: [IDossierCaseFlowActivity!]
pageInfo: PageInfo!
totalCount: Int
type IDossierCaseFlowActivityEdge {
cursor: Cursor!
node: IDossierCaseFlowActivity!
Abstraction for extending objects with custom properties
interface IExtendedProperty {
Text for the end-user.
description: String
The internal name.
name: String
Preferred ordering of these elements.
sequence: Int!
The label text.
title: String
interface IFacetNode {
id: ID!
interface IFormComponent {
component: String
id: ID!
index: Int!
tag: String
interface IFormField {
component: String
id: ID!
index: Int!
label: String
required: Boolean!
tag: String
Interface for HousingApplicants, which is needed for the legacy solution because of 2 different types with overlapping id's
interface IHousingApplicant {
application on a publication.
application: HousingApplication
Checked income
checkedIncome: Int
File checked
fileChecked: Boolean
household: HousingHousehold
Get or sets Id
id: ID!
Memo for this applicant
memo: String
Refuse fine
refuseFine: Int
Refuse reason
refuseReason: IUnitReason
state: HousingApplicantState
Applicant state history
stateHistory: [HousingApplicantStateHistory]
State remarks
stateRemarks: String
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type IHousingApplicantConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [IHousingApplicantEdge]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [IHousingApplicant]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type IHousingApplicantEdge {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: IHousingApplicant
Config conditions are used when certain settings are dependent on an other value, they should become active as soon as all conditions are met
interface IHousingConfigCondition {
condition: HousingConfigCondition!
Field identifier
field: String
String values
stringValues: [String]
Housing config validator interface
interface IHousingConfigValidator {
Validator type
type: HousingConfigValidatorType!
Base interface for IHousingExtraRegistrationQuestion classes
interface IHousingExtraRegistrationQuestion {
Gets or sets Description
description: String
Get or sets Id
id: ID!
Gets or sets Name
name: String
Gets or sets Type
type: HousingExtraRegistrationQuestionType!
Gets or sets Value
value: Boolean
Filter item
type IHousingFilterItem {
count: Int!
name: String
Sub filters
subFilter: HousingFilter
value: String
Base class for FrontendApplicantStateAction classes
interface IHousingFrontendApplicantStateActionBase {
Gets ActionCode
actionCode: HousingFrontendApplicantActionCode!
Gets or sets Description
description: String
Get or sets Id
id: ID!
Gets or sets Name
name: String
interface IHousingLivingPreference {
Gets or sets Id
id: ID!
Interface for notifications
interface IHousingNotification {
url: HousingUrl
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type IHousingNotificationConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [IHousingNotificationEdge]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [IHousingNotification]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type IHousingNotificationEdge {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: IHousingNotification
Interface for the active and historic items of the user
interface IHousingUserItem {
active: Boolean!
Get or sets Id
id: ID!
important: Boolean!
type: HousingUserItemType!
url: HousingUrl
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type IHousingUserItemConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [IHousingUserItemEdge]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [IHousingUserItem]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type IHousingUserItemEdge {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: IHousingUserItem
interface IMedia {
category: String!
created: DateTime!
id: ID!
lastModified: DateTime
mediaType: MediaType!
title: String!
type IMediaConnection {
edges: [IMediaEdge]
items: [IMedia!]
pageInfo: PageInfo!
totalCount: Int
type IMediaEdge {
cursor: Cursor!
node: IMedia!
type Impersonation {
packet: String!
url: String!
enum InboxFilter {
type IndicatorEvaluationResult {
key: String
values: [Indicators]
type Indicators implements INode {
faqId: ID
field: String!
id: ID!
muteDuration: TimeSpan
priorityName: String!
title: String!
type InfoComponent implements IFormComponent {
component: String
id: ID!
index: Int!
label: String
tag: String
interface INode {
id: ID!
input InputVariable {
key: String!
value: String!
type Inquiry implements INode {
answer: String!
faqId: ID!
followupQuestionId: ID
followupQuestions: [SelectedFollowupQuestion!]
id: ID!
question: String!
targetGroupId: ID
targetGroupName: String
type InspectionFieldProperties {
days: Int!
fieldName: String
label: String
months: Int!
required: Boolean!
visible: Boolean!
weeks: Int!
scalar Instant
type InterfaceTheme {
Determines if the theme is selected for current user
isEnabled: Boolean!
Interface theme
theme: SocialInterfaceTheme!
type InternalConstantField implements IFormComponent {
component: String
fieldName: String
id: ID!
index: Int!
label: String
placeholder: String
required: Boolean!
tag: String
type Invoice implements INode {
amount: Decimal!
code: String!
contract: Contract
contractId: ID
creationDate: DateTime!
description: String!
dueDate: DateTime
id: ID!
isPayable: Boolean!
lastPaymentDate: DateTime
outstandingAmount: Decimal!
payments(first: Int, after: Cursor): PaymentConnection!
people: [IContact!]
properties: Json!
status: BillStatus!
type InvoiceConnection {
edges: [InvoiceEdge]
items: [Invoice!]
pageInfo: PageInfo!
totalCount: Int
input InvoiceDeleteInput {
billId: ID!
type InvoiceEdge {
cursor: Cursor!
node: Invoice!
input InvoiceReinstateInput {
billId: ID!
interface IPortalProviderNode {
id: ID!
interface IPreviewProperty {
Token that indicates the purpose of the field. For example: CREATED_BY, CREATED_DATE, etc
token: String
interface IResidentialZone {
id: ID!
Result interface
interface IResult {
User errors
userErrors: [HousingUserError]
User warnings
userWarnings: [HousingUserWarning]
interface IShowFlowStep {
stateContinuationId: ID!
type: String
Interface that should be used when the result of a query or mutation relies on a connection with another application where the current user should be authenticated to.
interface ISocialConnectedApplicationStatus {
The status of the connection where this query type depends on.
connectedApplicationStatus: SocialConnectedApplicationStatus!
interface ISocialDocumentOwner {
id: ID!
interface ISocialManagementEventSubjectData {
The Id of the entity, which produced the event log
id: ID!
interface ISocialNode {
id: ID!
interface ISocialNotificationLink {
linkType: SocialNotificationLinkType!
interface ISocialNotificationSubjectData {
Id of notification subject
nodeId: ID!
interface ISocialOffice365EventBase {
dayEvent: Boolean!
end: DateTime
start: DateTime
title: String
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type ISocialOffice365EventBaseConnectionWithConnectedApplicationStatus implements ISocialConnectedApplicationStatus {
The status of the connection where this query type depends on.
connectedApplicationStatus: SocialConnectedApplicationStatus!
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [ISocialOffice365EventBaseEdge]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [ISocialOffice365EventBase]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type ISocialOffice365EventBaseEdge {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: ISocialOffice365EventBase
interface ISocialSuggest {
content: String
id: ID!
supportedTokenTypes: [TokenType!]
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type ISocialSuggestConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [ISocialSuggestEdge]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [ISocialSuggest]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type ISocialSuggestEdge {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: ISocialSuggest
interface ITargetGroupCriterion {
id: ID!
targetGroup: TargetGroup!
Interface for the unit reasons
interface IUnitReason {
Get or sets Id
id: ID!
name: String
interface IViewState {
id: String!
scalar Json
scalar JSON
Unstructured Json object
scalar JsonScalar
type KeyValuePair {
key: String!
value: String!
type KnowledgebaseItem implements INode {
description: String!
id: ID!
mainThesaurusTag: ThesaurusTag!
input: WhereFaqsInput
after: Cursor
first: Int = 10
): FaqConnection!
publicLinks: [IMedia!]!
publicMedia: [IMedia!]!
thesaurusTags: ThesaurusTagConnection!
title: String!
type KnowledgebaseItemConnection {
edges: [KnowledgebaseItemEdge]
items: [KnowledgebaseItem!]
pageInfo: PageInfo!
totalCount: Int
type KnowledgebaseItemEdge {
cursor: Cursor!
node: KnowledgebaseItem!
type Language {
Language code in ISO 639-1 standard ('en', 'nl', 'de', 'sv', 'fr')
code: SocialLanguageCode!
Determines if the language is selected for current user
isSelected: Boolean!
input Legal {
contactDetails: UpdateContactDetailsInput
correspondenceType: CorrespondenceTypeInput
id: ID!
isAggressive: Boolean
isExcludedFromSingleService: Boolean
kvkNumber: String
name: String
type LegalPerson implements INode & IContact {
account: Account
activities(after: Cursor, first: Int = 10): ActivityConnection
input: WhereIContactTasksInput
first: Int
after: Cursor
): AnnouncementConnection
appointments(input: WhereAppointmentsInput!): [Calendar!]!
businessNumber: String!
input: WherePersonCaseFlowsInput
first: Int
after: Cursor
): CaseFlowConnection
contactDetails: ContactDetails
input: WherePersonContractsInput
after: Cursor
first: Int = 10
): ContractConnection!
correspondenceType: CorrespondenceType!
input: WhereIContactDossiersInput
first: Int
after: Cursor
): DossierConnection
financialOverview: FinancialOverview!
fullName: String!
id: ID!
indicators(input: WherePersonInicatorsInput): [IndicatorEvaluationResult]!
input: WhereInvoicesInput
orderBy: OrderByInvoicesInput
first: Int
after: Cursor
): InvoiceConnection
isActive: Boolean!
isDeactivatable: Boolean!
isExcludedFromSingleService: Boolean!
permissions: [Permission!]!
preferences: PersonPreferences
properties: Json!
input: WhereRepairRequestsInput
after: Cursor
first: Int = 10
): RepairRequestConnection!
roles: [RoleType!]!
input: WherePersonSelfServiceScenariosInput
first: Int
after: Cursor
): SelfServiceScenarioConnection!
synchronizedObjects: [SynchronizedObject!]!
input: WhereIContactTasksInput
first: Int
after: Cursor
): TaskConnection
input: WherePersonTicketsInput
after: Cursor
first: Int = 10
): TicketConnection
writeableFields: WritableFields!
type LegalPersonConnection {
edges: [LegalPersonEdge]
items: [LegalPerson!]
pageInfo: PageInfo!
totalCount: Int
type LegalPersonEdge {
cursor: Cursor!
node: LegalPerson!
type LimitedPermissionSetting {
Type of permission to be applied
type: LimitedPermissionTypeEnum!
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
List of user roles. Only available if "UserRoles" Permission Type is chosen
userRoles: [String]
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
input LimitedPermissionSettingInput {
Type of permission to be applied
type: LimitedPermissionTypeEnum!
List of user roles. Only to be provided if "UserRoles" Permission Type is chosen
userRoles: [String]
Input type that defines roles and scopes for a Portal resource
input LimitedPermissionsInput {
Permission setting for "View presence" scope. Users with this scope can see the existence of the resource, but cannot access it's props other than eg. name, id
viewPermission: LimitedPermissionSettingInput
Permission setting for "Access" scope. Users with this scope can access all props of the resource.
accessPermission: LimitedPermissionSettingInput
Permission setting for "Edit" scope. Users with "Edit" scope can access and edit all props of the resource.
editPermission: LimitedPermissionSettingInput
Permission setting for "Delete" scope. Users with "Delete" scope can delete an instance of this resource and also access and edit all props.
deletePermission: LimitedPermissionSettingInput
Permission setting for "Manage" scope. Users with "Manage" scope can update other permission settings.
managePermission: LimitedPermissionSettingInput
Output type that defines permission setting for scopes without the inherited option
type LimitedPermissionsObject {
List of roles identifiers having "View presence" scope. Users with "View presence" scope can see the existence of the resource, but cannot access it's props other than eg. name, id
viewPermission: LimitedPermissionSetting
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Permission setting for "Access" scope. Users with "Access" scope can access all props of the resource.
accessPermission: LimitedPermissionSetting
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Permission setting for "Edit" scope. Users with "Edit" scope can access and edit all props of the resource.
editPermission: LimitedPermissionSetting
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Permission setting for "Delete" scope. Users with "Delete" scope can delete an instance of this resource and also access and edit all props.
deletePermission: LimitedPermissionSetting
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Permission setting for "Manage" scope. Users with "Manage" scope can update other permission settings.
managePermission: LimitedPermissionSetting
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
enum LimitedPermissionTypeEnum {
Uses a list of user roles to define permission
UserRoles @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Can be accessed anonymously
Anonymous @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
type LineClosedState {
connectedTime: DateTime
endTime: DateTime!
startTime: DateTime!
type Link {
isExternal: Boolean!
title: String
value: String!
type LinkContentSection {
items: [Link!]
title: String!
type LinkContentSectionedCollection {
items: [Link!]
sections: [LinkContentSection]
type LinkLocalizedContentSectionedCollection {
locale: String!
value: LinkContentSectionedCollection!
input LinkTicketToMailKccThreadInput {
mailKccThreadId: ID!
ticketId: ID!
type LocalizedString {
locale: String!
text: String!
input LocalizedStringInput {
locale: String!
text: String!
type LocationType implements INode {
id: ID!
key: String
value: String
type Lock {
id: ID!
expirationDate: String
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
userId: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
portalId: ID! @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
input LoginCommandArgsInput {
id: String
value: String
type LoginCommandDefinition {
description: String
id: String
inputParameterDefinitions: [LoginInputParameterDefinition]
input LoginCommandInput {
id: String
inputs: [LoginCommandArgsInput]
type LoginInputParameterDefinition {
description: String
id: String
name: String
optionInput: OptionInputType
textInput: TextInputType
type LoginViewState implements IViewState {
id: String!
The `Long` scalar type represents non-fractional signed whole 64-bit numeric values. Long can represent values between -(2^63) and 2^63 - 1.
scalar Long
type LookupAddress {
city: String
coordinate: Coordinate
houseNumber: Int
houseNumberSuffix: String
id: String!
street: String
zipCode: String
type LuxsSensor implements INode {
attachments: [LuxsSensorAttachment]!
elements: [LuxsSensorElement]!
id: ID!
type LuxsSensorAttachment implements INode {
description: String
externalid: Int
fileIds: [Int!]
id: ID!
label: String
topic: String
type LuxsSensorElement implements INode {
id: ID!
properties: Json!
type Mail implements ICustomersMailNode {
attachments: [MailAttachment!]!
bcc: [MailRecipient]
cc: [MailRecipient]
content: String!
from: MailRecipient
htmlString: String
id: ID!
metadata: Json!
sentOn: DateTime!
subject: String!
success: Boolean!
to: [MailRecipient]
type MailAttachment implements ICustomersMailNode {
downloadUrl: String!
id: ID!
mimeType: String
name: String
type MailConnection {
edges: [MailEdge]
items: [Mail!]
pageInfo: PageInfo!
totalCount: Int
type MailEdge {
cursor: Cursor!
node: Mail!
input MailKccAddDraftInput {
assignedToPersonId: ID
content: MailKccDraftContentInput!
linkedToPersonId: ID
mailKccMailboxId: ID!
recipients: MailKccRecipientsInput!
replyToKccEmailMessage: MailKccReplyToKccEmailMessageInput
replyToMailKccEmailMessageId: ID
ticketId: ID
type MailKccAddDraftResult {
mailKccDraftId: ID!
input MailKccAddMediaInfo {
contentId: String!
umbrellaMediaId: ID!
input MailKccAddMediaToDraftInput {
contentId: String!
mailKccDraftId: ID!
umbrellaMediaId: ID!
type MailKccAddMediaToDraftResult {
isSuccess: Boolean!
input MailKccAssignPersonToThreadInput {
mailKccThreadId: ID!
personId: ID!
type MailKccDraft implements INode {
assignedToPersonId: ID
attachments(after: Cursor, first: Int): MailKccDraftAttachmentConnection!
content: MailKccMessageContent!
createdOn: DateTimeOffset!
id: ID!
inReplyTo: MailKccMessage
linkedToPersonId: ID
recipients: MailKccMessageRecipients!
sentAs: MailKccMessage
status: MailKccDraftStatus!
submissionEnqueuedOn: DateTimeOffset
ticketId: ID
updatedOn: DateTimeOffset
type MailKccDraftAttachment {
contentId: String!
fileName: String!
mimeType: String!
umbrellaMediaId: ID!
type MailKccDraftAttachmentConnection {
edges: [MailKccDraftAttachmentEdge]
items: [MailKccDraftAttachment!]
pageInfo: PageInfo!
totalCount: Int
type MailKccDraftAttachmentEdge {
cursor: Cursor!
node: MailKccDraftAttachment!
type MailKccDraftConnection {
edges: [MailKccDraftEdge]
items: [MailKccDraft!]
pageInfo: PageInfo!
totalCount: Int
input MailKccDraftContentInput {
html: String
plainText: String
subject: String!
type MailKccDraftEdge {
cursor: Cursor!
node: MailKccDraft!
enum MailKccDraftStatus {
type MailKccInternetAddressList {
rawValue: String!
input MailKccInternetAddressListInput {
rawValue: String!
input MailKccLinkPersonToThreadInput {
mailKccThreadId: ID!
personId: ID!
type MailKccMailbox implements INode {
after: Cursor
first: Int
where: MailKccWhereDraftsInput
): MailKccDraftConnection!
emailAddress: String!
id: ID!
isActive: Boolean!
where: WhereKccEmailThreadsInput
orderBy: MailKccOrderThreadsByInput
after: Cursor
first: Int
): MailKccThreadConnection!
where: WhereKccMailboxItemsInput
orderBy: MailKccMailboxItemsOrderByInput
after: Cursor
first: Int
): MailKccMailboxItemConnection!
type MailKccMailboxConnection {
edges: [MailKccMailboxEdge]
items: [MailKccMailbox!]
pageInfo: PageInfo!
totalCount: Int
type MailKccMailboxEdge {
cursor: Cursor!
node: MailKccMailbox!
union MailKccMailboxItem = MailKccThread | MailKccDraft
type MailKccMailboxItemConnection {
edges: [MailKccMailboxItemEdge]
items: [MailKccMailboxItem!]
pageInfo: PageInfo!
totalCount: Int
type MailKccMailboxItemEdge {
cursor: Cursor!
node: MailKccMailboxItem!
input MailKccMailboxItemsOrderByInput {
sortOrder: MailKccMailboxItemsSortOrder! = LAST_UPDATE_ON_ASC
enum MailKccMailboxItemsSortOrder {
type MailKccMessage implements INode {
attachments(after: Cursor, first: Int): MailKccMessageAttachmentConnection!
content: MailKccMessageContent!
date: DateTimeOffset!
demandsReading: Boolean!
id: ID!
inReplyTo(after: Cursor, first: Int): MailKccMessageConnection!
isConsultationMessage: Boolean!
isReadOn: DateTimeOffset
messageDirection: MailKccMessageDirection!
recipients: MailKccMessageRecipients!
referencedIn(after: Cursor, first: Int): MailKccMessageConnection!
references(after: Cursor, first: Int): MailKccMessageConnection!
repliedIn(after: Cursor, first: Int): MailKccMessageConnection!
after: Cursor
first: Int
where: MailKccWhereDraftsInput
): MailKccDraftConnection!
responseTargets: MailKccMessageResponseTargets!
senders: MailKccMessageSenders!
thread: MailKccThread!
type MailKccMessageAttachment {
contentId: String
fileName: String!
mimeType: String!
umbrellaMediaId: ID!
type MailKccMessageAttachmentConnection {
edges: [MailKccMessageAttachmentEdge]
items: [MailKccMessageAttachment!]
pageInfo: PageInfo!
totalCount: Int
type MailKccMessageAttachmentEdge {
cursor: Cursor!
node: MailKccMessageAttachment!
type MailKccMessageConnection {
edges: [MailKccMessageEdge]
items: [MailKccMessage!]
pageInfo: PageInfo!
totalCount: Int
type MailKccMessageContent {
html: String
plainText: String
sanitizedHtml: String
subject: String!
uniformizedAsPlainText: String
enum MailKccMessageDirection {
type MailKccMessageEdge {
cursor: Cursor!
node: MailKccMessage!
type MailKccMessageRecipients {
bcc: MailKccInternetAddressList
cc: MailKccInternetAddressList
to: MailKccInternetAddressList!
type MailKccMessageResponseTargets {
mailFollowupTo: MailKccInternetAddressList
mailReplyTo: MailKccInternetAddressList
replyTo: MailKccInternetAddressList
enum MailKccMessagesAndDraftsSortOrder {
type MailKccMessageSenders {
from: MailKccInternetAddressList!
sender: MailKccInternetAddressList
enum MailKccMessageSortOrder {
input MailKccOrderByMessagesAndUnsentDraftsInput {
sortOrder: MailKccMessagesAndDraftsSortOrder! = DATE_ASC
input MailKccOrderThreadMessagesByInput {
sortOrder: MailKccMessageSortOrder! = DATE_ASC
input MailKccOrderThreadsByInput {
sortOrder: MailKccThreadSortOrder! = LAST_UPDATE_ON_ASC
input MailKccRecipientsInput {
bcc: MailKccInternetAddressListInput
cc: MailKccInternetAddressListInput
to: MailKccInternetAddressListInput!
input MailKccRemoveMediaFromDraftInput {
mailKccDraftId: ID!
umbrellaMediaId: ID!
type MailKccRemoveMediaFromDraftResult {
isSuccess: Boolean!
input MailKccReplyToKccEmailMessageInput {
kccEmailMessageId: ID!
willIncludePreviousMessageBody: Boolean!
input MailKccSetThreadStateInput {
mailKccThreadId: ID!
threadState: ThreadStateOption!
type MailKccSetThreadStateResult {
isSuccess: Boolean!
input MailKccSubmitDraftInput {
mailKccDraftId: ID!
type MailKccSubmitDraftResult {
isSuccess: Boolean!
input MailKccSubmitMessageDirectInput {
assignedToPersonId: ID
content: MailKccDraftContentInput!
linkedToPersonId: ID
mailKccMailboxId: ID!
recipients: MailKccRecipientsInput!
replyToKccEmailMessage: MailKccReplyToKccEmailMessageInput
replyToMailKccEmailMessageId: ID
ticketId: ID
umbrellaMedia: [MailKccAddMediaInfo]
umbrellaMediaIds: [ID!]
type MailKccSubmitMessageDirectResult {
mailKccDraftId: ID!
type MailKccThread implements INode {
id: ID!
ticket: Ticket
assignedToPersonId: ID
createdOn: DateTimeOffset!
demandsReadingMessageCount: Int!
hasUnreadMessages: Boolean!
lastEnqueuedDraft: MailKccDraft
lastUpdateOn: DateTimeOffset!
linkedToPersonId: ID
where: WhereKccEmailMessagesInput
orderBy: MailKccOrderThreadMessagesByInput
after: Cursor
first: Int = 10
): MailKccMessageConnection!
orderBy: MailKccOrderByMessagesAndUnsentDraftsInput
after: Cursor
first: Int = 10
): MailKccThreadItemConnection!
state: ThreadStateOption!
type MailKccThreadConnection {
edges: [MailKccThreadEdge]
items: [MailKccThread!]
pageInfo: PageInfo!
totalCount: Int
type MailKccThreadEdge {
cursor: Cursor!
node: MailKccThread!
union MailKccThreadItem = MailKccMessage | MailKccDraft
type MailKccThreadItemConnection {
edges: [MailKccThreadItemEdge]
items: [MailKccThreadItem!]
pageInfo: PageInfo!
totalCount: Int
type MailKccThreadItemEdge {
cursor: Cursor!
node: MailKccThreadItem!
enum MailKccThreadSortOrder {
input MailKccUnassignPersonToThreadInput {
mailKccThreadId: ID!
input MailKccUnlinkPersonToThreadInput {
mailKccThreadId: ID!
input MailKccUpdateDraftInput {
assignedToPersonId: ID
content: MailKccDraftContentInput!
linkedToPersonId: ID
mailKccDraftId: ID!
recipients: MailKccRecipientsInput!
ticketId: ID
type MailKccUpdateDraftResult {
isSuccess: Boolean!
input MailKccWhereDraftsInput {
status: DraftStatusInput
type MailRecipient {
displayName: String!
emailAddress: String!
input MailRecipientInput {
emailAddress: String!
input MailResendInput {
bcc: [MailRecipientInput]
cc: [MailRecipientInput]
mailId: ID!
to: [MailRecipientInput]
type MailResendResult {
isSuccess: Boolean!
input MarkKccEmailMessagesReadInput {
mailKccMessageIds: [ID!]!
input MarkKccThreadReadInput {
mailKccThreadId: ID!
type Me {
customersToken: String
functionGroups: [FunctionGroup!]
id: ID!
person: Person
preferences: PersonPreferences!
username: String!
writeableFields: WritableFields!
input MediaCatalogueCreateInput {
path: String!
permissions: MediaPermissionsInput
type MediaCatalogueCreateOutput {
result: MediaFolder
errors: [UserError]
input MediaCatalogueGroupCreateInput {
name: String!
permissions: MediaPermissionsInput
type MediaCatalogueGroupCreateOutput {
result: MediaFolder
errors: [UserError]
enum MediaCategory {
union MediaChild = MediaFolder | MediaFile
type MediaChildrenConnection {
pageInfo: PageInfo!
edges: [MediaEdge]
totalCount: Int
enum MediaChildSortOrder {
enum MediaChildType {
Media type as folder.
Media type as file.
type MediaCleared implements INode & IMedia {
category: String!
clearedBy: Person!
clearedOn: DateTime!
created: DateTime!
id: ID!
lastModified: DateTime
mediaType: MediaType!
reason: String!
title: String!
input MediaDeleteInput {
id: ID!
message: String!
type MediaDeleteOutput {
result: Boolean
errors: [UserError]
type MediaDocument implements INode & IMedia {
category: String!
created: DateTime!
downloadUrl: String!
fileName: String!
id: ID!
lastModified: DateTime
mediaType: MediaType!
mimeType: String!
size: Int!
title: String!
type MediaEdge {
node: MediaChild
cursor: String
type MediaExistsOutput {
result: Boolean
errors: [UserError]
type MediaField implements IFormComponent {
allowedExtensions: [String]
component: String
fieldName: String
id: ID!
index: Int!
label: String
maxAllowedFileSize: Int
placeholder: String
required: Boolean!
tag: String
type MediaFile implements MediaNode {
id: ID!
name: String
path: String
fileSize: Int
fileState: MediaFileState
width: Int
height: Int
createdAt: String
lastModifiedAt: String
createdBy: String
lastModifiedBy: String
createdByUser: User
lastModifiedByUser: User
tenantId: String
downloadUri: String
processed: Boolean
processState: MediaProgressState
version: String
type: String
isSystemType: Boolean
tags: [String]
variants: [MediaVariant]
permissions: MediaPermissionsObject
userPermissions: MediaUserPermissionsObject
parentId: ID
parentMediaFolder: MediaFolder
type MediaFileConnection {
pageInfo: PageInfo!
edges: [MediaFileEdge]
totalCount: Int
type MediaFileContentSection {
items: [MediaFile]
title: String!
type MediaFileContentSectionedCollection {
items: [MediaFile]
sections: [MediaFileContentSection]
input MediaFileCopyInput {
sourceFileId: ID!
destinationFolderId: ID!
type MediaFileCopyOutput {
result: MediaFile
errors: [UserError]
input MediaFileDeleteByIdsInput {
ids: [ID!]!
type MediaFileDeleteByIdsOutput {
result: [MediaFileDeleteResponseOutput]
errors: [UserError]
input MediaFileDeleteInput {
path: String
id: ID
type MediaFileDeleteOutput {
result: Boolean
errors: [UserError]
type MediaFileDeleteResponseOutput {
value: String
statusCode: Int
type MediaFileEdge {
node: MediaFile
cursor: String
input MediaFileInput {
Identifier for a file. Identifier determines an exact file version.
id: ID!
Indicates whether a default version for a given file identifier should be returned.
By default this is set to true.
defaultVersion: Boolean = true
type MediaFileLocalizedContentSectionedCollection {
locale: String!
value: MediaFileContentSectionedCollection!
input MediaFileMoveByIdInput {
fileId: ID!
directoryId: ID!
input MediaFileMoveInput {
path: String!
newPath: String!
version: String
input MediaFileRenameByIdInput {
fileId: ID!
newFileName: String!
input MediaFileRenameInput {
path: String!
newFileName: String!
version: String
input MediaFileReprocessInput {
fileId: String!
transloaditTemplates: [MediaTransloaditTemplateInput]
type MediaFileReprocessOutput {
result: [MediaReprocessResponse]
errors: [UserError]
enum MediaFileSortOrder {
enum MediaFileState {
File is available and can be used.
File doesn't have storage path populated.
input MediaFileUpdateByIdInput {
id: ID!
tags: [String!]
permissions: MediaPermissionsInput
input MediaFileUpdateInput {
path: String!
tags: [String!]
version: String
permissions: MediaPermissionsInput
type MediaFileUpdateOutput {
result: MediaFile
errors: [UserError]
input MediaFileVariantInput {
id: ID!
variant: String
defaultVersion: Boolean = true
type MediaFileVariantOutput {
result: MediaVariant
errors: [UserError]
type MediaFolder implements MediaNode {
id: ID!
name: String
path: String
createdAt: String
lastModifiedAt: String
createdBy: String
lastModifiedBy: String
createdByUser: User
lastModifiedByUser: User
tenantId: String
isGroup: Boolean
isCatalogue: Boolean
isSystemType: Boolean
permissions: MediaPermissionsObject
userPermissions: MediaUserPermissionsObject
parentId: ID
parentMediaFolder: MediaFolder
children: [MediaChild]
first: Int = 10
last: Int
after: String
before: String
where: WhereMediaChildInput
orderBy: OrderByMediaChildInput
): MediaChildrenConnection
portal: PortalProviderPortal
type MediaFolderConnection {
pageInfo: PageInfo!
edges: [MediaFolderEdge]
totalCount: Int
input MediaFolderCopyInput {
sourceFolderId: ID!
destinationFolderId: ID!
type MediaFolderCopyOutput {
result: MediaFolder
errors: [UserError]
input MediaFolderCreateInput {
path: String!
permissions: MediaPermissionsInput
type MediaFolderCreateOutput {
result: MediaFolder
errors: [UserError]
input MediaFolderDeleteByIdsInput {
ids: [ID!]!
type MediaFolderDeleteByIdsOutput {
result: [MediaFolderDeleteResponseOutput]
errors: [UserError]
type MediaFolderDeleteResponseOutput {
value: String
statusCode: Int
type MediaFolderEdge {
node: MediaFolder
cursor: String
input MediaFolderIdInput {
id: ID!
input MediaFolderInput {
path: String!
type MediaFolderOutput {
result: MediaFolder
errors: [UserError]
enum MediaFolderSortOrder {
input MediaFolderUpdateByIdInput {
id: ID!
newPath: String
permissions: MediaPermissionsInput
type MediaImage implements INode & IMedia {
category: String!
created: DateTime!
downloadUrl: String!
fileName: String!
id: ID!
lastModified: DateTime
mediaType: MediaType!
mimeType: String!
size: Int!
title: String!
input MediaInput {
filename: String
mediaId: ID!
enum MediaItemVisibilityInput {
input MediaItemWithVisibilityInput {
mediaId: ID!
mediaItemVisibility: MediaItemVisibilityInput!
type MediaLink implements INode & IMedia {
category: String!
created: DateTime!
id: ID!
lastModified: DateTime
mediaType: MediaType!
title: String!
url: String!
input MediaMetadataInput {
path: String!
version: String
type MediaMetadataOutput {
result: MediaFile
errors: [UserError]
input MediaMoveInput {
id: ID!
destinationId: ID!
interface MediaNode {
id: ID!
type MediaPermissionSetting {
Type of permission to be applied.
type: MediaPermissionTypeEnum
List of user roles. Only available if "UserRoles" Permission Type is chosen.
userRoles: [String]
input MediaPermissionSettingInput {
Type of permission to be applied
type: MediaPermissionTypeEnum!
List of user roles. Only to be provided if "UserRoles" Permission Type is chosen
userRoles: [String]
Input type that defines roles and scopes for a resource.
input MediaPermissionsInput {
List of roles identifiers having "View presence" scope. Users with "View presence" scope can see the resource.
viewPermission: MediaPermissionSettingInput!
Permission setting for "Access" scope. Users with "Access" scope can access the resource.
accessPermission: MediaPermissionSettingInput!
Permission setting for "Edit" scope. Users with "Edit" scope can edit the resource.
editPermission: MediaPermissionSettingInput!
Permission setting for "Delete" scope. Users with "Delete" scope can delete an instance of this resource.
deletePermission: MediaPermissionSettingInput!
Permission setting for "Manage" scope. Users with "Manage" scope can update other permission settings.
managePermission: MediaPermissionSettingInput!
Output type that defines permission for scopes of a resource.
type MediaPermissionsObject {
List of roles identifiers having "View presence" scope. Users with "View presence" scope can see the resource.
viewPermission: MediaPermissionSetting
Permission setting for "Access" scope. Users with "Access" scope can access the resource.
accessPermission: MediaPermissionSetting
Permission setting for "Edit" scope. Users with "Edit" scope can edit the resource.
editPermission: MediaPermissionSetting
Permission setting for "Delete" scope. Users with "Delete" scope can delete an instance of this resource.
deletePermission: MediaPermissionSetting
Permission setting for "Manage" scope. Users with "Manage" scope can update other permission settings.
managePermission: MediaPermissionSetting
enum MediaPermissionTypeEnum {
Can be accessed anonymously.
Permission is inherited from the parent.
Uses a list of user roles to define permission.
input MediaProcessingStepsInput {
fileName: String!
type MediaProcessingStepsOutput {
result: [MediaTransloaditTemplate]
errors: [UserError]
enum MediaProgressState {
There are still processing steps that are not executed yet.
All processing steps are executed
At least one processing step has failed.
No pipeline has been triggered for the file.
input MediaProviderDeleteInput {
path: String
id: ID
type MediaReprocessResponse {
fileId: String!
pipelineId: String
success: Boolean
message: String
enum MediaSortOrder {
type MediaTransloaditTemplate {
templateName: String!
steps: [MediTransloaditTemplateStep]
input MediaTransloaditTemplateInput {
templateName: String!
steps: [MediTransloaditTemplateStepInput]
enum MediaType {
enum MediaTypesInput {
input MediaUpdateInput {
path: String!
newPath: String
permissions: MediaPermissionsInput
type MediaUpdateOutput {
result: MediaFolder
errors: [UserError]
input MediaUploadUrlGenerationInput {
mediaCategory: String!
input MediaUrlInput {
path: String!
variant: String
version: String
type MediaUrlOutput {
result: String
errors: [UserError]
Output type that defines user permission of a resource.
type MediaUserPermissionsObject {
Indicates if the user has edit permission on the resource.
edit: Boolean
Indicates if the user has view permission on the resource.
view: Boolean
Indicates if the user has access permission on the resource.
access: Boolean
Indicates if the user has delete permission on the resource.
delete: Boolean
Indicates if the user has manage permission on the resource.
manage: Boolean
type MediaVariant {
name: String
storagePath: String
width: String
height: String
input MediaVersionsInput {
path: String!
type MediaVersionsOutput {
result: [MediaFile]
errors: [UserError]
type MediaVideo implements INode & IMedia {
category: String!
created: DateTime!
downloadUrl: String!
fileName: String!
id: ID!
lastModified: DateTime
mediaType: MediaType!
mimeType: String!
size: Int!
title: String!
type MediTransloaditTemplateStep {
name: String!
input MediTransloaditTemplateStepInput {
name: String!
Membership of a person related to a group
enum MembershipStatus {
Person is invited by a group manager
Person was invited, but invitation was rejected
Person has joined the group
Person is group manager
Person is not member of the group
Person sent a request to join the group
A group manager rejected the request of the person to join the group
type Message {
tokens: [Token]
enum MessagePriority {
enum MessageType {
CONTACT_MESSAGE @deprecated(reason: "Use ContactMoment.")
input MessageTypeFilterOptions {
includeCustomer: Boolean!
includeOperator: Boolean!
includeSystem: Boolean!
type Microblog implements ISocialNode {
List of file attachments
where: WhereMicroblogAttachmentsInput
after: Cursor
first: Int
): AttachmentConnection!
The person that posted the microblog
author: SocialPerson
Comment that is marked as best answer. Its parent can be only a microblog of type Question.
bestAnswer: Microblog
Comments for the selected microblog
where: WhereChildrenInput
before: Cursor
after: Cursor
first: Int
last: Int
): MicroblogConnectionWithUpdateCursor!
The total count of all comments
childrenCount: Int!
ContainerId of the microblog. If the microblog is a comment(has ParentId), this is the container of its parent
containerId: ID
When the microblog was created in UTC
creationDate: DateTime!
List of emotions together with the persons for the microblog
where: WhereEmotionInput
after: Cursor
first: Int
): SocialEmotionConnection!
Count of each emotion for the selected microblog together with total emotions count
emotionsSummary: SocialEmotionsSummary
The DateTime when the voting for the Poll is closed. Only Polls can have that value
expiration: DateTime
The forwarded microblog, will be null when no microblog is being forwarded.
forwardedMicroblog: SocialForwardedMicroblog
The group in which the microblog was added
group: SocialGroup
If the microblog has new comments
hasNewChildren(after: Cursor!): Boolean!
Marked as true if the microblog is of type poll
hasOptions: Boolean!
Highlighted snippet matching the search term in SocialMicroblogsSearch query. It can contain multiple highlights. Highlighted matches are wrapped into <highlight></highlight> tags. An example result of a search for 'elastic' is '<highlight>Elastic</highlight>search is part of the <highlight>Elastic</highlight> Stack'
highlight: String
Comment on a microblog in which the group was most recently mentioned. The value is only populated for QueryTypes.Group Timeline when TimelineType.Mentions filter is specified.
highlightedChild(where: SocialMicroblogHighlightedChildInput!): Microblog
Тhe version history of the microblog
history(after: Cursor, first: Int): MicroblogConnection!
id: ID!
The person who marked the microblog as important
importantBy: SocialPerson
Marked as true if the microblog is of type comment and is selected as a best answer for another microblog of type question
isBestAnswer: Boolean!
Flag whether the current user has marked this microblog as favorite
isFavorite: Boolean!
Flag whether the current user wants to receive notifications
isSubscribed: Boolean!
When the microblog was modified in UTC
lastEdited: DateTime
The content of the microblog. If the microblog is moderated the reason why the microblog was moderated is returned instead of the original content
message: Message
The person who moderated the microblog
moderatedBy: SocialPerson
Emotion of the current user towards the microblog. Will be null if there is no added emotion
myEmotion: SocialEmotionType!
reason: "Please fetch the current user's emotion via the EmotionsSummary | 20240208"
All previews metadata for a microblog
oEmbedMetadatas: [SocialOEmbedInfo]
If the microblog is of type poll, this will display the various options that are provided
options: [PollOption]
Parent Id value of a microblog. The value is only populated for comments.
parentId: ID
List of persons that wrote comments
participants(after: Cursor, first: Int): SocialPersonConnection!
permissions: SocialMicroblogPermissions!
The person that posted the microblog
pinnedBy: SocialPerson
The quoted comment, will be null when no comment is being quoted.
quotedComment: SocialQuotedComment
List of node Ids shared in this microblog
sharedContent: [ID!]
The status of the microblog
status: SocialMicroblogStatus!
The title of a microblog. The value is only populated for questions and polls. If the microblog is moderated it will be empty
title: String
type: SocialMicroblogType!
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type MicroblogConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [MicroblogEdge]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [Microblog]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type MicroblogConnectionWithUpdateCursor {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [MicroblogEdge]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [Microblog]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
updateCursor: Cursor!
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type MicroblogEdge {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: Microblog
Office 365 applications
enum MicrosoftOffice365Apps {
Excel app
PowerPoint app
Word app
The 'Milliseconds' scalar type represents a period of time represented as the total number of milliseconds.
scalar Milliseconds
type MultipleChoiceField implements IFormComponent {
component: String
fieldName: String
id: ID!
index: Int!
label: String
options: [ChoiceOption]
required: Boolean!
tag: String
type MultipleFilesDownloadResult {
downloadUrl: String
Mutations exposed by Portal Provider.
type Mutation {
identity2CreateRole(input: Identity2CreateRoleInput!): Identity2Role
id: ID!
clientId: ID
input: Identity2UpdateRoleInput!
): Identity2Role
identity2DeleteRole(id: ID!): Identity2Role
clientId: ID!
input: Identity2DeleteClientRolesInput!
): [ID]
identity2CreateUser(input: Identity2CreateUserInput!): User
identity2UpdateUser(id: ID!, input: Identity2UpdateUserInput!): User
identity2DeleteUser(id: ID!): User
identity2AssignRolesToUser(userId: ID!, input: Identity2UserRolesInput!): User
userId: ID!
input: Identity2UserRolesInput!
): User
identity2AddUserToGroup(userId: ID!, groupId: ID!): User
identity2RemoveUserFromGroup(userId: ID!, groupId: ID!): User
identity2ChangeEmail(input: Identity2ChangeEmailInput!): ID
input: Identity2MfaDeviceInput!
): Identity2MfaCodeStatus
input: Identity2MfaCodeInput!
): Identity2MfaCodeStatus
identity2ChangeEmailForUser(id: ID!, input: Identity2ChangeEmailInput!): ID
identity2ChangePassword(input: Identity2ChangePasswordInput!): ID
identity2ResetPassword(id: ID!, input: Identity2ResetPasswordInput!): ID
identity2RequestPasswordReset(input: Identity2RequestPasswordResetInput): ID
identity2DeleteMfaDevice(deviceId: String!): String
identity2DeleteUsersMfaDevice(userId: ID!, deviceId: String!): String
identity2CreateGroup(input: Identity2CreateGroupInput!): Identity2Group
id: ID!
input: Identity2UpdateGroupInput!
): Identity2Group
identity2DeleteGroup(id: ID!): Identity2Group
contentAddSlug(input: AddSlugInput): ContentSlug
contentArchive(input: ContentArchiveInput): IContentNode
input: ContentConversationInput
): ContentConversationSave
input: ContentKnowledgeArticleInput
): ContentKnowledgeArticleSave
contentAutoSaveNewsItem(input: ContentNewsItemInput): ContentNewsItemSave
contentAutoSaveWiki(input: ContentWikiInput): ContentWikiSave
input: ContentBatchedOperationInput
): BatchedContentResult
input: ContentBatchedOperationInput
): BatchedContentResult
contentBatchedMove(input: ContentBatchedOperationInput): BatchedContentResult
input: ContentBatchedOperationInput
): BatchedContentResult
input: ContentBatchedOperationInput
): BatchedContentResult
input: [ContentCreateTagInput]!
): ContentTagBatchedContentResult
input: ContentBatchedOperationInput
): BatchedContentResult
contentBreakLease(input: ContentBreakLeaseInput): IContentNode
contentDelete(input: ContentDeleteInput): IContentNode
contentDeleteSlug(input: DeleteSlugInput): ContentSlug
contentLease(input: ContentLeaseInput): IContentNode
contentManage(input: ContentManageInput): IContentNode
input: ContentManagementReIndexSingleInput
): ReIndexSingleResult
input: ContentKnowledgeArticleMove
): ContentKnowledgeArticle
contentMoveNewsItem(input: ContentNewsItemMove): ContentNewsItem
contentMoveTopic(input: ContentTopicMove): ContentTopic
contentMoveWiki(input: ContentWikiMove): ContentWiki
contentNewConversation: ContentConversation
contentNewDistrict: ContentDistrict
contentNewJob: ContentJob
input: ContentKnowledgeArticleNew
): ContentKnowledgeArticle
contentNewNeighborhood: ContentNeighborhood
contentNewNeighborhoodManager: ContentNeighborhoodManager
contentNewNewsItem(input: ContentNewsItemNew): ContentNewsItem
contentNewNotification: ContentNotification
contentNewProject: ContentProject
contentNewSegment: ContentSegment
contentNewSmartlabel: ContentSmartlabel
contentNewTag: ContentTag
contentNewTopic(input: ContentTopicNew): ContentTopic
contentNewTown: ContentTown
contentNewWiki(input: ContentWikiNew): ContentWiki
contentPublish(input: ContentPublishInput): IContentNode
contentReorderTopic(input: ContentReorderInput): ContentTopic
contentRestore(input: ContentRestoreInput): IContentNode
contentSaveConfig(input: ContentConfigInput): ContentConfig
input: ContentConversationInput
): ContentConversation
contentSaveDraftDistrict(input: ContentDistrictInput): ContentDistrict
contentSaveDraftJob(input: ContentJobInput): ContentJob
input: ContentKnowledgeArticleInput
): ContentKnowledgeArticle
input: ContentNeighborhoodInput
): ContentNeighborhood
input: ContentNeighborhoodManagerInput
): ContentNeighborhoodManager
contentSaveDraftNewsItem(input: ContentNewsItemInput): ContentNewsItem
input: ContentNotificationInput
): ContentNotification
contentSaveDraftProject(input: ContentProjectInput): ContentProject
contentSaveDraftSegment(input: ContentSegmentInput): ContentSegment
contentSaveDraftTopic(input: ContentTopicInput): ContentTopic
contentSaveDraftTown(input: ContentTownInput): ContentTown
contentSaveDraftWiki(input: ContentWikiInput): ContentWiki
contentSaveSmartlabel(input: ContentSmartlabelInput): ContentSmartlabel
contentSaveTag(input: ContentTagInput): ContentTag
contentUnpublish(input: ContentUnpublishInput): IContentNode
input: UpdateSupportedLanguagesInput
): ContentMutationResult
CONTENT_StepsCreate(input: [CONTENT_StepCreateInput!]!): [CONTENT_Step]
CONTENT_StepsUpdate(input: [CONTENT_StepUpdateInput!]!): [CONTENT_Step]
where: WhereCONTENT_StepInput!
locale: [String]
): [CONTENT_Step]
where: WhereCONTENT_StepInput!
locale: [String]
): [CONTENT_Step]
where: WhereCONTENT_StepInput!
locale: [String]
cascade: Boolean
): [CONTENT_Step]
CONTENT_BlogsCreate(input: [CONTENT_BlogCreateInput!]!): [CONTENT_Blog]
CONTENT_BlogsUpdate(input: [CONTENT_BlogUpdateInput!]!): [CONTENT_Blog]
where: WhereCONTENT_BlogInput!
locale: [String]
): [CONTENT_Blog]
where: WhereCONTENT_BlogInput!
locale: [String]
): [CONTENT_Blog]
where: WhereCONTENT_BlogInput!
locale: [String]
cascade: Boolean
): [CONTENT_Blog]
CONTENT_GroupsCreate(input: [CONTENT_GroupCreateInput!]!): [CONTENT_Group]
CONTENT_GroupsUpdate(input: [CONTENT_GroupUpdateInput!]!): [CONTENT_Group]
where: WhereCONTENT_GroupInput!
locale: [String]
): [CONTENT_Group]
where: WhereCONTENT_GroupInput!
locale: [String]
): [CONTENT_Group]
where: WhereCONTENT_GroupInput!
locale: [String]
cascade: Boolean
): [CONTENT_Group]
CONTENT_TeamsCreate(input: [CONTENT_TeamCreateInput!]!): [CONTENT_Team]
CONTENT_TeamsUpdate(input: [CONTENT_TeamUpdateInput!]!): [CONTENT_Team]
where: WhereCONTENT_TeamInput!
locale: [String]
): [CONTENT_Team]
where: WhereCONTENT_TeamInput!
locale: [String]
): [CONTENT_Team]
where: WhereCONTENT_TeamInput!
locale: [String]
cascade: Boolean
): [CONTENT_Team]
input: [CONTENT_ReviewOptionCreateInput!]!
): [CONTENT_ReviewOption]
input: [CONTENT_ReviewOptionUpdateInput!]!
): [CONTENT_ReviewOption]
where: WhereCONTENT_ReviewOptionInput!
locale: [String]
): [CONTENT_ReviewOption]
where: WhereCONTENT_ReviewOptionInput!
locale: [String]
): [CONTENT_ReviewOption]
where: WhereCONTENT_ReviewOptionInput!
locale: [String]
cascade: Boolean
): [CONTENT_ReviewOption]
CONTENT_ConfigsCreate(input: [CONTENT_ConfigCreateInput!]!): [CONTENT_Config]
CONTENT_ConfigsUpdate(input: [CONTENT_ConfigUpdateInput!]!): [CONTENT_Config]
where: WhereCONTENT_ConfigInput!
locale: [String]
): [CONTENT_Config]
where: WhereCONTENT_ConfigInput!
locale: [String]
): [CONTENT_Config]
where: WhereCONTENT_ConfigInput!
locale: [String]
cascade: Boolean
): [CONTENT_Config]
CONTENT_FaqTagsCreate(input: [CONTENT_FaqTagCreateInput!]!): [CONTENT_FaqTag]
CONTENT_FaqTagsUpdate(input: [CONTENT_FaqTagUpdateInput!]!): [CONTENT_FaqTag]
where: WhereCONTENT_FaqTagInput!
locale: [String]
): [CONTENT_FaqTag]
where: WhereCONTENT_FaqTagInput!
locale: [String]
): [CONTENT_FaqTag]
where: WhereCONTENT_FaqTagInput!
locale: [String]
cascade: Boolean
): [CONTENT_FaqTag]
CONTENT_TagsCreate(input: [CONTENT_TagCreateInput!]!): [CONTENT_Tag]
CONTENT_TagsUpdate(input: [CONTENT_TagUpdateInput!]!): [CONTENT_Tag]
where: WhereCONTENT_TagInput!
locale: [String]
): [CONTENT_Tag]
where: WhereCONTENT_TagInput!
locale: [String]
): [CONTENT_Tag]
where: WhereCONTENT_TagInput!
locale: [String]
cascade: Boolean
): [CONTENT_Tag]
input: [CONTENT_ContentBlockCreateInput!]!
): [CONTENT_ContentBlock]
input: [CONTENT_ContentBlockUpdateInput!]!
): [CONTENT_ContentBlock]
where: WhereCONTENT_ContentBlockInput!
locale: [String]
): [CONTENT_ContentBlock]
where: WhereCONTENT_ContentBlockInput!
locale: [String]
): [CONTENT_ContentBlock]
where: WhereCONTENT_ContentBlockInput!
locale: [String]
cascade: Boolean
): [CONTENT_ContentBlock]
input: [CONTENT_NeighborhoodManagerCreateInput!]!
): [CONTENT_NeighborhoodManager]
input: [CONTENT_NeighborhoodManagerUpdateInput!]!
): [CONTENT_NeighborhoodManager]
where: WhereCONTENT_NeighborhoodManagerInput!
locale: [String]
): [CONTENT_NeighborhoodManager]
where: WhereCONTENT_NeighborhoodManagerInput!
locale: [String]
): [CONTENT_NeighborhoodManager]
where: WhereCONTENT_NeighborhoodManagerInput!
locale: [String]
cascade: Boolean
): [CONTENT_NeighborhoodManager]
input: [CONTENT_SegmentCreateInput!]!
): [CONTENT_Segment]
input: [CONTENT_SegmentUpdateInput!]!
): [CONTENT_Segment]
where: WhereCONTENT_SegmentInput!
locale: [String]
): [CONTENT_Segment]
where: WhereCONTENT_SegmentInput!
locale: [String]
): [CONTENT_Segment]
where: WhereCONTENT_SegmentInput!
locale: [String]
cascade: Boolean
): [CONTENT_Segment]
input: [CONTENT_FaqOptionCreateInput!]!
): [CONTENT_FaqOption]
input: [CONTENT_FaqOptionUpdateInput!]!
): [CONTENT_FaqOption]
where: WhereCONTENT_FaqOptionInput!
locale: [String]
): [CONTENT_FaqOption]
where: WhereCONTENT_FaqOptionInput!
locale: [String]
): [CONTENT_FaqOption]
where: WhereCONTENT_FaqOptionInput!
locale: [String]
cascade: Boolean
): [CONTENT_FaqOption]
input: [CONTENT_KnowledgeGroupCreateInput!]!
): [CONTENT_KnowledgeGroup]
input: [CONTENT_KnowledgeGroupUpdateInput!]!
): [CONTENT_KnowledgeGroup]
where: WhereCONTENT_KnowledgeGroupInput!
locale: [String]
): [CONTENT_KnowledgeGroup]
where: WhereCONTENT_KnowledgeGroupInput!
locale: [String]
): [CONTENT_KnowledgeGroup]
where: WhereCONTENT_KnowledgeGroupInput!
locale: [String]
cascade: Boolean
): [CONTENT_KnowledgeGroup]
CONTENT_WikisCreate(input: [CONTENT_WikiCreateInput!]!): [CONTENT_Wiki]
CONTENT_WikisUpdate(input: [CONTENT_WikiUpdateInput!]!): [CONTENT_Wiki]
where: WhereCONTENT_WikiInput!
locale: [String]
): [CONTENT_Wiki]
where: WhereCONTENT_WikiInput!
locale: [String]
): [CONTENT_Wiki]
where: WhereCONTENT_WikiInput!
locale: [String]
cascade: Boolean
): [CONTENT_Wiki]
input: [CONTENT_WikiTagCreateInput!]!
): [CONTENT_WikiTag]
input: [CONTENT_WikiTagUpdateInput!]!
): [CONTENT_WikiTag]
where: WhereCONTENT_WikiTagInput!
locale: [String]
): [CONTENT_WikiTag]
where: WhereCONTENT_WikiTagInput!
locale: [String]
): [CONTENT_WikiTag]
where: WhereCONTENT_WikiTagInput!
locale: [String]
cascade: Boolean
): [CONTENT_WikiTag]
CONTENT_EventsCreate(input: [CONTENT_EventCreateInput!]!): [CONTENT_Event]
CONTENT_EventsUpdate(input: [CONTENT_EventUpdateInput!]!): [CONTENT_Event]
where: WhereCONTENT_EventInput!
locale: [String]
): [CONTENT_Event]
where: WhereCONTENT_EventInput!
locale: [String]
): [CONTENT_Event]
where: WhereCONTENT_EventInput!
locale: [String]
cascade: Boolean
): [CONTENT_Event]
input: [CONTENT_PortalContentCreateInput!]!
): [CONTENT_PortalContent]
input: [CONTENT_PortalContentUpdateInput!]!
): [CONTENT_PortalContent]
where: WhereCONTENT_PortalContentInput!
locale: [String]
): [CONTENT_PortalContent]
where: WhereCONTENT_PortalContentInput!
locale: [String]
): [CONTENT_PortalContent]
where: WhereCONTENT_PortalContentInput!
locale: [String]
cascade: Boolean
): [CONTENT_PortalContent]
input: [CONTENT_SmartlabelCreateInput!]!
): [CONTENT_Smartlabel]
input: [CONTENT_SmartlabelUpdateInput!]!
): [CONTENT_Smartlabel]
where: WhereCONTENT_SmartlabelInput!
locale: [String]
): [CONTENT_Smartlabel]
where: WhereCONTENT_SmartlabelInput!
locale: [String]
): [CONTENT_Smartlabel]
where: WhereCONTENT_SmartlabelInput!
locale: [String]
cascade: Boolean
): [CONTENT_Smartlabel]
input: [CONTENT_ProjectCreateInput!]!
): [CONTENT_Project]
input: [CONTENT_ProjectUpdateInput!]!
): [CONTENT_Project]
where: WhereCONTENT_ProjectInput!
locale: [String]
): [CONTENT_Project]
where: WhereCONTENT_ProjectInput!
locale: [String]
): [CONTENT_Project]
where: WhereCONTENT_ProjectInput!
locale: [String]
cascade: Boolean
): [CONTENT_Project]
input: [CONTENT_NotificationCreateInput!]!
): [CONTENT_Notification]
input: [CONTENT_NotificationUpdateInput!]!
): [CONTENT_Notification]
where: WhereCONTENT_NotificationInput!
locale: [String]
): [CONTENT_Notification]
where: WhereCONTENT_NotificationInput!
locale: [String]
): [CONTENT_Notification]
where: WhereCONTENT_NotificationInput!
locale: [String]
cascade: Boolean
): [CONTENT_Notification]
input: [CONTENT_NewsItemCreateInput!]!
): [CONTENT_NewsItem]
input: [CONTENT_NewsItemUpdateInput!]!
): [CONTENT_NewsItem]
where: WhereCONTENT_NewsItemInput!
locale: [String]
): [CONTENT_NewsItem]
where: WhereCONTENT_NewsItemInput!
locale: [String]
): [CONTENT_NewsItem]
where: WhereCONTENT_NewsItemInput!
locale: [String]
cascade: Boolean
): [CONTENT_NewsItem]
input: [CONTENT_FaqGroupCreateInput!]!
): [CONTENT_FaqGroup]
input: [CONTENT_FaqGroupUpdateInput!]!
): [CONTENT_FaqGroup]
where: WhereCONTENT_FaqGroupInput!
locale: [String]
): [CONTENT_FaqGroup]
where: WhereCONTENT_FaqGroupInput!
locale: [String]
): [CONTENT_FaqGroup]
where: WhereCONTENT_FaqGroupInput!
locale: [String]
cascade: Boolean
): [CONTENT_FaqGroup]
input: [CONTENT_CommentCreateInput!]!
): [CONTENT_Comment]
input: [CONTENT_CommentUpdateInput!]!
): [CONTENT_Comment]
where: WhereCONTENT_CommentInput!
locale: [String]
): [CONTENT_Comment]
where: WhereCONTENT_CommentInput!
locale: [String]
): [CONTENT_Comment]
where: WhereCONTENT_CommentInput!
locale: [String]
cascade: Boolean
): [CONTENT_Comment]
CONTENT_FaqsCreate(input: [CONTENT_FaqCreateInput!]!): [CONTENT_Faq]
CONTENT_FaqsUpdate(input: [CONTENT_FaqUpdateInput!]!): [CONTENT_Faq]
where: WhereCONTENT_FaqInput!
locale: [String]
): [CONTENT_Faq]
where: WhereCONTENT_FaqInput!
locale: [String]
): [CONTENT_Faq]
where: WhereCONTENT_FaqInput!
locale: [String]
cascade: Boolean
): [CONTENT_Faq]
input: [CONTENT_PortalContentBlockCreateInput!]!
): [CONTENT_PortalContentBlock]
input: [CONTENT_PortalContentBlockUpdateInput!]!
): [CONTENT_PortalContentBlock]
where: WhereCONTENT_PortalContentBlockInput!
locale: [String]
): [CONTENT_PortalContentBlock]
where: WhereCONTENT_PortalContentBlockInput!
locale: [String]
): [CONTENT_PortalContentBlock]
where: WhereCONTENT_PortalContentBlockInput!
locale: [String]
cascade: Boolean
): [CONTENT_PortalContentBlock]
input: [CONTENT_KnowledgeArticleCreateInput!]!
): [CONTENT_KnowledgeArticle]
input: [CONTENT_KnowledgeArticleUpdateInput!]!
): [CONTENT_KnowledgeArticle]
where: WhereCONTENT_KnowledgeArticleInput!
locale: [String]
): [CONTENT_KnowledgeArticle]
where: WhereCONTENT_KnowledgeArticleInput!
locale: [String]
): [CONTENT_KnowledgeArticle]
where: WhereCONTENT_KnowledgeArticleInput!
locale: [String]
cascade: Boolean
): [CONTENT_KnowledgeArticle]
input: [CONTENT_FaqItemCreateInput!]!
): [CONTENT_FaqItem]
input: [CONTENT_FaqItemUpdateInput!]!
): [CONTENT_FaqItem]
where: WhereCONTENT_FaqItemInput!
locale: [String]
): [CONTENT_FaqItem]
where: WhereCONTENT_FaqItemInput!
locale: [String]
): [CONTENT_FaqItem]
where: WhereCONTENT_FaqItemInput!
locale: [String]
cascade: Boolean
): [CONTENT_FaqItem]
input: [CONTENT_KnowledgeItemCreateInput!]!
): [CONTENT_KnowledgeItem]
input: [CONTENT_KnowledgeItemUpdateInput!]!
): [CONTENT_KnowledgeItem]
where: WhereCONTENT_KnowledgeItemInput!
locale: [String]
): [CONTENT_KnowledgeItem]
where: WhereCONTENT_KnowledgeItemInput!
locale: [String]
): [CONTENT_KnowledgeItem]
where: WhereCONTENT_KnowledgeItemInput!
locale: [String]
cascade: Boolean
): [CONTENT_KnowledgeItem]
CONTENT_TopicsCreate(input: [CONTENT_TopicCreateInput!]!): [CONTENT_Topic]
CONTENT_TopicsUpdate(input: [CONTENT_TopicUpdateInput!]!): [CONTENT_Topic]
where: WhereCONTENT_TopicInput!
locale: [String]
): [CONTENT_Topic]
where: WhereCONTENT_TopicInput!
locale: [String]
): [CONTENT_Topic]
where: WhereCONTENT_TopicInput!
locale: [String]
cascade: Boolean
): [CONTENT_Topic]
input: [CONTENT_ConversationCreateInput!]!
): [CONTENT_Conversation]
input: [CONTENT_ConversationUpdateInput!]!
): [CONTENT_Conversation]
where: WhereCONTENT_ConversationInput!
locale: [String]
): [CONTENT_Conversation]
where: WhereCONTENT_ConversationInput!
locale: [String]
): [CONTENT_Conversation]
where: WhereCONTENT_ConversationInput!
locale: [String]
cascade: Boolean
): [CONTENT_Conversation]
CONTENT_TownsCreate(input: [CONTENT_TownCreateInput!]!): [CONTENT_Town]
CONTENT_TownsUpdate(input: [CONTENT_TownUpdateInput!]!): [CONTENT_Town]
where: WhereCONTENT_TownInput!
locale: [String]
): [CONTENT_Town]
where: WhereCONTENT_TownInput!
locale: [String]
): [CONTENT_Town]
where: WhereCONTENT_TownInput!
locale: [String]
cascade: Boolean
): [CONTENT_Town]
input: [CONTENT_DistrictCreateInput!]!
): [CONTENT_District]
input: [CONTENT_DistrictUpdateInput!]!
): [CONTENT_District]
where: WhereCONTENT_DistrictInput!
locale: [String]
): [CONTENT_District]
where: WhereCONTENT_DistrictInput!
locale: [String]
): [CONTENT_District]
where: WhereCONTENT_DistrictInput!
locale: [String]
cascade: Boolean
): [CONTENT_District]
input: [CONTENT_NeighborhoodCreateInput!]!
): [CONTENT_Neighborhood]
input: [CONTENT_NeighborhoodUpdateInput!]!
): [CONTENT_Neighborhood]
where: WhereCONTENT_NeighborhoodInput!
locale: [String]
): [CONTENT_Neighborhood]
where: WhereCONTENT_NeighborhoodInput!
locale: [String]
): [CONTENT_Neighborhood]
where: WhereCONTENT_NeighborhoodInput!
locale: [String]
cascade: Boolean
): [CONTENT_Neighborhood]
CONTENT_JobsCreate(input: [CONTENT_JobCreateInput!]!): [CONTENT_Job]
CONTENT_JobsUpdate(input: [CONTENT_JobUpdateInput!]!): [CONTENT_Job]
where: WhereCONTENT_JobInput!
locale: [String]
): [CONTENT_Job]
where: WhereCONTENT_JobInput!
locale: [String]
): [CONTENT_Job]
where: WhereCONTENT_JobInput!
locale: [String]
cascade: Boolean
): [CONTENT_Job]
conversationExportSessions(input: ExportSessionsInput!): ExportSessionResult
input: ContinueSessionInput!
): ContinueSessionResult
conversationSessionRevert(input: RevertSessionInput!): ContinueSessionResult
conversationSessionStart(input: StartSessionInput!): StartSessionResult
kccConversationId: ID!
personId: ID!
): ChatKccMutationResult
chatKccOperatorAcceptConversationRequest(kccConversationRequestId: ID!): ID!
kccConversationId: ID!
messageText: String
mediaId: ID
): ChatKccMutationResult
kccConversationId: ID!
): ChatKccMutationResult
kccConversationId: ID!
): ChatKccMutationResult
chatKccOperatorHeartbeat: ChatKccMutationResult
kccConversationId: ID!
): ChatKccMutationResult
kccConversationId: ID!
personId: ID!
): ChatKccMutationResult
chatKccOperatorLogin: ChatKccMutationResult
chatKccOperatorLogout: ChatKccMutationResult
kccConversationId: ID!
): ChatKccMutationResult
firstName: String
lastName: String
): ChatKccMutationResult
kccConversationRequestId: ID!
): ChatKccMutationResult
kccConversationId: ID!
): ChatKccMutationResult
kccConversationId: ID!
): ChatKccMutationResult
kccConversationId: ID!
): ChatKccMutationResult
input: AccountActivationRestartInput!
): MutationResult
accountActivationStartInput: AccountActivationStartInput!
): AccountVerification
input: AccountActivationValidateTokenInput!
): MutationResult
accountActivationVerifyInput: AccountActivationVerifyInput!
): AccountSession
accountActivationVerifyCodeInput: AccountActivationVerifyCodeInput!
): AccountVerification
accountActivationVerifyWithCodeInput: AccountActivationVerifyWithCodeInput!
): AccountSession
accountBlock(input: AccountBlockInput!): Account
accountCreate(input: AccountCreateInput!): Account
accountDelete(input: AccountDeleteInput!): MutationResult
accountEmailChange(input: AccountChangeEmailInput!): MutationResult
input: AccountChangeEmailVerifyInput!
): AccountSession
accountPasswordChange(input: AccountChangePasswordInput!): MutationResult
accountRecover(input: AccountRecoverInput!): MutationResult
accountRecoverVerify(input: AccountRecoverVerifyInput!): AccountSession
accountUnblock(input: AccountUnblockInput!): Account
activityDelete(input: ActivityDeleteInput!): ActivityDeleteResult
activityRestore(input: ActivityRestoreInput!): ActivityRestoreResult
additionalFieldUpdate(input: AdditionalFieldUpdateInput!): AdditionalField!
announcementCreate(input: AnnouncementCreateInput!): Announcement!
announcementDelete(id: ID!): MutationResult
announcementUpdate(input: AnnouncementUpdateInput!): Announcement!
caseFlowAbort(caseFlowAbortInput: CaseFlowAbortInput!): CaseFlowAbortOutput!
caseFlowAssign(input: CaseFlowAssignInput!): CaseFlowAssignOutput!
caseFlowCreate(input: CaseFlowCreateInput!): CaseFlow!
input: CaseflowMediaAppendInput!
): CaseflowMediaAppendOutput!
caseFlowMessage(input: CaseFlowMessageInput!): CaseFlowMessageOutput!
caseFlowStepAssignInput: CaseFlowStepAssignInput!
): CaseFlowStepAssignOutput!
caseFlowStepCompleteInput: CaseFlowStepCompleteInput!
): CaseFlowStepCompleteOutput!
caseFlowStepTaskCompleteInput: CaseFlowStepTaskCompleteInput!
): CaseFlowStepTaskCompletedResult
input: ContinueAccountActivationInput!
): MutationResult
createPhoneFavorite(input: CreatePhoneFavoriteInput): PhoneFavorite
reason: "Use 'PhoneFavoriteCreate' instead of this one. It will be deleted."
customerCreate(input: CreateCustomerInput!): Person
customersSingleService(input: SingleServiceInput!): SingleServiceResult
input: DossierCaseFlowTemplateAddInput!
): CaseFlowTemplate!
input: DossierCaseFlowTemplateRemoveInput!
): CaseFlowTemplate!
dossierChangeAssignee(input: DossierChangeAssigneeInput!): Dossier!
dossierChangeTitle(input: DossierChangeTitleInput!): Dossier!
dossierClose(input: DossierCloseInput!): Dossier!
dossierCreate(input: DossierCreateInput!): Dossier!
dossierLinkCaseFlow(input: DossierLinkCaseFlowInput!): Dossier!
dossierRelationLink(input: DossierRelationLinkInput!): DossierRelation!
input: DossierRelationTypeCreateInput!
): DossierRelationType!
input: DossierRelationTypeUpdateInput!
): DossierRelationType!
input: DossierRelationUnLinkInput!
): DossierRelationUnLinkResult!
dossierRelationUpdate(input: DossierRelationUpdateInput!): DossierRelation!
dossierReopen(input: DossierReopenInput!): Dossier!
dossierUnlinkCaseFlow(input: DossierUnlinkCaseFlowInput!): Dossier!
faqCreate(input: FaqCreateInput!): Faq!
faqIncreaseViewCount(faqId: ID!): MutationResult!
faqUpdate(input: FaqUpdateInput!): Faq!
invoiceDelete(input: InvoiceDeleteInput!): Invoice!
invoiceReinstate(input: InvoiceReinstateInput!): Invoice!
legalPersonUpdate(model: Legal!): UpdateLegalPersonResult
input: LinkTicketToMailKccThreadInput!
): MutationResult
reason: "Use 'TicketLinkToMailKccThread' this one will be deleted."
mediaClear(input: MediaDeleteInput!): MediaCleared!
mediaUploadUrlGeneration(input: MediaUploadUrlGenerationInput!): String!
paymentStart(input: PaymentStartInput!): PaymentStartOutput!
personDeactivate(input: DeactivatePersonInput!): MutationResult
model: PersonPreferencesUpdateInput!
): PersonPreferences
personTimelineExport(input: PersonTimelineExportInput!): MutationResult
personTriggerJit(input: PersonTriggerJitInput!): MutationResult
personUpdate(model: Natural!): UpdatePersonResult
phoneFavoriteCreate(input: PhoneFavoriteCreateInput): PhoneFavorite
phoneFavoriteUpdate(input: PhoneFavoriteUpdateInput): PhoneFavorite
prospectCreate(input: CreateProspectInput!): Person
repairRequestAppend(input: RepairRequestAppendInput!): RepairRequest!
repairRequestCancel(input: RepairRequestCancelInput!): RepairRequest!
repairRequestCreate(input: RepairRequestCreateInput!): RepairRequest!
repairRequestPlan(input: RepairRequestPlanInput!): RepairRequest!
repairRequestRemoveItem(input: RepairRequestRemoveItemInput!): RepairRequest!
repairRequestSubmit(input: RepairRequestSubmitInput!): RepairRequest!
repairRequestUpdate(input: RepairRequestUpdateInput!): RepairRequest!
selfServiceAuthenticate(input: SelfServiceAuthenticateInput!): IShowFlowStep!
input: SelfServiceChooseContractInput!
): IShowFlowStep!
input: SelfServiceCompletePaymentInput!
): IShowFlowStep!
input: SelfServiceConfirmPlanningInput!
): IShowFlowStep!
selfServiceDecide(input: SelfServiceDecideInput!): IShowFlowStep!
selfServiceInfoContinue(input: SelfServiceInfoContinueInput!): IShowFlowStep!
input: SelfServiceMakePaymentArrangementInput!
): IShowFlowStep!
input: SelfServicePaymentArrangementRejectedInput!
): IShowFlowStep!
selfServiceResume(input: SelfServiceResumeInput!): IShowFlowStep!
selfServiceRun(input: SelfServiceRunInput!): IShowFlowStep!
input: SelfServiceSendSummaryEmailInput!
): MutationResult
input: SelfServiceSetPaymentArrangementBillsInput!
): IShowFlowStep!
input: SelfServiceSignDocumentValidateMobilePhoneNumberInput!
): IShowFlowStep!
input: SelfServiceSignDocumentValidateSmsTokenInput!
): IShowFlowStep!
input: SelfServiceSignupAddContractorDataInput!
): IShowFlowStep!
input: SelfServiceSignupAddContractorsInput!
): IShowFlowStep!
input: SelfServiceSignupConfirmInput!
): IShowFlowStep!
input: SelfServiceSignupRefreshContractorTokenInput!
): IShowFlowStep!
input: SelfServiceSignupValidateContractorTokenInput!
): IShowFlowStep!
selfServiceSubmit(input: SelfServiceSubmitInput!): IShowFlowStep!
input: SelfServiceTwoFactorAuthenticationSendInput!
): IShowFlowStep!
input: SelfServiceTwoFactorAuthenticationValidateInput!
): IShowFlowStep!
taskComplete(input: TaskCompleteInput!): Task
taskCreate(createTaskForTicketInput: CreateTaskForTicketInput!): Task
taskDelete(input: TaskDeleteInput!): TaskDeleteResult
taskDiscuss(input: TaskDiscussInput!): Task
taskLinkPerson(input: TaskLinkPersonInput!): Task
taskPickUp(input: TaskPickUpInput!): Task
taskReject(input: TaskRejectInput!): MutationResult
input: TasksConfiguarationUpdateInput!
): TasksConfiguration!
taskTypeCreate(input: TaskTypeCreateInput!): TaskTypeWithConfigurationOptions!
input: [TaskTypeUpdateInput!]!
): [TaskTypeWithConfigurationOptions!]!
taskUpdate(taskUpdateInput: TaskUpdateInput!): Task
ticketAppend(input: TicketAppendInput!): Ticket!
ticketCreate(input: TicketCreateInput!): TicketCreateResult!
ticketCreate2(input: TicketCreateInput!): TicketCreateResult!
reason: "Use TicketCreate to retrieve a detailed model. This one will be removed in R63."
ticketDelete(input: TicketDeleteInput!): MutationResult!
input: TicketLinkToMailKccThreadInput!
): MutationResult
ticketRestore(input: TicketRestoreInput!): MutationResult!
input: TicketUnlinkFromMailKccThreadInput!
): MutationResult
ticketUpdate(input: TicketUpdateInput!): Ticket!
triggerPersonJit(input: TriggerPersonJitInput!): MutationResult
reason: "Use 'PersonTriggerJit' instead of this one. It will be deleted."
triggerUnitJit(input: TriggerUnitJitInput!): MutationResult
reason: "Use 'UnitTriggerJit' instead of this one. It will be deleted."
unitTriggerJit(input: TriggerUnitJitInput!): MutationResult
input: UnlinkTicketToMailKccThreadInput!
): MutationResult
reason: "Use 'TicketUnlinkFromMailKccThread' this one will be deleted."
updatePhoneFavorite(input: UpdatePhoneFavoriteInput): PhoneFavorite
reason: "Use 'PhoneFavoriteUpdate' instead of this one. It will be deleted."
vendorCreate(input: CreateVendorInput!): LegalPerson
input: CustomerMessageAcknowledgeInput!
): CustomerMessageAcknowledgeOutput!
input: CustomerMessageReadInput!
): CustomerMessageArchiveOutput!
input: WhereCustomerMessageDearchiveInput!
): CustomerMessageDearchiveOutput!
input: CustomerMessageReadInput!
): CustomerMessageReadOutput!
readMessage(input: CustomerMessageReadInput!): CustomerMessageReadOutput!
@deprecated(reason: "Use CustomerMessageRead")
mailResend(input: MailResendInput!): MailResendResult
mailKccAddDraft(input: MailKccAddDraftInput!): MailKccAddDraftResult
input: MailKccAddMediaToDraftInput!
): MailKccAddMediaToDraftResult
input: MailKccAssignPersonToThreadInput!
): MailKccSubmitDraftResult
input: MailKccLinkPersonToThreadInput!
): MailKccSubmitDraftResult
input: MarkKccEmailMessagesReadInput!
): MailKccSubmitDraftResult
input: MarkKccThreadReadInput!
): MailKccSubmitDraftResult
input: MailKccRemoveMediaFromDraftInput!
): MailKccRemoveMediaFromDraftResult
input: MailKccSetThreadStateInput!
): MailKccSetThreadStateResult
mailKccSubmitDraft(input: MailKccSubmitDraftInput!): MailKccSubmitDraftResult
input: MailKccSubmitMessageDirectInput!
): MailKccSubmitMessageDirectResult
input: MailKccUnassignPersonToThreadInput!
): MailKccSubmitDraftResult
input: MailKccUnlinkPersonToThreadInput!
): MailKccSubmitDraftResult
mailKccUpdateDraft(input: MailKccUpdateDraftInput!): MailKccUpdateDraftResult
input: SharedPaymentCreateMutationInput!
): SharedPaymentCreateMutationOutput!
input: SharedPaymentStartMutationInput!
): SharedPaymentStartMutationOutput!
input: SharedPaymentStartByExternalIdMutationInput!
): SharedPaymentStartByExternalIdMutationOutput!
input: ChangePhoneMonitorAttributesInput
): PhoneMutationResult
phoneCallDial(input: PhoneCallDialInput): PhoneMutationResult
phoneCallEndAfterCallWork(input: PhoneLineActionInput): PhoneMutationResult
input: PhoneLineActionInput
): PhoneMutationResult
phoneCallHold(input: PhoneLineActionInput): PhoneMutationResult
phoneCallLinkToPerson(input: PhoneCallLinkToPerson): PhoneMutationResult
phoneCallPickup(input: PhoneLineActionInput): PhoneMutationResult
phoneCallRelease(input: PhoneLineActionInput): PhoneMutationResult
phoneCallResume(input: PhoneLineActionInput): PhoneMutationResult
phoneCallTransfer(input: PhoneCallTransferInput): PhoneMutationResult
input: PhoneCallTransferDirectInput
): PhoneMutationResult
input: PhoneCallUnlinkFromPerson
): PhoneMutationResult
phoneConfigUpdate(input: TelephonyConfigurationInput): PhoneMutationResult
phoneLogin(input: UserLoginInput): PhoneMutationResult
phoneLogout(phoneMonitorId: GUID!): PhoneMutationResult
reportUserReconnected: PhoneMutationResult
input: PhoneLineActionInput
): PhoneMutationResult
Accepts for the applicant with given publicationId and logged-in user
input: HousingApplicationInput
locale: String
): HousingBooleanOutput
Used for saving a document from the remote media handler to the local storage
input: HousingAttachmentInput
locale: String
): HousingBooleanOutput @deprecated(reason: "Use HousingAddFile instead")
Used for saving a document from the remote media handler to the local storage
housingAddFile(input: HousingFileInput, locale: String): HousingBooleanOutput
Apply to a publication unit
input: HousingPublicationIdInput
locale: String
): HousingApplyOutput
housingImportLegacyUsers(input: HousingImportUserInput): HousingMessageOutput
Change the password with a reset token
input: HousingPasswordChangeInput
locale: String
): HousingBooleanOutput
Password reset request. This will send the email with the password reset link
input: HousingPasswordResetRequestInput
locale: String
): HousingBooleanOutput
Refuses a unit where the registration got an offer/invite
input: HousingRefuseUnitInput
locale: String
): HousingBooleanOutput
Creates a registration
input: HousingHouseholdRegistrationCreateInput
locale: String
): HousingHouseholdRegistrationOutput
Used for extending the registration
housingRegistrationExtend(locale: String): HousingBooleanOutput
Updates a registration
input: HousingHouseholdRegistrationUpdateInput
locale: String
): HousingHouseholdRegistrationOutput
Health check action
input: HousingHealthCheckInput
): HousingMessageOutput
viewer: MutationViewer
Creates a new group.
input: IdentityGroupCreateInput!
): IdentityGroupCreateOutput
Updates an existing group.
input: IdentityGroupUpdateInput!
): IdentityGroupUpdateOutput
Deletes an existing group.
input: IdentityGroupDeleteInput!
): IdentityGroupDeleteOutput
Assigns role to the group.
input: IdentityAssignRoleToGroupInput!
): IdentityAssignRoleToGroupOutput
Revokes role from the group
input: IdentityRevokeRoleFromGroupInput!
): IdentityRevokeRoleFromGroupOutput
Adds user into the group.
input: IdentityAddUserIntoGroupInput!
): IdentityAddUserIntoGroupOutput
Removes user from the group.
input: IdentityRemoveUserFromGroupInput!
): IdentityRemoveUserFromGroupOutput
Creates a new role.
identityRoleCreate(input: IdentityRoleCreateInput!): IdentityRoleCreateOutput
Updates a new role.
identityRoleUpdate(input: IdentityRoleUpdateInput!): IdentityRoleUpdateOutput
Deletes a new role.
identityRoleDelete(input: IdentityRoleDeleteInput!): IdentityRoleDeleteOutput
input: IdentityResourceCreateInput!
): IdentityResourceCreateOutput
input: IdentityResourceUpdateInput!
): IdentityResourceUpdateOutput
input: IdentityResourceDeleteInput!
): IdentityResourceDeleteOutput
input: IdentityResourceScopeCreateInput!
): IdentityResourceScopeCreateOutput
input: IdentityResourceScopeUpdateInput!
): IdentityResourceScopeUpdateOutput
input: IdentityResourceScopeDeleteInput!
): IdentityResourceScopeDeleteOutput
Renames an existing file.
mediaFileRename(input: MediaFileRenameInput): MediaFileUpdateOutput
Renames an existing file by it's ID.
mediaFileRenameById(input: MediaFileRenameByIdInput): MediaFileUpdateOutput
Moves an existing file to a new path.
mediaFileMove(input: MediaFileMoveInput): MediaFileUpdateOutput
Moves an existing file to a new path.
mediaFileMoveById(input: MediaFileMoveByIdInput): MediaFileUpdateOutput
Updates an existing file.
mediaFileUpdate(input: MediaFileUpdateInput): MediaFileUpdateOutput
Updates an existing file by it's ID.
mediaFileUpdateById(input: MediaFileUpdateByIdInput): MediaFileUpdateOutput
Deletes an existing file.
mediaFileDelete(input: MediaFileDeleteInput): MediaFileDeleteOutput
Deletes files by IDs.
input: MediaFileDeleteByIdsInput
): MediaFileDeleteByIdsOutput
Copies an existing file.
mediaFileCopy(input: MediaFileCopyInput): MediaFileCopyOutput
Reprocesses files for the given file ids and optional templates.
mediaFileReprocess(input: [MediaFileReprocessInput]): MediaFileReprocessOutput
Creates a new catalogue group.
input: MediaCatalogueGroupCreateInput
): MediaCatalogueGroupCreateOutput
Creates a new catalogue.
input: MediaCatalogueCreateInput
): MediaCatalogueCreateOutput
Creates a new folder.
mediaFolderCreate(input: MediaFolderCreateInput): MediaFolderCreateOutput
Renames/moves existing catalogue/folder structure.
mediaUpdate(input: MediaUpdateInput): MediaUpdateOutput
Updates an existing folder by it's ID.
mediaFolderUpdateById(input: MediaFolderUpdateByIdInput): MediaUpdateOutput
Moves existing catalogue/folder structure.
mediaFolderMoveById(input: MediaMoveInput): MediaUpdateOutput
Copies an existing folder by ID.
mediaFolderCopy(input: MediaFolderCopyInput): MediaFolderCopyOutput
Deletes existing catalogue/folder structure.
mediaDelete(input: MediaProviderDeleteInput): MediaDeleteOutput
Deletes existing catalogue/folder structure by IDs.
input: MediaFolderDeleteByIdsInput
): MediaFolderDeleteByIdsOutput
Creates a new Tenant
input: [PortalProviderTenantCreateInput!]
): [PortalProviderTenant]
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this mutation.")
Updates attributes of a given Tenant
input: [PortalProviderTenantUpdateInput!]
): [PortalProviderTenant]
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this mutation.")
Deletes a given Tenant
input: [PortalProviderTenantDeleteInput!]
): [PortalProviderTenant]
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this mutation.")
Performs a transition on PortalVersion.
Valid transitions are:
* Published -> Draft (draft mustn't already exist). Version is copied to new Draft;
* Draft -> Published (if published doesn't already exist). State of existing version is changed;
* Draft -> Published (if published already exists). Creates archive of old published;
* Draft -> Compressed (if compressed doesn't already exist). Version is getting compressed into a new Compressed version
* Draft -> Compressed (if compressed already exists). Creates archive of old Compressed and creates a new one
input: [PortalProviderPortalVersionTransitionInput!]
): [PortalProviderPortal]
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this mutation.")
Creates a new lock or updates an existing one by prolonging it's expiration.
(Default expiration period for a new lock is 15 minutes)
input: [PortalProviderPortalLockManageInput!]
): [Lock] @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this mutation.")
Delete a lock for a Portal
input: [PortalProviderPortalLockDeleteInput!]
): [Lock] @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this mutation.")
Imports a portal.
PortalProviderPortalImport(input: String, tenantId: ID): PortalProviderPortal
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this mutation.")
Creates a new Portal
input: [PortalProviderPortalCreateInput!]
): [PortalProviderPortal]
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this mutation.")
Updates attributes of a given Portal
input: [PortalProviderPortalUpdateInput!]
): [PortalProviderPortal]
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this mutation.")
Deletes a given Portal
input: [PortalProviderPortalDeleteInput!]
): [PortalProviderPortal]
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this mutation.")
Creates a new PortalVersion
input: [PortalProviderPortalVersionCreateInput!]
): [PortalProviderPortalVersion]
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this mutation.")
Updates attributes of a given PortalVersion
input: [PortalProviderPortalVersionUpdateInput!]
): [PortalProviderPortalVersion]
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this mutation.")
Deletes a given PortalVersion
input: [PortalProviderPortalVersionDeleteInput!]
): [PortalProviderPortalVersion]
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this mutation.")
Creates a new VersionType
input: [PortalProviderVersionTypeCreateInput!]
): [PortalProviderVersionType]
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this mutation.")
Updates attributes of a given VersionType
input: [PortalProviderVersionTypeUpdateInput!]
): [PortalProviderVersionType]
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this mutation.")
Deletes a given VersionType
input: [PortalProviderVersionTypeDeleteInput!]
): [PortalProviderVersionType]
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this mutation.")
Creates a new AllowedWidget
input: [PortalProviderAllowedWidgetCreateInput!]
): [PortalProviderAllowedWidget]
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this mutation.")
Updates attributes of a given AllowedWidget
input: [PortalProviderAllowedWidgetUpdateInput!]
): [PortalProviderAllowedWidget]
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this mutation.")
Deletes a given AllowedWidget
input: [PortalProviderAllowedWidgetDeleteInput!]
): [PortalProviderAllowedWidget]
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this mutation.")
Creates a new PlacedWidget
input: [PortalProviderPlacedWidgetCreateInput!]
): [PortalProviderPlacedWidget]
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this mutation.")
Updates attributes of a given PlacedWidget
input: [PortalProviderPlacedWidgetUpdateInput!]
): [PortalProviderPlacedWidget]
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this mutation.")
Deletes a given PlacedWidget
input: [PortalProviderPlacedWidgetDeleteInput!]
): [PortalProviderPlacedWidget]
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this mutation.")
Creates a new UserWidget
input: [PortalProviderUserWidgetCreateInput!]
): [PortalProviderUserWidget]
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this mutation.")
Updates attributes of a given UserWidget
input: [PortalProviderUserWidgetUpdateInput!]
): [PortalProviderUserWidget]
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this mutation.")
Deletes a given UserWidget
input: [PortalProviderUserWidgetDeleteInput!]
): [PortalProviderUserWidget]
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this mutation.")
Creates a new BaseWidget
input: [PortalProviderBaseWidgetCreateInput!]
): [PortalProviderBaseWidget]
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this mutation.")
Updates attributes of a given BaseWidget
input: [PortalProviderBaseWidgetUpdateInput!]
): [PortalProviderBaseWidget]
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this mutation.")
Deletes a given BaseWidget
input: [PortalProviderBaseWidgetDeleteInput!]
): [PortalProviderBaseWidget]
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this mutation.")
Creates a new Screen
input: [PortalProviderScreenCreateInput!]
): [PortalProviderScreen]
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this mutation.")
Updates attributes of a given Screen
input: [PortalProviderScreenUpdateInput!]
): [PortalProviderScreen]
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this mutation.")
Deletes a given Screen
input: [PortalProviderScreenDeleteInput!]
): [PortalProviderScreen]
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this mutation.")
Creates a new ScreenTemplate
input: [PortalProviderScreenTemplateCreateInput!]
gridTemplateName: String
): [PortalProviderScreenTemplate]
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this mutation.")
Updates attributes of a given ScreenTemplate
input: [PortalProviderScreenTemplateUpdateInput!]
): [PortalProviderScreenTemplate]
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this mutation.")
Deletes a given ScreenTemplate
input: [PortalProviderScreenTemplateDeleteInput!]
): [PortalProviderScreenTemplate]
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this mutation.")
Creates a new Area
input: [PortalProviderAreaCreateInput!]
): [PortalProviderArea]
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this mutation.")
Updates attributes of a given Area
input: [PortalProviderAreaUpdateInput!]
): [PortalProviderArea]
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this mutation.")
Deletes a given Area
input: [PortalProviderAreaDeleteInput!]
): [PortalProviderArea]
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this mutation.")
Creates a new Theme
input: [PortalProviderThemeCreateInput!]
): [PortalProviderTheme]
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this mutation.")
Updates attributes of a given Theme
input: [PortalProviderThemeUpdateInput!]
): [PortalProviderTheme]
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this mutation.")
Deletes a given Theme
input: [PortalProviderThemeDeleteInput!]
): [PortalProviderTheme]
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this mutation.")
Creates a new Row
input: [PortalProviderRowCreateInput!]
): [PortalProviderRow]
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this mutation.")
Updates attributes of a given Row
input: [PortalProviderRowUpdateInput!]
): [PortalProviderRow]
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this mutation.")
Deletes a given Row
input: [PortalProviderRowDeleteInput!]
): [PortalProviderRow]
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this mutation.")
Creates a new Column
input: [PortalProviderColumnCreateInput!]
): [PortalProviderColumn]
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this mutation.")
Updates attributes of a given Column
input: [PortalProviderColumnUpdateInput!]
): [PortalProviderColumn]
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this mutation.")
Deletes a given Column
input: [PortalProviderColumnDeleteInput!]
): [PortalProviderColumn]
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this mutation.")
Creates a new Grid
input: [PortalProviderGridCreateInput!]
): [PortalProviderGrid]
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this mutation.")
Updates attributes of a given Grid
input: [PortalProviderGridUpdateInput!]
): [PortalProviderGrid]
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this mutation.")
Deletes a given Grid
input: [PortalProviderGridDeleteInput!]
): [PortalProviderGrid]
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this mutation.")
PortalProviderAreaMove(areaId: ID!, afterAreaId: ID): PortalProviderArea
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this mutation.")
id: ID!
relativeToId: ID
direction: PortalProviderMoveDirection
): PortalProviderScreen
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this mutation.")
id: ID!
relativeToId: ID
direction: PortalProviderMoveDirection
): PortalProviderScreenTemplate
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this mutation.")
input: PortalProviderPlacedWidgetUserHideCreateInput!
): PortalProviderPlacedWidget
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this mutation.")
input: PortalProviderPlacedWidgetUserCustomizationCreateInput!
): PortalProviderPlacedWidget
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this mutation.")
input: PortalProviderPlacedWidgetUserCustomizationDeleteInput!
): PortalProviderPlacedWidget
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this mutation.")
userWidgetId: ID!
originAreaId: ID!
destinationAreaId: ID!
order: Int!
): PortalProviderUserWidget
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this mutation.")
placedWidgetId: ID!
originAreaId: ID!
destinationAreaId: ID!
order: Int!
): PortalProviderPlacedWidget
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this mutation.")
Creates an allowed widget.
input: PortalProviderAllowedWidgetCreateInputV2!
): PortalProviderAllowedWidget!
Delete an existing allowed widget.
input: PortalProviderAllowedWidgetDeleteInputV2!
): PortalProviderAllowedWidget!
Duplicates an allowed widget.
allowedWidgetId: ID!
): PortalProviderAllowedWidget
Update an existing allowed widget.
id: ID!
input: PortalProviderAllowedWidgetUpdateInputV2!
): PortalProviderAllowedWidget!
Creates a area. Null is returned in case user does not have view permissions for created area.
input: PortalProviderAreaCreateInputV2!
): PortalProviderArea
Delete an existing area.
input: PortalProviderAreaDeleteInputV2!
): PortalProviderArea!
Reorders area before or after another area.
areaId: ID!
relativeToAreaId: ID!
direction: PortalProviderReorderDirection!
): PortalProviderArea!
Update an existing area.
id: ID!
input: PortalProviderAreaUpdateInputV2!
): PortalProviderArea!
Create columns in a single batch operation.
input: [PortalProviderColumnBatchCreateInputV2!]!
): [PortalProviderColumn!]
Delete columns in a single batch operation.
input: [PortalProviderColumnBatchDeleteInput!]!
): [PortalProviderColumn!]
Update columns in a single batch operation.
input: [PortalProviderColumnBatchUpdateInput!]!
): [PortalProviderColumn!]
Creates a column.
input: PortalProviderColumnCreateInputV2!
): PortalProviderColumn!
Delete an existing column.
input: PortalProviderColumnDeleteInputV2!
): PortalProviderColumn!
Update an existing column.
id: ID!
input: PortalProviderColumnUpdateInputV2!
): PortalProviderColumn!
Creates a grid.
input: PortalProviderGridCreateInputV2!
): PortalProviderGrid
Delete an existing grid.
input: PortalProviderGridDeleteInputV2!
): PortalProviderGrid
Update an existing grid.
id: ID!
input: PortalProviderGridUpdateInputV2!
): PortalProviderGrid
Import a previously exported portal.
portalProviderImportPortalV2(portalDefinition: String!): ID!
Creates customization of a placed widget for a user. Customized fields can be fetched from placed widget by selecting userProps, userSystemProps and userInstanceVars.
placedWidgetId: ID!
input: PortalProviderPlacedWidgetCreateUserCustomizationInputV2!
): PortalProviderPlacedWidget!
Creates an placed widget. Null is returned in case user does not have view permissions for created placed widget.
input: PortalProviderPlacedWidgetCreateInputV2!
): PortalProviderPlacedWidget
Deletes customization of a placed widget for a user.
placedWidgetId: ID!
): PortalProviderPlacedWidget!
Delete an existing placed widget.
input: PortalProviderPlacedWidgetDeleteInputV2!
forceDelete: Boolean! = false
): PortalProviderPlacedWidget!
Hides a placed widget for a user. To check if widget is hidden for a user, fetch isHidden field.
placedWidgetId: ID!
): PortalProviderPlacedWidget!
Moves a placed widget from one area to another.
placedWidgetId: ID!
originAreaId: ID!
destinationAreaId: ID!
order: Int!
): PortalProviderPlacedWidget!
Shows a placed widget for a user. To check if widget is shown for a user, fetch isHidden field.
placedWidgetId: ID!
): PortalProviderPlacedWidget!
Update an existing placed widget.
id: ID!
input: PortalProviderPlacedWidgetUpdateInputV2!
): PortalProviderPlacedWidget!
Create portals in a single batch operation. Null is returned in case user does not have view permissions for created portal.
input: [PortalProviderPortalBatchCreateInput!]!
): [PortalProviderPortal]
Delete portals in a single batch operation.
input: [PortalProviderPortalBatchDeleteInput!]!
): [PortalProviderPortal!]
Update portals in a single batch operation.
input: [PortalProviderPortalBatchUpdateInput!]!
): [PortalProviderPortal!]
Create a portal. Null is returned in case user does not have view permissions for created portal.
input: PortalProviderPortalCreateInputV2!
portalTemplateId: ID
portalTemplateName: String
): PortalProviderPortal
Delete an existing portal.
input: PortalProviderPortalDeleteInputV2!
): PortalProviderPortal!
Creates a lock for a portal.
portalProviderPortalLockCreateV2(portalId: ID!): PortalProviderLock!
Delete lock for a portal.
portalProviderPortalLockDeleteV2(portalId: ID!): PortalProviderLock!
Update an existing portal.
id: ID!
input: PortalProviderPortalUpdateInputV2!
regenerateUrl: Boolean! = false
): PortalProviderPortal!
Creates a portal version.
input: PortalProviderPortalVersionCreateInputV2!
): PortalProviderPortalVersion!
Delete an existing portal version.
input: PortalProviderPortalVersionDeleteInputV2!
): PortalProviderPortalVersion!
Publishes a portal version.
portalVersionId: ID!
): PortalProviderPortalVersion!
Update an existing portal version.
id: ID!
input: PortalProviderPortalVersionUpdateInputV2!
): PortalProviderPortalVersion!
Create rows in a single batch operation.
input: [PortalProviderRowBatchCreateInput!]!
): [PortalProviderRow!]
Delete rows in a single batch operation.
input: [PortalProviderRowBatchDeleteInput!]!
): [PortalProviderRow!]
Update rows in a single batch operation.
input: [PortalProviderRowBatchUpdateInput!]!
): [PortalProviderRow!]
Creates a row.
input: PortalProviderRowCreateInputV2!
): PortalProviderRow!
Delete an existing row.
input: PortalProviderRowDeleteInputV2!
): PortalProviderRow!
Update an existing row.
id: ID!
input: PortalProviderRowUpdateInputV2!
): PortalProviderRow!
Creates a screen. Null is returned in case user does not have view permissions for created screen.
input: PortalProviderScreenCreateInputV2!
): PortalProviderScreen
Delete an existing screen.
input: PortalProviderScreenDeleteInputV2!
deleteChildScreens: Boolean! = false
forceDelete: Boolean! = false
): PortalProviderScreen!
Reorders screen before or after another screen.
screenId: ID!
relativeToScreenId: ID!
direction: PortalProviderReorderDirection!
): PortalProviderScreen!
Creates a screen template. Null is returned in case user does not have view permissions for created screen template.
input: PortalProviderScreenTemplateCreateInputV2!
): PortalProviderScreenTemplate
Delete an existing screen template.
input: PortalProviderScreenTemplateDeleteInputV2!
deleteChildScreenTemplates: Boolean! = false
): PortalProviderScreenTemplate!
Reorders screen template before or after another screen template.
screenTemplateId: ID!
relativeToScreenTemplateId: ID!
direction: PortalProviderReorderDirection!
): PortalProviderScreenTemplate!
Update an existing screen template.
id: ID!
input: PortalProviderScreenTemplateUpdateInputV2!
): PortalProviderScreenTemplate!
Update an existing screen.
id: ID!
input: PortalProviderScreenUpdateInputV2!
): PortalProviderScreen!
Creates a shared configuration.
input: PortalProviderSharedConfigurationCreateInput!
): PortalProviderSharedConfiguration
Deletes a shared configuration.
input: PortalProviderSharedConfigurationDeleteInput!
): PortalProviderSharedConfiguration
Updates a shared configuration.
id: ID!
input: PortalProviderSharedConfigurationUpdateInput!
): PortalProviderSharedConfiguration
Creates a theme.
input: PortalProviderThemeCreateInputV2!
): PortalProviderTheme!
Delete an existing theme.
input: PortalProviderThemeDeleteInputV2!
): PortalProviderTheme!
Update an existing theme.
id: ID!
input: PortalProviderThemeUpdateInputV2!
): PortalProviderTheme!
Creates an user widget.
input: PortalProviderUserWidgetCreateInputV2!
): PortalProviderUserWidget!
Delete an existing user widget.
input: PortalProviderUserWidgetDeleteInputV2!
): PortalProviderUserWidget!
Moves a placed widget from one area to another.
placedWidgetId: ID!
originAreaId: ID!
destinationAreaId: ID!
order: Int!
): PortalProviderUserWidget!
Update an existing user widget.
id: ID!
input: PortalProviderUserWidgetUpdateInputV2!
): PortalProviderUserWidget!
Remove the avatar of a selected group or a person
socialAvatarDelete(input: SocialAvatarDeleteInput!): SocialAvatarDeleteOutput
This mutation can be used to retrieve an upload url for group or profile avatar. The url is valid for 5 minutes, so uploading should start within 5 minutes.
socialAvatarUpload(input: SocialAvatarUploadInput!): SocialAvatarUploadOutput
Accept calendar event invitation
input: SocialCalendarEventAcceptInput!
): SocialCalendarEventAcceptOutput
Triggers the process of exporting the Attendees of a Calendar event
input: SocialCalendarEventAttendeesExportInput!
): SocialCalendarEventAttendeesExportOutput
Create a new calendar event with a list of invited people.
input: SocialCalendarEventCreateInput!
): SocialCalendarEventCreateOutput
Remove a specific calendar event
input: SocialCalendarEventDeleteInput!
): SocialCalendarEventDeleteOutput
Join a calendar event
input: SocialCalendarEventJoinInput!
): SocialCalendarEventJoinOutput
Leave the backup list of a calendar event of type event
input: SocialCalendarEventLeaveBackupInput!
): SocialCalendarEventLeaveBackupOutput
Reject calendar event invitation
input: SocialCalendarEventRejectInput!
): SocialCalendarEventRejectOutput
Update the details of a specific calendar event
input: SocialCalendarEventUpdateInput!
): SocialCalendarEventUpdateOutput
Add persons to an existing chat conversation
input: SocialChatAddPersonsInput!
): SocialChatAddPersonsOutput
Create a new chat conversation
socialChatCreate(input: SocialChatCreateInput!): SocialChatCreateOutput
Edit the title of a chat conversation.
input: SocialChatEditTitleInput!
): SocialChatEditTitleOutput
Leave a chat conversation.
socialChatLeave(input: SocialChatLeaveInput!): SocialChatLeaveOutput
Send a chat message in a chat conversation.
input: SocialChatSendMessageWithTokensInput!
): SocialChatSendMessageOutput
Update the last visit time of a chat conversation.
input: SocialChatUpdateLastVisitedInput!
): SocialChatUpdateLastVisitedOutput
Create a container microblog to have comments and emotions under any kind of content (FileSystemEntry, ContentWiki, EmbraceFile, M365File, OneDriveFile etc)
input: SocialContainedMicroblogCreateInput!
): SocialContainedMicroblogCreateOutput
Change the name of a document/folder based on a provided id
input: SocialDocumentRenameInput!
): SocialDocumentRenameOutput
Copy file(s) to a specified destination folder
input: SocialDocumentsCopyInput!
): SocialDocumentsCopyOutput
Delete a collection of specified documents/folders
input: SocialDocumentsDeleteInput!
): SocialDocumentsDeleteOutput
Move a collection of documents/folders to a specified destination folder
input: SocialDocumentsMoveInput!
): SocialDocumentsMoveOutput
Restore a collection of documents/folders from the recycle bin to their previous location
input: SocialDocumentsRestoreInput!
): SocialDocumentsRestoreOutput
Add a new education for the current user based on school, field of study, degree, start and end year
input: SocialEducationCreateInput!
): SocialEducationCreateOutput
Remove a selected education entry based on education id
input: SocialEducationDeleteInput!
): SocialEducationDeleteOutput
Edit the school, field of study, degree, start and end year of a specific education entry
input: SocialEducationUpdateInput!
): SocialEducationUpdateOutput
Add a new experience for the current user based on company name, position title, start and end date of employment
input: SocialExperienceCreateInput!
): SocialExperienceCreateOutput
Remove a selected experience entry based on experience id
input: SocialExperienceDeleteInput!
): SocialExperienceDeleteOutput
Edit the company name, position title, start and end date of employment of a specific experience
input: SocialExperienceUpdateInput!
): SocialExperienceUpdateOutput
Add an item to favorites of the current user by providing id of the item
socialFavoriteAdd(input: SocialFavoriteAddInput!): SocialFavoriteAddOutput
Remove an item from current user's favorites
input: SocialFavoriteDeleteInput!
): SocialFavoriteDeleteOutput
This mutation can be used to retrieve an upload url for one file.
This url is valid for 5 minutes so within 5 minutes the upload should start.
If multiple files need to be uploaded then this mutation needs to be called once for each file.
After upload a json is returned:
"success" : true, // true or false
"error" : "", // error message
"id" : "[Graph id]" // GraphId of uploaded document (FileSystemEntry/OneDriveFile)
socialFileUpload(input: SocialFileUploadInput!): SocialFileUploadOutput
Create a new folder with specific name in specific path, either in a group or in personal documents
socialFolderCreate(input: SocialFolderCreateInput!): SocialFolderCreateOutput
Marks a selected group as archived. Group can be unarchived ONLY from Management section
socialGroupArchive(input: SocialGroupArchiveInput!): SocialGroupArchiveOutput
Create a new group by providing title, description, private/public type. Optionally lists with enabled modules and invited person ids can be provided
socialGroupCreate(input: SocialGroupCreateInput!): SocialGroupCreateOutput
Follow a group. Allowed only for group members.
socialGroupFollow(input: SocialGroupFollowInput!): SocialGroupFollowOutput
Current user can accept an invitation to join a specific group
input: SocialGroupInvitationAcceptInput!
): SocialGroupInvitationAcceptOutput
Current user can reject an invitation to join a specific group
input: SocialGroupInvitationRejectInput!
): SocialGroupInvitationRejectOutput
Current user wants to leave a specific group
socialGroupLeave(input: SocialGroupLeaveInput!): SocialGroupLeaveOutput
Current user can request to be a member of a specific group
input: SocialGroupMembershipRequestInput!
): SocialGroupMembershipRequestOutput
Current user can cancel his membership request
input: SocialGroupMembershipRequestCancelInput!
): SocialGroupMembershipRequestCancelOutput
Sends invitation to multiple persons for a specific group
input: SocialGroupMembersInviteInput!
): SocialGroupMembersInviteOutput
Current user (who is also a group manager) can remove a list of members from a group
input: SocialGroupMembersRemoveInput!
): SocialGroupMembersRemoveOutput
Resends invitation to multiple persons for a specific group
input: SocialGroupMembersResendInviteInput!
): SocialGroupMembersResendInviteOutput
Current user (who is also a group manager) can change the role of other group members to either a manager or a normal member
input: SocialGroupMembersRoleChangeInput!
): SocialGroupMembersRoleChangeOutput
Updates LastMentionVisit time of user in the mentions channel of provided group. The LastMentionVisit time will only be updated when the user is an actual group member of the provided group.
input: SocialGroupMentionsVisitInput!
): SocialGroupMentionsVisitOutput
Pin a group
socialGroupPin(input: SocialGroupPinInput!): SocialGroupPinOutput
Order pinned groups for a user
socialGroupPinnedOrder(input: SocialGroupOrderInput!): SocialGroupOrderOutput
Current user (who is also a group manager) can accept a request by a person that wants to join a group
input: SocialGroupRequestAcceptInput!
): SocialGroupRequestAcceptOutput
Current user (who is also a group manager) can reject request by a person that wants to join a group with a specific reason
input: SocialGroupRequestRejectInput!
): SocialGroupRequestRejectOutput
Unfollow a group. Allowed only for group members.
input: SocialGroupUnfollowInput!
): SocialGroupUnfollowOutput
Unpin a group
socialGroupUnpin(input: SocialGroupUnpinInput!): SocialGroupUnpinOutput
Update various group data
socialGroupUpdate(input: SocialGroupUpdateInput!): SocialGroupUpdateOutput
Resets counter for unread microblogs in group and updates LastVisit time of user in the provided group. The LastVisit time will only be updated when the user is an actual group member of the provided group.
socialGroupVisit(input: SocialGroupVisitInput!): SocialGroupVisitOutput
Remove the header of a selected group or calendar event of type 'Event'
socialHeaderDelete(input: SocialHeaderDeleteInput!): SocialHeaderDeleteOutput
This mutation can be used to retrieve an upload url for project or calendar event header. The url is valid for 5 minutes, so uploading should start within 5 minutes.
socialHeaderUpload(input: SocialHeaderUploadInput!): SocialHeaderUploadOutput
Update configuration settings related to Microsoft 365
input: SocialManagementConfigM365UpdateInput!
): SocialManagementConfigM365UpdateOutput
Create a new best bet item
input: SocialManagementBestBetCreateInput!
): SocialManagementBestBetCreateOutput
Delete best bet item
input: SocialManagementBestBetDeleteInput!
): SocialManagementBestBetDeleteOutput
Update best bet item
input: SocialManagementBestBetUpdateInput!
): SocialBestBetUpdateOutput
Triggers the process of exporting Calendar events
socialManagementCalendarEventsExport: SocialManagementCalendarEventsExportOutput
Create a new contact
input: SocialManagementContactCreateInput!
): SocialManagementContactCreateOutput
Activate contacts
input: SocialManagementContactsActivateInput!
): SocialManagementContactsActivateOutput
Archive contacts
input: SocialManagementContactsArchiveInput!
): SocialManagementContactsArchiveOutput
Delete contacts
input: SocialManagementContactsDeleteInput!
): SocialManagementContactsDeleteOutput
Triggers the process of exporting Contacts
input: SocialManagementContactsExportInput!
): SocialManagementContactsExportOutput
Update a contact
input: SocialManagementContactUpdateInput!
): SocialManagementContactUpdateOutput
Update email digest settings
input: SocialManagementDigestSettingsUpdateInput!
): SocialManagementDigestSettingsUpdateOutput
Delete files permanently
input: SocialManagementFilesDeleteInput!
): SocialManagementFilesDeleteOutput
Restore deleted files
input: SocialManagementFilesRestoreInput!
): SocialManagementFilesRestoreOutput
Update General settings
input: SocialManagementGeneralSettingsUpdateInput!
): SocialManagementGeneralSettingsUpdateOutput
Update groups membership settings
input: SocialManagementGroupMembershipSettingsUpdateInput!
): SocialManagementGroupMembershipSettingsUpdateOutput
Activate one or more groups
input: SocialManagementGroupsActivateInput!
): SocialManagementGroupsActivateOutput
Archive one or more groups
input: SocialManagementGroupsArchiveInput!
): SocialManagementGroupsArchiveOutput
Delete one or more groups
input: SocialManagementGroupsDeleteInput!
): SocialManagementGroupsDeleteOutput
Set the default group
input: SocialManagementGroupSetDefaultInput!
): SocialManagementGroupSetDefaultOutput
Update groups settings
input: SocialManagementGroupSettingsUpdateInput!
): SocialManagementGroupSettingsUpdateOutput
Triggers the process of exporting a Group
input: SocialManagementGroupsExportInput!
): SocialManagementGroupsExportOutput
Update groups maintenance settings
input: SocialManagementGroupMaintenanceUpdateInput!
): SocialManagementGroupMaintenanceUpdateOutput
Unset the default group
input: SocialManagementGroupUnsetDefaultInput!
): SocialManagementGroupUnsetDefaultOutput
Generate an upload URL for import file. Returns URL that accepts the file as part of a POST request
input: SocialManagementImportFileUploadInput!
): SocialManagementImportFileUploadOutput
Initiates data import
input: SocialManagementImportInitiateInput!
): SocialManagementImportInitiateOutput
Returns a URL to download a template file for data import
input: SocialManagementImportTemplateDownloadInput!
): SocialManagementImportTemplateDownloadOutput
Update Languages settings
input: SocialManagementLanguageSettingsUpdateInput!
): SocialManagementLanguageSettingsUpdateOutput
Update Notifications settings
input: SocialManagementNotificationSettingsUpdateInput!
): SocialManagementNotificationSettingsUpdateOutput
Update person's maintenance
input: SocialManagementPersonMaintenanceUpdateInput!
): SocialManagementPersonMaintenanceUpdateOutput
@deprecated(reason: "Functionality is dropped")
Update the default privacy settings
input: SocialPersonProfilePrivacyInput!
): SocialPersonProfilePrivacyUpdateOutput
Create a profile custom field
input: SocialManagementPersonProfileCustomFieldCreateInput!
): SocialManagementPersonProfileCustomFieldCreateOutput
Delete a profile custom field
input: SocialManagementPersonProfileCustomFieldDeleteInput!
): SocialManagementPersonProfileCustomFieldDeleteOutput
Update the profile custom fields settings
input: SocialManagementPersonProfileCustomFieldsUpdateInput!
): SocialManagementPersonProfileCustomFieldsUpdateOutput
Update a specific custom field
input: SocialManagementPersonProfileCustomFieldUpdateInput!
): SocialManagementPersonProfileCustomFieldUpdateOutput
Update the profile predefined fields settings
input: SocialManagementPersonProfilePredefinedFieldsUpdateInput!
): SocialManagementPersonProfilePredefinedFieldsUpdateOutput
Update person's general settings
input: SocialManagementPersonSettingsUpdateInput!
): SocialManagementPersonSettingsUpdateOutput
Triggers the process of exporting Persons
input: SocialManagementPersonsExportInput!
): SocialManagementPersonsExportOutput
Update privacy policy
input: SocialManagementPrivacyPolicyUpdateInput!
): SocialManagementPrivacyPolicyUpdateOutput
Remove custom resource
input: SocialManagementResourceRemoveInput!
): SocialManagementResourceRemoveOutput
Add a specific reaction to a microblog or a comment
input: SocialMicroblogAddEmotionInput!
): SocialMicroblogAddEmotionOutput
Create a microblog that is visible on Timeline (e.g Post, Question, Poll, Announcement etc)
input: SocialMicroblogCreateInput!
): SocialMicroblogCreateOutput
Delete a microblog or a comment based on a microblog id
input: SocialMicroblogDeleteInput!
): SocialMicroblogDeleteOutput
Mark a comment from a question microblog as the best answer
input: SocialMicroblogMarkBestAnswerInput!
): SocialMicroblogMarkBestAnswerOutput
Mark a microblog as important
input: SocialMicroblogMarkImportantInput!
): SocialMicroblogMarkImportantOutput
Group manager or account manager can moderate a microblog or a comment with inappropriate content
input: SocialMicroblogModerateInput!
): SocialMicroblogModerateOutput
Pin a specific microblog so that is displayed in the pinned section of the timeline
socialMicroblogPin(input: SocialMicroblogPinInput!): SocialMicroblogPinOutput
Remove a previously added emotion from a microblog or a comment
input: SocialMicroblogRemoveEmotionInput!
): SocialMicroblogRemoveEmotionOutput
Subscribe to receive notifications
input: SocialMicroblogSubscribeInput!
): SocialMicroblogSubscribeOutput
Unmark a comment that was previously marked as best answer
input: SocialMicroblogUnmarkBestAnswerInput!
): SocialMicroblogUnmarkBestAnswerOutput
Unmark a microblog as important
input: SocialMicroblogUnmarkImportantInput!
): SocialMicroblogUnmarkImportantOutput
Remove a specific microblog from the pinned section of the timeline
input: SocialMicroblogUnpinInput!
): SocialMicroblogUnpinOutput
Unsubscribe to stop receiving notifications
input: SocialMicroblogUnsubscribeInput!
): SocialMicroblogUnsubscribeOutput
Update a microblog that is visible on Timeline (e.g Post, Question, Poll, Announcement etc)
input: SocialMicroblogUpdateInput!
): SocialMicroblogUpdateOutput
Vote for a specific option in a microblog of type poll
input: SocialMicroblogVoteInput!
): SocialMicroblogVoteOutput
Mark all notifications as read
socialNotificationMarkAllRead: SocialNotificationMarkAllReadOutput
Mark a notification as read
input: SocialNotificationMarkReadInput!
): SocialNotificationMarkReadOutput
Mark a notification as unread
input: SocialNotificationMarkUnreadInput!
): SocialNotificationMarkUnreadOutput
Reset new notifications count
socialNotificationResetNewCount: SocialNotificationResetNewCountOutput
Change current user's notification settings
input: SocialNotificationSettingsUpdateInput!
): SocialNotificationSettingsUpdateOutput
Delete the specified user token.
input: SocialOAuthTokenDeleteInput!
): SocialOAuthTokenDeleteOutput
Create a new office online document (e.g. Word, Excel etc.) in a specific group or profile path
input: SocialOfficeOnlineDocumentCreateInput!
): SocialOfficeOnlineDocumentCreateOutput
@deprecated(reason: "Please use SocialOfficeOnlineFileCreate | 20240312")
Create a new office online file (e.g. Word, Excel etc.) in a specific group or profile path
input: SocialOfficeOnlineFileCreateInput!
): SocialOfficeOnlineFileCreateOutput
Update out of office information for current user
input: SocialOutOfOfficeUpdateInput!
): SocialOutOfOfficeUpdateOutput
Change current user's availability settings
input: SocialPersonAvailabilitySettingUpdateInput!
): SocialPersonAvailabilitySettingUpdateOutput
Confirm the deactivation of the current account
input: SocialPersonConfirmDeactivationInput!
): SocialPersonConfirmDeactivationOutput
Update current user's home, mobile or work number. If any of the number types is not provided, they are deleted from the list of the user's phone numbers.
Update current user's private email. Changing the primary/work email needs a special flow, see the mutation 'SocialPersonEmailUpdateRequest'
input: SocialPersonContactInformationUpdateInput!
): SocialPersonContactInformationUpdateOutput
Request a deactivation of the current account. Check permissions of current user is allowed to deactivate his account.
socialPersonDeactivate: SocialPersonDeactivateOutput
Current user can follow a specific person
socialPersonFollow(input: SocialPersonFollowInput!): SocialPersonFollowOutput
Change current user's display language, color theme or animation settings
input: SocialPersonGeneralSettingsInput!
): SocialPersonGeneralSettingsOutput
Invite a new person
socialPersonInvite(input: SocialPersonInviteInput!): SocialPersonInviteOutput
Update knowledge and competences for current user
input: SocialPersonKnowledgeAndCompetencesUpdateInput!
): SocialPersonKnowledgeAndCompetencesUpdateOutput
Update the last activity of the currently logged in person
socialPersonLastActivityUpdate: SocialPersonActivityUpdateOutput
Set that onboarding for user is completed
socialPersonOnboardingComplete: SocialPersonOnboardingCompleteOutput
Update personal information for current user
input: SocialPersonPersonalInformationUpdateInput!
): SocialPersonPersonalInformationUpdateOutput
Configure the privacy of current user's profile. Provide each section with its privacy setting. Sections which are not included would be automatically configured with 'Everyone'
input: SocialPersonProfilePrivacyInput!
): SocialPersonProfilePrivacyUpdateOutput
Update microblogs order for the current user
input: SocialPersonTimelineOrderUpdateInput!
): SocialPersonTimelineOrderUpdateOutput
Current user can unfollow a person that is already being followed
input: SocialPersonUnfollowInput!
): SocialPersonUnfollowOutput
Update work information for current user
input: SocialPersonWorkInformationUpdateInput!
): SocialPersonWorkInformationUpdateOutput
Removes a push token for the current user.
input: SocialPushTokenDeleteInput!
): SocialPushTokenDeleteOutput
Add or update a push token for the current user.
input: SocialPushTokenUpdateInput!
): SocialPushTokenUpdateOutput
Empty the recycle bin of a group (if 'GroupId' param is provided) or current user personal documents (if 'GroupId' param is not provided)
input: SocialRecycleBinCleanInput!
): SocialRecycleBinCleanOutput
Connect an external (e.g. Office 365) group to Embrace
input: SocialRemoteGroupConnectInput!
): SocialRemoteGroupConnectOutput
Download a collection of documents in a single .zip file. Optionally, the zip name file can be selected as well
input: SocialRequestDownloadInput!
): SocialRequestDownloadOutput
Set the tags for a group or document
socialSetTags(input: SetTagsInput!): SocialSetTagsOutput
Update an Office 365 To-do task
input: SocialTodoTaskUpdateInput!
): SocialTodoTaskUpdateOutput
Send a list of work days and work time availabilty for selected days of the week. Optionally, an additional description for each day can be provided
input: SocialWorkingHoursUpdateInput!
): SocialWorkingHoursUpdateOutput
type MutationResult {
isSuccess: Boolean!
type MutationViewer {
Accepts for the applicant with given publicationId and logged-in user
input: HousingApplicationInput
locale: String
): HousingBooleanOutput
Used for saving a document from the remote media handler to the local storage
input: HousingAttachmentInput
locale: String
): HousingBooleanOutput @deprecated(reason: "Use HousingAddFile instead")
Used for saving a document from the remote media handler to the local storage
housingAddFile(input: HousingFileInput, locale: String): HousingBooleanOutput
Apply to a publication unit
input: HousingPublicationIdInput
locale: String
): HousingApplyOutput
housingImportLegacyUsers(input: HousingImportUserInput): HousingMessageOutput
Change the password with a reset token
input: HousingPasswordChangeInput
locale: String
): HousingBooleanOutput
Password reset request. This will send the email with the password reset link
input: HousingPasswordResetRequestInput
locale: String
): HousingBooleanOutput
Refuses a unit where the registration got an offer/invite
input: HousingRefuseUnitInput
locale: String
): HousingBooleanOutput
Creates a registration
input: HousingHouseholdRegistrationCreateInput
locale: String
): HousingHouseholdRegistrationOutput
Used for extending the registration
housingRegistrationExtend(locale: String): HousingBooleanOutput
Updates a registration
input: HousingHouseholdRegistrationUpdateInput
locale: String
): HousingHouseholdRegistrationOutput
Health check action
input: HousingHealthCheckInput
): HousingMessageOutput
type MyLexSearchItem {
description: String!
id: ID!
label: String
modified: DateTime
title: String!
url: String!
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type MyLexSearchItemConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [MyLexSearchItemEdge]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [MyLexSearchItem]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type MyLexSearchItemEdge {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: MyLexSearchItem
input Natural {
birthDate: DateTime
contactDetails: UpdateContactDetailsInput
correspondenceType: CorrespondenceTypeInput
firstName: String
gender: GenderInput
id: ID!
initials: String
insertion: String
isAggressive: Boolean
isDeceased: Boolean
isExcludedFromSingleService: Boolean
lastName: String
nationality: String
type NewBillCustomerMessage implements INode & ICustomerMessage {
creationDate: DateTimeOffset!
description: String
id: ID!
invoiceId: ID!
isAcknowledged: Boolean!
isArchived: Boolean!
isRead: Boolean!
personId: ID!
priority: MessagePriority!
title: String
type NotPlannedAppointment implements Appointment {
title: String!
type NumberField implements IFormComponent {
component: String
fieldName: String
id: ID!
index: Int!
label: String
placeholder: String
required: Boolean!
tag: String
type Office365SearchItem {
description: String!
id: ID!
label: String
modified: DateTime
title: String!
url: String!
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type Office365SearchItemConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [Office365SearchItemEdge]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [Office365SearchItem]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type Office365SearchItemEdge {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: Office365SearchItem
type OneDriveSearchItem {
description: String!
id: ID!
label: String
modified: DateTime
title: String!
url: String!
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type OneDriveSearchItemConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [OneDriveSearchItemEdge]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [OneDriveSearchItem]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type OneDriveSearchItemEdge {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: OneDriveSearchItem
type OpenAction {
action: OpenWith!
url: String
type OpenSearchSearchItem {
description: String!
id: ID!
label: String
modified: DateTime
title: String!
url: String!
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type OpenSearchSearchItemConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [OpenSearchSearchItemEdge]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [OpenSearchSearchItem]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type OpenSearchSearchItemEdge {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: OpenSearchSearchItem
enum OpenWith {
type OptionInputType {
valueOptions: [OptionInputValueType]
type OptionInputValueType {
label: String
value: String
type OptionValueItemType {
label: String
value: String
type OptionValueType {
currentValue: String
valueOptions: [OptionValueItemType]
input OrderByIdentityGroupInput {
sortOrder: IdentityGroupSortOrder
input OrderByIdentityResourceInput {
sortOrder: IdentityResourceSortOrder
input OrderByIdentityResourceScopeInput {
sortOrder: IdentityResourceScopeSortOrder
input OrderByIdentityResourceServerInput {
sortOrder: IdentityResourceServerSortOrder
input OrderByIdentityRoleInput {
sortOrder: IdentityRoleSortOrder
input OrderByIdentityUserInput {
sortOrder: IdentityUserSortOrder
input OrderByInvoicesInput {
sortOrder: BillSortOrder = CREATION_DATE_DESC
input OrderByMediaChildInput {
sortOrder: MediaChildSortOrder
input OrderByMediaFileInput {
sortOrder: MediaFileSortOrder
input OrderByMediaFolderInput {
sortOrder: MediaFolderSortOrder
input OrderByMediaInput {
sortOrder: MediaSortOrder! = CREATION_DATE_ASC
input OrderByTasksInput {
sortOrder: TasksSortOrder!
Documents order
input OrderDocumentsInput {
Marks the direction of the sort order chosen with orderBy
direction: SocialSortDirection!
The criteria on which the sorting is based
orderBy: SocialDocumentSortOrder!
input OrderGroupMembersInput {
Marks the direction of the sort order chosen with orderBy
direction: SocialSortDirection!
The criteria on which the sorting is based when searching for a group member
orderBy: SocialGroupMembersSortOrder!
input OrderGroupsInput {
Marks the direction of the sort order chosen with orderBy
direction: SocialSortDirection!
The criteria on which the sorting is based when searching for a group
orderBy: SocialGroupSortOrder!
Order persons filter
input OrderPersonsInput {
Marks the direction of the sort order chosen with orderBy
direction: SocialSortDirection!
The criteria on which the sorting is based when searching for a person
orderBy: SocialPersonSortOrder!
Order contacts filter
input OrderSocialContactsInput {
direction: SocialSortDirection!
orderBy: SocialContactsSortOrder!
type OutOfOffice {
Additional explanation message entered by the user
additionalExplanation: String
End date of the out of office in UTC
endDate: DateTime
Auto-generated display message shown on user's profile
generatedDisplayMessage: String
isDoNotDisturbToggleEnabled: Boolean!
isOutOfOfficeToggleEnabled: Boolean!
Start date of the out of office in UTC
startDate: DateTime
substitutes: [SocialPerson]
type OutOfOfficeSocialProfileField {
state: SocialProfileFieldState!
value: OutOfOffice
enum OverwriteAction {
Generate unique name if a file with the same name already exists in the destination folder. For example test.docx will be renamed to test (1).docx
Overwrite existing file if a file with the same name already exists in the destination folder.
Information about pagination in a connection.
type PageInfo {
When paginating forwards, the cursor to continue.
endCursor: String!
When paginating forwards, are there more items?
hasNextPage: Boolean!
When paginating backwards, are there more items?
hasPreviousPage: Boolean!
When paginating backwards, the cursor to continue.
startCursor: String!
type Payment {
amount: Decimal!
description: String!
paymentDate: DateTime!
transactionReference: String!
type PaymentArrangementProposal {
amount: Decimal!
terms: Int!
type PaymentConnection {
edges: [PaymentEdge]
items: [Payment!]
pageInfo: PageInfo!
totalCount: Int
type PaymentEdge {
cursor: Cursor!
node: Payment!
enum PaymentMethod {
input PaymentStartInput {
cancelledReturnUrl: String
failedReturnUrl: String
invoiceId: ID!
issuerId: String
successReturnUrl: String
type PaymentStartOutput {
invoiceId: ID!
redirectUrl: String
enum PaymentStatus {
type Permission {
category: String!
displayName: String!
name: String!
type PermissionSetting {
Type of permission to be applied
type: PermissionTypeEnum!
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
List of user roles. Only available if "UserRoles" Permission Type is chosen
userRoles: [String]
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
input PermissionSettingInput {
Type of permission to be applied
type: PermissionTypeEnum!
List of user roles. Only to be provided if "UserRoles" Permission Type is chosen
userRoles: [String]
Input type that defines roles and scopes for a resource
input PermissionsInput {
Permission setting for "View presence" scope. Users with this scope can see the existence of the resource, but cannot access it's props other than eg. name, id
viewPermission: PermissionSettingInput
Permission setting for "Access" scope. Users with "Access" scope can access all props of the resource.
accessPermission: PermissionSettingInput
Permission setting for "Edit" scope. Users with "Edit" scope can access and edit all props of the resource.
editPermission: PermissionSettingInput
Permission setting for "Delete" scope. Users with "Delete" scope can delete an instance of this resource and also access and edit all props.
deletePermission: PermissionSettingInput
Permission setting for "Manage" scope. Users with "Manage" scope can update other permission settings.
managePermission: PermissionSettingInput
input PermissionsModelInput {
deletePermissionCollaborators: [GUID!]
deletePermissionRoles: [String]
deletePermissionType: PermissionType!
editPermissionCollaborators: [GUID!]
editPermissionRoles: [String]
editPermissionType: PermissionType!
managePermissionCollaborators: [GUID!]
managePermissionRoles: [String]
managePermissionType: PermissionType!
publishPermissionCollaborators: [GUID!]
publishPermissionRoles: [String]
publishPermissionType: PermissionType!
readPermissionCollaborators: [GUID!]
readPermissionRoles: [String]
readPermissionType: PermissionType!
Output type that defines permission for scopes of a resource
type PermissionsObject {
List of roles identifiers having "View presence" scope. Users with "View presence" scope can see the existence of the resource, but cannot access it's props other than eg. name, id
viewPermission: PermissionSetting
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Permission setting for "Access" scope. Users with "Access" scope can access all props of the resource.
accessPermission: PermissionSetting
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Permission setting for "Edit" scope. Users with "Edit" scope can access and edit all props of the resource.
editPermission: PermissionSetting
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Permission setting for "Delete" scope. Users with "Delete" scope can delete an instance of this resource and also access and edit all props.
deletePermission: PermissionSetting
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Permission setting for "Manage" scope. Users with "Manage" scope can update other permission settings.
managePermission: PermissionSetting
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
enum PermissionType {
input PermissionTypeContentWhereEnumFilter {
equals: PermissionType
in: [PermissionType!]
notEquals: PermissionType
notIn: [PermissionType!]
enum PermissionTypeEnum {
Uses a list of user roles to define permission
UserRoles @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Can be accessed anonymously
Anonymous @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Permission is inherited from the parent
Inherited @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
type Person implements INode & IContact {
id: ID!
account: Account
activities(after: Cursor, first: Int = 10): ActivityConnection
input: WhereIContactTasksInput
first: Int
after: Cursor
): AnnouncementConnection
appointments(input: WhereAppointmentsInput!): [Calendar!]!
input: WherePersonCaseFlowsInput
first: Int
after: Cursor
): CaseFlowConnection
contactDetails: ContactDetails
input: WherePersonContractsInput
after: Cursor
first: Int = 10
): ContractConnection!
correspondenceType: CorrespondenceType!
dateOfBirth: DateTime
department: String!
displayName: String!
input: WhereIContactDossiersInput
first: Int
after: Cursor
): DossierConnection
financialOverview: FinancialOverview!
firstName: String!
fullName: String!
functionGroups: [FunctionGroup!]
gender: Gender!
indicators(input: WherePersonInicatorsInput): [IndicatorEvaluationResult]!
initials: String!
insertion: String!
input: WhereInvoicesInput
orderBy: OrderByInvoicesInput
first: Int
after: Cursor
): InvoiceConnection
isActive: Boolean!
isAggresive: Boolean!
isDeactivatable: Boolean!
isDeceased: Boolean!
isExcludedFromSingleService: Boolean!
jobTitle: String!
lastName: String!
nationality: String
permissions: [Permission!]!
preferences: PersonPreferences
properties: Json!
input: WhereRepairRequestsInput
after: Cursor
first: Int = 10
): RepairRequestConnection!
roles: [RoleType!]!
input: WherePersonSelfServiceScenariosInput
first: Int
after: Cursor
): SelfServiceScenarioConnection!
synchronizedObjects: [SynchronizedObject!]!
targetGroups: [TargetGroup]!
input: WhereIContactTasksInput
first: Int
after: Cursor
): TaskConnection
input: WherePersonTicketsInput
after: Cursor
first: Int = 10
): TicketConnection
title: String!
writeableFields: WritableFields!
satisfactionCategories: [CustomerSatisfactionCategory]!
input: WherePersonCustomerMessagesInput
after: Cursor
first: Int = 10
): ICustomerMessageConnection!
phoneUserStatus: PhoneUserStatus!
type PersonalDataCustomerMessage implements INode & ICustomerMessage {
creationDate: DateTimeOffset!
description: String
id: ID!
isAcknowledged: Boolean!
isArchived: Boolean!
isRead: Boolean!
personId: ID!
priority: MessagePriority!
title: String
enum PersonCharacteristicInput {
type PersonConnection {
edges: [PersonEdge]
items: [Person!]
pageInfo: PageInfo!
totalCount: Int
type PersonEdge {
cursor: Cursor!
node: Person!
type PersonFieldCapabilities {
allowedPhoneTypes: [PhoneType!]
multipleEqualPhoneTypesAllowed: Boolean!
unknownPhoneTypeAllowed: Boolean!
enum PersonFieldTypes {
input PersonIdentificationInput {
externalSystemName: String
identification: String
enum PersonJitSubscriptionType {
enum PersonJitTypeInput {
union PersonOrFuncionGroupUnionResult = Person | FunctionGroup
type PersonPreferences {
receiveMailNotifications: Boolean!
receiveSmsNotifications: Boolean!
input PersonPreferencesUpdateInput {
personId: ID!
receiveMailNotifications: Boolean!
receiveSmsNotifications: Boolean!
input PersonTimelineExportInput {
personId: ID!
input PersonTriggerJitInput {
jitTypeInput: [PersonJitTypeInput!]
personId: ID
input PhoneCallDialInput {
phoneMonitorId: GUID!
phoneNumber: String
input PhoneCallLinkToPerson {
connectionId: String
personId: ID!
input PhoneCallTransferDirectInput {
connectionId: String
phoneNumber: String
input PhoneCallTransferInput {
connectionId: String
input PhoneCallUnlinkFromPerson {
connectionId: String
type PhoneFavorite implements INode {
description: String
hoverText: String
id: ID!
internalPhone: String
isActive: Boolean!
order: Float!
phone: String!
title: String!
type PhoneFavoriteConnection {
edges: [PhoneFavoriteEdge]
items: [PhoneFavorite!]
pageInfo: PageInfo!
totalCount: Int
input PhoneFavoriteCreateInput {
description: String
hoverText: String
internalPhone: String
isActive: Boolean!
order: Float!
phone: String!
title: String!
type PhoneFavoriteEdge {
cursor: Cursor!
node: PhoneFavorite!
input PhoneFavoriteUpdateInput {
description: String
hoverText: String
id: ID!
internalPhone: String
isActive: Boolean!
order: Float!
phone: String!
title: String!
type PhoneField implements IFormComponent & IBasicField & IFormField {
component: String
fieldName: String
id: ID!
index: Int!
label: String
placeholder: String
required: Boolean!
tag: String
input PhoneInput {
id: ID
phoneNumber: String
phoneType: PhoneType!
input PhoneLineActionInput {
connectionId: String
phoneMonitorId: GUID!
type PhoneLineNumberInfo {
candidateSubjectIds: [GUID!]
otherNumber: String
subjectId: GUID
type PhoneLineState {
acw: AcwState
candidatePersonIds: [ID!]
connectedTime: DateTime
connectionId: String
dialing: DialingState
endTime: DateTime
established: EstablishedState
isIncoming: Boolean!
lineClosed: LineClosedState
phoneLineNumberInfo: [PhoneLineNumberInfo]
ringing: RingingState
startTime: DateTime!
subjectPersonId: ID
type PhoneMonitor {
attributes: [PhoneMonitorAttribute]
canLogOut: Boolean!
canOpenNewLine: Boolean!
id: GUID!
lines: [PhoneLineState]
phoneNumber: String
type PhoneMonitorAttribute {
booleanValue: BooleanType
identifier: String
isReadOnly: Boolean!
name: String
optionValue: OptionValueType
type PhoneMutationResult {
isSuccess: Boolean!
type PhoneQueueCallersState {
amount: Int!
kpi: PhoneQueueKpi!
enum PhoneQueueKpi {
type PhoneQueueState {
callers: PhoneQueueCallersState
name: String
waitingTime: PhoneQueueWaitingTimeState
type PhoneQueueWaitingTimeState {
kpi: PhoneQueueKpi!
queueTimeCriticalCap: Int!
queueTimeRequiresAttentionCap: Int!
secondsElapsed: Int!
timerStartedOn: DateTimeOffset
enum PhoneType {
enum PhoneUserStateUpdatedListenMode {
input PhoneUserStateUpdatedWhereInput {
listenTo: PhoneUserStateUpdatedListenMode!
enum PhoneUserStatus {
type PlannedAppointment implements Appointment {
end: DateTime!
exactEnd: DateTime
exactStart: DateTime
expertise: Expertise!
externalRepairman: ExternalRepairman
repairman: IContact
start: DateTime!
title: String!
type PlanningOption {
endDate: DateTime!
exactEndDateTime: DateTime
exactStartDateTime: DateTime
id: ID!
resource: IContact
score: Decimal
scoreRating: ScoreRating
startDate: DateTime!
input PlanningOptionInput {
endTime: DateTime!
exactEndTime: DateTime
exactStartTime: DateTime
externalId: String
resource: PlanningOptionResourceInput
score: PlanningOptionScoreInput
startTime: DateTime!
input PlanningOptionResourceInput {
id: String
name: String
enum PlanningOptionScore {
input PlanningOptionScoreInput {
score: Decimal!
value: PlanningOptionScore
input PlanningOptionsInput {
endTime: DateTime
numberOfOptions: Int = 5
startTime: DateTime
type PlanningRequest {
duration: TimeSpan!
endDate: DateTime!
expertiseId: ID!
introText: String
planningAgent: String
resourceId: String
startDate: DateTime!
title: String
unitId: ID!
useDayParts: Boolean!
type PlanningResponse {
planningIsPossible: Boolean!
planningOptions: [PlanningOption]
Poll option associated with a microblog of type poll
type PollOption {
How many times this option was chosen by people
count: Int!
id: ID!
Flag whether current user chose this option
isChosen: Boolean!
Percentage of the current option related to the other options for the poll
percentage: Int!
Flag whether to show percentages. If false, this means that no one has yet voted on the poll
showPercentage: Boolean!
Short description of the option. Can be up to 200 characters
title: String
type PortalAuthenticatedMe {
permissions: PortalMePermissions!
type PortalConfiguration {
accountActivationVerificationMethod: AccountActivationVerificationMethod!
correspondenceTypeDigitalOnAccountActivation: Boolean!
correspondenceTypeEditable: Boolean!
customEmployeeName: String
customersCanEnableEmailNotifications: Boolean!
customersCanEnableSmsNotifications: Boolean!
employeeNameFormat: EmployeeNameFormat!
googleAnalyticsDomain: String
googleAnalyticsEnabled: Boolean!
googleAnalyticsEnabledWhenImpersonated: Boolean!
googleAnalyticsTrackingId: String
isGenderChangeAllowed: Boolean!
isPhoneNumberChangeAllowed: Boolean!
isPostalAddressChangeAllowed: Boolean!
mediaUrl: String
showHousingValuation: Boolean!
supportsIndividualBillPayments: Boolean!
supportsPartialBillPayments: Boolean!
switchOffNotificationsAfterAccountDeactivation: Boolean!
websiteDomain: String
websiteUrl: String
type PortalMePermissions {
createPortals: Boolean!
createThemes: Boolean!
manageWidgets: Boolean!
Input type that defines roles and scopes for a Portal resource
input PortalPermissionsInput {
Permission setting for "View presence" scope. Users with this scope can see the existence of the resource, but cannot access it's props other than eg. name, id
viewPermission: LimitedPermissionSettingInput!
Permission setting for "Access" scope. Users with this scope can access all props of the resource.
accessPermission: LimitedPermissionSettingInput!
Permission setting for "Edit" scope. Users with "Edit" scope can access and edit all props of the resource.
editPermission: LimitedPermissionSettingInput!
Permission setting for "Delete" scope. Users with "Delete" scope can delete an instance of this resource and also access and edit all props.
deletePermission: LimitedPermissionSettingInput!
Permission setting for "Manage" scope. Users with "Manage" scope can update other permission settings.
managePermission: LimitedPermissionSettingInput
Permission setting for "Publish" scope. Users with this scope can delete and publish an instance of this resource and also access and edit all props.
publishPermission: LimitedPermissionSettingInput
Output type that defines permission setting for scopes of a Portal resource
type PortalPermissionsObject {
List of roles identifiers having "View presence" scope. Users with "View presence" scope can see the existence of the resource, but cannot access it's props other than eg. name, id
viewPermission: LimitedPermissionSetting
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Permission setting for "Access" scope. Users with "Access" scope can access all props of the resource.
accessPermission: LimitedPermissionSetting
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Permission setting for "Edit" scope. Users with "Edit" scope can access and edit all props of the resource.
editPermission: LimitedPermissionSetting
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Permission setting for "Delete" scope. Users with "Delete" scope can delete an instance of this resource and also access and edit all props.
deletePermission: LimitedPermissionSetting
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Permission setting for "Manage" scope. Users with "Manage" scope can update other permission settings.
managePermission: LimitedPermissionSetting
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Permission setting for "Publish" scope. Users with "Publish" scope can publish an instance of this resource.
publishPermission: LimitedPermissionSetting
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Allowed widgets generic container to create a bag for allowed widgets in Tenant & Portal.
type PortalProviderAllowedWidget implements IPortalProviderNode & INode {
id: ID!
props: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
systemProps: String
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
baseWidgetId: ID @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
baseWidget: PortalProviderBaseWidget!
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
tenantId: ID @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
title: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
shortDescription: String
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
longDescription: String
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Represents a locale in which this entity was fetched.
E.g. fetching a screen in En locale would return screen objects with fetchedInLocale field set to 'En'.
fetchedInLocale: String
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
tags: [String] @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
status: PortalProviderAllowedWidgetStatusEnum
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
isMaster: Boolean @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
isDependent: Boolean!
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
supportedPortalTypes: [PortalProviderPortalTypeEnum!]!
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
requiredRoles: [String!]!
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
canBeManaged: Boolean
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
widgetTypes: [PortalProviderBaseWidgetTypeEnum!]
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
createdBy: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
createdOn: String!
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
changedBy: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
changedOn: String!
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
where: WherePortalProviderPortalInput
locale: [PortalProviderLocaleEnum]
orderBy: PortalProviderPortalSortOrder
first: Int
after: String
): PortalProviderPortalConnection
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
where: WherePortalProviderScreenInput
locale: [PortalProviderLocaleEnum]
orderBy: PortalProviderScreenSortOrder
first: Int
after: String
): PortalProviderScreenConnection
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
baseWidgetV2: PortalProviderBaseWidget!
canBeManagedV2: Boolean
changedByV2: String
changedOnV2: String
createdByV2: String
createdOnV2: String
first: Int
after: Cursor
portalVersionId: ID!
orderBy: PortalProviderScreenOrderBy
where: PortalProviderScreenWhereInput
calculatedPermissionsFilter: PortalProviderCalculatedPermissionsFilter
): PortalProviderScreenConnectionV2
isDependentV2: Boolean
isMasterV2: Boolean
longDescriptionV2: String
first: Int
after: Cursor
orderBy: PortalProviderPortalOrderBy
where: PortalProviderPortalWhereInput
calculatedPermissionsFilter: PortalProviderPortalCalculatedPermissionsFilter
): PortalProviderPortalConnectionV2
propsV2: String
requiredRolesV2: [String]
sharedConfigurations(portalId: ID!): [PortalProviderSharedConfiguration]
shortDescriptionV2: String
statusV2: PortalProviderAllowedWidgetStatus
supportedPortalTypesV2: [PortalProviderPortalType!]
systemPropsV2: String
tagsV2: [String!]
titleV2: String
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type PortalProviderAllowedWidgetConnection {
Information to aid facet data.
facets: PortalProviderFacet
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [PortalProviderAllowedWidgetEdge]
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PortalProviderPageInfo!
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type PortalProviderAllowedWidgetConnectionV2 {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [PortalProviderAllowedWidgetEdgeV2]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [PortalProviderAllowedWidget!]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
Specifies the input fields required to create a PortalProviderAllowedWidget item.
input PortalProviderAllowedWidgetCreateInput {
props: String
systemProps: String
baseWidgetId: ID!
title: String
shortDescription: String
longDescription: String
status: PortalProviderAllowedWidgetStatusEnum
canBeManaged: Boolean
tags: [String]
Collection of existing portal identifiers.
portals: [EntityIdWrapper!]
requiredRoles: [String!]
Input used for creating allowed widget.
input PortalProviderAllowedWidgetCreateInputV2 {
baseWidgetId: ID!
canBeManaged: Boolean
longDescription: String
portalIds: [ID!]
requiredRoles: [String!]
shortDescription: String
systemProps: String
tags: [String!]
title: String
Specifies the input fields required to delete a PortalProviderAllowedWidget item.
input PortalProviderAllowedWidgetDeleteInput {
id: ID!
Input used for deleting allowed widget.
input PortalProviderAllowedWidgetDeleteInputV2 {
id: ID!
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type PortalProviderAllowedWidgetEdge {
The item at the end of the edge.
node: PortalProviderAllowedWidget
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: String! @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type PortalProviderAllowedWidgetEdgeV2 {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: PortalProviderAllowedWidget!
Enumeration of order by options used as an input for ordering allowed widgets.
enum PortalProviderAllowedWidgetOrderBy {
In case title is null or empty string on allowed widget, performs ordering on base widget title.
In case title is null or empty string on allowed widget, performs ordering on base widget title.
Defines the ordering for PortalProviderAllowedWidget
enum PortalProviderAllowedWidgetSortOrder {
enum PortalProviderAllowedWidgetStatus {
enum PortalProviderAllowedWidgetStatusEnum {
Active @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Archived @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Specifies the input fields required to create a PortalProviderAllowedWidget item.
input PortalProviderAllowedWidgetUpdateInput {
id: ID!
props: String
systemProps: String
title: String
shortDescription: String
longDescription: String
status: PortalProviderAllowedWidgetStatusEnum
canBeManaged: Boolean
tags: [String]
Collection of existing portal identifiers.
portals: [EntityIdWrapper!]
requiredRoles: [String!]
Input used for updating allowed widget.
input PortalProviderAllowedWidgetUpdateInputV2 {
canBeManaged: Boolean
longDescription: String
portalIds: [ID!]
props: String
requiredRoles: [String!]
shortDescription: String
status: PortalProviderAllowedWidgetStatus
systemProps: String
tags: [String!]
title: String
Input used for filtering allowed widgets.
input PortalProviderAllowedWidgetWhereInput {
Applies a contains filter on all string fields that entity has. Each field filter is combined by OR operation, meaning that results are going to be returned if string is found in, for example, title or short description.
_search: String
canBeManaged_eq: Boolean
canBeManaged_not_eq: Boolean
id_eq: ID
id_in: [ID!]
id_not_in: [ID!]
isDependent_eq: Boolean
isDependent_not_eq: Boolean
isMaster_eq: Boolean
isMaster_not_eq: Boolean
props_contains: String
props_ends_with: String
props_eq: String
props_in: [String!]
props_not_eq: String
props_not_in: [String!]
props_starts_with: String
status_eq: PortalProviderAllowedWidgetStatus
status_not_eq: PortalProviderAllowedWidgetStatus
supportedPortalTypes_list_contains: [PortalProviderPortalType!]
systemProps_contains: String
systemProps_ends_with: String
systemProps_eq: String
systemProps_in: [String!]
systemProps_not_eq: String
systemProps_not_in: [String!]
systemProps_starts_with: String
In case tags is null or empty array on allowed widget, performs search on base widget tags.
tags_list_contains: [String!]
In case title is null or empty string on allowed widget, performs search on base widget title.
title_contains: String
In case title is null or empty string on allowed widget, performs search on base widget title.
title_ends_with: String
In case title is null or empty string on allowed widget, performs search on base widget title.
title_eq: String
In case title is null or empty string on allowed widget, performs search on base widget title.
title_in: [String!]
In case title is null or empty string on allowed widget, performs search on base widget title.
title_not_eq: String
In case title is null or empty string on allowed widget, performs search on base widget title.
title_not_in: [String!]
In case title is null or empty string on allowed widget, performs search on base widget title.
title_starts_with: String
widgetTypes_list_contains: [PortalProviderWidgetType!]
Represents a widget area for PortalProviderScreenTemplate.
type PortalProviderArea implements IPortalProviderNode & INode {
id: ID!
systemProps: String
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
props: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
tenantId: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
screenContainerId: String!
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
contentOrientation: String
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
contentHorizontalAlignment: String
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
contentVerticalAlignment: String
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
contentWrap: String
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
zIndex: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
backgroundImage: String
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
backgroundColor: String
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
backgroundImageSize: String
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
spacingTop: Int! @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
spacingBottom: Int!
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
spacingLeft: Int! @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
spacingRight: Int!
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
spacingUnit: String!
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
gapHorizontal: Int
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
gapVertical: Int @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
gapUnit: String! @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
name: String! @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
inherited: Boolean!
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
allowUserWidgets: Boolean!
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
desktop: Boolean! @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
tablet: Boolean! @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
mobileLandscape: Boolean!
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
mobilePortrait: Boolean!
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
permissions: PermissionsObject
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
userPermissions: UserPermissionsObject
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
positions: [PortalProviderPosition!]
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
userWidgetCollectionId: String
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
where: WherePortalProviderPlacedWidgetInput
locale: [PortalProviderLocaleEnum]
orderBy: PortalProviderPlacedWidgetSortOrder
first: Int
after: String
): PortalProviderPlacedWidgetConnection
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
where: WherePortalProviderUserWidgetInput
locale: [PortalProviderLocaleEnum]
orderBy: PortalProviderUserWidgetSortOrder
first: Int
after: String
): PortalProviderUserWidgetConnection
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
allowUserWidgetsV2: Boolean
backgroundColorV2: String
backgroundImageSizeV2: String
backgroundImageV2: String
calculatedPermissionsV2: PortalProviderCalculatedPermissions!
changedByV2: String
changedOnV2: String
columnEnd: Int!
columnStart: Int!
contentHorizontalAlignmentV2: String
contentOrientationV2: String
contentVerticalAlignmentV2: String
contentWrapV2: String
createdByV2: String
createdOnV2: String
desktopV2: Boolean
gapHorizontalV2: Int
gapUnitV2: String
gapVerticalV2: Int
inheritedV2: Boolean
mobileLandscapeV2: Boolean
mobilePortraitV2: Boolean
nameV2: String!
originV2: ID!
permissionsV2: PortalProviderPermissions
first: Int
after: Cursor
orderBy: PortalProviderPlacedWidgetOrderBy
where: PortalProviderPlacedWidgetWhereInput
calculatedPermissionsFilter: PortalProviderCalculatedPermissionsFilter
): PortalProviderPlacedWidgetConnectionV2
positionsV2: [PortalProviderPosition!]!
propsV2: String
rowEnd: Int!
rowStart: Int!
spacingBottomV2: Int
spacingLeftV2: Int
spacingRightV2: Int
spacingTopV2: Int
spacingUnitV2: String
systemPropsV2: String
tabletV2: Boolean
first: Int
after: Cursor
orderBy: PortalProviderUserWidgetOrderBy
where: PortalProviderUserWidgetWhereInput
): PortalProviderUserWidgetConnectionV2
zIndexV2: String
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type PortalProviderAreaConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [PortalProviderAreaEdge]
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PortalProviderPageInfo!
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type PortalProviderAreaConnectionV2 {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [PortalProviderAreaEdgeV2]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [PortalProviderArea!]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
Specifies the input fields required to create a PortalProviderArea item.
input PortalProviderAreaCreateInput {
systemProps: String
props: String
screenContainerId: String!
name: String!
allowUserWidgets: Boolean
contentOrientation: String
contentHorizontalAlignment: String
contentVerticalAlignment: String
contentWrap: String
zIndex: String
backgroundImage: String
backgroundColor: String
backgroundImageSize: String
permissions: PermissionsInput
spacingTop: Int
spacingBottom: Int
spacingLeft: Int
spacingRight: Int
spacingUnit: String
gapHorizontal: Int
gapVertical: Int
gapUnit: String
desktop: Boolean
tablet: Boolean
mobileLandscape: Boolean
mobilePortrait: Boolean
positions: [PortalProviderPositionCreateInput!]!
Input used for creating areas.
input PortalProviderAreaCreateInputV2 {
allowUserWidgets: Boolean
backgroundColor: String
backgroundImage: String
backgroundImageSize: String
columnEnd: Int
columnStart: Int
contentHorizontalAlignment: String
contentOrientation: String
contentVerticalAlignment: String
contentWrap: String
desktop: Boolean
gapHorizontal: Int
gapUnit: String
gapVertical: Int
mobileLandscape: Boolean
mobilePortrait: Boolean
name: String
permissions: PortalProviderPermissionsInput!
positions: [PortalProviderPositionCreateInputV2!]
props: String
rowEnd: Int
rowStart: Int
screenContainerId: ID!
spacingBottom: Int
spacingLeft: Int
spacingRight: Int
spacingTop: Int
spacingUnit: String
systemProps: String
tablet: Boolean
zIndex: String
Specifies the input fields required to delete a PortalProviderArea item.
input PortalProviderAreaDeleteInput {
id: ID!
Input used for deleting areas.
input PortalProviderAreaDeleteInputV2 {
id: ID!
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type PortalProviderAreaEdge {
The item at the end of the edge.
node: PortalProviderArea
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: String! @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type PortalProviderAreaEdgeV2 {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: PortalProviderArea!
Enumeration of order by options used as an input for ordering areas.
enum PortalProviderAreaOrderBy {
Defines the ordering for PortalProviderArea
enum PortalProviderAreaSortOrder {
Specifies the input fields required to update a PortalProviderArea item.
input PortalProviderAreaUpdateInput {
id: ID!
systemProps: String
props: String
name: String!
allowUserWidgets: Boolean
contentOrientation: String
contentHorizontalAlignment: String
contentVerticalAlignment: String
contentWrap: String
zIndex: String
backgroundImage: String
backgroundColor: String
backgroundImageSize: String
spacingTop: Int
spacingBottom: Int
spacingLeft: Int
spacingRight: Int
spacingUnit: String
gapHorizontal: Int
gapVertical: Int
gapUnit: String
desktop: Boolean
tablet: Boolean
mobileLandscape: Boolean
mobilePortrait: Boolean
permissions: PermissionsInput
positions: [PortalProviderPositionUpdateInput!]!
Input used for updating areas.
input PortalProviderAreaUpdateInputV2 {
allowUserWidgets: Boolean
backgroundColor: String
backgroundImage: String
backgroundImageSize: String
columnEnd: Int
columnStart: Int
contentHorizontalAlignment: String
contentOrientation: String
contentVerticalAlignment: String
contentWrap: String
desktop: Boolean
gapHorizontal: Int
gapUnit: String
gapVertical: Int
mobileLandscape: Boolean
mobilePortrait: Boolean
name: String
permissions: PortalProviderPermissionsInput
positions: [PortalProviderPositionUpdateInputV2!]
props: String
rowEnd: Int
rowStart: Int
spacingBottom: Int
spacingLeft: Int
spacingRight: Int
spacingTop: Int
spacingUnit: String
systemProps: String
tablet: Boolean
zIndex: String
Input used for filtering areas.
input PortalProviderAreaWhereInput {
Applies a contains filter on all string fields that entity has. Each field filter is combined by OR operation, meaning that results are going to be returned if string is found in, for example, title or short description.
_search: String
allowUserWidgets_eq: Boolean
allowUserWidgets_not_eq: Boolean
desktop_eq: Boolean
desktop_not_eq: Boolean
id_eq: ID
id_in: [ID!]
id_not_in: [ID!]
inherited_eq: Boolean
inherited_not_eq: Boolean
mobileLandscape_eq: Boolean
mobileLandscape_not_eq: Boolean
mobilePortrait_eq: Boolean
mobilePortrait_not_eq: Boolean
name_contains: String
name_ends_with: String
name_eq: String
name_in: [String!]
name_not_eq: String
name_not_in: [String!]
name_starts_with: String
props_contains: String
props_ends_with: String
props_eq: String
props_in: [String!]
props_not_eq: String
props_not_in: [String!]
props_starts_with: String
systemProps_contains: String
systemProps_ends_with: String
systemProps_eq: String
systemProps_in: [String!]
systemProps_not_eq: String
systemProps_not_in: [String!]
systemProps_starts_with: String
tablet_eq: Boolean
tablet_not_eq: Boolean
Available base widgets
type PortalProviderBaseWidget implements IPortalProviderNode & INode {
id: ID!
name: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
title: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
shortDescription: String
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
longDescription: String
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
tags: [String] @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
ratingAverage: Int
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
ratingCount: Int @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
source: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
assets: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
thumbnail: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
previewImages: [String]
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
hasFullHeight: Boolean
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
changedBy: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
changedOn: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
systemProps: String
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
props: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
widgetPacks: [WidgetPack]
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
canBeManaged: Boolean
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Represents a locale in which this entity was fetched.
E.g. fetching a screen in En locale would return screen objects with fetchedInLocale field set to 'En'.
fetchedInLocale: String
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
supportedContentTypes: [String!]!
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
supportedPortalTypes: [PortalProviderPortalTypeEnum!]!
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
widgetTypes: [PortalProviderBaseWidgetTypeEnum!]
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
isDependent: Boolean!
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
where: WherePortalProviderAllowedWidgetInput
facets: [PortalProviderFacetInput] = null
locale: [PortalProviderLocaleEnum]
orderBy: PortalProviderAllowedWidgetSortOrder
first: Int
after: String
): PortalProviderAllowedWidgetConnection
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
first: Int
after: Cursor
orderBy: PortalProviderAllowedWidgetOrderBy
where: PortalProviderAllowedWidgetWhereInput
): PortalProviderAllowedWidgetConnectionV2
assetsV2: String
canBeManagedV2: Boolean!
changedByV2: String
changedOnV2: String
createdByV2: String
createdOnV2: String
hasFullHeightV2: Boolean!
isDependentV2: Boolean!
longDescriptionV2: String
nameV2: String!
previewImagesV2: [String]
propsV2: String
ratingAverageV2: Int
ratingCountV2: Int
shortDescriptionV2: String
sourceV2: String
supportedContentTypesV2: [String!]!
supportedPortalTypesV2: [PortalProviderPortalType!]!
systemPropsV2: String
tagsV2: [String]!
thumbnailV2: String
titleV2: String
widgetPacksV2: [PortalProviderWidgetPack!]!
widgetTypesV2: [PortalProviderWidgetType!]!
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type PortalProviderBaseWidgetConnection {
Information to aid facet data.
facets: PortalProviderFacet
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [PortalProviderBaseWidgetEdge]
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PortalProviderPageInfo!
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type PortalProviderBaseWidgetConnectionV2 {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [PortalProviderBaseWidgetEdgeV2]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [PortalProviderBaseWidget!]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
Specifies the input fields required to create a PortalProviderPortalVersion item.
input PortalProviderBaseWidgetCreateInput {
name: String!
title: String
shortDescription: String
longDescription: String
tags: [String]
ratingAverage: Int
ratingCount: Int
source: String
assets: String
thumbnail: String
previewImages: [String]
hasFullHeight: Boolean
systemProps: String
props: String
canBeManaged: Boolean
widgetPacks: [WidgetPackInput]
widgetTypes: [PortalProviderBaseWidgetTypeEnum!]
supportedContentTypes: [String!]
supportedPortalTypes: [PortalProviderPortalTypeEnum!]
Specifies the input fields required to delete a PortalProviderBaseWidget item.
input PortalProviderBaseWidgetDeleteInput {
id: ID!
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type PortalProviderBaseWidgetEdge {
The item at the end of the edge.
node: PortalProviderBaseWidget
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: String! @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type PortalProviderBaseWidgetEdgeV2 {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: PortalProviderBaseWidget!
Enumeration of order by options used as an input for ordering base widgets.
enum PortalProviderBaseWidgetOrderBy {
Defines the ordering for PortalProviderBaseWidget
enum PortalProviderBaseWidgetSortOrder {
enum PortalProviderBaseWidgetTypeEnum {
PlacedWidget @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
UserWidget @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Specifies the input fields required to create a PortalProviderPortalVersion item.
input PortalProviderBaseWidgetUpdateInput {
id: ID!
name: String!
title: String
shortDescription: String
longDescription: String
tags: [String]
ratingAverage: Int
ratingCount: Int
source: String
assets: String
thumbnail: String
previewImages: [String]
hasFullHeight: Boolean
systemProps: String
props: String
canBeManaged: Boolean
widgetPacks: [WidgetPackInput]
widgetTypes: [PortalProviderBaseWidgetTypeEnum!]
supportedContentTypes: [String!]
supportedPortalTypes: [PortalProviderPortalTypeEnum!]
Input used for filtering base widgets.
input PortalProviderBaseWidgetWhereInput {
Applies a contains filter on all string fields that entity has. Each field filter is combined by OR operation, meaning that results are going to be returned if string is found in, for example, title or short description.
_search: String
id_eq: ID
id_in: [ID!]
id_not_in: [ID!]
isDependent_eq: Boolean
isDependent_not_eq: Boolean
longDescription_contains: String
longDescription_ends_with: String
longDescription_eq: String
longDescription_in: [String!]
longDescription_not_eq: String
longDescription_not_in: [String!]
longDescription_starts_with: String
name_contains: String
name_ends_with: String
name_eq: String
name_in: [String!]
name_not_eq: String
name_not_in: [String!]
name_starts_with: String
props_contains: String
props_ends_with: String
props_eq: String
props_in: [String!]
props_not_eq: String
props_not_in: [String!]
props_starts_with: String
shortDescription_contains: String
shortDescription_ends_with: String
shortDescription_eq: String
shortDescription_in: [String!]
shortDescription_not_eq: String
shortDescription_not_in: [String!]
shortDescription_starts_with: String
supportedContentTypes_list_contains: [String!]
supportedPortalTypes_list_contains: [PortalProviderPortalType!]
systemProps_contains: String
systemProps_ends_with: String
systemProps_eq: String
systemProps_in: [String!]
systemProps_not_eq: String
systemProps_not_in: [String!]
systemProps_starts_with: String
tags_list_contains: [String!]
title_contains: String
title_ends_with: String
title_eq: String
title_in: [String!]
title_not_eq: String
title_not_in: [String!]
title_starts_with: String
widgetTypes_list_contains: [PortalProviderWidgetType!]
type PortalProviderCalculatedPermissions {
Does current user have access permissions.
access: Boolean!
Does current user have delete permissions.
delete: Boolean!
Does current user have edit permissions.
edit: Boolean!
Does current user have manage permissions.
manage: Boolean!
Does current user have view presence permissions.
view: Boolean!
Enumeration of calculated permission level that can be used for filtering entities. By specifying one of the calculated permission levels, results are going to be filtered so that resulting entities have set calculated permission level to true.
enum PortalProviderCalculatedPermissionsFilter {
Represents a single column in a grid.
type PortalProviderColumn implements IPortalProviderNode & INode {
id: ID!
systemProps: String
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
props: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
order: Int! @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
value: Int @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
unit: String! @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
min: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
max: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
changedByV2: String
changedOnV2: String
createdByV2: String
createdOnV2: String
maxV2: String
minV2: String
orderV2: Int!
originV2: ID!
propsV2: String
systemPropsV2: String
unitV2: String!
widthV2: Int
Input used for (bulk) creating columns in a single batch operation.
input PortalProviderColumnBatchCreateInputV2 {
input: PortalProviderColumnCreateInputV2!
Input used for (bulk) deleting columns in a single batch operation.
input PortalProviderColumnBatchDeleteInput {
input: PortalProviderColumnDeleteInputV2!
Input used for (bulk) updating columns in a single batch operation.
input PortalProviderColumnBatchUpdateInput {
id: ID!
input: PortalProviderColumnUpdateInputV2!
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type PortalProviderColumnConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [PortalProviderColumnEdge]
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PortalProviderPageInfo!
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Specifies the input fields required to create a PortalProviderColumn item.
input PortalProviderColumnCreateInput {
systemProps: String
props: String
Optional if column is being created at the same time as PortalProviderGrid.
gridId: String
If no value or 0 is provided, adds column at the end.
order: Int
value: Int
unit: String
min: String
max: String
Input used for creating columns.
input PortalProviderColumnCreateInputV2 {
gridId: ID
max: String
min: String
order: Int
props: String
systemProps: String
unit: String!
width: Int
Specifies the input fields required to delete a PortalProviderColumn item.
input PortalProviderColumnDeleteInput {
id: ID!
Input used for deleting columns.
input PortalProviderColumnDeleteInputV2 {
id: ID!
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type PortalProviderColumnEdge {
The item at the end of the edge.
node: PortalProviderColumn
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: String! @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Defines the ordering for PortalProviderColumn
enum PortalProviderColumnSortOrder {
Specifies the input fields required to update a PortalProviderColumn item.
input PortalProviderColumnUpdateInput {
id: ID!
systemProps: String
props: String
value: Int
unit: String
min: String
max: String
Input used for updating columns.
input PortalProviderColumnUpdateInputV2 {
max: String
min: String
order: Int
props: String
systemProps: String
unit: String
width: Int
type PortalProviderContentTypeHandler {
contentType: String!
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
handler: PortalProviderScreen
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
input PortalProviderContentTypeHandlerInput {
contentType: String!
handlerId: ID!
Input used for updating content type handlers.
input PortalProviderContentTypeHandlerUpdateInput {
contentType: String!
handlerId: ID!
type PortalProviderContentTypeHandlerV2 {
contentTypeV2: String!
handlerV2: PortalProviderScreen
type PortalProviderFacet {
facet: PortalProviderFacetType!
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
values: [PortalProviderFacetValue]
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
input PortalProviderFacetInput {
facet: PortalProviderFacetType!
values: [String] = null
enum PortalProviderFacetType {
Tags @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
type PortalProviderFacetValue {
hitCount: Int!
name: String
Represents a grid for a PortalProviderScreenTemplate.
type PortalProviderGrid implements IPortalProviderNode & INode {
id: ID!
systemProps: String
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
props: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
name: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
minDeviceWidth: String
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
maxDeviceWidth: String
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
rowGap: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
heightType: GridHeightTypeEnum
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
columnGap: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
where: WherePortalProviderRowInput
locale: [PortalProviderLocaleEnum]
orderBy: PortalProviderRowSortOrder
first: Int
after: String
): PortalProviderRowConnection
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
where: WherePortalProviderColumnInput
locale: [PortalProviderLocaleEnum]
orderBy: PortalProviderColumnSortOrder
first: Int
after: String
): PortalProviderColumnConnection
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
changedByV2: String
changedOnV2: String
columnGapV2: String
columnsArray: [PortalProviderColumn!]
createdByV2: String
createdOnV2: String
heightTypeV2: PortalProviderGridHeightType
maxDeviceWidthV2: String
minDeviceWidthV2: String
originV2: ID!
propsV2: String
rowGapV2: String
rowsArray: [PortalProviderRow!]
systemPropsV2: String
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type PortalProviderGridConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [PortalProviderGridEdge]
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PortalProviderPageInfo!
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Specifies the input fields required to create a PortalProviderGrid item.
input PortalProviderGridCreateInput {
systemProps: String
props: String
name: String
minDeviceWidth: String
maxDeviceWidth: String
rowGap: String
columnGap: String
heightType: GridHeightTypeEnum
Must refer to an existing PortalProviderScreenTemplate.
screenContainerId: String!
Rows must contain at least one element. Each row gridId field value will be inherited from PortalProviderGrid when Id is generated.
rows: [PortalProviderRowCreateInput!]!
Columns must contain at least one element. Each column gridId field value will be inherited from PortalProviderGrid when Id is generated.
columns: [PortalProviderColumnCreateInput!]!
Input used for creating grids.
input PortalProviderGridCreateInputV2 {
columnGap: String
columns: [PortalProviderColumnCreateInputV2!]!
heightType: PortalProviderGridHeightType
maxDeviceWidth: String
minDeviceWidth: String
props: String
rowGap: String
rows: [PortalProviderRowCreateInputV2!]!
screenContainerId: ID!
systemProps: String
Specifies the input fields required to delete a PortalProviderGrid item.
input PortalProviderGridDeleteInput {
id: ID!
Input used for deleting grids.
input PortalProviderGridDeleteInputV2 {
id: ID!
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type PortalProviderGridEdge {
The item at the end of the edge.
node: PortalProviderGrid
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: String! @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
enum PortalProviderGridHeightType {
Defines the ordering for PortalProviderGrid
enum PortalProviderGridSortOrder {
type PortalProviderGridTemplate {
name: String! @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
title: String! @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
imageUrl: String! @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
type PortalProviderGridTemplateV2 {
imageUrlV2: String!
nameV2: String!
titleV2: String!
Specifies the input fields required to update a PortalProviderGrid item.
input PortalProviderGridUpdateInput {
id: ID!
systemProps: String
props: String
name: String
minDeviceWidth: String
maxDeviceWidth: String
rowGap: String
columnGap: String
heightType: GridHeightTypeEnum
Input used for updating grids.
input PortalProviderGridUpdateInputV2 {
columnGap: String
heightType: PortalProviderGridHeightType
maxDeviceWidth: String
minDeviceWidth: String
props: String
rowGap: String
systemProps: String
scalar PortalProviderJson
enum PortalProviderLocale {
enum PortalProviderLocaleEnum {
Nl @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
De @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
En @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Fe @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Swe @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
type PortalProviderLock {
expirationDate: String
userId: GUID!
enum PortalProviderMoveDirection {
BEFORE @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
AFTER @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
type PortalProviderPageInfo {
endCursor: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
hasNextPage: Boolean
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
hasPreviousPage: Boolean
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
startCursor: String
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
type PortalProviderPermission {
roles: [String!]!
type: PortalProviderPermissionType!
input PortalProviderPermissionInput {
roles: [String!]!
type: PortalProviderPermissionType!
type PortalProviderPermissions {
Permission setting for access scope. Users with access scope can access all properties of the resource.
accessPermission: PortalProviderPermission!
Permission setting for delete scope. Users with delete scope can delete an instance of this resource and also access and edit all props.
deletePermission: PortalProviderPermission!
Permission setting for edit scope. Users with edit scope can access and edit all props of the resource.
editPermission: PortalProviderPermission!
Permission setting for manage scope. Users with manage scope can update other permission settings.
managePermission: PortalProviderPermission!
Permission settings for view presence scope. Users with view presence scope can see the existence of the resource and have access to some of resources properties.
viewPermission: PortalProviderPermission!
input PortalProviderPermissionsInput {
Permission setting for access scope. Users with access scope can access all properties of the resource.
accessPermission: PortalProviderPermissionInput!
Permission setting for delete scope. Users with delete scope can delete an instance of this resource and also access and edit all props.
deletePermission: PortalProviderPermissionInput!
Permission setting for edit scope. Users with edit scope can access and edit all props of the resource.
editPermission: PortalProviderPermissionInput!
Permission setting for manage scope. Users with manage scope can update other permission settings.
managePermission: PortalProviderPermissionInput!
Permission settings for view presence scope. Users with view presence scope can see the existence of the resource and have access to some of resources properties.
viewPermission: PortalProviderPermissionInput!
enum PortalProviderPermissionType {
Placed widgets
Generic container to create a bag for placed widgets in Screen & Area.
type PortalProviderPlacedWidget implements IPortalProviderNode & INode {
id: ID!
allowedWidget: PortalProviderAllowedWidget!
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
hidden: Boolean! @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
inherited: Boolean!
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
changedBy: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
changedOn: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
props: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
systemProps: String
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
thirdPartyAvailability: Boolean
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
isDetail: Boolean @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
canBeHidden: Boolean
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
themeVariant: String
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
padding: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
height: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
width: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
instanceVars: String
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
order: Int @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
desktop: Boolean! @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
tablet: Boolean! @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
mobileLandscape: Boolean!
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
mobilePortrait: Boolean!
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
permissions: PermissionsObject
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
userPermissions: UserPermissionsObject
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
isHidden: Boolean!
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
userProps: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
userSystemProps: String
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
userInstanceVars: String
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
detailScreen: PortalProviderScreen
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
allowedWidgetV2: PortalProviderAllowedWidget!
calculatedPermissionsV2: PortalProviderCalculatedPermissions!
canBeHiddenV2: Boolean
changedByV2: String
changedOnV2: String
createdByV2: String
createdOnV2: String
desktopV2: Boolean
detailScreenV2: PortalProviderScreen
heightV2: String
hiddenV2: Boolean
inheritedV2: Boolean
instanceVarsV2: String
isDetailV2: Boolean
isHiddenV2: Boolean
mobileLandscapeV2: Boolean
mobilePortraitV2: Boolean
orderV2: Int
originV2: ID!
paddingV2: String
permissionsV2: PortalProviderPermissions
propsV2: String
sharedConfiguration: PortalProviderSharedConfiguration
systemPropsV2: String
tabletV2: Boolean
themeVariantMobile: String
themeVariantV2: String
thirdPartyAvailabilityV2: Boolean
userInstanceVarsV2: String
userPropsV2: String
userSystemPropsV2: String
widthV2: String
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type PortalProviderPlacedWidgetConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [PortalProviderPlacedWidgetEdge]
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PortalProviderPageInfo!
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type PortalProviderPlacedWidgetConnectionV2 {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [PortalProviderPlacedWidgetEdgeV2]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [PortalProviderPlacedWidget!]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
Specifies the input fields required to create a PortalProviderPlacedWidget item.
input PortalProviderPlacedWidgetCreateInput {
props: String
systemProps: String
thirdPartyAvailability: Boolean
allowedWidgetId: ID!
themeVariant: String
padding: String
height: String
width: String
instanceVars: String
If no value or 0 is provided, adds widget at the end.
order: Int
placedWidgetContainerId can be filled with areaId
placedWidgetContainerId: ID!
desktop: Boolean
tablet: Boolean
mobileLandscape: Boolean
mobilePortrait: Boolean
permissions: PermissionsInput
detailScreenId: String
canBeHidden: Boolean
Input used for creating placed widget.
input PortalProviderPlacedWidgetCreateInputV2 {
allowedWidgetId: ID!
areaId: ID!
desktop: Boolean
detailScreenId: ID
height: String
instanceVars: String
mobileLandscape: Boolean
mobilePortrait: Boolean
order: Int
padding: String
permissions: PortalProviderPermissionsInput!
sharedConfigurationId: ID
systemProps: String
tablet: Boolean
themeVariant: String
themeVariantMobile: String
thirdPartyAvailability: Boolean
width: String
Input used for setting placed widget customization for a user.
input PortalProviderPlacedWidgetCreateUserCustomizationInputV2 {
instanceVars: String
props: String
systemProps: String
input PortalProviderPlacedWidgetDeleteInput {
id: ID!
forceDelete: Boolean
Input used for deleting placed widget.
input PortalProviderPlacedWidgetDeleteInputV2 {
id: ID!
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type PortalProviderPlacedWidgetEdge {
The item at the end of the edge.
node: PortalProviderPlacedWidget
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: String! @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type PortalProviderPlacedWidgetEdgeV2 {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: PortalProviderPlacedWidget!
Enumeration of order by options used as an input for ordering placed widgets.
enum PortalProviderPlacedWidgetOrderBy {
Defines the ordering for PortalProviderPlacedWidget
enum PortalProviderPlacedWidgetSortOrder {
Specifies the input fields required to create a PortalProviderPlacedWidget item.
input PortalProviderPlacedWidgetUpdateInput {
id: ID!
props: String
systemProps: String
thirdPartyAvailability: Boolean
themeVariant: String
padding: String
height: String
width: String
instanceVars: String
If no value or 0 is provided, adds widget at the end.
order: Int
desktop: Boolean
tablet: Boolean
mobileLandscape: Boolean
mobilePortrait: Boolean
permissions: PermissionsInput
canBeHidden: Boolean
Input used for updating placed widget.
input PortalProviderPlacedWidgetUpdateInputV2 {
desktop: Boolean
height: String
instanceVars: String
mobileLandscape: Boolean
mobilePortrait: Boolean
order: Int
padding: String
permissions: PortalProviderPermissionsInput
props: String
sharedConfigurationId: ID
systemProps: String
tablet: Boolean
themeVariant: String
themeVariantMobile: String
thirdPartyAvailability: Boolean
width: String
input PortalProviderPlacedWidgetUserCustomizationCreateInput {
placedWidgetId: ID!
props: String
systemProps: String
instanceVars: String
input PortalProviderPlacedWidgetUserCustomizationDeleteInput {
placedWidgetId: ID!
input PortalProviderPlacedWidgetUserHideCreateInput {
placedWidgetId: ID!
isHidden: Boolean
Input used for filtering placed widgets.
input PortalProviderPlacedWidgetWhereInput {
Applies a contains filter on all string fields that entity has. Each field filter is combined by OR operation, meaning that results are going to be returned if string is found in, for example, title or short description.
_search: String
desktop_eq: Boolean
desktop_not_eq: Boolean
hidden_eq: Boolean
hidden_not_eq: Boolean
id_eq: ID
id_in: [ID!]
id_not_in: [ID!]
inherited_eq: Boolean
inherited_not_eq: Boolean
mobileLandscape_eq: Boolean
mobileLandscape_not_eq: Boolean
mobilePortrait_eq: Boolean
mobilePortrait_not_eq: Boolean
props_contains: String
props_ends_with: String
props_eq: String
props_in: [String!]
props_not_eq: String
props_not_in: [String!]
props_starts_with: String
systemProps_contains: String
systemProps_ends_with: String
systemProps_eq: String
systemProps_in: [String!]
systemProps_not_eq: String
systemProps_not_in: [String!]
systemProps_starts_with: String
tablet_eq: Boolean
tablet_not_eq: Boolean
Available portals
type PortalProviderPortal implements IPortalProviderNode & INode {
id: ID!
name: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
title: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
uri: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
route: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
defaultLocale: PortalProviderLocaleEnum
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
locales: [PortalProviderLocaleEnum!]
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
type: PortalProviderPortalTypeEnum
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
changedBy: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
changedOn: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
props: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
systemProps: String
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
state: PortalProviderPortalVersionTypeEnum
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
lockedBy: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
lockedUntil: String
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
publishRoles: [String!]
reason: "Publish permissions are now used from permissions.publishPermission field."
screenTemplateManagerRoles: [String!]
reason: "Screen templates have their own permissions. Please use permissions field."
tenantId: ID @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
themeId: ID @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
theme: PortalProviderTheme
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
permissions: PortalPermissionsObject
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
userPermissions: UserPortalPermissionsObject
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
where: WherePortalProviderPortalVersionInput
locale: [PortalProviderLocaleEnum]
orderBy: PortalProviderPortalVersionSortOrder
first: Int
after: String
): PortalProviderPortalVersionConnection
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
where: WherePortalProviderAllowedWidgetInput
facets: [PortalProviderFacetInput] = null
locale: [PortalProviderLocaleEnum]
orderBy: PortalProviderAllowedWidgetSortOrder
first: Int
after: String
): PortalProviderAllowedWidgetConnection
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
first: Int
after: Cursor
orderBy: PortalProviderAllowedWidgetOrderBy
where: PortalProviderAllowedWidgetWhereInput
): PortalProviderAllowedWidgetConnectionV2
calculatedPermissionsV2: PortalProviderPortalCalculatedPermissions!
changedByAccount: Identity2Account
changedByV2: String
changedOnV2: String
createdByAccount: Identity2Account
createdByV2: String
createdOnV2: String
defaultLocaleV2: PortalProviderLocale
hostVersion: String
icon: String
localesV2: [PortalProviderLocale!]
lockedByV2: String
lockedUntilV2: String
nameV2: String!
permissionsV2: PortalProviderPortalPermissions
first: Int
after: Cursor
orderBy: PortalProviderPortalVersionOrderBy
where: PortalProviderPortalVersionWhereInput
): PortalProviderPortalVersionConnectionV2
propsV2: String
routeV2: String
systemPropsV2: String
themeV2: PortalProviderTheme
titleV2: String
typeV2: PortalProviderPortalType!
uriV2: String
url: String
Input used for (bulk) creating portals in a single batch operation.
input PortalProviderPortalBatchCreateInput {
input: PortalProviderPortalCreateInputV2
portalTemplateId: ID
portalTemplateName: String
Input used for (bulk) deleting portals in a single batch operation.
input PortalProviderPortalBatchDeleteInput {
input: PortalProviderPortalDeleteInputV2
Input used for (bulk) updating portals in a single batch operation.
input PortalProviderPortalBatchUpdateInput {
id: ID!
input: PortalProviderPortalUpdateInputV2
type PortalProviderPortalCalculatedPermissions {
Does current user have access permissions.
access: Boolean!
Does current user have delete permissions.
delete: Boolean!
Does current user have edit permissions.
edit: Boolean!
Does current user have manage permissions.
manage: Boolean!
Does current user have publish permissions.
publish: Boolean!
Does current user have view presence permissions.
view: Boolean!
Enumeration of calculated permission level that can be used for filtering portals. By specifying one of the calculated permission levels, results are going to be filtered so that resulting portals have set calculated permission level to true.
enum PortalProviderPortalCalculatedPermissionsFilter {
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type PortalProviderPortalConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [PortalProviderPortalEdge]
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PortalProviderPageInfo!
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type PortalProviderPortalConnectionV2 {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [PortalProviderPortalEdgeV2]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [PortalProviderPortal!]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
Specifies the input fields required to create a PortalProviderPortal item.
input PortalProviderPortalCreateInput {
name: String
title: String
uri: String
route: String
defaultLocale: PortalProviderLocaleEnum
locales: [PortalProviderLocaleEnum!]
type: PortalProviderPortalTypeEnum
publishRoles: [String!]
reason: "Publish permissions are now used from permissions.publishPermission field."
screenTemplateManagerRoles: [String!]
reason: "Screen templates have their own permissions. Please use permissions field. When a non empty array is provided, all screen templates in portal are updated with those roles for edit, delete and manage permissions."
props: String
systemProps: String
tenantId: ID
themeId: ID
templateId: ID
templateName: String
permissions: PortalPermissionsInput!
Input used for creating portals.
input PortalProviderPortalCreateInputV2 {
defaultLocale: PortalProviderLocale!
hostVersion: String
icon: String
locales: [PortalProviderLocale!]!
name: String!
permissions: PortalProviderPortalPermissionsInput!
props: String
route: String
systemProps: String
themeId: ID
title: String
type: PortalProviderPortalType!
uri: String
Specifies the input fields required to delete a PortalProviderPortal item.
input PortalProviderPortalDeleteInput {
id: ID!
Input used for deleting portals.
input PortalProviderPortalDeleteInputV2 {
id: ID!
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type PortalProviderPortalEdge {
The item at the end of the edge.
node: PortalProviderPortal
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: String! @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type PortalProviderPortalEdgeV2 {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: PortalProviderPortal!
input PortalProviderPortalLockDeleteInput {
portalId: ID!
input PortalProviderPortalLockManageInput {
portalId: ID!
Enumeration of order by options used as an input for ordering portals.
enum PortalProviderPortalOrderBy {
type PortalProviderPortalPermissions {
Permission setting for access scope. Users with access scope can access all properties of the resource.
accessPermission: PortalProviderPermission!
Permission setting for delete scope. Users with delete scope can delete an instance of this resource and also access and edit all props.
deletePermission: PortalProviderPermission!
Permission setting for edit scope. Users with edit scope can access and edit all props of the resource.
editPermission: PortalProviderPermission!
Permission setting for manage scope. Users with manage scope can update other permission settings.
managePermission: PortalProviderPermission!
Permission setting for publish scope. Users with publish scope can publish an instance of this resource.
publishPermission: PortalProviderPermission!
Permission settings for view presence scope. Users with view presence scope can see the existence of the resource and have access to some of resources properties.
viewPermission: PortalProviderPermission!
input PortalProviderPortalPermissionsInput {
Permission setting for access scope. Users with access scope can access all properties of the resource.
accessPermission: PortalProviderPermissionInput!
Permission setting for delete scope. Users with delete scope can delete an instance of this resource and also access and edit all props.
deletePermission: PortalProviderPermissionInput!
Permission setting for edit scope. Users with edit scope can access and edit all props of the resource.
editPermission: PortalProviderPermissionInput!
Permission setting for manage scope. Users with manage scope can update other permission settings.
managePermission: PortalProviderPermissionInput!
Permission setting for publish scope. Users with publish scope can publish an instance of this resource.
publishPermission: PortalProviderPermissionInput!
Permission settings for view presence scope. Users with view presence scope can see the existence of the resource and have access to some of resources properties.
viewPermission: PortalProviderPermissionInput!
Defines the ordering for PortalProviderPortal
enum PortalProviderPortalSortOrder {
enum PortalProviderPortalType {
enum PortalProviderPortalTypeEnum {
Public @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Suite @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Team @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Group @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Specifies the input fields required to create a PortalProviderPortal item.
input PortalProviderPortalUpdateInput {
id: ID!
name: String
title: String
uri: String
route: String
defaultLocale: PortalProviderLocaleEnum
locales: [PortalProviderLocaleEnum!]
publishRoles: [String!]
reason: "Publish permissions are now used from permissions.publishPermission field."
screenTemplateManagerRoles: [String!]
reason: "Screen templates have their own permissions. Please use permissions field. When a non empty array is provided, all screen templates in portal are updated with those roles for edit, delete and manage permissions."
type: PortalProviderPortalTypeEnum
props: String
systemProps: String
Id of theme to be set. Use null to set a null value.
themeId: ID
permissions: PortalPermissionsInput
Input used for updating portals.
input PortalProviderPortalUpdateInputV2 {
defaultLocale: PortalProviderLocale
hostVersion: String
icon: String
locales: [PortalProviderLocale!]
name: String
permissions: PortalProviderPortalPermissionsInput
props: String
route: String
systemProps: String
themeId: ID
title: String
type: PortalProviderPortalType
uri: String
Available portal versions
type PortalProviderPortalVersion implements IPortalProviderNode & INode {
id: ID!
changedBy: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
changedOn: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
props: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
systemProps: String
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
versionTypeValue: PortalProviderPortalVersionTypeEnum
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
contentTypeHandlers: [PortalProviderContentTypeHandler!]!
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
where: WherePortalProviderScreenInput
locale: [PortalProviderLocaleEnum]
orderBy: PortalProviderScreenSortOrder
first: Int
after: String
): PortalProviderScreenConnection
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
where: WherePortalProviderScreenTemplateInput
locale: [PortalProviderLocaleEnum]
orderBy: PortalProviderScreenTemplateSortOrder
first: Int
after: String
): PortalProviderScreenTemplateConnection
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
changedByV2: String
changedOnV2: String
contentTypeHandlersV2: [PortalProviderContentTypeHandlerV2!]!
createdByV2: String
createdOnV2: String
originV2: ID!
propsV2: String
first: Int
after: Cursor
orderBy: PortalProviderScreenOrderBy
where: PortalProviderScreenWhereInput
calculatedPermissionsFilter: PortalProviderCalculatedPermissionsFilter
): PortalProviderScreenConnectionV2
first: Int
after: Cursor
orderBy: PortalProviderScreenTemplateOrderBy
where: PortalProviderScreenTemplateWhereInput
calculatedPermissionsFilter: PortalProviderCalculatedPermissionsFilter
): PortalProviderScreenTemplateConnectionV2
systemPropsV2: String
typeV2: PortalProviderPortalVersionType!
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type PortalProviderPortalVersionConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [PortalProviderPortalVersionEdge]
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PortalProviderPageInfo!
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type PortalProviderPortalVersionConnectionV2 {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [PortalProviderPortalVersionEdgeV2]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [PortalProviderPortalVersion!]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
Specifies the input fields required to create a PortalProviderPortalVersion item.
input PortalProviderPortalVersionCreateInput {
props: String
systemProps: String
portalId: ID!
versionTypeValue: PortalProviderPortalVersionTypeEnum
Input used for creating portal versions.
input PortalProviderPortalVersionCreateInputV2 {
portalId: ID!
props: String
systemProps: String
type: PortalProviderPortalVersionType!
Specifies the input fields required to delete a PortalProviderPortalVersion item.
input PortalProviderPortalVersionDeleteInput {
id: ID!
Input used for deleting portal versions.
input PortalProviderPortalVersionDeleteInputV2 {
id: ID!
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type PortalProviderPortalVersionEdge {
The item at the end of the edge.
node: PortalProviderPortalVersion
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: String! @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type PortalProviderPortalVersionEdgeV2 {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: PortalProviderPortalVersion!
Enumeration of order by options used as an input for ordering portal versions.
enum PortalProviderPortalVersionOrderBy {
Defines the ordering for PortalProviderPortalVersion
enum PortalProviderPortalVersionSortOrder {
input PortalProviderPortalVersionTransitionInput {
portalVersionId: ID!
state: PortalProviderPortalVersionTypeEnum!
enum PortalProviderPortalVersionType {
enum PortalProviderPortalVersionTypeEnum {
Draft @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Published @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Compressed @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Archived @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Specifies the input fields required to update a PortalProviderPortalVersion item.
For changing the type of the version, use 'PortalProviderPortalVersionTransition' mutation
input PortalProviderPortalVersionUpdateInput {
id: ID!
props: String
systemProps: String
portalId: ID
contentTypeHandlers: [PortalProviderContentTypeHandlerInput!]
Input used for updating portal versions.
input PortalProviderPortalVersionUpdateInputV2 {
contentTypeHandlers: [PortalProviderContentTypeHandlerUpdateInput!]
props: String
systemProps: String
Input used for filtering portal versions.
input PortalProviderPortalVersionWhereInput {
Applies a contains filter on all string fields that entity has. Each field filter is combined by OR operation, meaning that results are going to be returned if string is found in, for example, title or short description.
_search: String
id_eq: ID
id_in: [ID!]
id_not_in: [ID!]
props_contains: String
props_ends_with: String
props_eq: String
props_in: [String!]
props_not_eq: String
props_not_in: [String!]
props_starts_with: String
systemProps_contains: String
systemProps_ends_with: String
systemProps_eq: String
systemProps_in: [String!]
systemProps_not_eq: String
systemProps_not_in: [String!]
systemProps_starts_with: String
type_eq: PortalProviderPortalVersionType
type_in: [PortalProviderPortalVersionType!]
type_not_eq: PortalProviderPortalVersionType
type_not_in: [PortalProviderPortalVersionType!]
Input used for filtering portals.
input PortalProviderPortalWhereInput {
Applies a contains filter on all string fields that entity has. Each field filter is combined by OR operation, meaning that results are going to be returned if string is found in, for example, title or short description.
_search: String
defaultLocale_eq: PortalProviderLocale
defaultLocale_in: [PortalProviderLocale!]
defaultLocale_not_eq: PortalProviderLocale
defaultLocale_not_in: [PortalProviderLocale!]
id_eq: ID
id_in: [ID!]
id_not_in: [ID!]
locales_list_contains: [PortalProviderLocale!]
name_contains: String
name_ends_with: String
name_eq: String
name_in: [String!]
name_not_eq: String
name_not_in: [String!]
name_starts_with: String
props_contains: String
props_ends_with: String
props_eq: String
props_in: [String!]
props_not_eq: String
props_not_in: [String!]
props_starts_with: String
route_contains: String
route_ends_with: String
route_eq: String
route_in: [String!]
route_not_eq: String
route_not_in: [String!]
route_starts_with: String
systemProps_contains: String
systemProps_ends_with: String
systemProps_eq: String
systemProps_in: [String!]
systemProps_not_eq: String
systemProps_not_in: [String!]
systemProps_starts_with: String
type_eq: PortalProviderPortalType
type_in: [PortalProviderPortalType!]
type_not_eq: PortalProviderPortalType
type_not_in: [PortalProviderPortalType!]
uri_contains: String
uri_ends_with: String
uri_eq: String
uri_in: [String!]
uri_not_eq: String
uri_not_in: [String!]
uri_starts_with: String
Represents a position in a PortalProviderGrid.
type PortalProviderPosition implements IPortalProviderNode & INode {
id: ID!
systemProps: String
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
props: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
rowStart: Int! @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
rowEnd: Int! @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
columnStart: Int! @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
columnEnd: Int! @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
changedByV2: String
changedOnV2: String
columnEndV2: Int!
columnStartV2: Int!
createdByV2: String
createdOnV2: String
originV2: ID! @deprecated(reason: "Position is no longer an entity.")
propsV2: String
rowEndV2: Int!
rowStartV2: Int!
systemPropsV2: String
Specifies the input fields required to create a PortalProviderPosition item.
input PortalProviderPositionCreateInput {
systemProps: String
props: String
rowStart: Int!
rowEnd: Int!
columnStart: Int!
columnEnd: Int!
Input used for creating positions.
input PortalProviderPositionCreateInputV2 {
columnEnd: Int!
columnStart: Int!
props: String
rowEnd: Int!
rowStart: Int!
systemProps: String
Specifies the input fields required to delete a PortalProviderPosition item.
input PortalProviderPositionDeleteInput {
id: ID!
Defines the ordering for PortalProviderPosition
enum PortalProviderPositionSortOrder {
Specifies the input fields required to update a PortalProviderPosition item.
input PortalProviderPositionUpdateInput {
id: ID!
systemProps: String
props: String
rowStart: Int!
rowEnd: Int!
columnStart: Int!
columnEnd: Int!
Input used for updating positions.
input PortalProviderPositionUpdateInputV2 {
columnEnd: Int!
columnStart: Int!
id: ID!
props: String
rowEnd: Int!
rowStart: Int!
systemProps: String
enum PortalProviderReorderDirection {
Represents a single row in a grid.
type PortalProviderRow implements IPortalProviderNode & INode {
id: ID!
systemProps: String
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
props: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
order: Int! @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
value: Int @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
unit: String! @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
min: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
max: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
isSticky: Boolean @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
backgroundColorV2: String
backgroundImageSizeV2: String
backgroundImageV2: String
changedByV2: String
changedOnV2: String
createdByV2: String
createdOnV2: String
heightV2: Int
isStickyV2: Boolean
maxV2: String
minV2: String
orderV2: Int!
originV2: ID!
propsV2: String
systemPropsV2: String
unitV2: String!
Input used for (bulk) creating rows in a single batch operation.
input PortalProviderRowBatchCreateInput {
input: PortalProviderRowCreateInputV2!
Input used for (bulk) deleting rows in a single batch operation.
input PortalProviderRowBatchDeleteInput {
input: PortalProviderRowDeleteInputV2!
Input used for (bulk) updating rows in a single batch operation.
input PortalProviderRowBatchUpdateInput {
id: ID!
input: PortalProviderRowUpdateInputV2!
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type PortalProviderRowConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [PortalProviderRowEdge]
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PortalProviderPageInfo!
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Specifies the input fields required to create a PortalProviderRow item.
input PortalProviderRowCreateInput {
systemProps: String
props: String
Optional if row is being created at the same time as PortalProviderGrid.
gridId: String
If no value or 0 is provided, adds row at the end.
order: Int
value: Int
unit: String
min: String
max: String
isSticky: Boolean
Input used for creating rows.
input PortalProviderRowCreateInputV2 {
backgroundColor: String
backgroundImage: String
backgroundImageSize: String
gridId: ID
height: Int
isSticky: Boolean
max: String
min: String
order: Int
props: String
systemProps: String
unit: String!
Specifies the input fields required to delete a PortalProviderRow item.
input PortalProviderRowDeleteInput {
id: ID!
Input used for deleting rows.
input PortalProviderRowDeleteInputV2 {
id: ID!
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type PortalProviderRowEdge {
The item at the end of the edge.
node: PortalProviderRow
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: String! @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Defines the ordering for PortalProviderRow
enum PortalProviderRowSortOrder {
Specifies the input fields required to update a PortalProviderRow item.
input PortalProviderRowUpdateInput {
id: ID!
systemProps: String
props: String
value: Int
unit: String
min: String
max: String
isSticky: Boolean
Input used for updating rows.
input PortalProviderRowUpdateInputV2 {
backgroundColor: String
backgroundImage: String
backgroundImageSize: String
height: Int
isSticky: Boolean
max: String
min: String
order: Int
props: String
systemProps: String
unit: String
Available screens
type PortalProviderScreen implements IPortalProviderNode & INode {
id: ID!
name: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
title: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
description: String
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
keywords: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
path: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
hiddenInMenu: Boolean
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
icon: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
redirectTo: String
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
theme: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
partial: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
order: Int
reason: "Order as an integer should be removed from usage completely. System does ordering internally and can be updated using 'portalProviderScreenMove' mutation."
tags: [String] @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
desktop: Boolean! @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
tablet: Boolean! @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
mobileLandscape: Boolean!
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
mobilePortrait: Boolean!
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
changedBy: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
changedOn: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
systemProps: String
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
props: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
createdBy: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
createdOn: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
originId: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
master: PortalProviderScreen
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
template: PortalProviderScreenTemplate
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
parent: PortalProviderScreen
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
parentId: ID @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
masterId: ID @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
templateId: ID @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
portalVersionId: ID
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
permissions: PermissionsObject
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
userPermissions: UserPermissionsObject
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Represents a locale in which this entity was fetched.
E.g. fetching a screen in En locale would return screen objects with fetchedInLocale field set to 'En'.
fetchedInLocale: String
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
where: WherePortalProviderGridInput
locale: [PortalProviderLocaleEnum]
orderBy: PortalProviderGridSortOrder
first: Int
after: String
): PortalProviderGridConnection
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
where: WherePortalProviderAreaInput
locale: [PortalProviderLocaleEnum]
orderBy: PortalProviderAreaSortOrder
first: Int
after: String
): PortalProviderAreaConnection
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
first: Int
after: Cursor
orderBy: PortalProviderAreaOrderBy
where: PortalProviderAreaWhereInput
calculatedPermissionsFilter: PortalProviderCalculatedPermissionsFilter
): PortalProviderAreaConnectionV2
calculatedPermissionsV2: PortalProviderCalculatedPermissions!
changedByV2: String
changedOnV2: String
createdByV2: String
createdOnV2: String
descriptionV2: String
desktopV2: Boolean
grid: PortalProviderGrid
hiddenInMenuV2: Boolean
iconV2: String
keywordsV2: String
masterV2: PortalProviderScreen
mobileLandscapeV2: Boolean
mobilePortraitV2: Boolean
nameV2: String
orderV2: Int
originV2: ID!
parentV2: PortalProviderScreen
partialV2: String
pathV2: String
permissionsV2: PortalProviderPermissions
propsV2: String
redirectToV2: String
screenThemeVariant: String
systemPropsV2: String
tabletV2: Boolean
tagsV2: [String]
templateV2: PortalProviderScreenTemplate
themeV2: String
reason: "This is no longer supported. Use WidgetThemeVariant instead."
titleV2: String
widgetThemeVariant: String
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type PortalProviderScreenConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [PortalProviderScreenEdge]
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PortalProviderPageInfo!
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type PortalProviderScreenConnectionV2 {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [PortalProviderScreenEdgeV2]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [PortalProviderScreen!]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
Specifies the input fields required to create a PortalProviderScreen item.
input PortalProviderScreenCreateInput {
name: String
title: String
description: String
keywords: String
path: String
partial: String
hiddenInMenu: Boolean
icon: String
redirectTo: String
tags: [String]
theme: String
order: Int
reason: "Order as an integer should be removed from usage completely. System does ordering internally and can be updated using 'portalProviderScreenMove' mutation."
systemProps: String
props: String
masterId: ID
parentId: ID
templateId: ID!
portalVersionId: ID!
desktop: Boolean
tablet: Boolean
mobileLandscape: Boolean
mobilePortrait: Boolean
permissions: PermissionsInput
Input used for creating screens.
input PortalProviderScreenCreateInputV2 {
description: String
desktop: Boolean
hiddenInMenu: Boolean
icon: String
keywords: String
masterId: ID
mobileLandscape: Boolean
mobilePortrait: Boolean
name: String
parentId: ID
partial: String
path: String
permissions: PortalProviderPermissionsInput!
portalVersionId: ID!
props: String
redirectTo: String
screenThemeVariant: String
systemProps: String
tablet: Boolean
tags: [String!]
templateId: ID!
theme: String
title: String
widgetThemeVariant: String
input PortalProviderScreenDeleteInput {
id: ID!
forceDelete: Boolean
deleteChildScreens: Boolean
Input used for deleting screens.
input PortalProviderScreenDeleteInputV2 {
id: ID!
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type PortalProviderScreenEdge {
The item at the end of the edge.
node: PortalProviderScreen
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: String! @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type PortalProviderScreenEdgeV2 {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: PortalProviderScreen!
Enumeration of order by options used as an input for ordering screens.
enum PortalProviderScreenOrderBy {
Defines the ordering for PortalProviderScreen
enum PortalProviderScreenSortOrder {
Available screen templates
type PortalProviderScreenTemplate implements IPortalProviderNode & INode {
id: ID!
partial: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
order: Int @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
changedBy: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
changedOn: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
systemProps: String
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
isDetailScreenTemplate: Boolean
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
name: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
props: String
reason: "Name in props should be replaced with actual name field on type."
parent: PortalProviderScreenTemplate
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
parentId: ID @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
permissions: PermissionsObject
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
userPermissions: UserPermissionsObject
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
where: WherePortalProviderGridInput
locale: [PortalProviderLocaleEnum]
orderBy: PortalProviderGridSortOrder
first: Int
after: String
): PortalProviderGridConnection
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
where: WherePortalProviderAreaInput
locale: [PortalProviderLocaleEnum]
orderBy: PortalProviderAreaSortOrder
first: Int
after: String
): PortalProviderAreaConnection
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
first: Int
after: Cursor
orderBy: PortalProviderAreaOrderBy
where: PortalProviderAreaWhereInput
calculatedPermissionsFilter: PortalProviderCalculatedPermissionsFilter
): PortalProviderAreaConnectionV2
calculatedPermissionsV2: PortalProviderCalculatedPermissions!
changedByV2: String
changedOnV2: String
createdByV2: String
createdOnV2: String
grid: PortalProviderGrid
isDetailScreenTemplateV2: Boolean
nameV2: String
orderV2: Int
parentV2: PortalProviderScreenTemplate
partialV2: String
permissionsV2: PortalProviderPermissions
propsV2: String
systemPropsV2: String
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type PortalProviderScreenTemplateConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [PortalProviderScreenTemplateEdge]
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PortalProviderPageInfo!
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type PortalProviderScreenTemplateConnectionV2 {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [PortalProviderScreenTemplateEdgeV2]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [PortalProviderScreenTemplate]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
Available screen templates
input PortalProviderScreenTemplateCreateInput {
partial: String
order: Int
changedBy: String
changedOn: String
systemProps: String
props: String
reason: "Name in props should be replaced with actual name field on type."
portalVersionId: ID!
parentId: ID
name: String
permissions: PermissionsInput
isDetailScreenTemplate: Boolean
Input used for creating screen template.
input PortalProviderScreenTemplateCreateInputV2 {
isDetailScreenTemplate: Boolean
name: String
parentId: ID
permissions: PortalProviderPermissionsInput!
portalVersionId: ID!
props: String
systemProps: String
input PortalProviderScreenTemplateDeleteInput {
id: ID!
deleteChildScreenTemplates: Boolean
Input used for deleting screen templates.
input PortalProviderScreenTemplateDeleteInputV2 {
id: ID!
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type PortalProviderScreenTemplateEdge {
The item at the end of the edge.
node: PortalProviderScreenTemplate
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: String! @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type PortalProviderScreenTemplateEdgeV2 {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: PortalProviderScreenTemplate
Enumeration of order by options used as an input for ordering screen templates.
enum PortalProviderScreenTemplateOrderBy {
Defines the ordering for PortalProviderScreenTemplate
enum PortalProviderScreenTemplateSortOrder {
Available screen templates
input PortalProviderScreenTemplateUpdateInput {
id: ID!
partial: String
order: Int
changedBy: String
changedOn: String
systemProps: String
props: String
reason: "Name in props should be replaced with actual name field on type."
portalVersionId: ID
parentId: ID
name: String
permissions: PermissionsInput
isDetailScreenTemplate: Boolean
Input used for updating screen templates.
input PortalProviderScreenTemplateUpdateInputV2 {
isDetailScreenTemplate: Boolean
name: String
parentId: ID
permissions: PortalProviderPermissionsInput
props: String
systemProps: String
Input used for filtering screen templates.
input PortalProviderScreenTemplateWhereInput {
Applies a contains filter on all string fields that entity has. Each field filter is combined by OR operation, meaning that results are going to be returned if string is found in, for example, title or short description.
_search: String
id_eq: ID
id_in: [ID!]
id_not_in: [ID!]
isDetailScreenTemplate_eq: Boolean
isDetailScreenTemplate_not_eq: Boolean
name_contains: String
name_ends_with: String
name_eq: String
name_in: [String!]
name_not_eq: String
name_not_in: [String!]
name_starts_with: String
props_contains: String
props_ends_with: String
props_eq: String
props_in: [String!]
props_not_eq: String
props_not_in: [String!]
props_starts_with: String
systemProps_contains: String
systemProps_ends_with: String
systemProps_eq: String
systemProps_in: [String!]
systemProps_not_eq: String
systemProps_not_in: [String!]
systemProps_starts_with: String
Specifies the input fields required to create a PortalProviderScreen item.
input PortalProviderScreenUpdateInput {
id: ID!
name: String
title: String
description: String
keywords: String
path: String
partial: String
hiddenInMenu: Boolean
icon: String
tags: [String]
redirectTo: String
theme: String
order: Int
reason: "Order as an integer should be removed from usage completely. System does ordering internally and can be updated using 'portalProviderScreenMove' mutation."
systemProps: String
props: String
masterId: ID
parentId: ID
templateId: ID
portalVersionId: ID
desktop: Boolean
tablet: Boolean
mobileLandscape: Boolean
mobilePortrait: Boolean
permissions: PermissionsInput
Input used for updating screens.
input PortalProviderScreenUpdateInputV2 {
description: String
desktop: Boolean
hiddenInMenu: Boolean
icon: String
keywords: String
mobileLandscape: Boolean
mobilePortrait: Boolean
name: String
parentId: ID
partial: String
path: String
permissions: PortalProviderPermissionsInput
props: String
redirectTo: String
screenThemeVariant: String
systemProps: String
tablet: Boolean
tags: [String!]
templateId: ID
theme: String
title: String
widgetThemeVariant: String
Input used for filtering screens.
input PortalProviderScreenWhereInput {
Applies a contains filter on all string fields that entity has. Each field filter is combined by OR operation, meaning that results are going to be returned if string is found in, for example, title or short description.
_search: String
desktop_eq: Boolean
desktop_not_eq: Boolean
id_eq: ID
id_in: [ID!]
id_not_in: [ID!]
mobileLandscape_eq: Boolean
mobileLandscape_not_eq: Boolean
mobilePortrait_eq: Boolean
mobilePortrait_not_eq: Boolean
props_contains: String
props_ends_with: String
props_eq: String
props_in: [String!]
props_not_eq: String
props_not_in: [String!]
props_starts_with: String
systemProps_contains: String
systemProps_ends_with: String
systemProps_eq: String
systemProps_in: [String!]
systemProps_not_eq: String
systemProps_not_in: [String!]
systemProps_starts_with: String
tablet_eq: Boolean
tablet_not_eq: Boolean
title_contains: String
title_ends_with: String
title_eq: String
title_in: [String!]
title_not_eq: String
title_not_in: [String!]
title_starts_with: String
type PortalProviderSharedConfiguration implements INode {
allowedWidget: PortalProviderAllowedWidget
id: ID!
name: String
Input used for creating shared configuration.
input PortalProviderSharedConfigurationCreateInput {
name: String!
placedWidgetId: ID!
Input used for deleting shared configurations.
input PortalProviderSharedConfigurationDeleteInput {
id: ID!
Input used for updating screens.
input PortalProviderSharedConfigurationUpdateInput {
name: String
Available tenants
type PortalProviderTenant implements IPortalProviderNode & INode {
id: ID!
nameIdentifier: String
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
widgetPacks: [WidgetPack]
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
where: WherePortalProviderPortalInput
locale: [PortalProviderLocaleEnum]
orderBy: PortalProviderPortalSortOrder
first: Int
after: String
): PortalProviderPortalConnection
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
where: WherePortalProviderAllowedWidgetInput
facets: [PortalProviderFacetInput] = null
locale: [PortalProviderLocaleEnum]
orderBy: PortalProviderAllowedWidgetSortOrder
first: Int
after: String
): PortalProviderAllowedWidgetConnection
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
where: WherePortalProviderThemeInput
locale: [PortalProviderLocaleEnum]
orderBy: PortalProviderThemeSortOrder
first: Int
after: String
): PortalProviderThemeConnection
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
first: Int
after: Cursor
orderBy: PortalProviderAllowedWidgetOrderBy
where: PortalProviderAllowedWidgetWhereInput
): PortalProviderAllowedWidgetConnectionV2
nameIdentifierV2: String!
first: Int
after: Cursor
orderBy: PortalProviderPortalOrderBy
where: PortalProviderPortalWhereInput
calculatedPermissionsFilter: PortalProviderPortalCalculatedPermissionsFilter
): PortalProviderPortalConnectionV2
first: Int
after: Cursor
orderBy: PortalProviderThemeOrderBy
where: PortalProviderThemeWhereInput
): PortalProviderThemeConnectionV2
widgetPacksV2: [PortalProviderWidgetPack!]!
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type PortalProviderTenantConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [PortalProviderTenantEdge]
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PortalProviderPageInfo!
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type PortalProviderTenantConnectionV2 {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [PortalProviderTenantEdgeV2]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [PortalProviderTenant!]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
Specifies the input fields required to create a PortalProviderTenant item.
input PortalProviderTenantCreateInput {
nameIdentifier: String
widgetPacks: [WidgetPackInput]
Specifies the input fields required to create a PortalProviderTenant item.
input PortalProviderTenantDeleteInput {
nameIdentifier: String!
systemProps: String
props: String
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type PortalProviderTenantEdge {
The item at the end of the edge.
node: PortalProviderTenant
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: String! @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type PortalProviderTenantEdgeV2 {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: PortalProviderTenant!
Enumeration of order by options used as an input for ordering tenants.
enum PortalProviderTenantOrderBy {
Defines the ordering for PortalProviderTenant
enum PortalProviderTenantSortOrder {
Specifies the input fields required to create a PortalProviderTenant item.
input PortalProviderTenantUpdateInput {
nameIdentifier: String!
widgetPacks: [WidgetPackInput]
Input used for filtering tenants.
input PortalProviderTenantWhereInput {
Applies a contains filter on all string fields that entity has. Each field filter is combined by OR operation, meaning that results are going to be returned if string is found in, for example, title or short description.
_search: String
id_eq: ID
id_in: [ID!]
id_not_in: [ID!]
nameIdentifier_contains: String
nameIdentifier_ends_with: String
nameIdentifier_eq: String
nameIdentifier_in: [String!]
nameIdentifier_not_eq: String
nameIdentifier_not_in: [String!]
nameIdentifier_starts_with: String
Available themes
type PortalProviderTheme implements IPortalProviderNode & INode {
favicon: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
logo: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
faviconFile: MediaMetadataOutput
logoFile: MediaMetadataOutput
id: ID!
systemProps: String
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
props: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
draftProps: String
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
tenantId: ID @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
permissions: LimitedPermissionsObject
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
userPermissions: UserPermissionsObject
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
where: WherePortalProviderTenantInput
locale: [PortalProviderLocaleEnum]
orderBy: PortalProviderTenantSortOrder
first: Int
after: String
): PortalProviderPortalConnection
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
changedByV2: String
changedOnV2: String
createdByV2: String
createdOnV2: String
draftPropsV2: String
faviconV2: String
logoV2: String
first: Int
after: Cursor
orderBy: PortalProviderPortalOrderBy
where: PortalProviderPortalWhereInput
calculatedPermissionsFilter: PortalProviderPortalCalculatedPermissionsFilter
): PortalProviderPortalConnectionV2
propsV2: String
systemPropsV2: String
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type PortalProviderThemeConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [PortalProviderThemeEdge]
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PortalProviderPageInfo!
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type PortalProviderThemeConnectionV2 {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [PortalProviderThemeEdgeV2]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [PortalProviderTheme!]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
Specifies the input fields required to create a PortalProviderTheme item.
input PortalProviderThemeCreateInput {
systemProps: String
props: String
draftProps: String
tenantId: ID
permissions: LimitedPermissionsInput
favicon: String
logo: String
Input used for creating themes.
input PortalProviderThemeCreateInputV2 {
draftProps: String
favicon: String
logo: String
props: String
systemProps: String
Specifies the input fields required to delete a PortalProviderTheme item.
input PortalProviderThemeDeleteInput {
id: ID!
Input used for deleting themes.
input PortalProviderThemeDeleteInputV2 {
id: ID!
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type PortalProviderThemeEdge {
The item at the end of the edge.
node: PortalProviderTheme
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: String! @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type PortalProviderThemeEdgeV2 {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: PortalProviderTheme!
Enumeration of order by options used as an input for ordering themes.
enum PortalProviderThemeOrderBy {
Defines the ordering for PortalProviderTheme
enum PortalProviderThemeSortOrder {
Specifies the input fields required to update a PortalProviderTheme item.
input PortalProviderThemeUpdateInput {
id: ID!
systemProps: String
props: String
draftProps: String
tenantId: ID
permissions: LimitedPermissionsInput
favicon: String
logo: String
Input used for updating themes.
input PortalProviderThemeUpdateInputV2 {
draftProps: String
favicon: String
logo: String
props: String
systemProps: String
Input used for filtering themes.
input PortalProviderThemeWhereInput {
Applies a contains filter on all string fields that entity has. Each field filter is combined by OR operation, meaning that results are going to be returned if string is found in, for example, title or short description.
_search: String
draftProps_contains: String
draftProps_ends_with: String
draftProps_eq: String
draftProps_in: [String!]
draftProps_not_eq: String
draftProps_not_in: [String!]
draftProps_starts_with: String
favicon_contains: String
favicon_ends_with: String
favicon_eq: String
favicon_in: [String!]
favicon_not_eq: String
favicon_not_in: [String!]
favicon_starts_with: String
id_eq: ID
id_in: [ID!]
id_not_in: [ID!]
logo_contains: String
logo_ends_with: String
logo_eq: String
logo_in: [String!]
logo_not_eq: String
logo_not_in: [String!]
logo_starts_with: String
props_contains: String
props_ends_with: String
props_eq: String
props_in: [String!]
props_not_eq: String
props_not_in: [String!]
props_starts_with: String
systemProps_contains: String
systemProps_ends_with: String
systemProps_eq: String
systemProps_in: [String!]
systemProps_not_eq: String
systemProps_not_in: [String!]
systemProps_starts_with: String
User widgets
type PortalProviderUserWidget implements IPortalProviderNode & INode {
id: ID!
allowedWidget: PortalProviderAllowedWidget!
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
changedBy: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
changedOn: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
props: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
systemProps: String
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
thirdPartyAvailability: Boolean
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
allowedWidgetId: ID
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
themeVariant: String
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
padding: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
height: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
width: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
instanceVars: String
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
userId: String! @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
order: Int! @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
allowedWidgetV2: PortalProviderAllowedWidget!
changedByV2: String
changedOnV2: String
createdByV2: String
createdOnV2: String
heightV2: String
instanceVarsV2: String
orderV2: Int
paddingV2: String
propsV2: String
systemPropsV2: String
themeVariantV2: String
thirdPartyAvailabilityV2: Boolean
widthV2: String
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type PortalProviderUserWidgetConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [PortalProviderUserWidgetEdge]
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PortalProviderPageInfo!
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type PortalProviderUserWidgetConnectionV2 {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [PortalProviderUserWidgetEdgeV2]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [PortalProviderUserWidget!]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
Specifies the input fields required to create a PortalProviderUserWidget item.
input PortalProviderUserWidgetCreateInput {
changedBy: String
changedOn: String
props: String
systemProps: String
thirdPartyAvailability: Boolean
allowedWidgetId: ID!
themeVariant: String
padding: String
height: String
width: String
instanceVars: String
placedWidgetContainerId can be filled with areaId
placedWidgetContainerId: ID!
order: Int!
Input used for creating user widget.
input PortalProviderUserWidgetCreateInputV2 {
allowedWidgetId: ID!
areaId: ID!
height: String
instanceVars: String
order: Int
padding: String
systemProps: String
themeVariant: String
thirdPartyAvailability: Boolean
width: String
Specifies the input fields required to delete a PortalProviderUserWidget item.
input PortalProviderUserWidgetDeleteInput {
id: ID!
Input used for deleting user widget.
input PortalProviderUserWidgetDeleteInputV2 {
id: ID!
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type PortalProviderUserWidgetEdge {
The item at the end of the edge.
node: PortalProviderUserWidget
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: String! @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type PortalProviderUserWidgetEdgeV2 {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: PortalProviderUserWidget!
Enumeration of order by options used as an input for ordering user widgets.
enum PortalProviderUserWidgetOrderBy {
Defines the ordering for PortalProviderUserWidget
enum PortalProviderUserWidgetSortOrder {
Specifies the input fields required to update a PortalProviderUserWidget item.
input PortalProviderUserWidgetUpdateInput {
id: ID!
changedBy: String
changedOn: String
props: String
systemProps: String
thirdPartyAvailability: Boolean
themeVariant: String
padding: String
height: String
width: String
instanceVars: String
order: Int
Input used for updating user widget.
input PortalProviderUserWidgetUpdateInputV2 {
height: String
instanceVars: String
order: Int
padding: String
props: String
systemProps: String
themeVariant: String
thirdPartyAvailability: Boolean
width: String
Input used for filtering user widgets.
input PortalProviderUserWidgetWhereInput {
Applies a contains filter on all string fields that entity has. Each field filter is combined by OR operation, meaning that results are going to be returned if string is found in, for example, title or short description.
_search: String
id_eq: ID
id_in: [ID!]
id_not_in: [ID!]
props_contains: String
props_ends_with: String
props_eq: String
props_in: [String!]
props_not_eq: String
props_not_in: [String!]
props_starts_with: String
systemProps_contains: String
systemProps_ends_with: String
systemProps_eq: String
systemProps_in: [String!]
systemProps_not_eq: String
systemProps_not_in: [String!]
systemProps_starts_with: String
Available portal versions
type PortalProviderVersionType implements IPortalProviderNode {
id: ID!
name: String
isMutable: Boolean
isUnique: Boolean
doesRequireAuth: Boolean
where: WherePortalProviderVersionTypeInput
locale: [PortalProviderLocaleEnum]
orderBy: PortalProviderVersionTypeSortOrder
first: Int
after: String
): PortalProviderVersionTypeConnection
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type PortalProviderVersionTypeConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [PortalProviderVersionTypeEdge]
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PortalProviderPageInfo!
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Specifies the input fields required to create a PortalProviderVersionType item.
input PortalProviderVersionTypeCreateInput {
name: String
isMutable: Boolean
isUnique: Boolean
doesRequireAuth: Boolean
Specifies the input fields required to delete a PortalProviderVersionType item.
input PortalProviderVersionTypeDeleteInput {
id: ID!
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type PortalProviderVersionTypeEdge {
The item at the end of the edge.
node: PortalProviderVersionType
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: String! @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Defines the ordering for PortalProviderVersionType
enum PortalProviderVersionTypeSortOrder {
Specifies the input fields required to update a PortalProviderVersionType item.
input PortalProviderVersionTypeUpdateInput {
id: ID!
name: String
isMutable: Boolean
isUnique: Boolean
doesRequireAuth: Boolean
type PortalProviderWidgetPack {
widgetPackName: String!
enum PortalProviderWidgetType {
type PreviewImage {
previews: [PreviewUrl]
type PreviewMetaData {
All actions that can be performed on the document
actions: [OpenAction]
For Embrace documents: Url of PDF version of file suitable for showing in PDF previewer. If null or empty then no PDF preview is supported. This url can return a http status code to indicate issues. Please handle these codes: 301: preview is still being processed, retry again using the value provided in the 'Retry-After' header403: user doesn't have access to the file (anymore), 404: the file for which the preview is doesn't exists anymore, 415: we could not generate a preview for this fileFor Microsoft 365 documents: Returns a url for embedding preview for a document
documentPreview: SocialPreviewDocument
Lowercase file extension
fileExtension: String
Returns an image preview if supported
imagePreview(where: WhereImagePreviewInput): SocialPreviewImage
Zero or more preview images.
images(where: WhereImagesInput): [PreviewImage]
reason: "Please switch to using ImagePreview and pass only one desired image width | 20240202"
Various metadata for this preview
metadata: [IPreviewProperty]
Preview metadata which represents a datetime
type PreviewPropertyDateTime implements IPreviewProperty {
Token that indicates the purpose of the field. For example: CREATED_BY, CREATED_DATE, etc
token: String
value: DateTime!
type PreviewPropertyGroup implements IPreviewProperty {
Token that indicates the purpose of the field. For example: CREATED_BY, CREATED_DATE, etc
token: String
value: SocialGroup
type PreviewPropertySocialPerson implements IPreviewProperty {
Token that indicates the purpose of the field. For example: CREATED_BY, CREATED_DATE, etc
token: String
value: SocialPerson
Preview metadata which represents plain text
type PreviewPropertyString implements IPreviewProperty {
Token that indicates the purpose of the field. For example: CREATED_BY, CREATED_DATE, etc
token: String
value: String
enum PreviewSize {
enum PreviewType {
Any general site link such as news sites
Video content hosted on Microsoft Stream
Presentation hosted on slideshare. Accepted links are in format DOMAIN/AUTHOR/PRESENTATION
Video content hosted on vimeo
Video content hosted on YouTube
type PreviewUrl {
Source of the preview URL
previewSource: SocialPreviewSource!
size: PreviewSize!
The preview url can return a http status code to indicate issues. Please handle these codes: 403: user doesn't have access to the file (anymore), 404: the file for which the preview is doesn't exists anymore, 415: we could not generate a preview for this file
url: String
type PrivacyPolicy {
state: PrivacyPolicyState!
@deprecated(reason: "This property will be removed | 20230619")
text: String
enum PrivacyPolicyState {
enum PublicationStatus {
enum PublicationStatusFilterInput {
enum PublicationStatusInput {
type Query {
Fetches an object given its ID.
ID of the object.
id: ID!
): Identity2Node
Lookup nodes by a list of IDs.
The list of node IDs.
ids: [ID!]!
): [Identity2Node]!
identity2Role(id: ID!): Identity2Role
where: Identity2WhereRoleInput
Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
first: Int
Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
after: String
): Identity2RolesConnection
identity2User(id: ID!): User
where: Identity2WhereUserInput
Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
after: String
Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
first: Int
): Identity2UsersConnection
authenticatedMe: Identity2Account
identity2AccountPermissions(userId: ID): Identity2AccountPermissions
identity2MfaCode: Identity2MfaCode
identity2MfaDevices: [Identity2Credential]
identity2UsersMfaDevices(userId: ID!): [Identity2Credential]
identity2Group(id: ID!): Identity2Group
where: Identity2WhereGroupInput
Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
after: String
Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
first: Int
): Identity2GroupsConnection
identity2PasswordPolicy: Identity2PasswordPolicy
contentAvailableLanguages: [ContentAvailableLanguage!]
entityType: EntityType!
parentId: ID
): CheckPermissionsResult
where: ContentConfigWhere
orderBy: ContentConfigOrder
after: Cursor
first: Int! = 100
): ContentConfigConnection
language: String
where: ContentConversationWhere
orderBy: ContentConversationOrder
after: Cursor
first: Int! = 100
): ContentConversationConnection
language: String
where: ContentDistrictWhere
orderBy: ContentDistrictOrder
after: Cursor
first: Int! = 100
): ContentDistrictConnection
where: ContentGroupWhere
orderBy: ContentGroupOrder
after: Cursor
first: Int! = 100
): ContentGroupConnection
language: String
where: ContentJobWhere
orderBy: ContentJobOrder
after: Cursor
first: Int! = 100
): ContentJobConnection
language: String
where: ContentKnowledgeArticleWhere
orderBy: ContentKnowledgeArticleOrder
after: Cursor
first: Int! = 100
): ContentKnowledgeArticleConnection
language: String
where: ContentNeighborhoodManagerWhere
orderBy: ContentNeighborhoodManagerOrder
after: Cursor
first: Int! = 100
): ContentNeighborhoodManagerConnection
language: String
where: ContentNeighborhoodWhere
orderBy: ContentNeighborhoodOrder
after: Cursor
first: Int! = 100
): ContentNeighborhoodConnection
language: String
where: ContentNewsItemWhere
orderBy: ContentNewsItemOrder
after: Cursor
first: Int! = 100
): ContentNewsItemConnection
contentNode(id: ID!): IContentNode
language: String
where: ContentNotificationWhere
orderBy: ContentNotificationOrder
after: Cursor
first: Int! = 100
): ContentNotificationConnection
language: String
where: ContentProjectWhere
orderBy: ContentProjectOrder
after: Cursor
first: Int! = 100
): ContentProjectConnection
language: String
where: ContentSegmentWhere
orderBy: ContentSegmentOrder
after: Cursor
first: Int! = 100
): ContentSegmentConnection
language: String
where: ContentSmartlabelWhere
orderBy: ContentSmartlabelOrder
after: Cursor
first: Int! = 100
): ContentSmartlabelConnection
contentSupportedLanguages: [ContentSupportedLanguage!]
where: ContentTagWhere
orderBy: ContentTagOrder
after: Cursor
first: Int! = 100
): ContentTagConnection
language: String
where: ContentTopicWhere
orderBy: ContentTopicOrder
after: Cursor
first: Int! = 100
): ContentTopicConnection
language: String
where: ContentTownWhere
orderBy: ContentTownOrder
after: Cursor
first: Int! = 100
): ContentTownConnection
where: ContentWikiWhere
orderBy: ContentWikiOrder
after: Cursor
first: Int! = 100
): ContentWikiConnection
Step query
where: WhereCONTENT_StepInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_StepOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_StepConnection
Blog query
where: WhereCONTENT_BlogInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_BlogOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_BlogConnection
Group query
where: WhereCONTENT_GroupInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_GroupOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_GroupConnection
Team query
where: WhereCONTENT_TeamInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_TeamOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_TeamConnection
ReviewOption query
where: WhereCONTENT_ReviewOptionInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_ReviewOptionOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_ReviewOptionConnection
Config query
where: WhereCONTENT_ConfigInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_ConfigOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_ConfigConnection
FaqTag query
where: WhereCONTENT_FaqTagInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_FaqTagOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_FaqTagConnection
Tag query
where: WhereCONTENT_TagInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_TagOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_TagConnection
ContentBlock query
where: WhereCONTENT_ContentBlockInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_ContentBlockOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_ContentBlockConnection
NeighborhoodManager query
where: WhereCONTENT_NeighborhoodManagerInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_NeighborhoodManagerOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_NeighborhoodManagerConnection
Segment query
where: WhereCONTENT_SegmentInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_SegmentOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_SegmentConnection
FaqOption query
where: WhereCONTENT_FaqOptionInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_FaqOptionOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_FaqOptionConnection
KnowledgeGroup query
where: WhereCONTENT_KnowledgeGroupInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_KnowledgeGroupOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_KnowledgeGroupConnection
Wiki query
where: WhereCONTENT_WikiInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_WikiOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_WikiConnection
WikiTag query
where: WhereCONTENT_WikiTagInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_WikiTagOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_WikiTagConnection
Event query
where: WhereCONTENT_EventInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_EventOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_EventConnection
PortalContent query
where: WhereCONTENT_PortalContentInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_PortalContentOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_PortalContentConnection
Smartlabel query
where: WhereCONTENT_SmartlabelInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_SmartlabelOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_SmartlabelConnection
Project query
where: WhereCONTENT_ProjectInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_ProjectOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_ProjectConnection
Notification query
where: WhereCONTENT_NotificationInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_NotificationOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_NotificationConnection
NewsItem query
where: WhereCONTENT_NewsItemInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_NewsItemOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_NewsItemConnection
FaqGroup query
where: WhereCONTENT_FaqGroupInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_FaqGroupOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_FaqGroupConnection
Comment query
where: WhereCONTENT_CommentInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_CommentOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_CommentConnection
Faq query
where: WhereCONTENT_FaqInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_FaqOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_FaqConnection
PortalContentBlock query
where: WhereCONTENT_PortalContentBlockInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_PortalContentBlockOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_PortalContentBlockConnection
KnowledgeArticle query
where: WhereCONTENT_KnowledgeArticleInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_KnowledgeArticleOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_KnowledgeArticleConnection
FaqItem query
where: WhereCONTENT_FaqItemInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_FaqItemOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_FaqItemConnection
KnowledgeItem query
where: WhereCONTENT_KnowledgeItemInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_KnowledgeItemOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_KnowledgeItemConnection
Topic query
where: WhereCONTENT_TopicInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_TopicOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_TopicConnection
Conversation query
where: WhereCONTENT_ConversationInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_ConversationOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_ConversationConnection
Town query
where: WhereCONTENT_TownInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_TownOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_TownConnection
District query
where: WhereCONTENT_DistrictInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_DistrictOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_DistrictConnection
Neighborhood query
where: WhereCONTENT_NeighborhoodInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_NeighborhoodOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_NeighborhoodConnection
Job query
where: WhereCONTENT_JobInput
locale: [String]
orderBy: CONTENT_JobOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): CONTENT_JobConnection
conversationConnectors: [ConversationConnector!]!
conversationFieldTypes: [ConversationFieldType!]!
input: WhereSessionInput!
after: Cursor
first: Int = 10
): ConversationSessionConnection!
conversationsNode2(id: ID!): IConversationsNode
conversationsNode(id: ID!): INode
after: Cursor
first: Int
where: ChatKccCannedRepliesFilter
): ChatKccCannedReplyConnection!
after: Cursor
first: Int
where: ChatKccConversationsFilter
): ChatKccConversationItemConnection!
chatKccMe: ChatKccChatOperatorView!
customersChatNode(id: ID!): ICustomersChatNode
chatKccNode(id: ID!): INode
input: WhereActionSpecificationInput!
): ActionSpecification!
input: WhereAdditionalFieldsInput
after: Cursor
first: Int = 10
): AdditionalFieldConnection!
announcements(after: Cursor, first: Int = 10): AnnouncementConnection!
answers(input: WhereAnswersInput): [Answer!]!
caseFlowCancelationStatuses: [CaseFlowCancelationStatus!]!
input: WhereCaseFlowsInput
after: Cursor
first: Int = 10
): CaseFlowConnection!
input: WhereCaseFlowsTemplatesInput
after: Cursor
first: Int = 10
): CaseFlowTemplateConnection!
collectiveObjects(input: WhereCollectiveObjectsInput!): [CollectiveObject]
input: WhereComplexesInput!
after: Cursor
first: Int = 10
): ComplexConnection!
config: Configuration!
input: WhereContactsInput!
after: Cursor
first: Int = 10
): IContactConnection!
defects(input: WhereDefectsInput, after: Cursor, first: Int = 10): [Defect!]!
@deprecated(reason: "use Defects2")
input: WhereDefectsInput
after: Cursor
first: Int = 10
): DefectConnection
dossierCaseFlowTemplates: [CaseFlowTemplate!]!
dossierRelationTypes: [DossierRelationType!]!
input: WhereDossiersInput
after: Cursor
first: Int = 10
): DossierConnection!
faqs(input: WhereFaqsInput, after: Cursor, first: Int = 10): FaqConnection!
input: WhereFileUploadRestrictionsInput!
): FileUploadRestrictionsResult!
input: WhereFunctionGroupsInput
after: Cursor
first: Int = 10
): FunctionGroupConnection
input: WhereKnowledgebaseItemsInput
after: Cursor
first: Int = 10
): KnowledgebaseItemConnection!
me: Me
input: WhereMediaItemsInput
after: Cursor
first: Int = 10
): IMediaConnection!
customersNode(id: ID!): INode
personIdByGuid(id: String): ConvertIdModel!
input: WherePhoneFavoriteInput
after: Cursor
first: Int = 10
): PhoneFavoriteConnection!
input: WherePublicKnowledgebaseItemInput
): KnowledgebaseItem!
quickLinks(after: Cursor, first: Int = 10): QuickLinkConnection!
input: WhereRepairRequestItemsInput!
after: Cursor
first: Int = 10
): RepairRequestItemConnection
input: WhereRepairRequestPlanningOptionsInput
): [PlanningOption!]!
selfServiceForm(input: WhereFormInput): Form!
input: WhereIsMemberOfServiceFundInput
): Boolean!
input: WherePlanningOptionsInput
): PlanningResponse!
input: WhereSelfServiceScenariosInput
after: Cursor
first: Int = 10
): SelfServiceScenarioConnection!
system: System!
input: WhereTagsInput
after: Cursor
first: Int = 10
): ThesaurusTagConnection!
input: WhereTasksInput
orderBy: OrderByTasksInput
after: Cursor
first: Int = 10
): TaskConnection!
taskTypes(input: WhereTaskTypesInput): [TaskType]!
input: WhereTicketsInput!
after: Cursor
first: Int = 10
): TicketConnection
input: WhereUnitsInput!
after: Cursor
first: Int = 10
): UnitConnection!
writeableFields(input: WhereWriteableFieldsInput!): WritableFields!
input: WhereCustomerSatisfactionCategoriesInput!
): [CustomerSatisfactionCategory]!
customerSatisfactionNode(id: ID!): INode
input: WhereCustomerMessagesInput!
after: Cursor
first: Int = 10
): ICustomerMessageConnection!
input: WhereCustomerMessageTypesInput!
after: Cursor
first: Int = 10
): [CustomerMessageType!]!
input: WhereMyCustomerMessagesInput
after: Cursor
first: Int = 10
): ICustomerMessageConnection
inboxNode(id: ID!): INode
luxsSensor(externalUnitId: GUID!): LuxsSensor
luxsNode(id: ID!): INode
customersMailNode(id: ID!): ICustomersMailNode
input: WhereMailAttachmentDownloadUrl!
): AttachmentDownloadUrlResult!
input: WhereMailsInput!
after: Cursor
first: Int = 10
): MailConnection!
mailNode(id: ID!): INode
where: WhereKccMailboxInput
after: Cursor
first: Int = 1
): MailKccMailboxConnection!
mailKccNode(id: ID!): INode
test: String
reason: "Will be deleted as soon as any Notifications related query is added."
geographyAddresses(input: WhereGeographyAddressesInput!): [GeographyAddress!]!
geographyAddressLookup(input: WhereLookupAddressInput!): LookupAddress!
geographyAddressSearch(input: WhereSearchAddressInput!): SearchResponse!
geographyAddressSuggest(input: WhereSuggestAddressInput!): SuggestResponse!
geographyNode(id: ID!): INode
iDealIssuers: [IDealIssuer]!
sharedpaymentsNode(id: ID!): INode
spNode(id: ID!): INode
telephonyControlNode(id: ID!): INode
input: WherePhoneCallStatisticsInput!
after: Cursor
first: Int
): TelephonyPhoneCallStatisticConnection!
phoneConfig: TelephonyConfiguration!
Gets accountability list
orderBy: HousingAccountabilityListOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
locale: String
): HousingAccountabilityListOutput
Retrieves address closest to a given location (latitude and longitude)
input: HousingAddressFromLatLngInput
locale: String
): HousingZipCodeCheckOutput
Gets a list of applicants
where: HousingWhereApplicantsInput
orderBy: HousingApplicantsOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
locale: String
): HousingApplicantsOutput
Check before actually applying if you are allowed to apply to a specific publication
input: HousingPublicationIdInput
locale: String
): HousingApplyOutput
Get a list with closest points of interest for all categories around a central point
input: HousingPointsOfInterestInput
locale: String
): [HousingPointOfInterest]
Gets countries from database
housingCountries(locale: String): HousingCountriesOutput
Gets educational institutions
locale: String
): HousingEducationalInstitutionOutput
Gets files from database for the loggedin user
housingFiles(locale: String): HousingFilesOutput
Gets HousingFilters
housingFilters(locale: String): HousingFiltersOutput
Gets Income corrected with inflation
input: HousingIncomeInflationCorrectionInput
locale: String
): HousingIncomeInflationCorrectionOutput
Gets living situations
housingLivingSituations(locale: String): HousingLivingSituationsOutput
Gets info about logged in user
housingLoggedInUser(locale: String): HousingUserOutput
Gets personal data for the logged in user
housingMe(locale: String): HousingHouseholdRegistrationOutput
Gets nationalities from database
housingNationalities(locale: String): HousingNationalitiesOutput
Gets a list of notifications
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
locale: String
): HousingNotificationsOutput
Gets information about points of interest for an publication
input: HousingPointsOfInterestInput
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
locale: String
): HousingPointsOfInterestOutput
Check before actually applying if you are allowed to apply to a specific publication
input: HousingPublicationIdInput
locale: String
): HousingApplyOutput
@deprecated(reason: "Deprecated: Use HousingApplicationPrecheck instead")
Gets count of publications within each price segment and the info what the max price is for a publication
housingPriceSegments: HousingPriceSegmentsOutput
Gets list of publications
where: HousingWherePublicationsInput
orderBy: HousingPublicationsOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
locale: String
): HousingPublicationsOutput
Gets the configuration for the registration flow
housingRegistrationConfig(locale: String): HousingRegistrationConfigOutput
Gets the configuration for the registration update
locale: String
): HousingRegistrationConfigOutput
Student types
housingStudentTypes(locale: String): HousingStudentTypeOutput
Check whether the person is registered as a tenant
input: HousingTenantCheckInput
locale: String
): HousingTenantCheckOutput
Gets travel time priority
input: [HousingTravelTimeInput]
locale: String
): HousingTravelTimeOutput
Check if the unit seeker is unique
input: [HousingUnicityCheckInput]
locale: String
): HousingUnicityCheckOutput
@deprecated(reason: "Use housingUniquenessCheck instead.")
Checks whether provided persons are unique in the system.
input: [HousingPersonCreateInput]
locale: String
): HousingUniquenessCheckOutput
Unit refuse reasons query
input: HousingApplicationInput
locale: String
): HousingUnitRefuseReasonsOutput
Gets a list of user items
where: HousingWhereUserItemsInput
orderBy: HousingUserItemsOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
locale: String
): HousingUserItemsOutput
Checks the username
input: HousingUsernameCheckInput
locale: String
): HousingUsernameCheckOutput
Health check
housingUsersHealthCheck(input: HousingHealthCheckInput): HousingMessageOutput
Retrieves full address by zipcode and house number (and house number letter)
input: HousingZipCodeCheckInput
locale: String
): HousingZipCodeCheckOutput
Responds with 'connected' text
testConnection(locale: String): HousingTestApiOutput
viewer: QueryViewer
identityNode(id: ID!): IdentityNode
realm: String!
cliendId: String
responseType: String
): IdentityConfig
first: Int = 10
last: Int
after: String
before: String
where: WhereIdentityUserInput
orderBy: OrderByIdentityUserInput
): IdentityUserConnection
first: Int = 10
last: Int
after: String
before: String
where: WhereIdentityGroupInput
orderBy: OrderByIdentityGroupInput
): IdentityGroupConnection
first: Int
last: Int
after: String
before: String
where: WhereIdentityRoleInput
orderBy: OrderByIdentityRoleInput
): IdentityRoleConnection
first: Int
last: Int
after: String
before: String
where: WhereIdentityResourceServerInput
orderBy: OrderByIdentityResourceServerInput
): IdentityResourceServerConnection
mediaNode(id: ID!): MediaNode
Query for fetching all files.
first: Int = 10
last: Int
after: String
before: String
where: WhereMediaFileInput
orderBy: OrderByMediaFileInput
): MediaFileConnection
Returns url of the file for the given path.
mediaUrl(input: MediaUrlInput): MediaUrlOutput
Gets a file variant for a certain file.
mediaFileVariant(input: MediaFileVariantInput): MediaMetadataOutput
Gets a file by path.
mediaMetadata(input: MediaMetadataInput): MediaMetadataOutput
Gets a file by ID. Provided ID determines an exact file version.
By default, specifying any file version will return a default version
for that file. This behavior can be changed by specifying 'defaultVersion'
parameter value.
mediaFile(input: MediaFileInput): MediaMetadataOutput
Gets all available versions for given file path.
mediaVersions(input: MediaVersionsInput): MediaVersionsOutput
Gets all available processing steps for a given file.
input: MediaProcessingStepsInput
): MediaProcessingStepsOutput
Query for fetching folders.
first: Int = 10
last: Int
after: String
before: String
where: WhereMediaFolderInput
orderBy: OrderByMediaFolderInput
): MediaFolderConnection
For the given path returns all catalogGroups/catalogs/folders/files (processed only).
mediaFolderByPath(input: MediaFolderInput): MediaFolderOutput
For the given ID returns all catalogGroups/catalogs/folders/files (processed only).
mediaFolderById(input: MediaFolderIdInput): MediaFolderOutput
Checks if the given path exists.
mediaExists(input: MediaFolderInput): MediaExistsOutput
Root portal provider query
where: WherePortalProviderTenantInput
locale: [PortalProviderLocaleEnum]
orderBy: PortalProviderTenantSortOrder
first: Int
after: String
): PortalProviderTenantConnection!
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this query.")
Query for fetching all base widgets
where: WherePortalProviderBaseWidgetInput
facets: [PortalProviderFacetInput] = null
locale: [PortalProviderLocaleEnum]
orderBy: PortalProviderBaseWidgetSortOrder
first: Int
after: String
): PortalProviderBaseWidgetConnection!
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this query.")
portalProviderNode(id: ID!, portalVersionId: ID): IPortalProviderNode
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this query.")
portalProviderExportPortal(id: ID!): JSON
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this query.")
contentType: String!
portalVersionId: ID!
): [PortalProviderScreen!]!
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this query.")
screenTemplateId: ID!
): [PortalProviderScreen!]!
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this query.")
portalProviderGridTemplates: [PortalProviderGridTemplate!]!
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this query.")
portalProviderPortalTheme(portalId: ID!): PortalProviderTheme
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this query.")
Queries base widgets.
first: Int
after: Cursor
orderBy: PortalProviderBaseWidgetOrderBy
where: PortalProviderBaseWidgetWhereInput
): PortalProviderBaseWidgetConnectionV2
Export a portal in JSON format.
portalProviderExportPortalV2(id: ID!): PortalProviderJson!
Queries grid templates.
portalProviderGridTemplatesV2: [PortalProviderGridTemplateV2!]!
Queries an entity based on its identifier. Can be used to fetch all entities exposed by the schema.
portalProviderNodeV2(id: ID!): INode
Queries tenants.
first: Int
after: Cursor
orderBy: PortalProviderTenantOrderBy
where: PortalProviderTenantWhereInput
): PortalProviderTenantConnectionV2
Queries screens that are capable of handling given content type.
contentType: String!
portalVersionId: ID!
): [PortalProviderScreen!]!
Queries screens that are affected by screen template changes.
screenTemplateId: ID!
): [PortalProviderScreen!]!
Queries tenants.
first: Int
after: Cursor
orderBy: PortalProviderTenantOrderBy
where: PortalProviderTenantWhereInput
): PortalProviderTenantConnectionV2
Get search results from MyLex search plugin
where: WhereMyLexSearchInput!
after: Cursor
first: Int
): MyLexSearchItemConnection
Get search results from Office365 search plugin
where: WhereOffice365SearchInput!
after: Cursor
first: Int
): Office365SearchItemConnection
Get search results from OneDrive search plugin
where: WhereOneDriveSearchInput!
after: Cursor
first: Int
): OneDriveSearchItemConnection
Get search results from OpenSearch search plugin
where: WhereOpenSearchSearchInput!
after: Cursor
first: Int
): OpenSearchSearchItemConnection
Get BestBet search results
where: WhereBestBetSearchInput!
after: Cursor
first: Int
): SocialBestBetSearchItemConnection
Search for calendar events
facets: [SocialCalendarEventsFacetInput]
where: WhereSocialCalendarEventsInput!
after: Cursor
first: Int
): SocialCalendarEventFacetConnection!
Environment configuration settings
socialConfiguration: SocialConfiguration
Get a paged list of contacts
where: WhereSocialContactsInput
orderBy: OrderSocialContactsInput
facets: [SocialContactsFacetInput]
after: Cursor
first: Int! = 10
): SocialContactsFacetConnection!
Get a microblog of an external content. Returns null if not found.
socialContainedMicroblog(id: ID!): Microblog
Gets a list of microblogs of external contents by passing a list of container ids. Microblogs that were not found will not be returned in the result
socialContainedMicroblogs(input: WhereContainedMicroblogsInput!): [Microblog]
Returns a list of all countries and their codes
socialCountries: [Country]
Get current person's dashboard microblogs
where: WhereDashboardMicroblogsInput
after: Cursor
first: Int
before: Cursor
last: Int
): MicroblogConnectionWithUpdateCursor!
Search for departments
where: WhereDepartmentInput!
after: Cursor
first: Int
): SocialContactConnection!
Get a paged list of documents
where: WhereDocumentsInput!
facets: [SocialDocumentFacetInput]
after: Cursor
first: Int
): SocialDocumentFacetConnection!
@deprecated(reason: "Please use SocialFiles | 20240226")
Get the favorite statuses of provided items ids, such as Microblog, FileSystemEntry or any external content
socialFavorites(where: WhereFavoritesInput!): [SocialFavoriteItemState]
Get a paged list of files
where: WhereFilesInput!
facets: [SocialFileFacetInput]
after: Cursor
first: Int!
): SocialFileFacetConnection!
Get a specific file version
socialFileVersion(where: WhereFileVersionInput!): SocialFileUnion
Retrieve the names of the global roles that Social has created in IdP. (see 'Group' for group specific roles)
socialGlobalIdPRoles: SocialGlobalIdPRoles!
Get a paged list of groups ordered by title
where: WhereGroupsInput
orderBy: OrderGroupsInput
facets: [GroupFacetInput]
after: Cursor
first: Int
): GroupFacetConnection!
Get invitations
socialInvitations: SocialInvitations
Search for job titles
where: WhereJobTitlesInput
after: Cursor
first: Int
): SocialJobTitleConnection!
Search for locations and return SocialAddress if it is available
where: WhereLocationInput!
after: Cursor
first: Int
): SocialAddressConnection!
Returns a type containing all Management queries
socialManagement: SocialManagement!
The authenticated user
socialMe: SocialMe
Get a paged list of microblogs with facets
where: WhereMicroblogsSearchInput!
facets: [SocialMicroblogsSearchFacetInput]
after: Cursor
first: Int
): SocialMicroblogFacetConnection!
Get differental microblog updates
where: SocialMicroblogsUpdatesInput!
): SocialMicroblogUpdates!
Retrieve nodes by its globally unique ID.
socialNode(id: ID!): ISocialNode
Retrieve nodes by globally unique IDs.
socialNodes(ids: [ID!]!): [ISocialNode]
Get notification counters
socialNotificationCounters: SocialNotificationCounters
Dummy query to expose types inheriting SocialNotificationLinkBase
socialNotificationLinkExpose: ISocialNotificationLink
Get notifications
where: WhereNotificationsInput!
after: Cursor
first: Int
): SocialNotificationConnection!
Get notification settings for current user
socialNotificationSettings: [SocialNotificationSettings]!
Get preview details for a microblog based on a valid url
socialOEmbedHtml(where: WhereOEmbedHtmlInput!): SocialOEmbedHtml
Get preview details for a microblog based on a valid url
socialOEmbedInfo(where: WhereOEmbedInfoInput!): SocialOEmbedInfo
Get a paged list of ordered documents
where: WhereNewDocumentsInput!
orderby: OrderDocumentsInput!
after: Cursor
first: Int
): FileSystemEntryConnection!
@deprecated(reason: "Please use SocialOrderedFiles | 20240209")
Get a paged list of ordered files
where: WhereNewDocumentsInput!
orderby: OrderDocumentsInput!
after: Cursor
first: Int!
): SocialEmbraceFileConnection!
Search for organizations
where: WhereOrganizationInput!
after: Cursor
first: Int
): SocialContactConnection!
Get a specific person by one of the fields specified. If multiple fields are specified then the first match will be returned.
socialPerson(where: WherePersonInput): SocialPerson
Get a paged list of persons ordered by lastname, firstname
where: WherePersonsInput
orderBy: OrderPersonsInput
facets: [SocialPersonFacetInput]
after: Cursor
first: Int
): SocialPersonFacetConnection!
Get persons by their external ids(IdP).
where: WherePersonsByExternalIdsInput!
): [SocialPerson]
Get a paged list of contacts and persons
where: WherePhonebookInput
after: Cursor
first: Int! = 10
): SocialPhonebookUnionConnection!
Get a paged list of groups current user is not member of, ordered by number of post and comments created in the last 7 days
socialPopularGroups(after: Cursor, first: Int): SocialGroupConnection!
Get the content result of provided Rss feed URLs
socialRssFeeds(where: WhereRssFeedsInput!, first: Int): SocialRssFeedsResult!
Suggestions of type SocialPerson, Group, SocialTag
where: WhereSuggestInput!
after: Cursor
first: Int!
): ISocialSuggestConnection!
Fetch a list of calendar events, based on provided groups scope and calendar event types
where: WhereSocialWidgetsCalendarEventsInput!
after: Cursor
first: Int
): SocialCalendarEventConnection
Get current person's microblogs with the ability to apply widget filters
where: WhereWidgetsMicroblogsInput
after: Cursor
first: Int
): MicroblogConnectionWithUpdateCursor!
Returns incidents from TOPdesk
where: WhereTopDeskIncidentsInput
after: Cursor
first: Int!
): TopDeskIncidents!
Get search results from TopDesk search plugin
where: WhereTopDeskSearchInput!
after: Cursor
first: Int
): TopDeskSearchItemConnection
Get collections from Zenya search engine
where: WhereZenyaCollectionsInput
after: Cursor
first: Int
): ZenyaCollectionItemConnection
Get a content from Zenya search engine. When 'AfterLastVisited' is provided, recently viewed items are returned
where: WhereZenyaContentInput
after: Cursor
first: Int!
): ZenyaContentItemConnection
Get a list of current users' favorites
zenyaFavorites: [ZenyaFavoriteItem]
Get a list of my tasks from Zenya search engine
where: WhereZenyaTasksInput
after: Cursor
first: Int!
): ZenyaTaskItemConnection
configApplications: [ConfigApplication!]!
type QueryViewer {
Gets accountability list
orderBy: HousingAccountabilityListOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
locale: String
): HousingAccountabilityListOutput
Retrieves address closest to a given location (latitude and longitude)
input: HousingAddressFromLatLngInput
locale: String
): HousingZipCodeCheckOutput
Gets a list of applicants
where: HousingWhereApplicantsInput
orderBy: HousingApplicantsOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
locale: String
): HousingApplicantsOutput
Check before actually applying if you are allowed to apply to a specific publication
input: HousingPublicationIdInput
locale: String
): HousingApplyOutput
Get a list with closest points of interest for all categories around a central point
input: HousingPointsOfInterestInput
locale: String
): [HousingPointOfInterest]
Gets countries from database
housingCountries(locale: String): HousingCountriesOutput
Gets educational institutions
locale: String
): HousingEducationalInstitutionOutput
Gets files from database for the loggedin user
housingFiles(locale: String): HousingFilesOutput
Gets HousingFilters
housingFilters(locale: String): HousingFiltersOutput
Gets Income corrected with inflation
input: HousingIncomeInflationCorrectionInput
locale: String
): HousingIncomeInflationCorrectionOutput
Gets living situations
housingLivingSituations(locale: String): HousingLivingSituationsOutput
Gets info about logged in user
housingLoggedInUser(locale: String): HousingUserOutput
Gets personal data for the logged in user
housingMe(locale: String): HousingHouseholdRegistrationOutput
Gets nationalities from database
housingNationalities(locale: String): HousingNationalitiesOutput
Gets a list of notifications
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
locale: String
): HousingNotificationsOutput
Gets information about points of interest for an publication
input: HousingPointsOfInterestInput
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
locale: String
): HousingPointsOfInterestOutput
Check before actually applying if you are allowed to apply to a specific publication
input: HousingPublicationIdInput
locale: String
): HousingApplyOutput
@deprecated(reason: "Deprecated: Use HousingApplicationPrecheck instead")
Gets count of publications within each price segment and the info what the max price is for a publication
housingPriceSegments: HousingPriceSegmentsOutput
Gets list of publications
where: HousingWherePublicationsInput
orderBy: HousingPublicationsOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
locale: String
): HousingPublicationsOutput
Gets the configuration for the registration flow
housingRegistrationConfig(locale: String): HousingRegistrationConfigOutput
Gets the configuration for the registration update
locale: String
): HousingRegistrationConfigOutput
Student types
housingStudentTypes(locale: String): HousingStudentTypeOutput
Check whether the person is registered as a tenant
input: HousingTenantCheckInput
locale: String
): HousingTenantCheckOutput
Gets travel time priority
input: [HousingTravelTimeInput]
locale: String
): HousingTravelTimeOutput
Check if the unit seeker is unique
input: [HousingUnicityCheckInput]
locale: String
): HousingUnicityCheckOutput
@deprecated(reason: "Use housingUniquenessCheck instead.")
Checks whether provided persons are unique in the system.
input: [HousingPersonCreateInput]
locale: String
): HousingUniquenessCheckOutput
Unit refuse reasons query
input: HousingApplicationInput
locale: String
): HousingUnitRefuseReasonsOutput
Gets a list of user items
where: HousingWhereUserItemsInput
orderBy: HousingUserItemsOrder
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
locale: String
): HousingUserItemsOutput
Checks the username
input: HousingUsernameCheckInput
locale: String
): HousingUsernameCheckOutput
Health check
housingUsersHealthCheck(input: HousingHealthCheckInput): HousingMessageOutput
Retrieves full address by zipcode and house number (and house number letter)
input: HousingZipCodeCheckInput
locale: String
): HousingZipCodeCheckOutput
Responds with 'connected' text
testConnection(locale: String): HousingTestApiOutput
type QuestionViewState implements IViewState {
description: [LocalizedString!]!
id: String!
question: [LocalizedString!]!
type QuickLink implements INode {
description: String!
hoverText: String!
id: ID!
name: String!
url: String!
type QuickLinkConnection {
edges: [QuickLinkEdge]
items: [QuickLink!]
pageInfo: PageInfo!
totalCount: Int
type QuickLinkEdge {
cursor: Cursor!
node: QuickLink!
type ReIndexSingleResult {
ids: [ID!]
union RelatedPersonOrLegalPersonUnionResult = Person | LegalPerson
type RepairRequest implements INode {
appointmentEndDateTime: DateTime
reason: "Use RequestedAppointmentDetails. It will be removed in R62-3."
appointments: RepairRequestAppointments
appointmentStartDateTime: DateTime
reason: "Use RequestedAppointmentDetails. It will be removed in R62-3."
contactEmail: String
contactPhone: String
createdBy: IContact
id: ID!
isCancellable: Boolean!
isCleared: Boolean!
isModifiable: Boolean!
isPlannable: Boolean!
planningOptions(input: PlanningOptionsInput): [PlanningOption!]!
planningResource: IContact
reason: "Use RequestedAppointmentDetails. It will be removed in R62-3."
repairRequestItems: [RepairRequestItem!]!
status: RepairRequestStatus!
unit: Unit
input RepairRequestAppendInput {
agreedToPay: Boolean
answerId: ID!
collectiveObjectId: ID
defectId: ID!
joinServiceFund: Boolean
media: [ID!]
remarks: String
repairRequestId: ID!
singleServiceToken: String
unitId: ID!
vendorId: ID
type RepairRequestAppointment implements INode {
endDateTime: DateTime!
exactEndDateTime: DateTime
exactStartDateTime: DateTime
id: ID!
planningResource: IContact
reason: "Use PlanningResourceName instead if this one. It will be deleted."
planningResourceName: String
startDateTime: DateTime!
type RepairRequestAppointmentDeletedCustomerMessage implements INode & ICustomerMessage {
creationDate: DateTimeOffset!
description: String
id: ID!
isAcknowledged: Boolean!
isArchived: Boolean!
isRead: Boolean!
personId: ID!
priority: MessagePriority!
repairRequestId: ID!
title: String
type RepairRequestAppointmentModifiedCustomerMessage implements INode & ICustomerMessage {
creationDate: DateTimeOffset!
description: String
id: ID!
isAcknowledged: Boolean!
isArchived: Boolean!
isRead: Boolean!
personId: ID!
priority: MessagePriority!
repairRequestId: ID!
title: String
type RepairRequestAppointments {
confirmedAppointmentDetails: RepairRequestAppointment
requestedAppointmentDetails: RepairRequestAppointment
type RepairRequestCanceledCustomerMessage implements INode & ICustomerMessage {
creationDate: DateTimeOffset!
description: String
id: ID!
isAcknowledged: Boolean!
isArchived: Boolean!
isRead: Boolean!
personId: ID!
priority: MessagePriority!
repairRequestId: ID!
title: String
input RepairRequestCancelInput {
channelType: ChannelType!
repairRequestId: ID!
type RepairRequestCompletedCustomerMessage implements INode & ICustomerMessage {
creationDate: DateTimeOffset!
description: String
id: ID!
isAcknowledged: Boolean!
isArchived: Boolean!
isRead: Boolean!
personId: ID!
priority: MessagePriority!
repairRequestId: ID!
title: String
type RepairRequestConfigRestrictions {
allowAggressiveCustomer: Boolean!
maximumDefectsPerRepairRequest: Int!
type RepairRequestConnection {
edges: [RepairRequestEdge]
items: [RepairRequest!]
pageInfo: PageInfo!
totalCount: Int
input RepairRequestCreateInput {
agreedToPay: Boolean
answerId: ID!
collectiveObjectId: ID
defectId: ID!
joinServiceFund: Boolean
media: [ID!]
remarks: String
singleServiceToken: String
unitId: ID!
vendorId: ID
type RepairRequestEdge {
cursor: Cursor!
node: RepairRequest!
type RepairRequestItem implements INode {
actionTitle: String
answerPath: [AnswerPathItem!]!
collectiveObject: CollectiveObject
concatenatedPath: String!
defectId: ID
defectName: String!
doesTenantAcceptBills: Boolean!
iconName: String!
id: ID!
media: [IMedia!]!
properties: Json!
remarks: String
shouldBePaid: Boolean!
status: RepairRequestItemStatus!
vendor: IContact
workOrderNumber: String
type RepairRequestItemConnection {
edges: [RepairRequestItemEdge]
items: [RepairRequestItem!]
pageInfo: PageInfo!
totalCount: Int
type RepairRequestItemEdge {
cursor: Cursor!
node: RepairRequestItem!
enum RepairRequestItemStatus {
type RepairRequestModifiedCustomerMessage implements INode & ICustomerMessage {
creationDate: DateTimeOffset!
description: String
id: ID!
isAcknowledged: Boolean!
isArchived: Boolean!
isRead: Boolean!
personId: ID!
priority: MessagePriority!
repairRequestId: ID!
title: String
input RepairRequestPlanInput {
isPlanningImpossible: Boolean!
planningOption: RepairRequestPlanningOptionInput
planningOptionId: ID
repairRequestId: ID!
singleServiceToken: String
input RepairRequestPlanningOptionInput {
endTime: DateTime!
exactEndTime: DateTime
exactStartTime: DateTime
resource: RepiarRequestPlanningOptionResourceModelInput
startTime: DateTime!
input RepairRequestRemoveItemInput {
repairRequestId: ID!
repairRequestItemId: ID!
singleServiceToken: String
type RepairRequestReopenedCustomerMessage implements INode & ICustomerMessage {
creationDate: DateTimeOffset!
description: String
id: ID!
isAcknowledged: Boolean!
isArchived: Boolean!
isRead: Boolean!
personId: ID!
priority: MessagePriority!
repairRequestId: ID!
title: String
enum RepairRequestState {
enum RepairRequestStatus {
input RepairRequestSubmitInput {
channelType: ChannelType!
email: String
phone: String
repairRequestId: ID!
singleServiceToken: String
type RepairRequestSubmittedCustomerMessage implements INode & ICustomerMessage {
creationDate: DateTimeOffset!
description: String
id: ID!
isAcknowledged: Boolean!
isArchived: Boolean!
isRead: Boolean!
personId: ID!
priority: MessagePriority!
repairRequestId: ID!
title: String
input RepairRequestUpdateInput {
channelType: ChannelType!
repairRequestId: ID!
input RepiarRequestPlanningOptionResourceModelInput {
name: String
personId: ID
type ReplyWindow {
closesOn: DateTimeOffset!
isClosed: Boolean!
input RevertSessionInput {
sessionId: ID!
type RingingState {
canPickup: Boolean!
startTime: DateTime!
enum RoleType {
enum ScoreRating {
type SearchAddress {
city: String
coordinate: Coordinate
houseNumber: Int
houseNumberSuffix: String
id: String!
score: Float!
street: String
zipCode: String
type SearchResponse {
addresses: [SearchAddress]!
total: Int!
enum SearchTarget {
type SelectedFollowupQuestion {
answer: String!
choice: String!
followupQuestionId: ID!
question: String!
type SelectValue {
label: String
value: String
input SelfServiceAuthenticateInput {
selfServiceScenarioId: ID!
singleServiceToken: String
stateContinuationId: ID!
input SelfServiceChooseContractInput {
chosenContractId: ID
selfServiceScenarioId: ID!
singleServiceToken: String
stateContinuationId: ID!
input SelfServiceCompletePaymentInput {
selfServiceScenarioId: ID!
singleServiceToken: String
stateContinuationId: ID!
input SelfServiceConfirmPlanningInput {
appointment: PlanningOptionInput
notPlanned: Boolean!
selfServiceScenarioId: ID!
singleServiceToken: String
stateContinuationId: ID!
input SelfServiceDecideInput {
decision: String
selfServiceScenarioId: ID!
singleServiceToken: String
stateContinuationId: ID!
type SelfServiceDetails implements INode {
appointments: [Appointment]
createdBy: Person
decisions: [Decision]
formSubmissions: [FormSubmission]
id: ID!
payments: [Payment]
input SelfServiceInfoContinueInput {
selfServiceScenarioId: ID!
singleServiceToken: String
stateContinuationId: ID!
input SelfServiceMakePaymentArrangementInput {
selfServiceScenarioId: ID!
singleServiceToken: String
startDate: DateTime
stateContinuationId: ID!
terms: Int!
input SelfServicePaymentArrangementRejectedInput {
selfServiceScenarioId: ID!
singleServiceToken: String
stateContinuationId: ID!
input SelfServiceResumeInput {
selfServiceScenarioId: ID!
singleServiceToken: String
stateContinuationId: ID!
input SelfServiceRunInput {
channelType: ChannelType!
selfServiceScenarioId: ID!
singleServiceToken: String
type SelfServiceScenario implements INode {
displayIndex: Int!
icon: String!
id: ID!
impersonation(input: WhereImpersonationInput!): Impersonation!
showInOverview: Boolean!
thesaurusTag: ThesaurusTag
title: String!
urlSuffix: String!
type SelfServiceScenarioConnection {
edges: [SelfServiceScenarioEdge]
items: [SelfServiceScenario!]
pageInfo: PageInfo!
totalCount: Int
type SelfServiceScenarioEdge {
cursor: Cursor!
node: SelfServiceScenario!
input SelfServiceSendSummaryEmailInput {
emailAddress: String!
selfServiceScenarioId: ID!
singleServiceToken: String
stateContinuationId: ID!
input SelfServiceSetPaymentArrangementBillsInput {
invoiceIds: [ID!]
selfServiceScenarioId: ID!
singleServiceToken: String
stateContinuationId: ID!
input SelfServiceSignDocumentValidateMobilePhoneNumberInput {
personId: ID!
selfServiceScenarioId: ID!
singleServiceToken: String
stateContinuationId: ID!
input SelfServiceSignDocumentValidateSmsTokenInput {
personId: ID!
selfServiceScenarioId: ID!
singleServiceToken: String
stateContinuationId: ID!
token: String
input SelfServiceSignupAddContractorDataInput {
data: String
media: [MediaInput]
mobilePhoneNumber: String
name: String
personId: ID!
selfServiceScenarioId: ID!
singleServiceToken: String
stateContinuationId: ID!
input SelfServiceSignupAddContractorsInput {
nrOfChildren: Int!
nrOfContractors: Int!
nrOfOtherPersons: Int!
selfServiceScenarioId: ID!
singleServiceToken: String
stateContinuationId: ID!
input SelfServiceSignupConfirmInput {
selfServiceScenarioId: ID!
singleServiceToken: String
stateContinuationId: ID!
input SelfServiceSignupRefreshContractorTokenInput {
personId: ID!
selfServiceScenarioId: ID!
singleServiceToken: String
stateContinuationId: ID!
input SelfServiceSignupValidateContractorTokenInput {
personId: ID!
selfServiceScenarioId: ID!
singleServiceToken: String
stateContinuationId: ID!
token: String
input SelfServiceSubmitInput {
continuationId: ID!
formData: [FormDataInput]
selfServiceScenarioId: ID!
singleServiceToken: String
stateContinuationId: ID!
input SelfServiceTwoFactorAuthenticationSendInput {
selfServiceScenarioId: ID!
singleServiceToken: String
stateContinuationId: ID!
input SelfServiceTwoFactorAuthenticationValidateInput {
selfServiceScenarioId: ID!
singleServiceToken: String
stateContinuationId: ID!
token: String!
type ServiceFund {
id: ID!
serviceFundDescription: String
serviceFundInitialCost: Decimal!
serviceFundMonthlyCost: Decimal!
serviceFundName: String
type ServiceFundField implements IFormComponent {
component: String
id: ID!
index: Int!
label: String
required: Boolean!
serviceFund: ServiceFund
serviceFundDescriptionFieldName: String
serviceFundFieldName: String
serviceFundInitialCostFieldName: String
serviceFundMonthlyCostFieldName: String
serviceFundNameFieldName: String
tag: String
enum ServicePaymentOptions {
input SetTagsInput {
The Id of the node. The id has to be of a group or document. The document must not be a folder.
id: ID!
The tags to set. All previous tags will be overridden.
tags: [String]!
type SharedPayment implements INode {
id: ID!
status: PaymentStatus!
input SharedPaymentCreateMutationInput {
amount: Decimal!
code: String
creator: String
externalId: ID
transactionPrefix: String!
type SharedPaymentCreateMutationOutput {
id: ID!
input SharedPaymentStartByExternalIdMutationInput {
cancelledReturnUrl: String
externalId: ID!
issuerId: String
rejectedReturnUrl: String
successReturnUrl: String
type SharedPaymentStartByExternalIdMutationOutput {
id: ID!
redirectUrl: String
input SharedPaymentStartMutationInput {
cancelledReturnUrl: String
id: ID!
issuerId: String
rejectedReturnUrl: String
successReturnUrl: String
type SharedPaymentStartMutationOutput {
id: ID!
redirectUrl: String
type ShowAuthenticationStep implements IShowFlowStep {
stateContinuationId: ID!
type: String
type ShowChooseOpenInvoicesStep implements IShowFlowStep {
openInvoices(first: Int, after: Cursor): InvoiceConnection
stateContinuationId: ID!
type: String
type ShowContractChoiceStep implements IShowFlowStep {
introText: String
showFutureContracts: Boolean!
showTerminatedContracts: Boolean!
stateContinuationId: ID!
type: String
type ShowDecisionStep implements IShowFlowStep {
continuations: [Continuation]
introText: String
level: String
stateContinuationId: ID!
subject: String
type: String
type ShowEndStep implements IShowFlowStep {
confirmationText: String
confirmationTitle: String
flowState: FlowState
icon: String
showEmailSummaryOption: Boolean!
stateContinuationId: ID!
status: EndStepStatus!
type: String
type ShowFormStep implements IShowFlowStep {
continuations: [Continuation]
contractId: ID
form: Form!
formId: ID!
reason: "Form is now available as a field. FormId will be removed as it's no longer needed."
stateContinuationId: ID!
type: String
type ShowInfoStep implements IShowFlowStep {
body: String
stateContinuationId: ID!
title: String
type: String
type ShowKnowledgebaseStep implements IShowFlowStep {
faqId: ID!
showEmailSummaryOption: Boolean!
stateContinuationId: ID!
type: String
type ShowPaymentArrangementStep implements IShowFlowStep {
grossRent: Decimal!
introText: String
isStartingDateRequired: Boolean!
netRent: Decimal!
outstandingBalance: Decimal!
possibleStartingDays: [DateTime!]
proposals: [PaymentArrangementProposal]
rejectionReason: String
rejectionText: String
stateContinuationId: ID!
type: String
type ShowPaymentStep implements IShowFlowStep {
amount: Decimal!
description: String
invoice: Invoice
stateContinuationId: ID!
type: String
type ShowPlanAppointmentStep implements IShowFlowStep {
duration: TimeSpan!
endDate: DateTime!
introText: String
planningRequest: PlanningRequest
preferredPlanningOptionsAmount: Int!
startDate: DateTime!
stateContinuationId: ID!
title: String
type: String
type ShowSignDocumentStep implements IShowFlowStep {
contractors: [Contractor]
mediaId: ID!
stateContinuationId: ID!
type: String
type ShowSignDocumentVerificationStep implements IShowFlowStep {
personId: ID!
stateContinuationId: ID!
type: String
type ShowSignUpContractorsProvideDataStep implements IShowFlowStep {
contractors: [SignUpContractor]
stateContinuationId: ID!
type: String
url: String
type ShowSignUpContractorsStep implements IShowFlowStep {
stateContinuationId: ID!
tag: String
type: String
type ShowSignUpContractorTokenValidationStep implements IShowFlowStep {
personId: ID!
stateContinuationId: ID!
type: String
type ShowSingleServiceAuthenticationStep implements IShowFlowStep {
introText: String
showFutureContracts: Boolean!
showTerminatedContracts: Boolean!
stateContinuationId: ID!
type: String
type ShowTwoFactorAuthenticationStep implements IShowFlowStep {
stateContinuationId: ID!
type: String
type SignUpContractor {
data: Json
id: ID!
isVerified: Boolean!
media: [SignUpContractorMedia]
mobilePhoneNumber: String
name: String
token: String
type: String
type SignUpContractorMedia {
fileName: String
id: ID!
type SingleChoiceField implements IFormComponent {
component: String
fieldName: String
id: ID!
index: Int!
label: String
options: [ChoiceOption]
required: Boolean!
tag: String
input SingleServiceInput {
houseNumber: Int!
houseNumberSuffix: String
selfServiceScenarioId: ID!
zipCode: String!
type SingleServiceResult {
token: String!
enum SmartlabelType {
input SmartlabelTypeContentWhereEnumFilter {
equals: SmartlabelType
in: [SmartlabelType!]
notEquals: SmartlabelType
notIn: [SmartlabelType!]
type SocialAccessibilitySetting {
isEnabled: Boolean!
setting: SocialAccessibilitySettingType!
enum SocialAccessibilitySettingType {
enum SocialAccountNotificationContextType {
type SocialAccountNotificationLink implements ISocialNotificationLink {
contextType: SocialAccountNotificationContextType!
linkType: SocialNotificationLinkType!
token: String
input SocialAchievementCreateInput {
Ids of the documents which will be attached to the microblog
attachments: [ID!]
The id of a microblog that is being forwarded
forwardedId: ID
The id of the group in which the post/comment will be created
groupId: ID
Specifies if the achievement should be marked as important
isImportant: Boolean
Preview urls for microblog links
previewUrls: [String]
Ids of nodes to share
sharedContent: [ID!]
The title of the achievement. The maximum character count is 200
title: String!
The text of the post/comment split into parts
tokens: [SocialMicroblogTokenInput]!
input SocialAchievementUpdateInput {
Ids of the documents which will be attached to the microblog
attachments: [ID!]!
The id of a microblog that is being forwarded. When null is being provided the forwarded microblog will not be forwarded anymore.
forwardedId: ID
The id of the microblog
id: ID!
Specifies if the achievement should be marked as important
isImportant: Boolean
Preview urls for microblog links
previewUrls: [String]
Ids of nodes to share
sharedContent: [ID!]
The title of the achievement. The maximum character count is 200
title: String!
The text of the post/comment split into parts
tokens: [SocialMicroblogTokenInput]!
enum SocialActionType {
Work location of the person
type SocialAddress {
city: String
country: String
Country code
countryCode: String
House number
houseNumber: String
Office name
name: String
Room number
roomNumber: String
Street identifier
street: String
Zip code
zipCode: String
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type SocialAddressConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [SocialAddressEdge]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [SocialAddress]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type SocialAddressEdge {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: SocialAddress
type SocialAddressSocialProfileField {
state: SocialProfileFieldState!
value: SocialAddress
All fields must be present in the mutation. Their values can be null.
input SocialAddressUpdateInput {
Address city with the maximum characters of 50.
city: String
Address country code. Must be a two symbols text like NL, BG, DE, etc.
countryCode: String
Address number with the maximum characters of 20.
houseNumber: String
Address name with the maximum characters of 200.
name: String
Address room number with the maximum characters of 100.
roomNumber: String
Address street with the maximum characters of 100.
street: String
Address zip code with the maximum characters of 20.
zipCode: String
enum SocialAnimationSettings {
type SocialAnniversary {
anniversaryYears: Decimal
date: DateTime!
person: SocialPerson
type: CelebrationType!
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type SocialAnniversaryConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [SocialAnniversaryEdge]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [SocialAnniversary]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
enum SocialAnniversaryDateRange {
Starting two days before today and up to three months thereafter
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type SocialAnniversaryEdge {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: SocialAnniversary
input SocialAnniversaryMicroblogCreateInput {
Ids of the documents which will be attached to the microblog
attachments: [ID!]
The id of a microblog that is being forwarded
forwardedId: ID
The id of the group in which the post/comment will be created
groupId: ID
Preview urls for microblog links
previewUrls: [String]
Ids of nodes to share
sharedContent: [ID!]
The title of the anniversary post. The maximum character count is 200
title: String!
The text of the post/comment split into parts
tokens: [SocialMicroblogTokenInput]!
input SocialAnniversaryMicroblogUpdateInput {
Ids of the documents which will be attached to the microblog
attachments: [ID!]!
The id of a microblog that is being forwarded. When null is being provided the forwarded microblog will not be forwarded anymore.
forwardedId: ID
The id of the microblog
id: ID!
Preview urls for microblog links
previewUrls: [String]
Ids of nodes to share
sharedContent: [ID!]
The title of the anniversary post. The maximum character count is 200
title: String!
The text of the post/comment split into parts
tokens: [SocialMicroblogTokenInput]!
input SocialAnnouncementCreateInput {
Ids of the documents which will be attached to the microblog
attachments: [ID!]
The id of a microblog that is being forwarded
forwardedId: ID
The id of the group in which the post/comment will be created
groupId: ID
Specifies if the announcement should be marked as important
isImportant: Boolean
Preview urls for microblog links
previewUrls: [String]
Ids of nodes to share
sharedContent: [ID!]
The title of the announcement. The maximum character count is 200
title: String!
The text of the post/comment split into parts
tokens: [SocialMicroblogTokenInput]!
input SocialAnnouncementUpdateInput {
Ids of the documents which will be attached to the microblog
attachments: [ID!]!
The id of a microblog that is being forwarded. When null is being provided the forwarded microblog will not be forwarded anymore.
forwardedId: ID
The id of the microblog
id: ID!
Specifies if the announcement should be marked as important
isImportant: Boolean
Preview urls for microblog links
previewUrls: [String]
Ids of nodes to share
sharedContent: [ID!]
The title of the announcement. The maximum character count is 200
title: String!
The text of the post/comment split into parts
tokens: [SocialMicroblogTokenInput]!
type SocialApplicationAction {
actionType: SocialActionType!
data: String
isEnabled: Boolean!
type SocialApplicationStatus {
actions: [SocialApplicationAction]
plugin: String
status: SocialOnlineStatusType!
text: String
enum SocialAppointmentOccurrenceType {
Shared permissions object to group all permissions from all services
type SocialAuthenticatedMe {
Returns the current user's availability setting
availabilitySetting: SocialAvailabilitySetting
Settings related to the user interface
generalSettings: GeneralSettings
Returns Microblogs settings for the current user
microblogSettings: SocialMicroblogSettings
The social permissions object
permissions: SocialMePermissions!
Returns privacy settings for current user's profile
profilePrivacySettings: SocialProfilePrivacy!
type SocialAvailabilityEvent implements ISocialOffice365EventBase {
dayEvent: Boolean!
The date, and time that the corresponding event ends (UTC)
end: DateTime
The date, and time that the corresponding event starts (UTC)
start: DateTime
The availability status of the user or resource during the corresponding event
status: SocialAvailabilityEventStatus!
The corresponding event's subject line
title: String
enum SocialAvailabilityEventStatus {
type SocialAvailabilitySetting {
availabilityStatus: SocialAvailabilityStatus!
enum SocialAvailabilityStatus {
type SocialAvatar {
Avatar type, default type is 'Avatar56'. Note: the actual size of the returned avatar can be larger. This is to optimize the bandwidth and http requests by using the browser cache.
externalUrl(type: AvatarType): String
id: ID!
The avatar is not a default Embrace one, but it is uploaded
isCustom: Boolean!
Delete avatar
input SocialAvatarDeleteInput {
Id of the subject for which the avatar will be deleted
id: ID!
type SocialAvatarDeleteOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
Upload avatar
input SocialAvatarUploadInput {
Id of the subject for which the avatar will be updated
id: ID!
type SocialAvatarUploadOutput {
result: SocialImageUploadSession
userErrors: [UserError]
type SocialBestBetSearchItem {
description: String!
id: ID!
label: String
modified: DateTime
title: String!
url: String!
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type SocialBestBetSearchItemConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [SocialBestBetSearchItemEdge]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [SocialBestBetSearchItem]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type SocialBestBetSearchItemEdge {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: SocialBestBetSearchItem
type SocialBestBetUpdateOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
input SocialBirthdayMicroblogCreateInput {
Ids of the documents which will be attached to the microblog
attachments: [ID!]
The id of a microblog that is being forwarded
forwardedId: ID
The id of the group in which the post/comment will be created
groupId: ID
Preview urls for microblog links
previewUrls: [String]
Ids of nodes to share
sharedContent: [ID!]
The title of the birthday post. The maximum character count is 200
title: String!
The text of the post/comment split into parts
tokens: [SocialMicroblogTokenInput]!
input SocialBirthdayMicroblogUpdateInput {
Ids of the documents which will be attached to the microblog
attachments: [ID!]!
The id of a microblog that is being forwarded. When null is being provided the forwarded microblog will not be forwarded anymore.
forwardedId: ID
The id of the microblog
id: ID!
Preview urls for microblog links
previewUrls: [String]
Ids of nodes to share
sharedContent: [ID!]
The title of the birthday post. The maximum character count is 200
title: String!
The text of the post/comment split into parts
tokens: [SocialMicroblogTokenInput]!
type SocialCalendarEvent implements ISocialNode {
Get attendees with their statuses for the specific event. Can filter based on status and attendee name
where: WhereCalendarEventAttendeesInput
after: Cursor
first: Int
): SocialCalendarEventInviteeConnection
created: DateTime!
Shows whether the event is set for the whole day
dayEvent: Boolean!
description: String
Date in UTC with hours and minutes until the event is finished
endDate: DateTime!
eventType: SocialCalendarEventType!
The group in which the calendar event was created
group: SocialGroup
Returns header image for Calendar Events of type Event
header: SocialHeader
Not implemented yet. Out of scope for initial version of Calendar module. Specifies the color to be used for the event in the calendar
hexColor: String
id: ID!
True if Calendar Event is of type Event and maximum attendees value equals the number of calendar event attendees with status Attending
isAttendeesLimitReached: Boolean!
joinSettings: SocialCalendarEventJoinSettingsType!
The last person to modify the event
lastModifiedBy: SocialPerson
location: String
maximumAttendees: Int
modified: DateTime!
Specifies how often the event will be repeated
occurence: SocialCalendarEventRecurrenceType!
Тhe result of subtracting the count of calendar event attendees with status Attending from the value of MaximumAttendees. NULL if Calendar Event is not of type Event or MaximumAttendees is NULL
openSpotsCount: Int
The person who created the event
organizer: SocialPerson
parentId: ID
Date in UTC with hours and minutes on which the event will start
startDate: DateTime!
title: String
url: String
input SocialCalendarEventAcceptInput {
Calendar event id
id: ID!
Applies when accepting an invitation to a recurring appointment. Can either apply changes to specific instance or the whole series
occurrenceType: SocialAppointmentOccurrenceType
type SocialCalendarEventAcceptOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
input SocialCalendarEventAttendeesExportInput {
Calendar event id
id: ID!
type SocialCalendarEventAttendeesExportOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type SocialCalendarEventConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [SocialCalendarEventEdge]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [SocialCalendarEvent]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
Input used to create a new calendar event
input SocialCalendarEventCreateInput {
Ids of the assigned members
attendees: [ID!]!
The type of event that will be created
calendarEventType: SocialCalendarEventType!
Marks whether the event is for a full day
dayEvent: Boolean
Additional information for the event. Text length is limited to 4000 characters
description: String
The end time of the event in UTC
endDate: DateTime!
Group Id
groupId: ID!
Choose which users can join the event
joinSettings: SocialCalendarEventJoinSettingsType
The place where the event will take place
location: String
Maximum number of people that can attend the event
maximumAttendees: Int
How often an event of type appointment will be repeated
recurrence: SocialCalendarEventRecurrenceType
The start time of the event in UTC
startDate: DateTime!
The main title of the event which summarizes the main topic. Can be up to 200 characters.
title: String!
Url of the event. Can be up to 500 characters.
url: String
type SocialCalendarEventCreateOutput {
result: SocialCalendarEvent
userErrors: [UserError]
input SocialCalendarEventDeleteInput {
Calendar event id
id: ID!
Applies when deleting a recurring appointment. Can either apply changes to specific instance or the whole series
occurrenceType: SocialAppointmentOccurrenceType
type SocialCalendarEventDeleteOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type SocialCalendarEventEdge {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: SocialCalendarEvent
type SocialCalendarEventFacet {
facet: SocialCalendarEventFacetType!
values: [FacetValue]
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type SocialCalendarEventFacetConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [SocialCalendarEventEdge]
facets: [SocialCalendarEventFacet]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [SocialCalendarEvent]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
enum SocialCalendarEventFacetType {
Person that created the calendar event
Type of calendar event to search on
Group the calendar event is a part of
type SocialCalendarEventInvitation {
calendarEventId: ID!
created: DateTime
endTime: DateTime
Invitation group
group: SocialGroup
id: String
invitationType: SocialInvitationType!
location: String
message: Message
Тhe person who sent the invitation
sender: SocialPerson
startTime: DateTime!
title: String
type SocialCalendarEventInvitee {
member: SocialPerson
status: SocialCalendarEventInviteeStatusType!
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type SocialCalendarEventInviteeConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [SocialCalendarEventInviteeEdge]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [SocialCalendarEventInvitee]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type SocialCalendarEventInviteeEdge {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: SocialCalendarEventInvitee
enum SocialCalendarEventInviteeStatusType {
input SocialCalendarEventJoinInput {
Calendar event id
id: ID!
type SocialCalendarEventJoinOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
enum SocialCalendarEventJoinSettingsType {
input SocialCalendarEventLeaveBackupInput {
Calendar event id
id: ID!
type SocialCalendarEventLeaveBackupOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
type SocialCalendarEventNotificationData implements ISocialNotificationSubjectData {
Id of notification subject
nodeId: ID!
type SocialCalendarEventNotificationLink implements ISocialNotificationLink {
calendarEventId: ID!
groupId: ID
linkType: SocialNotificationLinkType!
notificationId: ID!
enum SocialCalendarEventRecurrenceType {
input SocialCalendarEventRejectInput {
Calendar event id
id: ID!
Applies when rejecting an invitation to a recurring appointment. Can either apply changes to specific instance or the whole series
occurrenceType: SocialAppointmentOccurrenceType
type SocialCalendarEventRejectOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
First query with all facets that are needed with empty list of selected values. After that query with the ids of the selected values.
input SocialCalendarEventsFacetInput {
facet: SocialCalendarEventFacetType!
Ids of selected values
values: [String]
enum SocialCalendarEventType {
input SocialCalendarEventUpdateInput {
Ids of the assigned members
attendees: [ID!]!
Marks whether the event is for a full day
dayEvent: Boolean
Additional information for the event. Text length is limited to 4000 characters
description: String
The end time of the event in UTC
endDate: DateTime!
Event Id
id: ID!
Choose which users can join the event
joinSettings: SocialCalendarEventJoinSettingsType
The place where the event will take place
location: String
Maximum number of people that can attend the event
maximumAttendees: Int
Applies when editing a recurring appointment. Can either apply changes to specific instance or the whole series
occurrenceType: SocialAppointmentOccurrenceType
How often an event of type appointment will be repeated
recurrence: SocialCalendarEventRecurrenceType
The start time of the event in UTC
startDate: DateTime!
The main title of the event which summarizes the main topic. Can be up to 200 characters.
title: String!
Url of the event. Can be up to 500 characters.
url: String
type SocialCalendarEventUpdateOutput {
result: SocialCalendarEvent
userErrors: [UserError]
type SocialCalendarModulePermissions {
create: Boolean!
view: Boolean!
type SocialChat implements ISocialNode {
Get the best matching message for the chats filter, defaults to newest message if any
displayMessage: SocialChatMessageUnion
The identifier of the chat conversation
id: ID!
Indicates if the chat conversation is a group conversation
isGroupConversation: Boolean!
The last activity in the chat conversation in UTC
lastActivity: DateTime!
All messages in the chat conversation
where: WhereMessagesInput
after: Cursor
first: Int
): SocialChatMessageUnionConnectionWithUpdateCursor!
All participants in the chat conversation
participants: [SocialChatParticipant]
The title of the chat conversation
title: String
Get the amount of unread messages for the conversation for the current user
unreadMessagesCount: Int!
Add chat person
input SocialChatAddPersonsInput {
The id of the chat conversation where the persons should be added to.
conversationId: ID!
The list of person id's that should be added to the chat.
personIds: [ID!]!
type SocialChatAddPersonsOutput {
result: SocialChat
userErrors: [UserError]
type SocialChatConversationsOutput {
List of chat conversations
items: [SocialChat]
Update cursor to receive items that have been updated since the last call
updateCursor: Cursor!
Create chat
input SocialChatCreateInput {
The list of person id's that should be added to the chat.
personIds: [ID!]!
The title of the chat. The title can only be set for group chats.
title: String
type SocialChatCreateOutput {
result: SocialChat
userErrors: [UserError]
Edit chat
input SocialChatEditTitleInput {
The id of the chat conversation where the title should be changed.
conversationId: ID!
The new title of the chat conversation. The title has a maximum length of 200 characters.
newTitle: String!
type SocialChatEditTitleOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
Leave chat
input SocialChatLeaveInput {
The id of the chat conversation to leave.
conversationId: ID!
type SocialChatLeaveOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
type SocialChatMessage {
The author of the chat message
author: SocialPerson!
The date the message was created in UTC
created: DateTime!
The identifier of the chat message
id: ID!
tokens: [Token]
union SocialChatMessageUnion =
| SocialChatPersonJoinedMessage
| SocialChatPersonLeftMessage
| SocialChatTitleChangedMessage
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type SocialChatMessageUnionConnectionWithUpdateCursor {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [SocialChatMessageUnionEdge]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [SocialChatMessageUnion]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
updateCursor: Cursor!
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type SocialChatMessageUnionEdge {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: SocialChatMessageUnion
type SocialChatNotificationLink implements ISocialNotificationLink {
conversationId: ID!
linkType: SocialNotificationLinkType!
type SocialChatParticipant {
The last date the participant has read the chat in UTC
lastActivity: DateTime!
The person that participates in the chat conversation
person: SocialPerson!
type SocialChatPersonJoinedMessage {
The author of the chat message
author: SocialPerson!
The date the message was created in UTC
created: DateTime!
The identifier of the chat message
id: ID!
The person that has been invited to the chat conversation
invitee: SocialPerson!
type SocialChatPersonLeftMessage {
The author of the chat message
author: SocialPerson!
The date the message was created in UTC
created: DateTime!
The identifier of the chat message
id: ID!
type SocialChatSendMessageOutput {
result: SocialChatMessage
userErrors: [UserError]
Send chat message
input SocialChatSendMessageWithTokensInput {
The id of the chat conversation to send a message to.
conversationId: ID!
The text of the message split into parts
tokens: [SocialChatTokenInput]!
type SocialChatTitleChangedMessage {
The author of the chat message
author: SocialPerson!
The date the message was created in UTC
created: DateTime!
The identifier of the chat message
id: ID!
The new title of the chat conversation
newTitle: String
Chat token
input SocialChatTokenInput {
The text of the message element(token). It's applied only for elements of Type: Text, Link
content: String
The display name of the token. It's applied only for elements of Type: Link
displayName: String
Describes if the token type is opening or closing markup element. It's applied only for elements of Type: MarkupBold, MarkupItalic, MarkupUnderline, MarkupStrike, MarkupOrderedList, MarkupUnorderedList, MarkupListItem
isOpenMarkupElement: Boolean
The type of the token
type: ChatTokenType!
Update chat last visited
input SocialChatUpdateLastVisitedInput {
The id of the chat conversation where the last visit time should be updated.
conversationId: ID!
type SocialChatUpdateLastVisitedOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
enum SocialConfigToggleStatus {
type SocialConfiguration {
Available modules configured in Management
availableModules: [SocialModule!]!
documentSettings: SocialDocumentSettings
groupSettings: SocialGroupSettings
A list of enabled search queries
searchQueries: [SocialSearchQuery]
Shared folder path on person's profile
sharedFolderPath: String!
The possible statuses of a connection that the current user can have with an external application.
enum SocialConnectedApplicationStatus {
The current user is connected to the external application.
The current user is connected to the external application but does not have the right to execute the current action.
The tenant has not configured this feature
The current user is not connected to the external application.
type SocialContact implements ISocialNode & IFacetNode {
Get a paged list of contact's children
facets: [SocialContactsFacetInput]
after: Cursor
first: Int! = 10
): SocialContactsFacetConnection!
city: String
countryCode: String
description: String
emailAddress: String
id: ID!
isArchived: Boolean!
isOutsideTheOrganization: Boolean!
name: String
navigationUrl: String
number: String
Get the parent SocialContact of this contact.
parent: SocialContact
phoneNumber: String
phoneNumber2: String
postalCode: String
roomNumber: String
street: String
type: SocialContactType!
website: String
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type SocialContactConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [SocialContactEdge]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [SocialContact]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
type SocialContactDetails {
addresses: [SocialAddressSocialProfileField]
emailAddresses: [SocialEmailAddressSocialProfileField]
phoneNumbers: [SocialPhoneNumberSocialProfileField]
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type SocialContactEdge {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: SocialContact
type SocialContactsFacet {
facet: SocialContactsFacetType!
values: [FacetValue]
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type SocialContactsFacetConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [SocialContactEdge]
facets: [SocialContactsFacet]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [SocialContact]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
Contacts facet input
input SocialContactsFacetInput {
facet: SocialContactsFacetType!
Ids of selected values
values: [String]
enum SocialContactsFacetType {
Filter by City
Filter by Contact Type
Filter by Organization Type
Contacts order types
enum SocialContactsSortOrder {
Order by ranking
Order by title
enum SocialContactType {
input SocialContainedMicroblogCreateInput {
External content Id
containerId: ID!
The id of the group in which the microblog will be created
groupId: ID
The ids of persons to receive notifications for this microblog (e.g. when a new comment is added)
subscriberIds: [ID!]!
type SocialContainedMicroblogCreateOutput {
result: Microblog
userErrors: [UserError]
Custom field description
input SocialCustomFieldInput {
InternalName of the custom field
key: String
The value of the custom field
value: [String]
enum SocialCustomizationResourceType {
type SocialCustomProfileFieldLabel {
The language of the label text
language: SocialLanguage!
The text content of the label
text: String!
type SocialCustomProfileFieldSettings {
The type of the custom field. There could be multiple custom fields with this type.
fieldType: SocialProfileCustomFieldType!
The Id of the custom field.
id: ID!
Is the field included in profile completeness.
isIncludedInProfileCompleteness: Boolean!
Is the field marked as read-only.
isReadOnly: Boolean!
A collection of labels, in different languages, provided by the user.
labels: [SocialCustomProfileFieldLabel]!
The Name of the custom field.
name: String!
The section of the field.
sectionType: SocialProfileSectionType!
input SocialDailyDigestSettingsUpdateInput {
The time at which the daily digest emails should be sent
time: SocialTimeDigestSettingsUpdateInput!
type SocialDashboardNotificationLink implements ISocialNotificationLink {
eventId: ID!
linkType: SocialNotificationLinkType!
type SocialDataExchangeNotificationData implements ISocialNotificationSubjectData {
dataExchangeType: SocialManagementImportDataType!
Id of the event log entry
eventLogId: ID!
Id of the transaction
nodeId: ID!
enum SocialDateDisplayType {
type SocialDateOfBirth {
date: DateTime
dateDisplayType: SocialDateDisplayType!
reason: "Date display setting was removed, birth date year is always hidden | 20230706"
type SocialDateOfBirthSocialProfileField {
state: SocialProfileFieldState!
value: SocialDateOfBirth
Copy document item
input SocialDocumentCopyItemInput {
The id of the document to be copied
id: ID!
If provided, the file will be copied with the new name
newName: String
If document already exists in destination path, it can either be overriden or a new name can be generated
overwrite: OverwriteAction
type SocialDocumentFacet {
facet: SocialDocumentFacetType!
values: [FacetValue]
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type SocialDocumentFacetConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [FileSystemEntryEdge]
facets: [SocialDocumentFacet]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [FileSystemEntry]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
Document facet item
input SocialDocumentFacetInput {
facet: SocialDocumentFacetType!
Ids of selected values
values: [String]
enum SocialDocumentFacetType {
Author of the document
Group the documents belong to
Tags that are connected to a document
type SocialDocumentModulePermissions {
addOfficeOnlineDocument: Boolean!
create: Boolean!
downloadZip: Boolean!
If it is possible to get Ordered documents
orderedDocuments: Boolean!
List of supported recycle bins for the selected person or group
recycleBins: [SocialRecycleBin!]
If it is possible to search within the document module
search: Boolean!
If it is possible to set tags on documents
tags: Boolean!
view: Boolean!
Move document item
input SocialDocumentMoveItemInput {
The id of the document to be moved
id: ID!
If provided, the file will be moved with the new name
newName: String
If doucment already exists in destination path, it can either be overriden or a new name can be generated
overwrite: OverwriteAction
Rename document item
input SocialDocumentRenameInput {
Id of the document to be renamed
id: ID!
The new name of the document that is to be renamed
newName: String!
type SocialDocumentRenameOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
Copy documents
input SocialDocumentsCopyInput {
Collection of document input data for copying items, such as document id, overwrite action and optional new name
copyItems: [SocialDocumentCopyItemInput]!
The location where the files should be copied to
destinationPath: String!
Id of the group in which the documents should be copied. If the value for GroupId is NULL, the file will be copied in user's personal documents.
groupId: ID
type SocialDocumentsCopyOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
Delete documents
input SocialDocumentsDeleteInput {
Ids of the documents to be deleted
documentIds: [ID!]!
type SocialDocumentsDeleteOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
type SocialDocumentSettings {
Number of days in recycle bin
maxNumberOfDaysInRecycleBin: Int!
Max upload size of attachments
maxUploadSize: Int!
Move documents
input SocialDocumentsMoveInput {
The location where the files should be moved to
destinationPath: String!
Collection of document input data for moving items, such as document id, overwrite action and optional new name
moveItems: [SocialDocumentMoveItemInput]!
type SocialDocumentsMoveOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
Documents sort options
enum SocialDocumentSortOrder {
Sort by created
Sort by modified
Sort by size
Sort by title
Restore documents
input SocialDocumentsRestoreInput {
Ids of the documents to be restored from the recycle bin
documentIds: [ID!]!
type SocialDocumentsRestoreOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
enum SocialDocumentsScope {
Retrieve documents from all groups with read access
Retrieve documents from groups the user is a member of
Retrieve documents from open groups with read access
input SocialEducationCreateInput {
The degree of the described education
degree: String
End year of education in 4-digit format
endYear: Int
The field of study for the education
fieldOfStudy: String!
Name of the school where the education took place
schoolName: String!
Start year of education in 4-digit format
startYear: Int!
type SocialEducationCreateOutput {
result: Education
userErrors: [UserError]
input SocialEducationDeleteInput {
Id of the education entity to be deleted
id: ID!
type SocialEducationDeleteOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
input SocialEducationUpdateInput {
The degree of the described education
degree: String
End year of education in 4-digit format
endYear: Int
The field of study for the education
fieldOfStudy: String!
Id of the education entity to be updated
id: ID!
Name of the school where the education took place
schoolName: String!
Start year of education in 4-digit format
startYear: Int!
type SocialEducationUpdateOutput {
result: Education
userErrors: [UserError]
type SocialEmailAddress {
email: String!
type: SocialEmailAddressType!
type SocialEmailAddressSocialProfileField {
state: SocialProfileFieldState!
value: SocialEmailAddress
enum SocialEmailAddressType {
input SocialEmailNotificationSettingsInput {
The user will receive an email for an invitation/update of an Appointment/Event
calendarEvent: Boolean!
The user will receive a Daily digest email
dailyDigest: Boolean!
The user will receive an email for a mention of a group he is member of
groupMention: Boolean!
The user will receive an email for group invite, membership request or a membership update
membershipUpdate: Boolean!
The user will receive an email for a new comment in a discussion in which he partakes
newComment: Boolean!
The user will receive an email when he is mentioned
personMention: Boolean!
The user will receive a Weekly digest email
weeklyDigest: Boolean!
A folder or file. If it is a folder then it can contain other folders or files
type SocialEmbraceFile implements ISocialNode {
All the items inside the folder
where: WhereDocumentsChildrenInput
orderBy: OrderDocumentsInput
after: Cursor
first: Int!
): SocialEmbraceFileConnection!
Amount of comments of the document's discussion
commentsCount: Int
When the file or folder is created (UTC)
created: DateTime!
The person that initially created the folder or file. Remark: can be null!
createdBy: SocialPerson
Matadata of the document, previews and actions urls
documentPreviewMetadata: PreviewMetaData
Url that forces a download. Only available for files, not folders. This is a security sensitive personal url and has a limited lifetime. Therefore it will only be set when retrieved through a node query
downloadUrl: String
Url that can be used to edit a file in a local applicaton (for example in Office). Only available for files, not folders. This is a security sensitive personal url. Therefore it will only be set when retrieved through a node query. To open the file with for example local installed Word there needs to be some special handling in JavaScript. See for more info or contact the Social product team for an working example TypeScript file.
editUrl: String
If the item is a folder or file
fileSystemType: FileSystemType!
history(after: Cursor, first: Int!): SocialEmbraceFileConnection!
id: ID!
Flag whether the current user has marked this file as favorite
isFavorite: Boolean!
If the file or folder is in the recycle bin
isRecycled: Boolean!
If the folder is a system folder which cannot be removed or renamed
isSystem: Boolean!
When the file or folder is last modified (UTC)
modified: DateTime
The person that did the last changes on the folder or file. Remark: can be null!
modifiedBy: SocialPerson
Name of the file or folder
name: String!
Url that opens a Microsoft Office file in Office Online so that it can be edited in the browser (should be opened in new browser tab).
officeOnlineUrl: String
The Owner of the file. It returns SocialGroup if the file is a group file.
owner: ISocialDocumentOwner
parentId: ID
Relative path in document module. It is relative to the root of the group or user his documents.
path: String
File permissions of the current user
permissions: SocialFilePermissions!
When the file or folder is recycled (UTC)
recycled: DateTime
The person that recycled the folder or file. Remark: can be null!
recycledBy: SocialPerson
Size of file in bytes
size: Int!
Document's tags
tags: [String]
Version label if the item can have history. To be used when willing to query a specific file version
version: String
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type SocialEmbraceFileConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [SocialEmbraceFileEdge]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [SocialEmbraceFile]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type SocialEmbraceFileEdge {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: SocialEmbraceFile
type SocialEmotion {
emotion: SocialEmotionType!
person: SocialPerson!
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type SocialEmotionConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [SocialEmotionEdge]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [SocialEmotion]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type SocialEmotionEdge {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: SocialEmotion
type SocialEmotionsSummary {
currentUserEmotion: SocialEmotionType!
emotions: [SocialEmotionSummary]
totalCount: Int!
type SocialEmotionSummary {
count: Int!
type: SocialEmotionType!
enum SocialEmotionType {
input SocialExperienceCreateInput {
Company that was the employer for the experience
companyName: String!
Numeric value of the end month (Optional if EndYear isn't provided)
endMonth: Int
The 4 digit end year (Optional if EndMonth isn't provided)
endYear: Int
Numeric value of the start month. Can be between 1 and 12
startMonth: Int!
Start year of the experience in 4-digit format
startYear: Int!
The job title for the experience
title: String!
type SocialExperienceCreateOutput {
result: Experience
userErrors: [UserError]
input SocialExperienceDeleteInput {
Id of the experience entity to be deleted
id: ID!
type SocialExperienceDeleteOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
input SocialExperienceUpdateInput {
Company that was the employer for the experience
companyName: String!
Numeric value of the end month (Optional if EndYear isn't provided)
endMonth: Int
The 4 digit end year (Optional if EndMonth isn't provided)
endYear: Int
Id of the experience entity to be updated
id: ID!
Numeric value of the start month. Can be between 1 and 12
startMonth: Int!
Start year of the experience in 4-digit format
startYear: Int!
The job title for the experience
title: String!
type SocialExperienceUpdateOutput {
result: Experience
userErrors: [UserError]
input SocialFavoriteAddInput {
The id of the subject that needs to be added to favorites
subjectId: ID!
type SocialFavoriteAddOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
input SocialFavoriteDeleteInput {
The id of the subject to be removed from favorites
subjectId: ID!
type SocialFavoriteDeleteOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
type SocialFavoriteFacet {
facet: SocialFavoriteFacetType!
values: [FacetValue]
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type SocialFavoriteFacetConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [SocialFavoriteItemEdge]
facets: [SocialFavoriteFacet]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [SocialFavoriteItem]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
First query with all facets that are needed with empty list of selected values. After that query with the ids of the selected values.
input SocialFavoriteFacetInput {
facet: SocialFavoriteFacetType!
Ids of selected values
values: [String]
enum SocialFavoriteFacetType {
Can be any entity type from Social, Content, etc squad
type SocialFavoriteItem {
Id is needed in case the user can no longer see the item and wants to delete it from the list of favorites
id: ID!
itemType: String
Shows when the item was marked by the user as favorite
timeMarked: DateTime!
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type SocialFavoriteItemEdge {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: SocialFavoriteItem
type SocialFavoriteItemState {
Id of the Microblog, FileSystemEntry or any external content
id: ID!
Flag whether the current user has marked this item as favorite
isFavorite: Boolean!
type SocialFileFacet {
facet: SocialDocumentFacetType!
values: [FacetValue]
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type SocialFileFacetConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [SocialEmbraceFileEdge]
facets: [SocialFileFacet]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [SocialEmbraceFile]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
File facet item
input SocialFileFacetInput {
facet: SocialDocumentFacetType!
Ids of selected values
values: [String]
File permissions of the current user
type SocialFilePermissions {
delete: Boolean!
move: Boolean!
moveToRecycleBin: Boolean!
openWithOfficeOnline: Boolean!
rename: Boolean!
restore: Boolean!
share: Boolean!
viewVersions: Boolean!
File permissions of the current user
type SocialFileSystemEntryPermissions {
delete: Boolean!
move: Boolean!
moveToRecycleBin: Boolean!
openWithOfficeOnline: Boolean!
rename: Boolean!
restore: Boolean!
share: Boolean!
viewVersions: Boolean!
union SocialFileUnion = SocialEmbraceFile | SocialM365File | SocialOneDriveFile
Document file upload
input SocialFileUploadInput {
Name of the file
filename: String!
Filesize in bytes. When this is too large the mutation will throw an error. Max size is configured in the backend.
filesizeInBytes: Int!
Id of the group in which the file should be uploaded. If value for GroupId is NULL, the file will be uploaded in user's Embrace personal documents.
groupId: ID
Action to perform when a file with the same name exists
overwrite: OverwriteAction!
Relative path in which the file should be uploaded
path: String!
If uploading a personal file, this is the storage to be upload to
personalStorage: SocialPersonalFileStorage
type SocialFileUploadOutput {
result: UploadSession
userErrors: [UserError]
enum SocialFilterOptionType {
enum SocialFlagStatus {
Create folder
input SocialFolderCreateInput {
Id of the group in which the folder should be created
groupId: ID
Path where the folder should be created
path: String!
Provide the personal storage type if creating a folder in a personal file storage
personalStorage: SocialPersonalFileStorage
Intended name for new folder
title: String!
type SocialFolderCreateOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
type SocialFollowupFlag {
completed: DateTime
due: DateTime
start: DateTime
status: SocialFlagStatus!
type SocialForwardedMicroblog {
True when the forwarded microblog has been deleted.
isDeleted: Boolean!
True when access to the microblog that is being forwarded has been restricted. This can happen when the group the microblog belongs to changes from an open group to a closed group or when the current user is a guest user and does not have access to a public group.
isRestricted: Boolean!
The microblog that is being forwarded. Will be null when `isRestricted` or `isDeleted` is true
microblog: Microblog
type SocialGlobalIdPRoles {
Users that can change global settings for the tenant.
admins: String
Guest users of Social that have limited permissions.
guests: String
Normal users of Social (also includes admin users).
members: String
type SocialGroup implements ISocialNode & IFacetNode & ISocialSuggest & ISocialDocumentOwner {
Returns a list of birthdays and anniversaries for a date range starting two days before today and up to three months thereafter. For example if today is 01 June 2020 the range will be 30 May 2020 - 30 Aug 2020
where: WhereAnniversariesInput
after: Cursor
first: Int! = 10
): SocialAnniversaryConnection!
Returns url to the group's avatar
avatar: SocialAvatar
Calendar events of the group, filtered by optional start date, end date and calendar event type (APPOINTMENT, MILESTONE, EVENT).
where: WhereSocialGroupCalendarEventsInput!
facets: [SocialGroupCalendarEventsFacetInput]
after: Cursor
first: Int
): SocialCalendarEventFacetConnection!
reason: "Please use CalendarEvents2 and pass desired event types to where.eventTypes | 20240327"
Calendar events of the group, filtered by optional start date, end date and calendar event type (APPOINTMENT, MILESTONE, EVENT).
where: WhereSocialGroupCalendarEventsInput!
after: Cursor
first: Int!
): SocialCalendarEventConnection!
Returns the current calendar write access setting
calendarWriteAccess: SocialGroupCalendarWriteAccess!
Timeline messages of selected group
where: WhereChannelMicroblogsInput
after: Cursor
first: Int
before: Cursor
last: Int
): MicroblogConnectionWithUpdateCursor!
Text to be displayed for group when using suggestions
content: String
The creation date of the group in UTC.
creationDate: DateTime
Returns current group's microblogs and microblogs mentioning current group in a group where current user has read access to
where: WhereGroupDashboardMicroblogsInput
after: Cursor
first: Int
before: Cursor
last: Int
): MicroblogConnectionWithUpdateCursor!
Short description of the group and it's purpose
description: String
documents(path: String): FileSystemEntry
@deprecated(reason: "Please use Files instead | 20240118")
Returns the root directory of the group with files, depending on the group type
files(where: WhereGroupFilesInput!): SocialFileUnion
Returns url to the group's header
header: SocialHeader
id: ID!
Retrieve the roles that are available in IdP for this group. (Warning: for a newly created group it might take some time before the roles are available in IdP)
idPRoles: SocialGroupIdPRoles!
Marks whether the group is marked as default. Default groups are automatically joined by new default users. Guest users cannot be invited to default groups. Default groups cannot be unfollowed
isDefault: Boolean!
If the group is followed by current user. Internal users follow by default default groups
isFollowedByMe: Boolean
If the group is pinned by the current user
isPinned: Boolean!
The creation date of the latest microblog in UTC. If there are no microblogs added, group creation date is returned.
lastActivity: DateTime
Persons that are part of the group
where: WhereMembersInput
orderBy: OrderGroupMembersInput
facets: [SocialGroupMemberInfoFacetInput]
after: Cursor
first: Int
): GroupMemberInfoFacetConnection!
Settings related to the memberships of a group
membershipSettings: SocialGroupMembershipSettings!
Membership status of the current user related to the group
membershipStatus: MembershipStatus!
Returns microblogs mentioning current group in a group where current user has read access to
after: Cursor
first: Int
before: Cursor
last: Int
): MicroblogConnectionWithUpdateCursor!
List of supported modules for the group
modules: [SocialGroupModule]
Get the two messages with the most comments and the message with the most emotions of the selected group.
mostPopularMessages(where: WhereMostPopularPostsInput): [Microblog]!
Retrieve most used tags of the week
mostUsedTags(first: Int): [SocialRecentTag]
Returns the number of new microblogs with group mentions, created after the last visit of the user in mentions channel
newGroupMentionsMessagesCount: Int
Returns the number of new microblogs in general channel, created after the last visit of the user in general channel
newMessagesCount: Int
Retrieve an ordered list of documents
orderby: OrderDocumentsInput!
after: Cursor
first: Int
): FileSystemEntryConnection!
@deprecated(reason: "Please use OrderedFiles | 20240209")
Retrieve an ordered list of files stored in Embrace
orderby: OrderDocumentsInput!
after: Cursor
first: Int!
): SocialEmbraceFileConnection!
Retrieve group members who are out of office
outOfOffice(first: Int, after: Cursor): SocialPersonConnection!
Timeline, Documents and Calendar permissions related to groups
permissions: SocialGroupPermissions!
Returns the pinned microblog in a group if any
pinnedMicroblog: Microblog
The id of the portal of the portal provider. For newly created groups it can take some time before this id is available. Please handle this gracefully.
portalId: String
Returns the count of recent comments from the last 7 days
recentCommentCount: Int!
Returns the count of recent microblogs from the last 7 days
recentMicroblogCount: Int!
If the group is Active or Archived
state: SocialGroupState!
Document service for group
storageType: SocialGroupStorageType!
Supported tokens related to groups when using suggestions
supportedTokenTypes: [TokenType!]
Optional tags for a group, making it easier to find
tags: [SocialTag]
Timeline messages of selected group
where: WhereGroupTimelineInput
after: Cursor
first: Int
before: Cursor
last: Int
): MicroblogConnectionWithUpdateCursor!
Title of group that contains spaces
title: String!
Marks the type of group based on it's privacy setting
type: SocialGroupType!
Returns the count of unread personal, group and knowledge item mentions
unreadMentionsCount: Int
Get current group's microblogs with the ability to apply widget filters
where: WhereGroupWidgetsMicroblogsInput
after: Cursor
first: Int
before: Cursor
last: Int
): MicroblogConnectionWithUpdateCursor!
input SocialGroupArchiveInput {
The id of the group
id: ID!
type SocialGroupArchiveOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
First query with all facets that are needed with empty list of selected values. After that query with the ids of the selected values.
input SocialGroupCalendarEventsFacetInput {
facet: SocialGroupCalendarEventsFacetType!
Ids of selected values
values: [String]
enum SocialGroupCalendarEventsFacetType {
Person that created the calendar event
Type of calendar event to search on
enum SocialGroupCalendarWriteAccess {
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type SocialGroupConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [SocialGroupEdge]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [SocialGroup]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
input SocialGroupCreateInput {
Group Description
description: String
Location of where the documents are stored for group, Embrace is currently the only supported storage type
documentStorageType: SocialGroupStorageType
An array of the modules which should be available in the group
enabledModules: [SocialGroupModulesTypes!]!
The Ids of the users which should be invited to the group
invitePersonIds: [ID!]!
Tags of the group
tags: [String]
Max length is 50 characters
title: String!
A group type can be Private or Public
type: SocialGroupType!
type SocialGroupCreateOutput {
result: SocialGroup
userErrors: [UserError]
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type SocialGroupEdge {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: SocialGroup
input SocialGroupFollowInput {
The id of group to be followed
id: ID!
type SocialGroupFollowOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
type SocialGroupIdPRoles {
The managers of the group (Users that can manage setings or membership of the group.)
managers: String
The members of the group (Users that can edit/create content. This role also includes the managers.)
members: String
The visitors of the group (Users that are not a member of the group, but do have read access)
visitors: String
type SocialGroupInvitation {
created: DateTime!
Invitation group
group: SocialGroup
id: String
invitationType: SocialInvitationType!
message: Message
Тhe person who triggered the invitation (e.g. the person who sent the invitation or requested to join a group)
sender: SocialPerson
input SocialGroupInvitationAcceptInput {
The Id of the group for which the invitation will be accepted
id: ID!
type SocialGroupInvitationAcceptOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
input SocialGroupInvitationRejectInput {
The id of the group for which the invite should be rejected
id: ID!
Optional reason to let the the inviter know why the user decided to decline the invitation
reason: String
type SocialGroupInvitationRejectOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
input SocialGroupLeaveInput {
The Id of the group which the user is leaving
id: ID!
type SocialGroupLeaveOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
First query with all facets that are needed with empty list of selected values. After that query with the ids of the selected values.
input SocialGroupMemberInfoFacetInput {
facet: SocialGroupMemberInfoFacetType!
Ids of selected values
values: [String]
enum SocialGroupMemberInfoFacetType {
Department of person
JobTitle of person
If the person is a manager or a regular member)
Organization of person
If the person is guest or normal user
WorkLocation of person
enum SocialGroupMemberRole {
input SocialGroupMembershipRequestCancelInput {
The Id of the group for which the user is cancelling his membership request
id: ID!
type SocialGroupMembershipRequestCancelOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
input SocialGroupMembershipRequestInput {
The Id of the group which the user is requesting to join
id: ID!
type SocialGroupMembershipRequestOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
enum SocialGroupMembershipSettings {
input SocialGroupMembersInviteInput {
The Id of the group for which the invite action should be performed
id: ID!
The Ids of the users to be invited
personIds: [ID!]!
type SocialGroupMembersInviteOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
input SocialGroupMembersRemoveInput {
The Id of the group for which the remove action should be performed
id: ID!
The Ids of the users to be removed from the group
personIds: [ID!]!
type SocialGroupMembersRemoveOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
input SocialGroupMembersResendInviteInput {
The Id of the group for which the invite action should be performed
id: ID!
The Ids of the users to be invited again to the group
personIds: [ID!]!
type SocialGroupMembersResendInviteOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
Input used for changing group members role
input SocialGroupMembersRoleChangeInput {
The id of the group for which the role will be changed
id: ID!
The id of the person for which the role will be changed
personId: ID!
The role which should be updated for the user
role: SocialGroupMemberRole!
type SocialGroupMembersRoleChangeOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
enum SocialGroupMembersSortOrder {
input SocialGroupMentionsVisitInput {
The id of the group
id: ID!
type SocialGroupMentionsVisitOutput {
result: SocialGroup
userErrors: [UserError]
type SocialGroupModule {
isEnabled: Boolean!
name: SocialGroupModulesTypes!
enum SocialGroupModulesTypes {
enum SocialGroupNotificationContextType {
type SocialGroupNotificationData implements ISocialNotificationSubjectData {
Id of notification subject
nodeId: ID!
type SocialGroupNotificationLink implements ISocialNotificationLink {
contextType: SocialGroupNotificationContextType!
groupId: ID!
linkType: SocialNotificationLinkType!
notificationId: ID
input SocialGroupOrderInput {
Ids of the pinned groups in correct order
groupIds: [ID!]!
type SocialGroupOrderOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
type SocialGroupPermissions {
Current user has a pending invite for the group and can accept/decline it
acceptToJoin: Boolean!
calendar: SocialCalendarModulePermissions
Current user can cancel request to join the group
cancelRequest: Boolean!
documents: SocialDocumentModulePermissions
Current user can invite new guest users (guest users will automatically have limited rights)
inviteGuestUsers: Boolean!
Current user can invite new users who are not yet active in Embrace
inviteUsers: Boolean!
Current user can leave the group
leave: Boolean!
Current user can manage group (e.g. edit its title, description, settings, modules, invite members, etc
manage: Boolean!
Current user can request to join the group
requestToJoin: Boolean!
timeline: SocialTimelineModulePermissions
Current user has permissions to follow or unfollow a group
toggleFollow: Boolean!
Current user has permissions to view all group properties
view: Boolean!
Current user can see group members
viewMembers: Boolean!
enum SocialGroupPermissionType {
input SocialGroupPinInput {
The id of group to be pinned
id: ID!
type SocialGroupPinOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
input SocialGroupRequestAcceptInput {
The id of the group for which the request will be approved
id: ID!
The id of the person for which the request will be approved
personId: ID!
type SocialGroupRequestAcceptOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
input SocialGroupRequestRejectInput {
The id of the group for which the request will be rejected
id: ID!
The id of the person for which the request will be rejected
personId: ID!
Optional reason why the user was not accepted in the group
reason: String
type SocialGroupRequestRejectOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
Access level of social group
enum SocialGroupSettingAccessLevel {
Account admins can access social group
Everyone can access social group
No one can access
type SocialGroupSettings {
Available modules configured in Management
availableModules: [SocialGroupModule!]!
Indicates whether group can be private
closedGroupsAllowed: Boolean!
type SocialGroupsMaintenanceSettings {
A group is auto-archived if it's inactive for over a year
autoArchiveForInactivity: Boolean!
A group is auto-archived if it has no members
autoArchiveForNoMembers: Boolean!
@deprecated(reason: "Functionality is dropped")
An archived group is auto-deleted 1 year after archivation
autoDeleteArchivedGroups: Boolean!
enum SocialGroupSortColumns {
enum SocialGroupSortOrder {
enum SocialGroupsScope {
All public groups and groups you're a member of
Only groups you're a member of
All open groups with read access
enum SocialGroupState {
enum SocialGroupStateFilter {
enum SocialGroupStorageType {
Group documents stored in Embrace
Group documents stored in sharepoint
enum SocialGroupType {
input SocialGroupUnfollowInput {
The id of group to be unfollowed
id: ID!
type SocialGroupUnfollowOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
input SocialGroupUnpinInput {
The id of group to be unpinned
id: ID!
type SocialGroupUnpinOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
input SocialGroupUpdateInput {
Specifies which group members can create/edit/delete calendar items
calendarWriteAccess: SocialGroupCalendarWriteAccess
Group Description
description: String
An array of the modules which should be available in the group
enabledModules: [SocialGroupModulesTypes!]
The Id of the group
id: ID!
An enumeration with the membership settings value
membershipSettings: SocialGroupMembershipSettings
Max length is 50 characters
title: String!
A group can be Private or Public
type: SocialGroupType
type SocialGroupUpdateOutput {
result: SocialGroup
userErrors: [UserError]
input SocialGroupVisitInput {
The id of the group
id: ID!
type SocialGroupVisitOutput {
result: SocialGroup
userErrors: [UserError]
type SocialHeader {
Header image with requested size, default is 1280X400
externalUrl(type: SocialHeaderType): String
id: ID!
The header image is not a default Embrace one, but it is uploaded
isCustom: Boolean!
Delete header
input SocialHeaderDeleteInput {
Id of the subject for which the header will be deleted
id: ID!
type SocialHeaderDeleteOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
enum SocialHeaderType {
Header image with size 1280X400
Header image with size 1920X600
Header image with size 2560X800
Header image with size 720X225
Upload header
input SocialHeaderUploadInput {
Id of the subject for which the header will be updated
id: ID!
type SocialHeaderUploadOutput {
result: SocialImageUploadSession
userErrors: [UserError]
enum SocialImagePreviewSize {
type SocialImageUploadSession {
Use for example XMLHttpRequest to POST the image to this url. The url is valid for 5 minutes, so uploading should start within 5 minutes.
The image should be in the body of the POST and no MimeMultipartContent should be used.
uploadUrl: String
enum SocialInterfaceTheme {
type SocialInvitations {
Get calendar event invitations
calendarEventInvitations: [SocialCalendarEventInvitation]
Get group invitations
groupInvitations: [SocialGroupInvitation]
totalCount: Int!
enum SocialInvitationType {
User is invited to participate in an appointment
User is invited to participate in an event
User is invited to join a group
User want to join a group
Unexpected invitation type. Please contact Embrace dev team
type SocialJobTitle {
id: ID!
title: String
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type SocialJobTitleConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [SocialJobTitleEdge]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [SocialJobTitle]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type SocialJobTitleEdge {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: SocialJobTitle
enum SocialLanguage {
Language codes that can be used
enum SocialLanguageCode {
French. Not supported yet
Swedish. Not supported yet
type SocialLiquitConfiguration {
OAuth token to supply to Liquit library for SSO
authenticationToken: String
IdentitySource to supply to Liquit library for SSO
identitySource: String
Url of the Liquit environment
liquitUrl: String
Link to the JavaScript library of Liquit on the Liquit CDN
scriptUrl: String
Add a background color to each application
showBackgroundColor: Boolean!
Filter applications on tag/category
showCategories: Boolean!
Status of the connection with Liquit
status: SocialLiquitStatus!
Username to use for Liquit SSO
username: String
enum SocialLiquitStatus {
This user is not allowed to use Liquit
This tenant does not use Liquit. Liquit functionality is not available.
This user is not connected to Azure (See SocialMe.OAuthTokens).
This user is connected to Azure and is allowed to use Liquit and is ready to go!
A folder or file. If it is a folder then it can contain other folders or files
type SocialM365File implements ISocialNode {
All the items inside the folder
children(after: Cursor, first: Int!): SocialM365FileConnection!
Amount of comments of the document's discussion
commentsCount: Int
When the file or folder is created (UTC)
created: DateTime!
The person that initially created the folder or file. Remark: can be null!
createdBy: SocialPerson
Matadata of the document, previews and actions urls
documentPreviewMetadata: PreviewMetaData
Url that forces a download. Only available for files, not folders. This is a security sensitive personal url and has a limited lifetime. Therefore it will only be set when retrieved through a node query
downloadUrl: String
Url that can be used to edit a file in a local applicaton (for example in Office). Only available for files, not folders. This is a security sensitive personal url. Therefore it will only be set when retrieved through a node query. To open the file with for example local installed Word there needs to be some special handling in JavaScript. See for more info or contact the Social product team for an working example TypeScript file.
editUrl: String
If the item is a folder or file
fileSystemType: FileSystemType!
history(after: Cursor, first: Int!): SocialM365FileConnection!
id: ID!
Flag whether the current user has marked this file as favorite
isFavorite: Boolean!
If the folder is a system folder which cannot be removed or renamed
isSystem: Boolean!
When the file or folder is last modified (UTC)
modified: DateTime
The person that did the last changes on the folder or file. Remark: can be null!
modifiedBy: SocialPerson
Name of the file or folder
name: String!
Url that opens a Microsoft Office file in Office Online so that it can be edited in the browser (should be opened in new browser tab).
officeOnlineUrl: String
Url that navigates to the original document location in SharePoint
originalLocation: String
The Owner of the file. It returns SocialGroup if the file is a group file.
owner: ISocialDocumentOwner
Relative path in document module. It is relative to the root of the group or user his documents.
path: String
File permissions of the current user
permissions: SocialFilePermissions!
Size of file in bytes
size: Int!
Version label if the item can have history. To be used when willing to query a specific file version
version: String
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type SocialM365FileConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [SocialM365FileEdge]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [SocialM365File]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type SocialM365FileEdge {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: SocialM365File
Text settings for configuring Microsoft 365
enum SocialM365TextConfig {
Give prefix to newly created Microsoft 365 Groups
type SocialM365TextConfigSocialManagementConfigTextSetting {
configType: SocialM365TextConfig!
isReadOnly: Boolean!
settingValue: String
Toggle settings for configuring Microsoft 365
enum SocialM365ToggleConfig {
Enable Microsoft Teams widget
Support creation of guest users in Microsoft Entra ID
Hide newly created Microsoft 365 Groups for the Global Address List
Profile pop-up integration
Enable search on folder names in Microsoft 365 Groups
Search in Microsoft OneDrive
Open search results in edit mode
Search in Microsoft SharePoint
Enable welcome email for new created Microsoft 365 Groups
Enable Microsoft 365 Online WOPI integration
type SocialM365ToggleConfigSocialManagementConfigToggleSetting {
configType: SocialM365ToggleConfig!
status: SocialConfigToggleStatus!
type SocialManagement {
Queries related to analytic management
analytics: SocialManagementAnalytics!
Queries related to Backup management
backup: SocialManagementBackup!
Configuration settings for various features
configuration: SocialManagementConfiguration!
Queries related to Contacts management
contact: SocialManagementContact!
Queries related to resources customization
customization: SocialManagementCustomization!
Get info about Data exchange operations
input: SocialManagementDataTransactionInput!
): SocialManagementDataTransaction!
Get collection of events
input: WhereSocialManagementEventLogInput!
after: Cursor
first: Int!
): SocialManagementEventLogConnection!
Get a single event log data
eventLogItem(input: SocialManagementEventInput!): SocialManagementEventLog!
Get default general settings
general: SocialManagementGeneralSettings!
Queries related to Groups management
group: SocialManagementGroup!
Get notifications settings
notifications: SocialManagementNotificationSettings!
Queries related to Person management
person: SocialManagementPerson!
Queries related to privacy policy
privacyPolicy: SocialManagementPrivacyPolicy!
Queries related to search management
search: SocialManagementSearch!
type SocialManagementAnalytics {
socialAnalytics: SocialManagementAnalyticsPowerBi!
type SocialManagementAnalyticsPowerBi {
Embed token
embedToken: String
Embed URL
embedUrl: String
Report identifier
reportId: GUID!
type SocialManagementBackup {
input: WhereSocialManagementFilesInput!
after: Cursor
first: Int!
): SocialManagementBackupFileConnection!
filterOptions: SocialManagementBackupFilesFilterOptions!
type SocialManagementBackupFile {
The date and time of the deleted file
deletedOn: DateTimeOffset
File identifier
id: ID!
File location
location: String
File name
name: String
The person that recycled the folder or file. Remark: can be null!
recycledBy: SocialPerson
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type SocialManagementBackupFileConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [SocialManagementBackupFileEdge]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [SocialManagementBackupFile]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type SocialManagementBackupFileEdge {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: SocialManagementBackupFile
type SocialManagementBackupFilesFilterOption {
Files filter option type
filterOption: SocialFilterOptionType!
Optional social group used for custom groups only
socialGroup: SocialGroup
type SocialManagementBackupFilesFilterOptions {
Files filter options
options: [SocialManagementBackupFilesFilterOption]
input SocialManagementBestBetCreateInput {
The description of the best bet item. Cannot be more than 200 characters.
description: String!
The keywords of the best bet item.
keywords: [String]!
The title of the best bet item. Cannot be more than 60 characters.
title: String!
The URL of the best bet item.
url: String!
type SocialManagementBestBetCreateOutput {
result: SocialManagementBestBetItem
userErrors: [UserError]
input SocialManagementBestBetDeleteInput {
Best bet item identifier
id: ID!
type SocialManagementBestBetDeleteOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
input SocialManagementBestBetInput {
The id of the best bet item
id: ID!
type SocialManagementBestBetItem {
description: String!
id: ID!
keywords: [String]!
title: String!
url: String!
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type SocialManagementBestBetItemConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [SocialManagementBestBetItemEdge]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [SocialManagementBestBetItem]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type SocialManagementBestBetItemEdge {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: SocialManagementBestBetItem
input SocialManagementBestBetUpdateInput {
The description of the best bet item. Cannot be more than 200 characters.
description: String!
Best bet item identifier
id: ID!
The keywords of the best bet item.
keywords: [String]!
The title of the best bet item. Cannot be more than 60 characters.
title: String!
The URL of the best bet item.
url: String!
type SocialManagementCalendarEventsExportOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
type SocialManagementConfigM365Settings {
textSettings: [SocialM365TextConfigSocialManagementConfigTextSetting]
toggleSettings: [SocialM365ToggleConfigSocialManagementConfigToggleSetting]
input SocialManagementConfigM365TextSettingInput {
The text type to be changed
settingType: SocialM365TextConfig!
Value of the text config field
settingValue: String
input SocialManagementConfigM365ToggleSettingInput {
Set value for the toggle
isEnabled: Boolean!
The toggle type to be changed
settingType: SocialM365ToggleConfig!
input SocialManagementConfigM365UpdateInput {
Contains all text settings related to Microsoft 365 Configuration
textSettings: [SocialManagementConfigM365TextSettingInput]!
Contains all toggle settings related to Microsoft 365 Configuration
toggleSettings: [SocialManagementConfigM365ToggleSettingInput]!
type SocialManagementConfigM365UpdateOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
type SocialManagementConfiguration {
microsoft365: SocialManagementConfigM365Settings!
type SocialManagementContact {
Returns all contacts
where: WhereManagementContactsInput!
after: Cursor
first: Int!
): SocialContactConnection!
input SocialManagementContactCreateInput {
Contact city
city: String
Country code of the contact (ex. en, nl)
countryCode: String
Contact description
description: String
Contact email
emailAddress: String
If it is an external contact
isExternal: Boolean!
Contact name
name: String
Contact navigation url
navigationUrl: String
Contact address number
number: String
Parent contact id
parentContactId: ID
Contact phone number
phoneNumber: String
Contact phone number 2
phoneNumber2: String
Contact address postal code
postalCode: String
Contact address room number
roomNumber: String
Contact address street
street: String
Contact type
type: SocialContactType!
Contact website
website: String
type SocialManagementContactCreateOutput {
result: SocialContact
userErrors: [UserError]
enum SocialManagementContactFilterOption {
reason: "Please don't use this filter if you want all of the contacts | 20240125"
input SocialManagementContactsActivateInput {
Contacts identifiers
ids: [ID!]!
type SocialManagementContactsActivateOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
input SocialManagementContactsArchiveInput {
Contacts identifiers
ids: [ID!]!
type SocialManagementContactsArchiveOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
input SocialManagementContactsDeleteInput {
Contacts identifiers
ids: [ID!]!
type SocialManagementContactsDeleteOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
input SocialManagementContactsExportInput {
What type of contacts to export
filter: SocialManagementExportContactsFilter!
type SocialManagementContactsExportOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
enum SocialManagementContactSortableColumn {
enum SocialManagementContactState {
input SocialManagementContactUpdateInput {
Contact city
city: String
Country code of the contact (ex. en, nl)
countryCode: String
Contact description
description: String
Contact email
emailAddress: String
The id of the contact to update
id: ID!
If it is an external contact
isExternal: Boolean!
Contact name
name: String
Contact navigation url
navigationUrl: String
Contact address number
number: String
Parent contact id
parentContactId: ID
Contact phone number
phoneNumber: String
Contact phone number 2
phoneNumber2: String
Contact address postal code
postalCode: String
Contact address room number
roomNumber: String
Contact address street
street: String
Contact type
type: SocialContactType!
Contact website
website: String
type SocialManagementContactUpdateOutput {
result: SocialContact
userErrors: [UserError]
input SocialManagementCustomFieldInput {
Id of the field
id: ID!
Is the field included in profile completeness
isIncludedInProfileCompleteness: Boolean!
Is the field marked as read-only
isReadOnly: Boolean!
type SocialManagementCustomization {
Get the url to use for uploading a custom resource
where: WhereManagementCustomResourceUploadInput!
): String!
Get the url of a custom resource. If empty string, then we don't have a custom resource uploaded
customResourceUrl(where: WhereManagementCustomResourceUrlInput!): String!
input SocialManagementCustomProfileFieldLabelInput {
The language of the label text
language: SocialLanguage!
The text content of the label
text: String!
type SocialManagementDailyDigestSettings {
The time at which the daily digest emails should be sent
time: SocialManagementDigestTime!
type SocialManagementDataExchangeSubjectData implements ISocialManagementEventSubjectData {
Authorized download URL of a transaction-related file (ex. export download URL)
fileDownloadUrl: String
The Id of the data exchange transaction
id: ID!
The date when the transaction was triggered
triggeredOn: DateTime!
type SocialManagementDataTransaction {
If the transaction failed, there should be errors
after: Cursor
first: Int!
): SocialManagementDataTransactionErrorConnection!
id: ID!
The status of the transaction
status: SocialManagementDataTransactionStatus!
type SocialManagementDataTransactionError {
The error message
message: String
The subject of the error
subject: String
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type SocialManagementDataTransactionErrorConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [SocialManagementDataTransactionErrorEdge]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [SocialManagementDataTransactionError]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type SocialManagementDataTransactionErrorEdge {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: SocialManagementDataTransactionError
input SocialManagementDataTransactionInput {
The transaction Id
id: ID!
enum SocialManagementDataTransactionStatus {
type SocialManagementDigestSettings {
Daily digest emails settings
daily: SocialManagementDailyDigestSettings
Weekly digest emails settings
weekly: SocialManagementWeeklyDigestSettings
input SocialManagementDigestSettingsUpdateInput {
Daily digest settings. If not provided or provided as null, the setting will be disabled
dailyDigest: SocialDailyDigestSettingsUpdateInput
Weekly digest settings. If not provided or provided as null, the setting will be disabled
weeklyDigest: SocialWeeklyDigestSettingsUpdateInput
type SocialManagementDigestSettingsUpdateOutput {
result: SocialManagementDigestSettings
userErrors: [UserError]
type SocialManagementDigestTime {
The hour when the digest emails should be sent
hour: Int!
The minute when the digest emails should be sent
minute: Int!
type SocialManagementEmailNotificationSettings {
The user will receive an email for an invitation/update of an Appointment/Event
calendarEvent: Boolean!
The user will receive a Daily digest email
dailyDigest: Boolean!
The user will receive an email for a mention of a group he is member of
groupMention: Boolean!
The user will receive an email for group invite, membership request or a membership update
membershipUpdate: Boolean!
The user will receive an email for a new comment in a discussion in which he partakes
newComment: Boolean!
The user will receive an email when he is mentioned
personMention: Boolean!
The user will receive a Weekly digest email
weeklyDigest: Boolean!
input SocialManagementEventInput {
The event Id
id: ID!
type SocialManagementEventLog {
category: String
details: String
id: ID!
isEmptyEvent: Boolean!
messageTemplate: String
statusType: SocialManagementEventLogStatus!
Additional data about this event. Usable only in a node query.
subjectData: ISocialManagementEventSubjectData
templateName: String
templateVariables: [SocialManagementTemplateVariable]
timestamp: DateTimeOffset!
The person, whose actions triggered this event
triggeredBy: SocialPerson
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type SocialManagementEventLogConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [SocialManagementEventLogEdge]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [SocialManagementEventLog]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type SocialManagementEventLogEdge {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: SocialManagementEventLog
enum SocialManagementEventLogStatus {
enum SocialManagementExportContactsFilter {
input SocialManagementFilesDeleteInput {
Files identifiers
ids: [ID!]!
type SocialManagementFilesDeleteOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
input SocialManagementFilesRestoreInput {
Files identifiers
ids: [ID!]!
type SocialManagementFilesRestoreOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
enum SocialManagementFilesSort {
input SocialManagementFilterOptionInput {
Files filter option type
filterType: SocialFilterOptionType!
Used in combination with 'SocialFilterOptionType.SocialGroup' only
groupId: ID
type SocialManagementGeneralSettings {
Get environment default language
defaultLanguage: SocialLanguage!
The name of the current environment
environmentName: String!
Specifies whether group managers can moderate microblogs
groupManagersCanModerateMicroblogs: Boolean!
Contains the settings of the available account modules
modules: SocialManagementModules!
input SocialManagementGeneralSettingsUpdateInput {
The name of the current environment
environmentName: String!
Specifies whether group managers can moderate microblogs
groupManagersCanModerateMicroblogs: Boolean!
Contains the settings of the available account modules
modules: SocialModulesSettingsInput!
type SocialManagementGeneralSettingsUpdateOutput {
result: SocialManagementGeneralSettings
userErrors: [UserError]
type SocialManagementGroup {
Returns all groups
where: WhereManagementGroupsInput!
after: Cursor
first: Int!
): SocialGroupConnection!
Returns maintenance settings for auto-archiving and auto-deleting groups
maintenance: SocialGroupsMaintenanceSettings!
Returns settings for groups creation and membership
settings: SocialManagementGroupSettings!
type SocialManagementGroupConfiguration {
createClosedGroups: SocialGroupSettingAccessLevel!
createOpenGroups: SocialGroupSettingAccessLevel!
inviteGuestUsers: Boolean!
migrate: SocialGroupSettingAccessLevel!
Group management configuration input
input SocialManagementGroupConfigurationInput {
Who can create closed groups of this type
createClosedGroups: SocialGroupSettingAccessLevel!
Who can create open groups of this type
createOpenGroups: SocialGroupSettingAccessLevel!
If guest users can be invited to groups of this type
inviteGuestUsers: Boolean!
Who can migrate groups of this type to another type
migrate: SocialGroupSettingAccessLevel!
input SocialManagementGroupMaintenanceUpdateInput {
Enables auto-archiving of groups with no activity for over a year
autoArchiveForInactivity: Boolean!
Enables auto-archiving of groups with no members
autoArchiveForNoMembers: Boolean
Enables automatic deletion of archived groups after one year
autoDeleteArchivedGroups: Boolean!
type SocialManagementGroupMaintenanceUpdateOutput {
result: SocialGroupsMaintenanceSettings
userErrors: [UserError]
input SocialManagementGroupMembershipSettingsUpdateInput {
How membership invitations and requests work for private groups
privateGroupMembershipSettings: SocialPrivateGroupMembershipSetting!
How membership invitations and requests work for public groups
publicGroupMembershipSettings: SocialPublicGroupMembershipSetting!
type SocialManagementGroupMembershipSettingsUpdateOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
input SocialManagementGroupsActivateInput {
The Ids of the groups to be activated
ids: [ID!]!
type SocialManagementGroupsActivateOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
input SocialManagementGroupsArchiveInput {
The Ids of the groups to be archived
ids: [ID!]!
type SocialManagementGroupsArchiveOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
input SocialManagementGroupsDeleteInput {
The Ids of the archived groups to be deleted
ids: [ID!]!
type SocialManagementGroupsDeleteOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
input SocialManagementGroupSetDefaultInput {
Group identifier
id: ID!
type SocialManagementGroupSetDefaultOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
type SocialManagementGroupSettings {
If group admins can invite guest users to groups
adminsCanInviteGuestsToGroups: Boolean!
reason: "Please use Embrace->InviteGuestUsers instead | 20231130"
If group admins can invite to groups users that have not logged in yet
adminsCanInviteNonActivePersons: Boolean!
The current settings of Embrace groups
embrace: SocialManagementGroupConfiguration
If admins and non-admins can create groups
everyoneCanCreateGroups: Boolean!
reason: "Please use Embrace->CreateOpenGroups instead | 20231130"
If groups can be 'private' and 'public' or only 'public'
groupsCanBePrivate: Boolean!
reason: "Please use Embrace->CreateClosedGroups instead | 20231130"
The current settings of Microsoft 365 groups
microsoft365: SocialManagementGroupConfiguration
Membership settings for private groups
privateGroupMembershipSettings: SocialPrivateGroupMembershipSetting!
Membership settings for public groups
publicGroupMembershipSettings: SocialPublicGroupMembershipSetting!
input SocialManagementGroupSettingsUpdateInput {
If group admins can invite guest users to groups
adminsCanInviteGuestsToGroups: Boolean
If group admins can invite non yet active users to groups
adminsCanInviteNonActivePersons: Boolean!
Group settings for Embrace groups
embrace: SocialManagementGroupConfigurationInput
If admins and non-admins can create groups
everyoneCanCreateGroups: Boolean
If groups can be 'private' and 'public' or only 'public'
groupsCanBePrivate: Boolean
Group settings for Microsoft 365 groups
microsoft365: SocialManagementGroupConfigurationInput
type SocialManagementGroupSettingsUpdateOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
input SocialManagementGroupsExportInput {
The Ids of the groups to export; If empty, all active groups will be exported
ids: [ID!]!
type SocialManagementGroupsExportOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
input SocialManagementGroupUnsetDefaultInput {
Group identifier
id: ID!
type SocialManagementGroupUnsetDefaultOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
enum SocialManagementImportDataType {
type SocialManagementImportFileUpload {
The URL to send the import file as POST request
uploadUrl: String
input SocialManagementImportFileUploadInput {
The type of the uploaded import file
importType: SocialManagementImportDataType!
type SocialManagementImportFileUploadOutput {
result: SocialManagementImportFileUpload
userErrors: [UserError]
input SocialManagementImportInitiateInput {
Transaction identifier
id: ID!
type SocialManagementImportInitiateOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
type SocialManagementImportTemplateDownload {
The URL to download the import template as POST request
downloadUrl: String
input SocialManagementImportTemplateDownloadInput {
Data type of the template file
dataType: SocialManagementImportDataType!
type SocialManagementImportTemplateDownloadOutput {
result: SocialManagementImportTemplateDownload
userErrors: [UserError]
input SocialManagementLanguageSettingsUpdateInput {
The default language for new users
defaultLanguage: SocialLanguage!
type SocialManagementLanguageSettingsUpdateOutput {
result: SocialLanguage!
userErrors: [UserError]
type SocialManagementModules {
Availability setting of the Calendar module
calendar: SocialModuleAvailability!
Availability setting of the Direct Message module
chat: SocialModuleAvailability!
Availability setting of the Documents module
documents: SocialModuleAvailability!
Availability setting of the Pages module
pages: SocialModuleAvailability!
type SocialManagementNotificationSettings {
Daily digest emails settings
dailyDigest: SocialManagementDailyDigestSettings
Email notification settings
emailSettings: SocialManagementEmailNotificationSettings!
Push notification settings
pushSettings: SocialManagementPushNotificationSettings!
Sender email address
senderEmailAddress: String!
Weekly digest emails settings
weeklyDigest: SocialManagementWeeklyDigestSettings
input SocialManagementNotificationSettingsUpdateInput {
Email notification settings
emailSettings: SocialEmailNotificationSettingsInput!
If the email settings should be applied to all existing users
emailSettingsApply: Boolean!
Push notification settings
pushSettings: SocialPushNotificationSettingsInput!
If the push settings should be applied to all existing users
pushSettingsApply: Boolean!
The email address of the notification sender. Only the username part of the email can be sent, the domain is always ''
senderEmailAddress: String
type SocialManagementNotificationSettingsUpdateOutput {
result: SocialManagementNotificationSettings
userErrors: [UserError]
type SocialManagementPerson {
Get social person's settings
generalSettings: SocialManagementPersonSettings!
Returns maintenance settings
maintenance: SocialManagementPersonMaintenance!
@deprecated(reason: "Functionality is dropped | 20240229")
Get the groups memberships of a person
input: WhereManagementPersonMembershipsInput
after: Cursor
first: Int!
): SocialManagementPersonMembershipConnection!
Get default privacy settings for new persons
privacySettings: [SocialProfilePrivacySectionSetting!]!
Get social person's profile settings
profileSettings: SocialManagementPersonProfileFieldsSettings!
type SocialManagementPersonMaintenance {
Guest users are auto-archived after 180 days of inactivity
autoArchiveGuestUsers: Boolean!
Guest users are auto-archived if they don't have pending invites or active membership
autoArchiveGuestUsersWithoutInvitationOrTeam: Boolean!
Users are auto-archived after 180 days of inactivity
autoArchiveUsers: Boolean!
Users are auto-deleted after 180 days of inactivity
autoDeleteUsers: Boolean!
input SocialManagementPersonMaintenanceUpdateInput {
Automatically archive guest users after 180 days of inactivity.
autoArchiveGuestUsers: Boolean!
Automatically archive guest users without invitation or active group.
autoArchiveGuestUsersWithoutTeam: Boolean!
Automatically archive internal users after 180 days of inactivity.
autoArchiveUsers: Boolean!
Automatically delete users after 180 days of inactivity.
autoDeleteUsers: Boolean!
type SocialManagementPersonMaintenanceUpdateOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
type SocialManagementPersonMembership {
The title of the group
groupTitle: String
Type of the group
groupType: SocialGroupType!
Count of the managers in this group
managersCount: Int!
Count of the members in this group
membersCount: Int!
Membership status of the person for that group
membershipStatus: MembershipStatus!
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type SocialManagementPersonMembershipConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [SocialManagementPersonMembershipEdge]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [SocialManagementPersonMembership]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type SocialManagementPersonMembershipEdge {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: SocialManagementPersonMembership
input SocialManagementPersonProfileCustomFieldCreateInput {
The field label for each language, 'English' is mandatory
labels: [SocialManagementPersonProfileCustomFieldLabelInput]!
The internal name of the field, should be unique among all custom fields
name: String!
The section of the field.
sectionType: SocialProfileSectionType!
The type of the custom field
type: SocialProfileCustomFieldType!
type SocialManagementPersonProfileCustomFieldCreateOutput {
result: SocialCustomProfileFieldSettings
userErrors: [UserError]
input SocialManagementPersonProfileCustomFieldDeleteInput {
The Id of the custom profile field to be deleted
id: ID!
type SocialManagementPersonProfileCustomFieldDeleteOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
input SocialManagementPersonProfileCustomFieldLabelInput {
The language of the label text.
language: SocialLanguage!
The text content of the label.
text: String!
input SocialManagementPersonProfileCustomFieldsUpdateInput {
Update custom fields. Only the provided fields will be updated.
customFields: [SocialManagementCustomFieldInput]!
type SocialManagementPersonProfileCustomFieldsUpdateOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
input SocialManagementPersonProfileCustomFieldUpdateInput {
The Id of the custom profile field to be updated
id: ID!
Update the label for each language specified
labels: [SocialManagementCustomProfileFieldLabelInput]!
type SocialManagementPersonProfileCustomFieldUpdateOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
type SocialManagementPersonProfileFieldsSettings {
Custom fields.
customFields: [SocialCustomProfileFieldSettings!]!
Fields defined by social.
predefinedFields: [SocialPredefinedProfileFieldSettings!]!
input SocialManagementPersonProfilePredefinedFieldsUpdateInput {
Update predefined fields. Only the provided fields will be updated.
fields: [SocialManagementPredefinedFieldInput]!
type SocialManagementPersonProfilePredefinedFieldsUpdateOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
type SocialManagementPersonSettings {
Anniversary years for social person
anniversaryYears: [Decimal!]
input SocialManagementPersonSettingsUpdateInput {
Anniversary years for social person
anniversaryYears: [Decimal!]
type SocialManagementPersonSettingsUpdateOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
input SocialManagementPersonsExportInput {
The Ids of the groups whose persons to export; If empty, all persons will be exported
groupIds: [ID!]!
type SocialManagementPersonsExportOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
input SocialManagementPredefinedFieldInput {
The type of the predefined field. Each field has a unique type.
fieldType: SocialProfileFieldType!
Is the field enabled.
isEnabled: Boolean!
Is the field included in profile completeness.
isIncludedInProfileCompleteness: Boolean!
Is the field marked as read-only.
isReadOnly: Boolean!
type SocialManagementPrivacyPolicy {
If the Privacy policy functionality is enabled
isEnabled: Boolean!
Privacy policies
policies: [SocialPrivacyPolicy!]
input SocialManagementPrivacyPolicyUpdateInput {
If the Privacy policy functionality is enabled
isEnabled: Boolean!
The privacy policy items
policies: [SocialPrivacyPolicyInput]!
type SocialManagementPrivacyPolicyUpdateOutput {
result: SocialManagementPrivacyPolicy
userErrors: [UserError]
type SocialManagementPushNotificationSettings {
The user will receive a push notification after received a chat message
chatMessage: Boolean!
The user will receive a push notification for a mention of a group he is member of
groupMention: Boolean!
The user will receive a push notification for a new comment in a discussion in which he partakes
newComment: Boolean!
The user will receive a push notification when he is mentioned
personMention: Boolean!
input SocialManagementResourceRemoveInput {
Custom resource type that should be removed.
resourceType: SocialResourceType!
type SocialManagementResourceRemoveOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
type SocialManagementSearch {
Returns best bet item
input: SocialManagementBestBetInput!
): SocialManagementBestBetItem!
Get a paged list of best bet items ordered by title
where: WhereSocialManagementBestBetInput
after: Cursor
first: Int!
): SocialManagementBestBetItemConnection!
type SocialManagementTemplateVariable {
key: String
value: String
type SocialManagementWeeklyDigestSettings {
The time at which the weekly digest emails should be sent
time: SocialManagementDigestTime!
The day of the week when the weekly digest emails should be sent
weekDay: DayOfWeek!
type SocialMe {
Returns a list of birthdays and anniversaries for a date range starting two days before today and up to three months thereafter. For example if today is 01 June 2020 the range will be 30 May 2020 - 30 Aug 2020
where: WhereAnniversariesInput
after: Cursor
first: Int! = 10
): SocialAnniversaryConnection!
Returns the current user's availability setting
availabilitySetting: SocialAvailabilitySetting
Get all chat conversations
chats(where: WhereChatsInput): SocialChatConversationsOutput!
Fetch the favorited entities' ids of the current user
where: WhereFavoriteInput
facets: [SocialFavoriteFacetInput]
after: Cursor
first: Int
): SocialFavoriteFacetConnection!
Settings related to the user interface
generalSettings: GeneralSettings
id: ID!
Returns all settings for integration with Liquit
liquitConfiguration: SocialLiquitConfiguration!
Returns Microblogs settings for the current user
microblogSettings: SocialMicroblogSettings
Get the two messages with the most comments and the message with the most emotions of all groups where the current user participates.
mostPopularMessages(where: WhereMostPopularPostsInput): [Microblog]!
Retrieve most used tags of the week from all groups the user has access to
mostUsedTags(first: Int): [SocialRecentTag]
Retrieve all OAuth tokens that are configured for the tenant. Can return empty list if none are configured.
oAuthTokens: [SocialOAuthToken]
Personal Emails of the current user from Office 365 Mailbox
after: Cursor
first: Int
): SocialOffice365EmailsConnectionWithConnectedApplicationStatus!
Office 365 teams that the current user has joined
after: Cursor
first: Int
): SocialOffice365TeamConnectionWithConnectedApplicationStatus!
Determines if the user's onboarding is completed.
onboardingCompleted: Boolean!
Retrieve colleagues who are out of office
where: WhereOutOfOfficeInput
first: Int
after: Cursor
): SocialPersonConnection!
Social specific permissions
permissions: SocialMePermissions!
person: SocialPerson
All groups that the user pinned
pinnedGroups(after: Cursor, first: Int): SocialGroupConnection!
The current privacy policy text
privacyPolicy: PrivacyPolicy
Profile completeness percentage
profileCompleteness: Int!
Returns all enabled sections of profile fields
profileEditSections: [SocialProfileSectionType!]
Provides an url to download the profile information.
profileInfoDownloadUrl: String
Returns privacy settings for current user's profile
profilePrivacySettings: SocialProfilePrivacy!
Retrieve all Push tokens that the user has registered.
pushTokens: SocialPushTokens!
Get the current user's most recent documents
recentDocuments(first: Int): [FileSystemEntry]
The url to the management screens of Social. See SocialMe.Permissions.TenantManagement if the user has access to these screens.
tenantManagementUrl: String
Get Office 365 to-do lists of the current user.
toDoLists: SocialMeTodoListsOutput
Returns all unconnected external (Office 365) groups that current user is able to connect with Embrace
unconnectedRemoteGroups: [SocialRemoteGroup]
Get the amount of unread messages for the conversation for the current user
unreadChatMessagesCount: Int!
username: String
type SocialMePermissions {
Person can change their password only if they are not externally managed user
changePassword: Boolean!
If the current user has rights to create new group
createGroup: Boolean!
reason: "Please use 'Group' to check the user's group permissions | 20231114"
Person can deactivate their account only if they are not externally managed user
deactivateAccount: Boolean!
If the current user can see 'Following', 'Followers' and 'IsFollowedByMe' in the queried user's profile
following: Boolean!
Specifies the group permissions for the current user
group: SocialPersonGroupPermissions!
Permission related to OneDrive personal files
oneDriveFiles: SocialDocumentModulePermissions
Checks if phonebook is allowed for current user. Will be false if phonebook feature is off or current user is guest
phonebook: Boolean!
Permissions related to the current user editing own profile
profileEdit: SocialPersonProfileEdit
If the user has access to tenant management screens (see SocialMe.TenantManagementUrl for the url)
tenantManagement: Boolean!
If TOPdesk is available for the current user.
topDesk: SocialTopDeskAvailability
type SocialMeTodoListsOutput implements ISocialConnectedApplicationStatus {
The status of the connection where this query type depends on.
connectedApplicationStatus: SocialConnectedApplicationStatus!
List of TO-DO lists
items: [SocialTodoList]
input SocialMicroblogAddEmotionInput {
The emotion type that should be added to the selected microblog
emotion: SocialEmotionType!
The id of the microblog
id: ID!
type SocialMicroblogAddEmotionOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
input SocialMicroblogCreateInput {
Microblog of type Achievement
achievement: SocialAchievementCreateInput
Microblog of type Anniversary
anniversary: SocialAnniversaryMicroblogCreateInput
Microblog of type Announcement
announcement: SocialAnnouncementCreateInput
Microblog of type Birthday
birthday: SocialBirthdayMicroblogCreateInput
Microblog of type Poll
poll: SocialPollCreateInput
Microblog of type Remark
post: SocialPostCreateInput
Microblog of type Question
question: SocialQuestionCreateInput
Microblog of type Welcome
welcome: SocialWelcomeMicroblogCreateInput
type SocialMicroblogCreateOutput {
result: SocialMicroblogCreateResult
userErrors: [UserError]
type SocialMicroblogCreateResult {
cursor: Cursor!
microblog: Microblog
input SocialMicroblogDeleteInput {
The id of the microblog
id: ID!
type SocialMicroblogDeleteOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
type SocialMicroblogFacet {
facet: SocialMicroblogFacetType!
values: [FacetValue]
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type SocialMicroblogFacetConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [MicroblogEdge]
facets: [SocialMicroblogFacet]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [Microblog]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
enum SocialMicroblogFacetType {
Author of the microblog
Group the microblog belongs to
If it's a microblog or comment
Tags that are connected to a microblog
input SocialMicroblogHighlightedChildInput {
The id of the mentioned group
groupId: ID!
input SocialMicroblogMarkBestAnswerInput {
The id of the microblog which will be marked as best answer
id: ID!
type SocialMicroblogMarkBestAnswerOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
input SocialMicroblogMarkImportantInput {
The id of microblog to be marked as important
id: ID!
type SocialMicroblogMarkImportantOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
input SocialMicroblogModerateInput {
Id of the microblog to be moderated
microblogId: ID!
The reason why the microblog is moderated
reason: String
type SocialMicroblogModerateOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
enum SocialMicroblogNotificationContextType {
type SocialMicroblogNotificationData implements ISocialNotificationSubjectData {
Id of a comment on microblog, document or external content
childNodeId: ID
If the microblog is marked as important. Supported only for Post, Poll, Question, Achievement, Announcement
isImportant: Boolean!
microblogType: SocialMicroblogType!
Id of notification subject
nodeId: ID!
type SocialMicroblogNotificationLink implements ISocialNotificationLink {
childId: ID
containerId: ID
contextType: SocialMicroblogNotificationContextType!
groupId: ID
linkType: SocialNotificationLinkType!
microblogId: ID!
notificationId: ID
input SocialMicroblogOptionInput {
The Id of the poll option
id: ID
The position of the poll option, starting from 1
index: Int!
The title of the poll option
title: String
type SocialMicroblogPermissions {
delete: Boolean!
edit: Boolean!
Applies for microblogs and not for comments
favorite: Boolean!
forward: Boolean!
Applies for microblogs and not for comments
history: Boolean!
Applies only for comments
markAsBestAnswer: Boolean!
Applies for microblogs and not for comments
markAsImportant: Boolean!
moderate: Boolean!
Applies for microblogs and not for comments
pin: Boolean!
Applies only for comments
quote: Boolean!
Applies for microblogs and not for comments
subscribe: Boolean!
Applies for microblogs and not for comments
vote: Boolean!
input SocialMicroblogPinInput {
The id of microblog to be pinned
id: ID!
Override existing pinned microblog
override: Boolean!
type SocialMicroblogPinOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
input SocialMicroblogRemoveEmotionInput {
The id of the microblog
id: ID!
type SocialMicroblogRemoveEmotionOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
type SocialMicroblogSettings {
timelineOrder: TimelineOrder!
enum SocialMicroblogsScope {
Microblogs in groups with Read rights (all open groups and all closed which the user is member of)
Important microblogs; Microblogs in which the current user is mentioned;Any microblogs which were created by the current user
Microblogs in Default groups; Microblogs in which a default group is mentioned and posted in a group with Read rights(all open groups and all closed which the user is member of); Microblogs created by users which the user follows and posted in a group with Read rights(all open groups and all closed which the user is member of)Any microblogs which were created by the current user
Important microblogs
Microblogs in all groups the user is member of
First query with all facets that are needed with empty list of selected values. After that query with the ids of the selected values.
input SocialMicroblogsSearchFacetInput {
facet: SocialMicroblogFacetType!
Ids of selected values
values: [String]
enum SocialMicroblogStatus {
enum SocialMicroblogsType {
Birthday, Welcome, Anniversary or Achievement microblogs
input SocialMicroblogSubscribeInput {
The id of microblog for which the current user wants to receive notifications
id: ID!
type SocialMicroblogSubscribeOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
input SocialMicroblogsUpdatesInput {
The list of microblog ids that should be checked for updates
microblogIds: [ID!]!
The update cursor of provided microblog ids
updateCursor: Cursor!
input SocialMicroblogTokenInput {
The text of the microblog element(token). It's applied only for elements of Type: Text, Link, Tag(if tag does not exist yet)
content: String
The display name of the microblog element(token). It's applied only for elements of Type: Link
displayName: String
Describes if the token type is opening or closing markup element. It's applied only for elements of Type: MarkupBold, MarkupItalic, MarkupUnderline, MarkupStrike, MarkupList, MarkupListItem
isOpenMarkupElement: Boolean
The NodeId of the microblog element(token). It should be null only for elements of Type: Text, Link, Tag(if tag does not exist yet)
nodeId: ID
The type of the microblog element(token)
type: TokenType!
These are the different types of microblogs supported by Social
enum SocialMicroblogType {
Special achievement that stands out
Microblog post about marking a specific anniversary of a person, i. e. being an employee for a number of years in the company
Can be any type of informative post to announce some news to a big group of people
Birthday post to celebrate the birthday of a person
This type is used for Page, Document and other external content that might have discussion under it
Microblog with a poll for voting. Multiple predefined options can be provided to choose from
Microblog of type question. Owner can choose the best answer from provided replies
Default microblog post
A welcome post used for greeting new persons to the company/product
input SocialMicroblogUnmarkBestAnswerInput {
The id of the microblog which will be unmarked as best answer
id: ID!
type SocialMicroblogUnmarkBestAnswerOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
input SocialMicroblogUnmarkImportantInput {
The id of microblog to be unmarked as important
id: ID!
type SocialMicroblogUnmarkImportantOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
input SocialMicroblogUnpinInput {
The id of microblog to be unpin
id: ID!
type SocialMicroblogUnpinOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
input SocialMicroblogUnsubscribeInput {
The id of microblog for which the current user wants to stop receiving notifications
id: ID!
type SocialMicroblogUnsubscribeOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
input SocialMicroblogUpdateInput {
Microblog of type Achievement
achievement: SocialAchievementUpdateInput
Microblog of type Anniversary
anniversary: SocialAnniversaryMicroblogUpdateInput
Microblog of type Announcement
announcement: SocialAnnouncementUpdateInput
Microblog of type Birthday
birthday: SocialBirthdayMicroblogUpdateInput
Microblog of type Poll
poll: SocialPollUpdateInput
Microblog of type Remark
post: SocialPostUpdateInput
Microblog of type Question
question: SocialQuestionUpdateInput
Microblog of type Welcome
welcome: SocialWelcomeMicroblogUpdateInput
type SocialMicroblogUpdateOutput {
result: Microblog
userErrors: [UserError]
type SocialMicroblogUpdates {
updateCursor: Cursor!
updatedMicroblogs: [Microblog]!
input SocialMicroblogVoteInput {
The id of the microblog
id: ID!
The option id
optionId: ID!
type SocialMicroblogVoteOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
type SocialModule {
isEnabled: Boolean!
name: SocialModulesTypes!
enum SocialModuleAvailability {
Module is disabled
Module is available
Module is available, but disabled for new teams by default
enum SocialModuleAvailabilityInput {
Module is disabled
Module is available
Module is available, but disabled for new teams by default
input SocialModulesSettingsInput {
Availability setting of the Calendar module
calendar: SocialModuleAvailabilityInput!
Availability setting of the Direct Message module. Does not support 'EnabledDisabledByDefault'
chat: SocialModuleAvailabilityInput!
Availability setting of the Documents module
documents: SocialModuleAvailabilityInput!
Availability setting of the Pages module
pages: SocialModuleAvailabilityInput!
Modules used within Social on a global tenant level
enum SocialModulesTypes {
Access to calendar events within Embrace's team module
Access to Social's chat module
Access to files within Embrace or Microsoft 365
Pages, now controlled by Content Provider
type SocialNotification {
The type of the action which triggered the notification
activityType: SocialNotificationActivityType!
date: DateTime!
The group where the notification was triggered
group: SocialGroup
id: ID!
isRead: Boolean!
The notification message
message: Message
The person who triggered the notification
sender: SocialPerson
Notification subject's data. If the notification is related to a group, SocialGroupNotificationData will be returned (with Group:Id)
subjectData: ISocialNotificationSubjectData
enum SocialNotificationActivityType {
Calendar event was added, updated or removed, a user has joined, participants limit is reached or a new spot is opened
User has accepted a calendar event invitation
User has declined a calendar event invitation
Maximum attendees count is reached
Microblog comment is moderated
Document comment is moderated
An export operation has failed
An export operation has finished
External content's comment is moderated
New comment on a microblog from a user followed by current user
New comment on a document from a user followed by current user
New comment on an external content from a user followed by current user
New microblog from a user followed by current user
New comment on a microblog discussion followed by current user
New comment on a document discussion followed by current user
New comment on an external content's discussion followed by current user
User has activated a group
User has archived a group
Group is automatically archived due to inactivity
User has accepted a group invitation
User has declined a group invitation
User is removed by group/user import or sync
User has left a group
User is removed by group manager
Group membership request is accepted by group manager
Group membership request is cancelled by current user
Group membership request is rejected by group manager
User is automatically demoted from leader to member
User is automatically promoted from member to leader
User is demoted from leader to member
User is promoted from member to leader
An import operation has failed
An import operation has finished
New microblog comment related to current user - e.g. common group mention
New document comment related to current user - e.g. common group mention
New external content's comment related to current user - e.g. common group mention
New microblog related to current user - e.g. common group mention
Unexpected activity type. Please contact Embrace dev team
Microblog comment mentioning current user
Document comment mentioning current user
External content's comment mentioning current user
Microblog mentioning current user
A poll that the user created, has expired
Microblog is moderated
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type SocialNotificationConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [SocialNotificationEdge]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [SocialNotification]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
type SocialNotificationCounters {
Count of pending calendar event invitations
pendingCalendarEventInvitations: Int!
Count of pending group invitations
pendingGroupInvitations: Int!
Sum of all pending invitations (Group invites + calendar event invites)
pendingInvitations: Int!
Sum of the number of unread notifications and the number of pending invitations
totalCount: Int!
Sum of the number of new notifications and the number of new invitations
totalNewCount: Int!
Count of unread notifications
unreadNotifications: Int!
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type SocialNotificationEdge {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: SocialNotification
enum SocialNotificationFilter {
type SocialNotificationLinkBase implements ISocialNotificationLink {
linkType: SocialNotificationLinkType!
Describes where the notification links will lead up to
enum SocialNotificationLinkType {
Notification link leading to various possible actions related to the user's account
Notification link leading to a specific calendar event
Notification link leading to a chat message
Notification link leading to a management dashboard event
Notification link leading to a group
Notification link leading to a specific microblog
type SocialNotificationMarkAllReadOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
input SocialNotificationMarkReadInput {
The id of the notification which will be marked as read
id: ID!
type SocialNotificationMarkReadOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
input SocialNotificationMarkUnreadInput {
The id of the notification which will be marked as unread
id: ID!
type SocialNotificationMarkUnreadOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
type SocialNotificationResetNewCountOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
type SocialNotificationSetting {
displayName: String!
enabled: Boolean!
id: ID!
type SocialNotificationSettings {
displayHeader: String
emailNotifications: [SocialNotificationSetting]!
pushNotifications: [SocialNotificationSetting]!
input SocialNotificationSettingsUpdateInput {
Email notification settings to be updated
emailNotifications: [SocialNotificationSettingUpdateInput]
Push notification settings to be updated
pushNotifications: [SocialNotificationSettingUpdateInput]
type SocialNotificationSettingsUpdateOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
input SocialNotificationSettingUpdateInput {
The state of the notification setting
enabled: Boolean!
The id of the notification setting
id: ID!
type SocialOAuthToken {
Displayname of external user account that is used when connected.
connectedUser: String
Url to retrieve a token. This url should be opened in a popup window. When the process completes the new window will automatically be closed. After that the tokens can be queried again to see if the process is completed successfully.
connectUrl: String
Indicates if a token is present. If not then the user can retrieve a token the with specified url.
isConnected: Boolean!
Application this token is from
type: SocialOAuthTokenType!
oAuth token
input SocialOAuthTokenDeleteInput {
Type to delete OAuth token from.
type: SocialOAuthTokenType!
type SocialOAuthTokenDeleteOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
enum SocialOAuthTokenType {
type SocialOEmbedHtml {
html: String
OEmbed info for a url
type SocialOEmbedInfo {
The body text of an article
description: String
The domain of the provided link
domain: String
Link to the thumbnail image
image: String
The url provided from input, for mapping purposes
mappingUrl: String
Shows the type of previewer used for the provided link. Vimeo, YouTube, MP4, Microsoft-Stream
previewer: PreviewType!
The main title of the article or the video
title: String
Link to the original source
url: String!
Link to the video
videoUrl: String
type SocialOffice365Agenda implements ISocialOffice365EventBase {
The collection of attachments for the event
attachments: [SocialOffice365AgendaAttachment]
The collection of attendees for the event
attendees: [SocialOffice365AgendaAttendee]
The body content of the message associated with the event in text format
bodyContent: String
The collection of event categories
categories: [String]
Shows whether the agenda is set for the whole day
dayEvent: Boolean!
Date with hours and minutes until the agenda is finished (UTC). Not implemented as expected at the moment, as reoccuring appointments do not have until date
end: DateTime
True if the event has attachments.
hasAttachments: Boolean!
The id of the event
id: String
The importance of the event
importance: SocialOffice365Importance!
The location of the event
location: String
The external link that launches the online meeting. This is a URL that clients will launch into a browser and will redirect the user to join the meeting
meetingJoinUrl: String
The email address of the organizer
meetingOrganizerEmail: String
The name address of the organizer
meetingOrganizerName: String
The response status
responseStatus: SocialOffice365AgendaResponseStatus!
Date with hours and minutes on which the agenda will start (UTC)
start: DateTime
The title of the event
title: String
The URL to open the event in Outlook on the web.
webLink: String
type SocialOffice365AgendaAttachment {
The MIME type
contentType: String
The last time the attachment has been modified (UTC)
lastModifiedDateTime: DateTime!
The name of the attachment
name: String
The length of the attachment in bytes
size: Int!
type SocialOffice365AgendaAttendee {
The e-mail address of the attendee
email: String
The name of the attendee
name: String
The attendee response status
responseStatus: SocialOffice365AgendaResponseStatus!
The attendee type
type: SocialOffice365AgendaAttendeeType!
enum SocialOffice365AgendaAttendeeType {
enum SocialOffice365AgendaResponseStatus {
type SocialOffice365Channel {
Optional description of the channel
description: String
The id of the channel
id: ID!
The name of the channel
name: String
Url which can be used to open the channel
url: String
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type SocialOffice365ChannelConnectionWithConnectedApplicationStatus implements ISocialConnectedApplicationStatus {
The status of the connection where this query type depends on.
connectedApplicationStatus: SocialConnectedApplicationStatus!
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [SocialOffice365ChannelEdge]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [SocialOffice365Channel]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type SocialOffice365ChannelEdge {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: SocialOffice365Channel
type SocialOffice365Emails {
Time when email has been received (UTC)
dateTimeReceived: DateTime
Short preview of the email's content
emailPreview: String
Flag might has different status (NotFlagged, Complete, Flagged and Start, Complete and Due dates (UTC)
followupFlag: SocialFollowupFlag
If the email has attachments
hasAttachments: Boolean!
The id of the email
id: String
The importance of the email
importance: SocialOffice365Importance!
If the email marked is read
isRead: Boolean!
Email sender name
sender: String
Email's subject
subject: String
The URL to open the event in Outlook on the web.
webLink: String
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type SocialOffice365EmailsConnectionWithConnectedApplicationStatus implements ISocialConnectedApplicationStatus {
The status of the connection where this query type depends on.
connectedApplicationStatus: SocialConnectedApplicationStatus!
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [SocialOffice365EmailsEdge]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [SocialOffice365Emails]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type SocialOffice365EmailsEdge {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: SocialOffice365Emails
type SocialOffice365EventWithConnectedStatus {
connectedApplicationStatus: SocialConnectedApplicationStatus!
office365Event: SocialOffice365Agenda
enum SocialOffice365Importance {
type SocialOffice365Team implements ISocialNode {
Optional description of the team
description: String
The id of the team
id: ID!
The name of the team
name: String
Office 365 channels of a particular office 365 team
after: Cursor
first: Int
): SocialOffice365ChannelConnectionWithConnectedApplicationStatus!
Url which can be used to open the team
url: String
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type SocialOffice365TeamConnectionWithConnectedApplicationStatus implements ISocialConnectedApplicationStatus {
The status of the connection where this query type depends on.
connectedApplicationStatus: SocialConnectedApplicationStatus!
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [SocialOffice365TeamEdge]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [SocialOffice365Team]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type SocialOffice365TeamEdge {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: SocialOffice365Team
Create online document
input SocialOfficeOnlineDocumentCreateInput {
Type of the file
documentType: MicrosoftOffice365Apps!
Name of the file
filename: String!
Id of the group in which the file should be created. If the value for GroupId is NULL, the file will be created in user's personal documents.
groupId: ID
Relative path in which the file should be created
path: String!
If uploading a personal file, this is the storage to be upload to
personalStorage: SocialPersonalFileStorage
type SocialOfficeOnlineDocumentCreateOutput {
result: FileSystemEntry
userErrors: [UserError]
Create a new empty office online file
input SocialOfficeOnlineFileCreateInput {
Type of the file
documentType: MicrosoftOffice365Apps!
Name of the file
filename: String!
Id of the group in which the file should be created. If the value for GroupId is NULL, the file will be created in user's personal documents.
groupId: ID
Relative path in which the file should be created
path: String!
If uploading a personal file, this is the storage to be upload to
personalStorage: SocialPersonalFileStorage
type SocialOfficeOnlineFileCreateOutput {
result: SocialFileUnion
userErrors: [UserError]
A folder or file. If it is a folder then it can contain other folders or files
type SocialOneDriveFile implements ISocialNode {
Connection of the folder's OneDrive files. Returns up to 100 files and supports forward paging
children(after: Cursor, first: Int!): SocialOneDriveFileConnection!
When the file or folder is created (UTC)
created: DateTime!
The person that initially created the folder or file. Remark: can be null!
createdBy: SocialPerson
Matadata of the document, previews and actions urls
documentPreviewMetadata: PreviewMetaData
Url that forces a download. Only available for files, not folders. This is a security sensitive personal url and has a limited lifetime. Therefore it will only be set when retrieved through a node query
downloadUrl: String
Url that can be used to edit a file in a local applicaton (for example in Office). Only available for files, not folders. This is a security sensitive personal url. Therefore it will only be set when retrieved through a node query. To open the file with for example local installed Word there needs to be some special handling in JavaScript. See for more info or contact the Social product team for an working example TypeScript file.
editUrl: String
If the item is a folder or file
fileSystemType: FileSystemType!
history(after: Cursor, first: Int!): SocialOneDriveFileConnection!
id: ID!
Flag whether the current user has marked this file as favorite
isFavorite: Boolean!
When the file or folder is last modified (UTC)
modified: DateTime
The person that did the last changes on the folder or file. Remark: can be null!
modifiedBy: SocialPerson
Name of the file or folder
name: String!
Url that opens a Microsoft Office file in Office Online so that it can be edited in the browser (should be opened in new browser tab).
officeOnlineUrl: String
Url that navigates to the original document location in OneDrive
originalLocation: String
The Owner of the file. It returns SocialGroup if the file is a group file
owner: ISocialDocumentOwner
Relative path in document module. It is relative to the root of the group or user his documents.
path: String
File permissions of the current user
permissions: SocialFilePermissions!
Size of file in bytes
size: Int!
Version label if the item can have history. To be used when willing to query a specific file version
version: String
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type SocialOneDriveFileConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [SocialOneDriveFileEdge]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [SocialOneDriveFile]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type SocialOneDriveFileEdge {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: SocialOneDriveFile
User's online status
enum SocialOnlineStatusType {
User has not been active recently in the Suite
User is busy
User is offline
User was recently active in the Suite
enum SocialOutOfOfficeScope {
The scope is not allowed for external users and is the default for internal users
The scope is default for external users
All fields must be present in the mutation. Their values can be null.
input SocialOutOfOfficeUpdateInput {
Additional message from the user. The field should be present in the mutation
additionalExplanation: String
End date of the absence. The field should be present in the mutation (UTC)
endDate: DateTime
When enabled email and push notifications are suppressed. The feature is only allowed if out of office is enabled. The field should be present in the mutation
isDoNotDisturbToggleEnabled: Boolean!
Determines if toggle is enabled. The field should be present in the mutation
isOutOfOfficeToggleEnabled: Boolean!
Start date of the absence. The field should be present in the mutation (UTC)
startDate: DateTime
Array with substitutes colleagues. The field should be present in the mutation
substitutes: [ID!]
type SocialOutOfOfficeUpdateOutput {
result: OutOfOffice
userErrors: [UserError]
type SocialPerson implements ISocialNode & IFacetNode & ISocialSuggest & ISocialDocumentOwner {
Shows the user's current status in various plugins and applications. Can only be accessed through the Social Node query
applicationStatuses: [SocialApplicationStatus]
Returns url to the person's avatar
avatar: SocialAvatar
career: Career
Contact details
contactDetails: SocialContactDetails
content: String
Custom person fields
where: SocialPersonCustomFieldsInput
): [SocialProfileCustomFieldUnion]
When the user was created (UTC)
dateCreated: DateTime
When the user was modified (UTC)
dateModified: DateTime
Date of Birth. Can have partially hidden data depending on the privacy settings
dateOfBirth: SocialDateOfBirthSocialProfileField
departments: StringIEnumerableSocialProfileField
documents(where: WhereSocialDocumentsInput): FileSystemEntry
@deprecated(reason: "Please use Files | 20240221")
Employees that the current person is a manager of
employees(after: Cursor, first: Int): SocialPersonConnection!
Date since the employee first became part of the company
employeeSince: DateTimeSocialProfileField
externalId: String
reason: "Please use IdentityId, or better Identity2Account.Id | 20240115"
Personal Embrace files
files(where: WhereSocialPersonalFilesInput): SocialEmbraceFile
First name
firstName: StringSocialProfileField
A connection of persons which follow this person. If the current user does not have access(is a guest) a default value is returned
where: WherePersonFollowersInput
after: Cursor
first: Int
): SocialPersonConnection!
A connection of persons which this person is following. If the current user does not have access(is a guest) a default value is returned
where: WherePersonFollowingInput
after: Cursor
first: Int
): SocialPersonConnection!
Full name
fullName: StringSocialProfileField
Groups that the person is a member of
where: WhereGroupsInput
orderBy: OrderGroupsInput
after: Cursor
first: Int
): SocialGroupConnection!
id: ID!
identityId: ID!
If this person is followed by the current user. If the current user does not have access(is a guest) a default value is returned
isFollowedByMe: Boolean!
Job title/function
jobTitle: StringSocialProfileField
Knowledge and competences
knowledgeAndCompetences: StringIEnumerableSocialProfileField
Last name
lastName: StringSocialProfileField
Manager of the person
manager: SocialPersonSocialProfileField
Middle name
middleName: StringSocialProfileField
Get an Office 365 event by providing the event id
input: WhereEventInput!
): SocialOffice365EventWithConnectedStatus
Shows the user's Office 365 calendar, when the requesting user does not have permission to view the calendar the Office 365 availability is returned. Filtered by start and end date.
where: WhereCalendarEventInput!
after: Cursor
first: Int
): ISocialOffice365EventBaseConnectionWithConnectedApplicationStatus!
Gets the online status of the current user in the Suite
onlineStatus: SocialPersonOnlineStatus
organization: StringSocialProfileField
Details whether the person is currently out of office
outOfOffice: OutOfOfficeSocialProfileField
permissions: SocialPersonPermissions!
Person state
state: SocialPersonState!
summary: StringSocialProfileField
Supported token types
supportedTokenTypes: [TokenType!]
Microblogs posted by the person
timeline(after: Cursor, first: Int): MicroblogConnection!
Person type
type: SocialPersonType!
Working hours
workingHours: WorkingHourListSocialProfileField
type SocialPersonActivityUpdateOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
enum SocialPersonalFileStorage {
Social person settings update
input SocialPersonAvailabilitySettingUpdateInput {
Manually sets the user's status
availabilityStatus: SocialAvailabilityStatus!
type SocialPersonAvailabilitySettingUpdateOutput {
result: SocialAvailabilitySetting
userErrors: [UserError]
Social person deactivation input
input SocialPersonConfirmDeactivationInput {
The token that is needed to deactivate the account. The user should receive this token in the deactivation confirmation email.
deactivationToken: String!
type SocialPersonConfirmDeactivationOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type SocialPersonConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [SocialPersonEdge]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [SocialPerson]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
Contact information update
input SocialPersonContactInformationUpdateInput {
Custom fields of the person to be updated. These should be the custom fields for that specific section only - contact information
customFields: [SocialCustomFieldInput]!
Email address in the format
email: String!
Phone numbers
phoneNumbers: [SocialPhoneNumberUpdateInput]!
type SocialPersonContactInformationUpdateOutput {
result: SocialPerson
userErrors: [UserError]
Custom fields input
input SocialPersonCustomFieldsInput {
An array of the sections from which custom fields should be returned
fromSections: [SocialProfileSectionType!]
An array of the custom field types which should be returned
types: [SocialProfileCustomFieldType!]
type SocialPersonDeactivateOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type SocialPersonEdge {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: SocialPerson
type SocialPersonFacet {
facet: SocialPersonFacetType!
values: [FacetValue]
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type SocialPersonFacetConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [SocialPersonEdge]
facets: [SocialPersonFacet]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [SocialPerson]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
Social person facet
input SocialPersonFacetInput {
facet: SocialPersonFacetType!
Ids of selected values
values: [String]
enum SocialPersonFacetType {
Department of person
Groups the person is a member of
JobTitle of person
Organization of person
If the person is guest or normal user
WorkLocation of person
Social person follow input
input SocialPersonFollowInput {
Id of the person that the current user wants to follow
id: ID!
type SocialPersonFollowOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
General settings
input SocialPersonGeneralSettingsInput {
Choose the accessibility type. Provide None or leave empty if it doesn't need to be applied
accessibilitySettings: SocialAccessibilitySettingType
Determines the animations to be used in the application.
animationSettings: SocialAnimationSettings
The language code to switch to, e.g. nl, en, etc.
code: SocialLanguageCode
Selects which theme to use in the application. Currently supported are Default and High Contrast
theme: SocialInterfaceTheme
type SocialPersonGeneralSettingsOutput {
result: GeneralSettings
userErrors: [UserError]
type SocialPersonGroupPermissions {
The user's group permissions for Embrace groups
embrace: [SocialGroupPermissionType!]
The user's group permissions for Office365 groups
office365: [SocialGroupPermissionType!]
Invite social person input
input SocialPersonInviteInput {
Specifies if the user should be created as a guest user
asGuest: Boolean!
E-mail address
email: String!
First name
firstName: String!
language: SocialLanguageCode
Last name
lastName: String!
Middle name
middleName: String
Organization where the person belongs to
organization: String
type SocialPersonInviteOutput {
result: SocialPerson
userErrors: [UserError]
Update person's knowledge and competences
input SocialPersonKnowledgeAndCompetencesUpdateInput {
A list of all user skills
knowledgeAndCompetences: [String]!
type SocialPersonKnowledgeAndCompetencesUpdateOutput {
result: [String]
userErrors: [UserError]
type SocialPersonOnboardingCompleteOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
type SocialPersonOnlineStatus {
The status of the person
value: SocialOnlineStatusType!
type SocialPersonPermissions {
If the current user can call this user. It's false when the user is archived or removed.
call: Boolean!
Permission for Embrace personal documents
documents: SocialDocumentModulePermissions
@deprecated(reason: "Please use EmbraceFiles | 20240208")
If the current user can email this user. It's false when the user is archived or removed.
email: Boolean!
Permission for Embrace personal documents
embraceFiles: SocialDocumentModulePermissions
If the current user can follow/unfollow this person
follow: Boolean!
Permission for OneDrive personal documents
oneDriveFiles: SocialDocumentModulePermissions
reason: "Please use Identity2Account.Social.Permissions or SocialMe.Permissions.OneDriveFiles | 20240318"
If the current user can see who follows this person
viewFollowers: Boolean!
If the current user can see who is followed by this person
viewFollowing: Boolean!
If the current user can see the groups this person is member of
viewGroupMembership: Boolean!
Update person personal information
input SocialPersonPersonalInformationUpdateInput {
Custom fields of the person to be updated. These should be the custom fields for that specific section only - personal information
customFields: [SocialCustomFieldInput]!
New date of birth of the person to be updated (UTC)
dateOfBirth: DateTime
New first name of the person to be updated
firstName: String!
New last name of the person to be updated
lastName: String!
New middle name of the person to be updated
middleName: String!
New short summary of the person to be updated
summary: String!
type SocialPersonPersonalInformationUpdateOutput {
result: SocialPerson
userErrors: [UserError]
type SocialPersonProfileEdit {
Determines if current user can add manager when editing his profile
addManager: Boolean!
Social person privacy section
input SocialPersonProfilePrivacyInput {
All profile sections with their settings
sectionsSettings: [SocialProfilePrivacySectionSettingInput]
type SocialPersonProfilePrivacyUpdateOutput {
result: SocialProfilePrivacy
userErrors: [UserError]
enum SocialPersonProfileSections {
Social persons managements filters
input SocialPersonsManagementFiltersInput {
Include users with specific states in the result.
personStates: [SocialPersonState!]
type SocialPersonSocialProfileField {
state: SocialProfileFieldState!
value: SocialPerson
Sort social person options
enum SocialPersonSortOrder {
Sort by full name
Sort by job title
Sort by last login
Sort by new user
Sort by ranking
enum SocialPersonsScope {
enum SocialPersonState {
Update timeline order
input SocialPersonTimelineOrderUpdateInput {
The default order of the any Timeline for the current user
orderType: TimelineOrder!
type SocialPersonTimelineOrderUpdateOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
Marks the person's account type
enum SocialPersonType {
Default user
Guest user with limited rights
Unfollow social person
input SocialPersonUnfollowInput {
Id of the person that the current user wants to unfollow
id: ID!
type SocialPersonUnfollowOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
Update person work information
input SocialPersonWorkInformationUpdateInput {
Custom fields of the person to be updated. These should be the custom fields for that specific section only - work information
customFields: [SocialCustomFieldInput]!
Update the list of the deparments where the person belongs to
departments: [String]!
New date of the employment date (UTC)
employeeSince: DateTime
New job title of the person to be updated
jobTitle: String!
If a person has a manager, this will be the manager's Id
managerId: ID
New person organization
organization: String!
New address data, such as city, street, country code, etc.
workLocation: SocialAddressUpdateInput!
type SocialPersonWorkInformationUpdateOutput {
result: SocialPerson
userErrors: [UserError]
union SocialPhonebookUnion = SocialPerson | SocialContact
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type SocialPhonebookUnionConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [SocialPhonebookUnionEdge]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [SocialPhonebookUnion]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type SocialPhonebookUnionEdge {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: SocialPhonebookUnion
type SocialPhoneNumber {
number: String!
type: SocialPhoneNumberType!
type SocialPhoneNumberSocialProfileField {
state: SocialProfileFieldState!
value: SocialPhoneNumber
Type of phone number provided
enum SocialPhoneNumberType {
Residential contact number
Cellular contact number for direct communication
Professional contact number for business hours
Social phone number update
input SocialPhoneNumberUpdateInput {
The phone number itself
number: String!
The type of phone number to be updated
type: SocialPhoneNumberType!
input SocialPollCreateInput {
Ids of the documents which will be attached to the microblog
attachments: [ID!]
When the voting for the poll expires
expiration: DateTime
The id of a microblog that is being forwarded
forwardedId: ID
The id of the group in which the post/comment will be created
groupId: ID
Specifies if the poll should be marked as important
isImportant: Boolean
List of poll options. The maximum number is 25.
options: [String]!
Preview urls for microblog links
previewUrls: [String]
Ids of nodes to share
sharedContent: [ID!]
The title of the poll. The maximum character count is 200
title: String!
The text of the post/comment split into parts
tokens: [SocialMicroblogTokenInput]!
input SocialPollUpdateInput {
Ids of the documents which will be attached to the microblog
attachments: [ID!]!
When the voting for the poll expires
expiration: DateTime
The id of a microblog that is being forwarded. When null is being provided the forwarded microblog will not be forwarded anymore.
forwardedId: ID
The id of the microblog
id: ID!
Specifies if the poll should be marked as important
isImportant: Boolean
List of poll options. Only valid for type Poll. The maximum number is 25.
options: [SocialMicroblogOptionInput]!
Preview urls for microblog links
previewUrls: [String]
Ids of nodes to share
sharedContent: [ID!]
The title of the poll. The maximum character count is 200
title: String!
The text of the post/comment split into parts
tokens: [SocialMicroblogTokenInput]!
input SocialPostCreateInput {
Ids of the documents which will be attached to the microblog
attachments: [ID!]
The id of a microblog that is being forwarded
forwardedId: ID
The id of the group in which the post/comment will be created
groupId: ID
Specifies if the post should be marked as important
isImportant: Boolean
The id of the parent post to which the comment will be added
parentId: ID
Preview urls for microblog links
previewUrls: [String]
The id of a comment that is being quoted
quotedId: ID
Ids of nodes to share
sharedContent: [ID!]
The text of the post/comment split into parts
tokens: [SocialMicroblogTokenInput]!
input SocialPostUpdateInput {
Ids of the documents which will be attached to the microblog
attachments: [ID!]!
The id of a microblog that is being forwarded. When null is being provided the forwarded microblog will not be forwarded anymore.
forwardedId: ID
The id of the microblog
id: ID!
Specifies if the post should be marked as important
isImportant: Boolean
Preview urls for microblog links
previewUrls: [String]
The id of a comment that is being quoted. When null is being provided the quoted microblog will not be quoted anymore.
quotedId: ID
Ids of nodes to share
sharedContent: [ID!]
The text of the post/comment split into parts
tokens: [SocialMicroblogTokenInput]!
type SocialPredefinedProfileFieldSettings {
The type of the predefined field. Each field has a unique type.
fieldType: SocialProfileFieldType!
Is the field enabled.
isEnabled: Boolean!
Is the field included in profile completeness.
isIncludedInProfileCompleteness: Boolean!
Is the field marked as read-only.
isReadOnly: Boolean!
The section of the field.
sectionType: SocialProfileSectionType!
Social preview document
type SocialPreviewDocument {
Source of the preview document
previewSource: SocialPreviewSource
Social preview document URL
url: String
type SocialPreviewImage {
Source of the preview URL
previewSource: SocialPreviewSource!
The preview url can return a http status code to indicate issues. Please handle these codes: 403: user doesn't have access to the file (anymore), 404: the file for which the preview is doesn't exists anymore, 415: we could not generate a preview for this file
url: String
Social preview source
enum SocialPreviewSource {
Embrace preview source
Office365 preview source
type SocialPrivacyPolicy {
Language code
language: SocialLanguageCode!
Privacy policy text
text: String
input SocialPrivacyPolicyInput {
Language code
language: SocialLanguageCode!
Privacy policy text
text: String
enum SocialPrivateGroupMembershipSetting {
enum SocialProfileCustomFieldType {
union SocialProfileCustomFieldUnion =
| SocialProfileCustomMultiField
type SocialProfileCustomMultiField {
fieldType: SocialProfileCustomFieldType!
internalName: String
label: String
position: Int!
sectionType: SocialProfileSectionType!
state: SocialProfileFieldState!
The field has value only for custom fields of type tags. Its purpose is to group the tags of each custom tags field
tagsGroup: Int
value: [String]
type SocialProfileCustomSingleField {
fieldType: SocialProfileCustomFieldType!
internalName: String
label: String
position: Int!
sectionType: SocialProfileSectionType!
state: SocialProfileFieldState!
value: String
enum SocialProfileFieldState {
enum SocialProfileFieldType {
type SocialProfilePrivacy {
The privacy settings for current user's profile sections
profilePrivacySettings: [SocialProfilePrivacySectionSetting!]!
type SocialProfilePrivacySectionSetting {
section: SocialPersonProfileSections!
setting: SocialProfilePrivacySettingType!
Person profile privacy settings
input SocialProfilePrivacySectionSettingInput {
The section
section: SocialPersonProfileSections!
The section setting
setting: SocialProfilePrivacySettingType!
enum SocialProfilePrivacySettingType {
enum SocialProfileSectionType {
enum SocialPublicGroupMembershipSetting {
input SocialPushNotificationSettingsInput {
The user will receive a push notification after received a chat message
chatMessage: Boolean!
The user will receive a push notification for a mention of a group he is member of
groupMention: Boolean!
The user will receive a push notification for a new comment in a discussion in which he partakes
newComment: Boolean!
The user will receive a push notification when he is mentioned
personMention: Boolean!
type SocialPushToken {
Description of token so that the enduser can recognize it.
description: String!
token: String!
type: SocialPushTokenType!
Social push token delete
input SocialPushTokenDeleteInput {
Token to delete.
token: String!
If the token is from Android or iOS
type: SocialPushTokenType!
type SocialPushTokenDeleteOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
type SocialPushTokens {
All push tokens that the user has registered
tokens: [SocialPushToken]!
Social push token type
enum SocialPushTokenType {
For iOS
For Android
Social push token update
input SocialPushTokenUpdateInput {
Description of token so that the enduser can recognize it.
description: String!
Token to add or update.
token: String!
If the token is from Android or iOS
type: SocialPushTokenType!
type SocialPushTokenUpdateOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
input SocialQuestionCreateInput {
Ids of the documents which will be attached to the microblog
attachments: [ID!]
The id of a microblog that is being forwarded
forwardedId: ID
The id of the group in which the post/comment will be created
groupId: ID
Specifies if the question should be marked as important
isImportant: Boolean
Preview urls for microblog links
previewUrls: [String]
Ids of nodes to share
sharedContent: [ID!]
The title of the question. The maximum character count is 200
title: String!
The text of the post/comment split into parts
tokens: [SocialMicroblogTokenInput]!
input SocialQuestionUpdateInput {
Ids of the documents which will be attached to the microblog
attachments: [ID!]!
The id of a microblog that is being forwarded. When null is being provided the forwarded microblog will not be forwarded anymore.
forwardedId: ID
The id of the microblog
id: ID!
Specifies if the question should be marked as important
isImportant: Boolean
Preview urls for microblog links
previewUrls: [String]
Ids of nodes to share
sharedContent: [ID!]
The title of the question. The maximum character count is 200
title: String!
The text of the post/comment split into parts
tokens: [SocialMicroblogTokenInput]!
type SocialQuotedComment {
The comment that is being quoted. It's null if deleted.
comment: Microblog
True when the quoted comment has been deleted.
isDeleted: Boolean!
type SocialRecentTag implements ISocialSuggest {
content: String
id: ID!
name: String
supportedTokenTypes: [TokenType!]
How many times the tag has been used in the past week
tagCount: Int!
enum SocialRecycleBin {
Clean recycle bin
input SocialRecycleBinCleanInput {
Id of the group which recycle bin to clean or null for personal documents recycle bin
groupId: ID
type SocialRecycleBinCleanOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
type SocialRemoteGroup {
description: String
id: ID!
name: String
title: String
type: SocialGroupType!
input SocialRemoteGroupConnectInput {
External Id
id: ID!
type SocialRemoteGroupConnectOutput {
result: SocialGroup
userErrors: [UserError]
Request download
input SocialRequestDownloadInput {
Ids of the documents to be downloaded
documentIds: [ID!]!
Optional name of the .zip file. Default is
fileName: String
type SocialRequestDownloadOutput {
result: MultipleFilesDownloadResult
userErrors: [UserError]
enum SocialResourceType {
type SocialRssChannelInfo {
RSS feed image/logo
image: String
RSS feed name
title: String
RSS feed url
url: String
type SocialRssElementExtension {
Name of additional data
name: String
Namespace of additional data
namespace: String
Value of additional data
value: String
type SocialRssFeedItem {
Channel info
channelInfo: SocialRssChannelInfo
Description of feed item
description: String
Additional values
extensions: [SocialRssElementExtension]
Source URL to feed item image, optional
image: String
Link to feed item page
link: String
DateTime when the feed item was published
publicationDateTime: DateTime!
Title of feed item
title: String
type SocialRssFeedsResult {
RSS feed content items
items: [SocialRssFeedItem]
type SocialSearchQuery {
If the required configuration is filled
isConfigured: Boolean!
Name of the query to be used
queryName: String
type: SocialSearchType!
Various search types supported within Social
enum SocialSearchType {
Search for items filled in the proposed search in Social Management
Search for files within Embrace
Search for groups within Embrace
Search for microblog posts within Embrace
Search for items within MyLEX
Search for files within Microsoft 365
Search for files within OneDrive
Search for items within the filled providers for OpenSearch
Search for persons within Embrace
Search for items within TOPDesk
Search for Zenya items
type SocialSetTagsOutput {
result: Boolean!
userErrors: [UserError]
Sorting direction for results
enum SocialSortDirection {
Results are sorted in ascending order.
Results are sorted in descending order.
enum SocialSuggestionType {
type SocialTag implements ISocialSuggest {
content: String
id: ID!
name: String
supportedTokenTypes: [TokenType!]
Category of the tag
enum SocialTagsType {
Tags used within the context of a file
Used to mark a person's knowledge and competences
Commonly used for microblogs
input SocialTimeDigestSettingsUpdateInput {
The hour when the digest emails should be sent
hour: Int!
The minute when the digest emails should be sent
minute: Int!
type SocialTimelineModulePermissions {
Checks whether adding of attachments are allowed, only members of a group can add attachments
addAttachments: Boolean!
create: Boolean!
view: Boolean!
enum SocialTodoImportance {
type SocialTodoList implements ISocialNode {
The name of the task list.
displayName: String
The identifier of the task list, unique in the user's mailbox
id: ID!
True if the user is owner of the given task list.
isOwner: Boolean!
True if the task list is shared with other users
isShared: Boolean!
The tasks in this task list.
tasks(after: Cursor, first: Int): SocialTodoTaskConnection
Property indicating the list name if the given list is a well-known list.
wellknownListName: SocialTodoWellknownListName
enum SocialTodoStatus {
type SocialTodoTask {
The task body that typically contains information about the task.
body: String
The date that the task is to be finished (UTC)
dueDateTime: DateTime
Unique identifier for the task. By default, this value changes when the item is moved from one list to another.
id: ID!
The importance of the task.
importance: SocialTodoImportance
Indicates the state or progress of the task.
status: SocialTodoStatus
A brief description of the task.
title: String
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type SocialTodoTaskConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [SocialTodoTaskEdge]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [SocialTodoTask]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type SocialTodoTaskEdge {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: SocialTodoTask
input SocialTodoTaskUpdateInput {
The id of the to-do list
listId: ID!
New status of the task to be updated
status: SocialTodoStatus!
The id of the to-do task
taskId: ID!
type SocialTodoTaskUpdateOutput {
result: SocialTodoTask
userErrors: [UserError]
enum SocialTodoWellknownListName {
type SocialTopDeskAvailability {
If the GraphQL query for TOPdesk incidents is available for the current user and this tenant
incidents: Boolean!
If the searchplugin for TOPdesk is available for the current user and this tenant
searchPlugin: Boolean!
input SocialWeeklyDigestSettingsUpdateInput {
The time at which the weekly digest emails should be sent
time: SocialTimeDigestSettingsUpdateInput!
The day of the week when the weekly digest emails should be sent
weekDay: DayOfWeek!
input SocialWelcomeMicroblogCreateInput {
Ids of the documents which will be attached to the microblog
attachments: [ID!]
The id of a microblog that is being forwarded
forwardedId: ID
The id of the group in which the post/comment will be created
groupId: ID
Preview urls for microblog links
previewUrls: [String]
Ids of nodes to share
sharedContent: [ID!]
The title of the welcome post. The maximum character count is 200
title: String!
The text of the post/comment split into parts
tokens: [SocialMicroblogTokenInput]!
input SocialWelcomeMicroblogUpdateInput {
Ids of the documents which will be attached to the microblog
attachments: [ID!]!
The id of a microblog that is being forwarded. When null is being provided the forwarded microblog will not be forwarded anymore.
forwardedId: ID
The id of the microblog
id: ID!
Preview urls for microblog links
previewUrls: [String]
Ids of nodes to share
sharedContent: [ID!]
The title of the welcome post. The maximum character count is 200
title: String!
The text of the post/comment split into parts
tokens: [SocialMicroblogTokenInput]!
Working hours description
input SocialWorkingHoursInput {
Day of the week: required
dayOfWeek: DayOfWeek!
description: String
Format: HH:mm
endTime: String!
Format: HH:mm
startTime: String!
Update working hours
input SocialWorkingHoursUpdateInput {
Working hours
workingHours: [SocialWorkingHoursInput]!
type SocialWorkingHoursUpdateOutput {
result: [WorkingHour]
userErrors: [UserError]
input StartSessionInput {
conversationId: ID!
type StartSessionResult {
session: ConversationSession
userErrors: [UserError]
type StepData {
fields: [FieldData!]!
id: String!
name: String!
tags: [String]!
type: String!
type StringIEnumerableSocialProfileField {
state: SocialProfileFieldState!
value: [String]
type StringSocialProfileField {
state: SocialProfileFieldState!
value: String
type SubChoice {
icon: String!
id: String!
title: [LocalizedString!]!
type SuggestAddress {
city: String
coordinate: Coordinate
highlight: String
houseNumber: Int
houseNumberSuffix: String
id: String!
score: Float!
street: String
zipCode: String
type SuggestResponse {
addresses: [SuggestAddress]!
spellcheck: [SuggestSpellcheckSuggestion]!
total: Int!
type SuggestSpellcheckSuggestion {
keyword: String!
suggestions: [String]!
type SynchronizedObject {
agentName: String
connectorName: String
entityId: ID!
entityType: String
externalId: String
systemName: String
type System {
facets: [Facet!]!
enum TaakStatus {
Scalar type that represents a collection of tags as json array with string entries
scalar TagsScalar
enum TagType {
input TagTypeContentWhereEnumFilter {
equals: TagType
in: [TagType!]
notEquals: TagType
notIn: [TagType!]
type TargetGroup implements INode {
criteria: [ITargetGroupCriterion!]!
id: ID!
name: String!
type TargetGroupDistrictCriterion implements INode & ITargetGroupCriterion {
district: District
id: ID!
targetGroup: TargetGroup!
type TargetGroupExpressionCriterion implements INode & ITargetGroupCriterion {
expression: String!
id: ID!
targetGroup: TargetGroup!
title: String!
type Task implements INode {
assignedTo: PersonOrFuncionGroupUnionResult
caseFlowStepTask: CaseFlowStepTask
completedBy: Person
completedOn: DateTime
complex: Complex
createdBy: Person
createdOn: DateTime!
deadline: DateTime!
description: String!
from: PersonOrFuncionGroupUnionResult
history(after: Cursor, first: Int = 10): ActivityConnection
id: ID!
lastModifiedBy: Person
lastModifiedOn: DateTime!
latestModifiedProperties: Json
linkedTasks: [Task]!
media: [IMedia!]!
pickedUpOn: DateTime
relatedPerson: IContact
selfServiceDetails: SelfServiceDetails
status: TaakStatus!
subject: String!
taskType: TaskType!
ticket: Ticket
unit: Unit
input TaskCompleteInput {
id: ID!
message: String
type TaskConnection {
edges: [TaskEdge]
items: [Task!]
pageInfo: PageInfo!
totalCount: Int
input TaskDeleteInput {
id: ID!
message: String
type TaskDeleteResult {
deletedTask: Task
input TaskDiscussInput {
id: ID!
message: String!
type TaskEdge {
cursor: Cursor!
node: Task!
input TaskLinkPersonInput {
contractId: ID
personId: ID!
taskId: ID!
input TaskPickUpInput {
id: ID!
input TaskRejectInput {
id: ID!
message: String!
input TasksCompleteByFunctionGroupsInput {
ids: [ID!]
includeFunctionGroupMembers: Boolean
input TasksCompleteByInput {
functionGroups: TasksCompleteByFunctionGroupsInput
persons: TasksCompleteByPersonsInput
input TasksCompleteByPersonsInput {
ids: [ID!]
includeFunctionGroups: Boolean
input TasksConfiguarationUpdateInput {
contentOwnerFunctionGroupId: ID
defaultDeadlineDayOffset: Int!
defaultDeadlineTime: TimeSpan!
defaultOwnerEmployeeId: ID
defaultOwnerFunctionGroupId: ID
sendEmailNotifications: Boolean!
type TasksConfiguration {
contentOwnerFunctionGroupId: ID
deadline: DateTime!
defaultDeadlineDayOffset: Int!
defaultDeadlineTime: TimeSpan!
defaultOwnerEmployeeId: ID
defaultOwnerFunctionGroupId: ID
sendEmailNotifications: Boolean!
input TasksCreatedByFunctionGroupsInput {
ids: [ID!]
input TasksCreatedByInput {
functionGroups: TasksCreatedByFunctionGroupsInput
persons: TasksCreatedByPersonsInput
input TasksCreatedByPersonsInput {
ids: [ID!]
enum TasksSortOrder {
type TaskType {
abbreviation: String!
calculatedDeadline: DateTime!
category: TaskTypeCategory!
isDefault: Boolean!
name: String!
enum TaskTypeCategory {
enum TaskTypeCategoryInput {
input TaskTypeConfigurationInput {
category: TaskTypeCategoryInput!
name: String!
input TaskTypeCreateInput {
abbreviation: String!
category: TaskTypeCategoryInput!
defaultDeadlineDayOffset: Int
defaultDeadlineTime: TimeSpan
isAvailableForTasks: Boolean!
name: String!
input TaskTypeInput {
abbreviation: String!
category: TaskTypeCategoryInput!
name: String!
input TaskTypeUpdateInput {
abbreviation: String!
category: TaskTypeCategoryInput!
defaultDeadlineDayOffset: Int
defaultDeadlineTime: TimeSpan
isAvailableForTasks: Boolean!
name: String!
type TaskTypeWithConfigurationOptions {
abbreviation: String!
category: TaskTypeCategory!
defaultDeadlineDayOffset: Int
defaultDeadlineTime: TimeSpan
isAvailableForTasks: Boolean
name: String!
input TaskUpdateInput {
completeById: ID
description: String
endDate: DateTime
id: ID!
mediaIds: [ID!]
subject: String
taskType: TaskTypeInput
type TelephonyConfiguration {
queueLengthAverage: Int!
queueLengthCritical: Int!
queueTimeAverage: Int!
queueTimeCritical: Int!
input TelephonyConfigurationInput {
queueLengthAverage: Int!
queueLengthCritical: Int!
queueTimeAverage: Int!
queueTimeCritical: Int!
type TelephonyPhoneCallStatistic {
connectedTime: DateTime
durationInSeconds: Int!
originQueueName: String
personId: ID
phoneNumber: String
relatedPerson: RelatedPersonOrLegalPersonUnionResult
startTime: DateTime!
totalHeldDurationInSeconds: Int!
transferedToPhoneNumber: String
type: TelephonyPhoneCallType!
type TelephonyPhoneCallStatisticConnection {
edges: [TelephonyPhoneCallStatisticEdge]
items: [TelephonyPhoneCallStatistic!]
pageInfo: PageInfo!
totalCount: Int
type TelephonyPhoneCallStatisticEdge {
cursor: Cursor!
node: TelephonyPhoneCallStatistic!
enum TelephonyPhoneCallType {
Output type that defines permission setting for scopes of a Portal resource
input TenantPermissionsInput {
Permission setting for "CreatePortal" scope. Users with "CreatePortal" scope can create Portal for a Tenant.
createPortals: LimitedPermissionSettingInput
type TextAreaField implements IFormComponent {
component: String
fieldName: String
id: ID!
index: Int!
label: String
maxChars: Int
placeholder: String
required: Boolean!
tag: String
type TextField implements IFormComponent {
component: String
fieldName: String
id: ID!
index: Int!
label: String
placeholder: String
required: Boolean!
tag: String
type TextInputType {
isSecret: Boolean!
type TextViewState implements IViewState {
id: String!
links: ConversationLinks!
text: [LocalizedString!]!
type ThesaurusTag implements INode {
children: [ThesaurusTag!]!
concatenatedPath: String!
createdOn: DateTime!
input: WhereThesaurusTagExpertsInput
after: Cursor
first: Int! = 20
): PersonConnection!
faqs(after: Cursor, first: Int = 10): FaqConnection!
functionGroups(after: Cursor, first: Int = 10): FunctionGroupConnection!
icon: String!
id: ID!
after: Cursor
first: Int = 10
): KnowledgebaseItemConnection!
lastModified: DateTime!
name: String!
parent: ThesaurusTag
value: String!
type ThesaurusTagConnection {
edges: [ThesaurusTagEdge]
items: [ThesaurusTag!]
pageInfo: PageInfo!
totalCount: Int
type ThesaurusTagEdge {
cursor: Cursor!
node: ThesaurusTag!
enum ThreadStateOption {
type Ticket implements INode {
where: WhereTicketActivitiesInput
after: Cursor
first: Int = 10
): ActivityConnection!
caseFlow: CaseFlow
client: IContact
contract: Contract
createdBy: IContact
createdOn: DateTime!
deletedInfo: TicketDeletedInfo
description: String!
faq: Faq
firstActivityType: String!
where: WhereMediaInput
orderBy: OrderByMediaInput
after: Cursor
first: Int = 10
): IMediaConnection
id: ID!
inquiry: Inquiry
isDeleted: Boolean!
isPublic: Boolean!
lastModifiedBy: IContact
lastModifiedOn: DateTime!
mailKccThreads(after: Cursor, first: Int = 10): MailKccThreadConnection
where: WhereMediaInput
orderBy: OrderByMediaInput
after: Cursor
first: Int = 10
): IMediaConnection
repairRequest: RepairRequest
repairRequests(after: Cursor, first: Int = 10): RepairRequestConnection!
reason: "A Case cannot have multiple RepairRequests - Use RepairRequest"
selfServiceDetails: [SelfServiceDetails!]!
status: TicketStatus!
tag: ThesaurusTag
tasks(input: WhereTicketTasksInput, first: Int, after: Cursor): TaskConnection
ticketNumber: String!
title: String!
unit: Unit
input TicketAppendInput {
channelType: ChannelTypeInput!
conversationId: ID
isPublic: Boolean!
mediaIds: [ID!]!
personId: ID
residentialZoneId: ID
ticketContactActivity: TicketContactActivityInput
ticketId: ID!
ticketTask: TicketAppendTaskInput
input TicketAppendTaskInput {
assignToId: ID!
description: String
endDate: DateTime
fromId: ID!
subject: String!
taskType: TaskTypeInput
type TicketConnection {
edges: [TicketEdge]
items: [Ticket!]
pageInfo: PageInfo!
totalCount: Int
input TicketContactActivityInput {
description: String!
direction: ContactDirectionInput = INBOUND
notifyClient: Boolean = false
input TicketCreateInput {
channelType: ChannelTypeInput!
contractId: ID
conversationId: ID
faqId: ID
followUpQuestionId: ID
isPublic: Boolean!
mediaIds: [ID!]!
personId: ID
residentialZoneId: ID
tagId: ID!
targetGroupId: ID
ticketContactActivity: TicketContactActivityInput
ticketTasks: [TicketCreateTaskInput]
type TicketCreateResult {
taskIds: [ID!]
ticket: Ticket
ticketActivityId: ID
input TicketCreateTaskInput {
assignToId: ID!
description: String
endDate: DateTime
fromId: ID!
mediaIds: [ID!]!
subject: String!
taskType: TaskTypeInput
type TicketDeletedInfo {
deletedBy: IContact!
deletedOn: DateTime!
deletedReason: String
input TicketDeleteInput {
id: ID!
message: String
type TicketEdge {
cursor: Cursor!
node: Ticket!
input TicketLinkToMailKccThreadInput {
mailKccThreadId: ID!
ticketId: ID!
input TicketRestoreInput {
id: ID!
type TicketsConfiguration {
isChannelTypeCachingEnabled: Boolean!
enum TicketStatus {
enum TicketStatusInput {
input TicketUnlinkFromMailKccThreadInput {
mailKccThreadId: ID!
ticketId: ID!
input TicketUpdateInput {
id: ID!
title: String!
enum TimelineOrder {
The timeline is sorted on created date
The timeline is sorted on the last activity on a message, for example when a new comment is posted is counted as activity
scalar TimeSpan
type Token {
content: String
displayName: String
isOpenMarkupElement: Boolean
For MessageElementType.Group and MessageElementType.GroupMention, SocialGroup Id will be returned
nodeId: ID!
type: TokenType!
enum TokenType {
type TopDeskIncidentItem {
briefDescription: String
callDate: DateTime
caller: TopDeskIncidentItemCaller
callerBranch: TopDeskIncidentItemCallerBranch
callerLocation: TopDeskIncidentItemCallerLocation
callType: TopDeskIncidentItemCallType
category: TopDeskIncidentItemCategory
creationDate: DateTime
creator: TopDeskIncidentItemCreator
entryType: TopDeskIncidentItemEntryType
externalNumber: String
id: String
Link to the item in TOPdesk (open in new tab).
itemLink: String
majorCall: Boolean!
modificationDate: DateTime
modifier: TopDeskIncidentItemModifier
number: String
operator: TopDeskIncidentItemOperator
operatorGroup: TopDeskIncidentItemOperatorGroup
processingStatus: TopDeskIncidentItemProcessingStatus
request: String
status: String
subcategory: TopDeskIncidentItemSubcategory
targetDate: DateTime
type TopDeskIncidentItemCaller {
department: TopDeskIncidentItemCallerDepartment
dynamicName: String
email: String
mobileNumber: String
phoneNumber: String
type TopDeskIncidentItemCallerBranch {
clientReferenceNumber: String
name: String
timeZone: String
type TopDeskIncidentItemCallerDepartment {
name: String
type TopDeskIncidentItemCallerLocation {
name: String
type TopDeskIncidentItemCallType {
name: String
type TopDeskIncidentItemCategory {
name: String
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type TopDeskIncidentItemConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [TopDeskIncidentItemEdge]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [TopDeskIncidentItem]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
type TopDeskIncidentItemCreator {
name: String
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type TopDeskIncidentItemEdge {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: TopDeskIncidentItem
type TopDeskIncidentItemEntryType {
name: String
type TopDeskIncidentItemModifier {
name: String
type TopDeskIncidentItemOperator {
name: String
status: String
type TopDeskIncidentItemOperatorGroup {
name: String
type TopDeskIncidentItemProcessingStatus {
name: String
type TopDeskIncidentItemSubcategory {
name: String
type TopDeskIncidents {
connectedApplicationStatus: TopDeskStatus!
Incidents from TOPdesk. Due to limitations of TOPdesk the totalCount is not available. hasNextPage and hasPreviousPage however are available.
items: TopDeskIncidentItemConnection!
enum TopDeskIncidentType {
Only incidents that are company wide
Only incidents that I created
type TopDeskSearchItem {
description: String!
id: ID!
label: String
modified: DateTime
title: String!
url: String!
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type TopDeskSearchItemConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [TopDeskSearchItemEdge]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [TopDeskSearchItem]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type TopDeskSearchItemEdge {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: TopDeskSearchItem
The possible statuses of a TOPdesk connection
enum TopDeskStatus {
An error occured
The current user has no access to TOPdesk
The current user does not exists in TOPdesk
The tenant has not configured TOPdesk
The current user is connected to TOPdesk
type TriggeredByResult {
contact: IContact
type: String
input TriggerPersonJitInput {
jitTypeInput: [PersonJitTypeInput!]
personId: ID
input TriggerUnitJitInput {
jitTypeInput: [UnitJitTypeInput!]
unitId: ID
type Unit implements INode & IResidentialZone {
addressLine: String!
input: WhereIContactTasksInput
after: Cursor
first: Int = 10
): AnnouncementConnection!
city: String!
collectiveObjects(input: WhereUnitCollectiveObject): [CollectiveObject]!
complex: Complex!
input: WhereUnitContractsInput
after: Cursor
first: Int = 10
): ContractConnection!
fullAddressLine: String!
hasPlannedMaintenance: Boolean!
houseNumber: Int!
houseNumberExtension: String!
housingType: HousingType!
housingTypeDescription: String!
id: ID!
indicators: [IndicatorEvaluationResult]!
properties: Json!
street: String!
tasks(input: WhereUnitTasksInput, first: Int, after: Cursor): TaskConnection
input: WhereUnitTicketsInput
after: Cursor
first: Int = 10
): TicketConnection
valuation(input: WhereUnitHousingValuation): UnitValuation
workAreas: [ExpertiseAndWorkAreaGroup]!
zipCode: String!
type UnitConnection {
edges: [UnitEdge]
items: [Unit!]
pageInfo: PageInfo!
totalCount: Int
type UnitEdge {
cursor: Cursor!
node: Unit!
enum UnitJitSubscriptionType {
enum UnitJitTypeInput {
type UnitValuation implements INode {
endDate: DateTime
groups: [ValuationGroup]!
id: ID!
points: Decimal
startDate: DateTime
valuationPdfDownloadUrl: String
input UnlinkTicketToMailKccThreadInput {
mailKccThreadId: ID!
ticketId: ID!
input UpdateContactDetailsInput {
addresses: [AddressInput]
emailAddresses: [EmailAddressInput]
phoneNumbers: [PhoneInput]
type UpdateLegalPersonResult {
changes: [FieldChangeResult]
person: LegalPerson
input UpdateOptions {
status: CONTENT_States
type UpdatePersonResult {
changes: [FieldChangeResult]
person: Person
input UpdatePhoneFavoriteInput {
description: String
hoverText: String
id: ID!
internalPhone: String
isActive: Boolean!
order: Float!
phone: String!
title: String!
input UpdateSupportedLanguagesInput {
languages: [String!]!
masterLanguage: String
type UploadSession {
Use for example XMLHttpRequest to POST the file to this url. This url is valid for 5 minutes so within 5 minutes the upload should start.
The file should be in the body of the POST and no MimeMultipartContent should be used. For multiple file uploads multiple url's should be requested.
uploadUrl: String
scalar URI
Uniform Resource Locator; reference (address) to a resource on the Internet.
scalar URL
type User implements Identity2Node {
id: ID!
credentials: [Identity2Credential]
mfaDevices: [Identity2Credential]
accountPermissions: Identity2AccountPermissions
where: Identity2WhereRoleInput
Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
first: Int
Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
after: String
): Identity2AvailableRolesConnection
where: Identity2WhereRoleInput
Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
first: Int
Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
after: String
): Identity2AssignedRolesConnection
where: Identity2WhereRoleInput
Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
first: Int
Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
after: String
): Identity2EffectiveRolesConnection
where: Identity2WhereGroupInput
Returns the first _n_ elements from the list.
first: Int
Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.
after: String
): Identity2GroupsConnection
username: String
email: String
firstName: String
lastName: String
profileLanguage: String
enabled: Boolean
emailVerified: Boolean
temporarilyLocked: Boolean!
externalManaged: Boolean!
createdTimestamp: Long
attributes: [Identity2KeyValuePairOfStringAndString!]
The SocialPerson that is matching the User. Only users that have a Suite user or Suite Application Manager role are handled
profile: SocialPerson
type UserError {
field: String
message: String!
input UserLoginInput {
input: LoginCommandInput
enum UserPermissionsEnum {
View @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Access @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Edit @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Delete @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Manage @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Type that defines permission values for scopes of an entity for the current user
type UserPermissionsObject {
Does current user have permission to View entity
view: Boolean @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Does current user have permission to Access entity
access: Boolean @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Does current user have permission to Edit entity
edit: Boolean @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Does current user have permission to Delete entity
delete: Boolean @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Does current user have permission to Manage permissions on the entity
manage: Boolean @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
enum UserPortalPermissionsEnum {
View @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Access @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Edit @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Delete @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Manage @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Publish @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Type that defines permission values for scopes of a Portal resource for the current user
type UserPortalPermissionsObject {
Does current user have permission to View Portal
view: Boolean @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Does current user have permission to Access Portal
access: Boolean @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Does current user have permission to Edit Portal
edit: Boolean @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Does current user have permission to Delete Portal
delete: Boolean @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Does current user have permission to Publish Portal
publish: Boolean @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
Does current user have permission to Manage permissions on the entity
manage: Boolean @deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
type ValidationRule {
error: [LocalizedString!]
name: String!
value: String
type ValuationGroup implements INode {
id: ID!
items: [ValuationItem]!
name: String
orderIndex: Int!
points: Decimal
type ValuationItem implements INode {
id: ID!
name: String
orderIndex: Int!
points: Decimal
units: String
value: String
input VendorModificationAddressInput {
city: String
houseNumber: Int!
houseNumberExtension: String
street: String
zipCode: String
input VendorModificationContactDetailsInput {
email: String
homeAddress: VendorModificationAddressInput
phoneNumber: String
phoneNumber2: String
postalAddress: VendorModificationAddressInput
enum VerificationMethod {
input WhereActionSpecificationInput {
answerId: ID!
defectId: ID!
relatedPersonId: ID
repairRequestId: ID
singleServiceToken: String
unitId: ID!
vendorPersonId: ID
input WhereAdditionalFieldsInput {
positions: [String]
query: String
input WhereAnniversariesInput {
Filter by time period. Default starts two days before today and up to three months thereafter
dateRange: SocialAnniversaryDateRange
Include people whose anniversary is within the specified date range
includeAnniversary: Boolean!
Include people whose birthday is within the specified date range
includeBirthday: Boolean!
input WhereAnswersInput {
housingTypeId: ID
parentId: ID
query: String
singleServiceToken: String
unitId: ID
input WhereAppointmentsInput {
day: DateTime!
days: Int
input WhereBestBetSearchInput {
Search term
_search: String
input WhereCalendarEventAttendeesInput {
Generic search argument, see contains
_search: String
Filter on specific event attendee status, such as None, Attending, Rejected, Backup
attendeeStatuses: [SocialCalendarEventInviteeStatusType!]
Filter on full name
contains: String
Calendar event filters
input WhereCalendarEventInput {
The final date for which events should be fetched (UTC). Always ends at 24:00
endDate: DateTime!
The starting point of calendar events to be fetched (UTC)
startDate: DateTime!
input WhereCaseFlowMessages {
messageVisibility: CaseFlowMessageVisibility! = PUBLIC_ONLY
input WhereCaseFlowsInput {
excludeInternalCaseFlows: Boolean
executorId: ID
fromDate: DateTime
ownerId: ID
searchQuery: String
status: CaseFlowStatus
toDate: DateTime
input WhereCaseFlowsTemplatesInput {
query: String
input WhereChannelMicroblogsInput {
Get the microblog with specified Id and N (ideally first parameter / 2) microblogs before and after it
microblogId: ID
Get only microblogs from a specific type
microblogsType: SocialMicroblogsType
Filter chats
input WhereChatsInput {
Filter on participants and messages
_search: String
A cursor that can be used to receive new updates after the last request.
updateCursor: Cursor
input WhereChildrenInput {
Get the microblog comment with specified Id and N (ideally first parameter / 2) comments before and after it
childId: ID
input WhereCollectiveObjectsInput {
code: String
singleServiceToken: String
unitId: ID!
input WhereComplexesInput {
query: String!
input WhereComplexTasksInput {
excludedTaskTypeCategories: [TaskTypeCategoryInput!]
searchQuery: String = ""
input WhereComplexTicketsInput {
endDate: DateTime
firstActivityTypes: [String]
query: String
startDate: DateTime
status: WhereComplexTicketsStatusInput
ticketStatus: TicketStatusInput
enum WhereComplexTicketsStatusInput {
input WhereContactsInput {
authorizationRoles: [GUID!]
characteristics: [PersonCharacteristicInput!]
contractStatus: [CustomerContractStatusInput!]
personIds: [ID!]
query: String!
roles: [String]
input WhereContainedMicroblogsInput {
List of container ids
ids: [ID!]!
input WhereCONTENT_BlogInput {
AND: [WhereCONTENT_BlogInput]
OR: [WhereCONTENT_BlogInput]
_search: String
createdBy_eq: String
createdBy_not_eq: String
createdBy_starts_with: String
createdBy_ends_with: String
createdBy_contains: String
createdBy_in: [String]
createdBy_not_in: [String]
lastModifiedBy_eq: String
lastModifiedBy_not_eq: String
lastModifiedBy_starts_with: String
lastModifiedBy_ends_with: String
lastModifiedBy_contains: String
lastModifiedBy_in: [String]
lastModifiedBy_not_in: [String]
permissionParent_eq: ID
permissionParent_not_eq: ID
permissionParent_starts_with: ID
permissionParent_ends_with: ID
permissionParent_contains: ID
permissionParent_in: [ID]
permissionParent_not_in: [ID]
author_eq: String
author_not_eq: String
author_starts_with: String
author_ends_with: String
author_contains: String
author_in: [String]
author_not_in: [String]
title_eq: String
title_not_eq: String
title_starts_with: String
title_ends_with: String
title_contains: String
title_in: [String]
title_not_in: [String]
text_eq: String
text_not_eq: String
text_starts_with: String
text_ends_with: String
text_contains: String
text_in: [String]
text_not_in: [String]
rating_eq: String
rating_not_eq: String
rating_starts_with: String
rating_ends_with: String
rating_contains: String
rating_in: [String]
rating_not_in: [String]
id_eq: ID
id_not_eq: ID
id_starts_with: ID
id_ends_with: ID
id_contains: ID
id_in: [ID]
id_not_in: [ID]
status_eq: String
status_not_eq: String
status_starts_with: String
status_ends_with: String
status_contains: String
status_in: [String]
status_not_in: [String]
visits_eq: Float
visits_not_eq: Float
visits_lt: Float
visits_gt: Float
visits_in: [Float]
visits_not_in: [Float]
version_eq: Int
version_not_eq: Int
version_lt: Int
version_gt: Int
version_in: [Int]
version_not_in: [Int]
created_equal_date: Instant
created_not_equal_date: Instant
created_lt: Instant
created_gt: Instant
lastModified_equal_date: Instant
lastModified_not_equal_date: Instant
lastModified_lt: Instant
lastModified_gt: Instant
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit_eq: Boolean
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit_not_eq: Boolean
isNew_eq: Boolean
isNew_not_eq: Boolean
comments_empty: Boolean
input WhereCONTENT_CommentInput {
AND: [WhereCONTENT_CommentInput]
OR: [WhereCONTENT_CommentInput]
_search: String
createdBy_eq: String
createdBy_not_eq: String
createdBy_starts_with: String
createdBy_ends_with: String
createdBy_contains: String
createdBy_in: [String]
createdBy_not_in: [String]
lastModifiedBy_eq: String
lastModifiedBy_not_eq: String
lastModifiedBy_starts_with: String
lastModifiedBy_ends_with: String
lastModifiedBy_contains: String
lastModifiedBy_in: [String]
lastModifiedBy_not_in: [String]
permissionParent_eq: ID
permissionParent_not_eq: ID
permissionParent_starts_with: ID
permissionParent_ends_with: ID
permissionParent_contains: ID
permissionParent_in: [ID]
permissionParent_not_in: [ID]
message_eq: String
message_not_eq: String
message_starts_with: String
message_ends_with: String
message_contains: String
message_in: [String]
message_not_in: [String]
creator_eq: String
creator_not_eq: String
creator_starts_with: String
creator_ends_with: String
creator_contains: String
creator_in: [String]
creator_not_in: [String]
id_eq: ID
id_not_eq: ID
id_starts_with: ID
id_ends_with: ID
id_contains: ID
id_in: [ID]
id_not_in: [ID]
status_eq: String
status_not_eq: String
status_starts_with: String
status_ends_with: String
status_contains: String
status_in: [String]
status_not_in: [String]
version_eq: Int
version_not_eq: Int
version_lt: Int
version_gt: Int
version_in: [Int]
version_not_in: [Int]
created_equal_date: Instant
created_not_equal_date: Instant
created_lt: Instant
created_gt: Instant
lastModified_equal_date: Instant
lastModified_not_equal_date: Instant
lastModified_lt: Instant
lastModified_gt: Instant
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit_eq: Boolean
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit_not_eq: Boolean
input WhereCONTENT_ConfigInput {
AND: [WhereCONTENT_ConfigInput]
OR: [WhereCONTENT_ConfigInput]
_search: String
createdBy_eq: String
createdBy_not_eq: String
createdBy_starts_with: String
createdBy_ends_with: String
createdBy_contains: String
createdBy_in: [String]
createdBy_not_in: [String]
lastModifiedBy_eq: String
lastModifiedBy_not_eq: String
lastModifiedBy_starts_with: String
lastModifiedBy_ends_with: String
lastModifiedBy_contains: String
lastModifiedBy_in: [String]
lastModifiedBy_not_in: [String]
permissionParent_eq: ID
permissionParent_not_eq: ID
permissionParent_starts_with: ID
permissionParent_ends_with: ID
permissionParent_contains: ID
permissionParent_in: [ID]
permissionParent_not_in: [ID]
name_eq: String
name_not_eq: String
name_starts_with: String
name_ends_with: String
name_contains: String
name_in: [String]
name_not_in: [String]
id_eq: ID
id_not_eq: ID
id_starts_with: ID
id_ends_with: ID
id_contains: ID
id_in: [ID]
id_not_in: [ID]
status_eq: String
status_not_eq: String
status_starts_with: String
status_ends_with: String
status_contains: String
status_in: [String]
status_not_in: [String]
version_eq: Int
version_not_eq: Int
version_lt: Int
version_gt: Int
version_in: [Int]
version_not_in: [Int]
created_equal_date: Instant
created_not_equal_date: Instant
created_lt: Instant
created_gt: Instant
lastModified_equal_date: Instant
lastModified_not_equal_date: Instant
lastModified_lt: Instant
lastModified_gt: Instant
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit_eq: Boolean
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit_not_eq: Boolean
input WhereCONTENT_ContentBlockInput {
AND: [WhereCONTENT_ContentBlockInput]
OR: [WhereCONTENT_ContentBlockInput]
_search: String
createdBy_eq: String
createdBy_not_eq: String
createdBy_starts_with: String
createdBy_ends_with: String
createdBy_contains: String
createdBy_in: [String]
createdBy_not_in: [String]
lastModifiedBy_eq: String
lastModifiedBy_not_eq: String
lastModifiedBy_starts_with: String
lastModifiedBy_ends_with: String
lastModifiedBy_contains: String
lastModifiedBy_in: [String]
lastModifiedBy_not_in: [String]
permissionParent_eq: ID
permissionParent_not_eq: ID
permissionParent_starts_with: ID
permissionParent_ends_with: ID
permissionParent_contains: ID
permissionParent_in: [ID]
permissionParent_not_in: [ID]
reference_eq: String
reference_not_eq: String
reference_starts_with: String
reference_ends_with: String
reference_contains: String
reference_in: [String]
reference_not_in: [String]
content_eq: String
content_not_eq: String
content_starts_with: String
content_ends_with: String
content_contains: String
content_in: [String]
content_not_in: [String]
id_eq: ID
id_not_eq: ID
id_starts_with: ID
id_ends_with: ID
id_contains: ID
id_in: [ID]
id_not_in: [ID]
status_eq: String
status_not_eq: String
status_starts_with: String
status_ends_with: String
status_contains: String
status_in: [String]
status_not_in: [String]
version_eq: Int
version_not_eq: Int
version_lt: Int
version_gt: Int
version_in: [Int]
version_not_in: [Int]
created_equal_date: Instant
created_not_equal_date: Instant
created_lt: Instant
created_gt: Instant
lastModified_equal_date: Instant
lastModified_not_equal_date: Instant
lastModified_lt: Instant
lastModified_gt: Instant
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit_eq: Boolean
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit_not_eq: Boolean
input WhereCONTENT_ConversationInput {
AND: [WhereCONTENT_ConversationInput]
OR: [WhereCONTENT_ConversationInput]
_search: String
createdBy_eq: String
createdBy_not_eq: String
createdBy_starts_with: String
createdBy_ends_with: String
createdBy_contains: String
createdBy_in: [String]
createdBy_not_in: [String]
lastModifiedBy_eq: String
lastModifiedBy_not_eq: String
lastModifiedBy_starts_with: String
lastModifiedBy_ends_with: String
lastModifiedBy_contains: String
lastModifiedBy_in: [String]
lastModifiedBy_not_in: [String]
permissionParent_eq: ID
permissionParent_not_eq: ID
permissionParent_starts_with: ID
permissionParent_ends_with: ID
permissionParent_contains: ID
permissionParent_in: [ID]
permissionParent_not_in: [ID]
name_eq: String
name_not_eq: String
name_starts_with: String
name_ends_with: String
name_contains: String
name_in: [String]
name_not_in: [String]
tags_eq: String
tags_not_eq: String
tags_starts_with: String
tags_ends_with: String
tags_contains: String
tags_in: [String]
tags_not_in: [String]
applications_eq: String
applications_not_eq: String
applications_starts_with: String
applications_ends_with: String
applications_contains: String
applications_in: [String]
applications_not_in: [String]
experts_eq: String
experts_not_eq: String
experts_starts_with: String
experts_ends_with: String
experts_contains: String
experts_in: [String]
experts_not_in: [String]
startingStep_eq: String
startingStep_not_eq: String
startingStep_starts_with: String
startingStep_ends_with: String
startingStep_contains: String
startingStep_in: [String]
startingStep_not_in: [String]
scheduleName_eq: String
scheduleName_not_eq: String
scheduleName_starts_with: String
scheduleName_ends_with: String
scheduleName_contains: String
scheduleName_in: [String]
scheduleName_not_in: [String]
title_eq: String
title_not_eq: String
title_starts_with: String
title_ends_with: String
title_contains: String
title_in: [String]
title_not_in: [String]
note_eq: String
note_not_eq: String
note_starts_with: String
note_ends_with: String
note_contains: String
note_in: [String]
note_not_in: [String]
id_eq: ID
id_not_eq: ID
id_starts_with: ID
id_ends_with: ID
id_contains: ID
id_in: [ID]
id_not_in: [ID]
status_eq: String
status_not_eq: String
status_starts_with: String
status_ends_with: String
status_contains: String
status_in: [String]
status_not_in: [String]
retentionPeriod_eq: Float
retentionPeriod_not_eq: Float
retentionPeriod_lt: Float
retentionPeriod_gt: Float
retentionPeriod_in: [Float]
retentionPeriod_not_in: [Float]
version_eq: Int
version_not_eq: Int
version_lt: Int
version_gt: Int
version_in: [Int]
version_not_in: [Int]
created_equal_date: Instant
created_not_equal_date: Instant
created_lt: Instant
created_gt: Instant
lastModified_equal_date: Instant
lastModified_not_equal_date: Instant
lastModified_lt: Instant
lastModified_gt: Instant
publicationDate_equal_date: Instant
publicationDate_not_equal_date: Instant
publicationDate_lt: Instant
publicationDate_gt: Instant
publicationEndDate_equal_date: Instant
publicationEndDate_not_equal_date: Instant
publicationEndDate_lt: Instant
publicationEndDate_gt: Instant
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit_eq: Boolean
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit_not_eq: Boolean
logResult_eq: Boolean
logResult_not_eq: Boolean
input WhereCONTENT_DistrictInput {
AND: [WhereCONTENT_DistrictInput]
OR: [WhereCONTENT_DistrictInput]
_search: String
createdBy_eq: String
createdBy_not_eq: String
createdBy_starts_with: String
createdBy_ends_with: String
createdBy_contains: String
createdBy_in: [String]
createdBy_not_in: [String]
lastModifiedBy_eq: String
lastModifiedBy_not_eq: String
lastModifiedBy_starts_with: String
lastModifiedBy_ends_with: String
lastModifiedBy_contains: String
lastModifiedBy_in: [String]
lastModifiedBy_not_in: [String]
permissionParent_eq: ID
permissionParent_not_eq: ID
permissionParent_starts_with: ID
permissionParent_ends_with: ID
permissionParent_contains: ID
permissionParent_in: [ID]
permissionParent_not_in: [ID]
title_eq: String
title_not_eq: String
title_starts_with: String
title_ends_with: String
title_contains: String
title_in: [String]
title_not_in: [String]
description_eq: String
description_not_eq: String
description_starts_with: String
description_ends_with: String
description_contains: String
description_in: [String]
description_not_in: [String]
id_eq: ID
id_not_eq: ID
id_starts_with: ID
id_ends_with: ID
id_contains: ID
id_in: [ID]
id_not_in: [ID]
status_eq: String
status_not_eq: String
status_starts_with: String
status_ends_with: String
status_contains: String
status_in: [String]
status_not_in: [String]
housingID_eq: Float
housingID_not_eq: Float
housingID_lt: Float
housingID_gt: Float
housingID_in: [Float]
housingID_not_in: [Float]
version_eq: Int
version_not_eq: Int
version_lt: Int
version_gt: Int
version_in: [Int]
version_not_in: [Int]
created_equal_date: Instant
created_not_equal_date: Instant
created_lt: Instant
created_gt: Instant
lastModified_equal_date: Instant
lastModified_not_equal_date: Instant
lastModified_lt: Instant
lastModified_gt: Instant
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit_eq: Boolean
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit_not_eq: Boolean
neighborhoods_empty: Boolean
input WhereCONTENT_EventInput {
AND: [WhereCONTENT_EventInput]
OR: [WhereCONTENT_EventInput]
_search: String
createdBy_eq: String
createdBy_not_eq: String
createdBy_starts_with: String
createdBy_ends_with: String
createdBy_contains: String
createdBy_in: [String]
createdBy_not_in: [String]
lastModifiedBy_eq: String
lastModifiedBy_not_eq: String
lastModifiedBy_starts_with: String
lastModifiedBy_ends_with: String
lastModifiedBy_contains: String
lastModifiedBy_in: [String]
lastModifiedBy_not_in: [String]
permissionParent_eq: ID
permissionParent_not_eq: ID
permissionParent_starts_with: ID
permissionParent_ends_with: ID
permissionParent_contains: ID
permissionParent_in: [ID]
permissionParent_not_in: [ID]
image_eq: String
image_not_eq: String
image_starts_with: String
image_ends_with: String
image_contains: String
image_in: [String]
image_not_in: [String]
location_eq: String
location_not_eq: String
location_starts_with: String
location_ends_with: String
location_contains: String
location_in: [String]
location_not_in: [String]
memberLimit_eq: String
memberLimit_not_eq: String
memberLimit_starts_with: String
memberLimit_ends_with: String
memberLimit_contains: String
memberLimit_in: [String]
memberLimit_not_in: [String]
title_eq: String
title_not_eq: String
title_starts_with: String
title_ends_with: String
title_contains: String
title_in: [String]
title_not_in: [String]
summary_eq: String
summary_not_eq: String
summary_starts_with: String
summary_ends_with: String
summary_contains: String
summary_in: [String]
summary_not_in: [String]
body_eq: String
body_not_eq: String
body_starts_with: String
body_ends_with: String
body_contains: String
body_in: [String]
body_not_in: [String]
category_eq: String
category_not_eq: String
category_starts_with: String
category_ends_with: String
category_contains: String
category_in: [String]
category_not_in: [String]
urlTitle_eq: String
urlTitle_not_eq: String
urlTitle_starts_with: String
urlTitle_ends_with: String
urlTitle_contains: String
urlTitle_in: [String]
urlTitle_not_in: [String]
id_eq: ID
id_not_eq: ID
id_starts_with: ID
id_ends_with: ID
id_contains: ID
id_in: [ID]
id_not_in: [ID]
status_eq: String
status_not_eq: String
status_starts_with: String
status_ends_with: String
status_contains: String
status_in: [String]
status_not_in: [String]
numberOfPlaces_eq: Float
numberOfPlaces_not_eq: Float
numberOfPlaces_lt: Float
numberOfPlaces_gt: Float
numberOfPlaces_in: [Float]
numberOfPlaces_not_in: [Float]
version_eq: Int
version_not_eq: Int
version_lt: Int
version_gt: Int
version_in: [Int]
version_not_in: [Int]
created_equal_date: Instant
created_not_equal_date: Instant
created_lt: Instant
created_gt: Instant
lastModified_equal_date: Instant
lastModified_not_equal_date: Instant
lastModified_lt: Instant
lastModified_gt: Instant
startTime_equal_date: Instant
startTime_not_equal_date: Instant
startTime_lt: Instant
startTime_gt: Instant
endTime_equal_date: Instant
endTime_not_equal_date: Instant
endTime_lt: Instant
endTime_gt: Instant
revisionDate_equal_date: Instant
revisionDate_not_equal_date: Instant
revisionDate_lt: Instant
revisionDate_gt: Instant
closingTime_equal_date: Instant
closingTime_not_equal_date: Instant
closingTime_lt: Instant
closingTime_gt: Instant
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit_eq: Boolean
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit_not_eq: Boolean
fullDay_eq: Boolean
fullDay_not_eq: Boolean
hideFromMenu_eq: Boolean
hideFromMenu_not_eq: Boolean
hideFromMobileMenu_eq: Boolean
hideFromMobileMenu_not_eq: Boolean
hideShare_eq: Boolean
hideShare_not_eq: Boolean
allowComments_eq: Boolean
allowComments_not_eq: Boolean
sendNotifications_eq: Boolean
sendNotifications_not_eq: Boolean
allowCancelation_eq: Boolean
allowCancelation_not_eq: Boolean
useBackupList_eq: Boolean
useBackupList_not_eq: Boolean
registerParticipantsOnTimeline_eq: Boolean
registerParticipantsOnTimeline_not_eq: Boolean
registerBackupParticipantsOnTimeline_eq: Boolean
registerBackupParticipantsOnTimeline_not_eq: Boolean
input WhereCONTENT_FaqGroupInput {
AND: [WhereCONTENT_FaqGroupInput]
OR: [WhereCONTENT_FaqGroupInput]
_search: String
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input WhereCONTENT_FaqInput {
AND: [WhereCONTENT_FaqInput]
OR: [WhereCONTENT_FaqInput]
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input WhereCONTENT_FaqItemInput {
AND: [WhereCONTENT_FaqItemInput]
OR: [WhereCONTENT_FaqItemInput]
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input WhereCONTENT_FaqOptionInput {
AND: [WhereCONTENT_FaqOptionInput]
OR: [WhereCONTENT_FaqOptionInput]
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AND: [WhereCONTENT_FaqTagInput]
OR: [WhereCONTENT_FaqTagInput]
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OR: [WhereCONTENT_GroupInput]
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order_gt: Float
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order_not_in: [Float]
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version_gt: Int
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AND: [WhereCONTENT_NeighborhoodInput]
OR: [WhereCONTENT_NeighborhoodInput]
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input WhereCONTENT_NeighborhoodManagerInput {
AND: [WhereCONTENT_NeighborhoodManagerInput]
OR: [WhereCONTENT_NeighborhoodManagerInput]
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AND: [WhereCONTENT_NotificationInput]
OR: [WhereCONTENT_NotificationInput]
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AND: [WhereCONTENT_PortalContentBlockInput]
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order_gt: Float
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AND: [WhereCONTENT_ReviewOptionInput]
OR: [WhereCONTENT_ReviewOptionInput]
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AND: [WhereCONTENT_SegmentInput]
OR: [WhereCONTENT_SegmentInput]
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permissionParent_not_eq: ID
permissionParent_starts_with: ID
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AND: [WhereCONTENT_SmartlabelInput]
OR: [WhereCONTENT_SmartlabelInput]
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lastModifiedBy_not_in: [String]
permissionParent_eq: ID
permissionParent_not_eq: ID
permissionParent_starts_with: ID
permissionParent_ends_with: ID
permissionParent_contains: ID
permissionParent_in: [ID]
permissionParent_not_in: [ID]
name_eq: String
name_not_eq: String
name_starts_with: String
name_ends_with: String
name_contains: String
name_in: [String]
name_not_in: [String]
tags_eq: String
tags_not_eq: String
tags_starts_with: String
tags_ends_with: String
tags_contains: String
tags_in: [String]
tags_not_in: [String]
type_eq: String
type_not_eq: String
type_starts_with: String
type_ends_with: String
type_contains: String
type_in: [String]
type_not_in: [String]
value_eq: String
value_not_eq: String
value_starts_with: String
value_ends_with: String
value_contains: String
value_in: [String]
value_not_in: [String]
id_eq: ID
id_not_eq: ID
id_starts_with: ID
id_ends_with: ID
id_contains: ID
id_in: [ID]
id_not_in: [ID]
status_eq: String
status_not_eq: String
status_starts_with: String
status_ends_with: String
status_contains: String
status_in: [String]
status_not_in: [String]
version_eq: Int
version_not_eq: Int
version_lt: Int
version_gt: Int
version_in: [Int]
version_not_in: [Int]
created_equal_date: Instant
created_not_equal_date: Instant
created_lt: Instant
created_gt: Instant
lastModified_equal_date: Instant
lastModified_not_equal_date: Instant
lastModified_lt: Instant
lastModified_gt: Instant
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit_eq: Boolean
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit_not_eq: Boolean
input WhereCONTENT_StepInput {
AND: [WhereCONTENT_StepInput]
OR: [WhereCONTENT_StepInput]
_search: String
createdBy_eq: String
createdBy_not_eq: String
createdBy_starts_with: String
createdBy_ends_with: String
createdBy_contains: String
createdBy_in: [String]
createdBy_not_in: [String]
lastModifiedBy_eq: String
lastModifiedBy_not_eq: String
lastModifiedBy_starts_with: String
lastModifiedBy_ends_with: String
lastModifiedBy_contains: String
lastModifiedBy_in: [String]
lastModifiedBy_not_in: [String]
permissionParent_eq: ID
permissionParent_not_eq: ID
permissionParent_starts_with: ID
permissionParent_ends_with: ID
permissionParent_contains: ID
permissionParent_in: [ID]
permissionParent_not_in: [ID]
name_eq: String
name_not_eq: String
name_starts_with: String
name_ends_with: String
name_contains: String
name_in: [String]
name_not_in: [String]
type_eq: String
type_not_eq: String
type_starts_with: String
type_ends_with: String
type_contains: String
type_in: [String]
type_not_in: [String]
props_eq: String
props_not_eq: String
props_starts_with: String
props_ends_with: String
props_contains: String
props_in: [String]
props_not_in: [String]
tags_eq: String
tags_not_eq: String
tags_starts_with: String
tags_ends_with: String
tags_contains: String
tags_in: [String]
tags_not_in: [String]
id_eq: ID
id_not_eq: ID
id_starts_with: ID
id_ends_with: ID
id_contains: ID
id_in: [ID]
id_not_in: [ID]
status_eq: String
status_not_eq: String
status_starts_with: String
status_ends_with: String
status_contains: String
status_in: [String]
status_not_in: [String]
version_eq: Int
version_not_eq: Int
version_lt: Int
version_gt: Int
version_in: [Int]
version_not_in: [Int]
created_equal_date: Instant
created_not_equal_date: Instant
created_lt: Instant
created_gt: Instant
lastModified_equal_date: Instant
lastModified_not_equal_date: Instant
lastModified_lt: Instant
lastModified_gt: Instant
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit_eq: Boolean
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit_not_eq: Boolean
steps_empty: Boolean
conversations_empty: Boolean
input WhereCONTENT_TagInput {
AND: [WhereCONTENT_TagInput]
OR: [WhereCONTENT_TagInput]
_search: String
createdBy_eq: String
createdBy_not_eq: String
createdBy_starts_with: String
createdBy_ends_with: String
createdBy_contains: String
createdBy_in: [String]
createdBy_not_in: [String]
lastModifiedBy_eq: String
lastModifiedBy_not_eq: String
lastModifiedBy_starts_with: String
lastModifiedBy_ends_with: String
lastModifiedBy_contains: String
lastModifiedBy_in: [String]
lastModifiedBy_not_in: [String]
permissionParent_eq: ID
permissionParent_not_eq: ID
permissionParent_starts_with: ID
permissionParent_ends_with: ID
permissionParent_contains: ID
permissionParent_in: [ID]
permissionParent_not_in: [ID]
name_eq: String
name_not_eq: String
name_starts_with: String
name_ends_with: String
name_contains: String
name_in: [String]
name_not_in: [String]
type_eq: String
type_not_eq: String
type_starts_with: String
type_ends_with: String
type_contains: String
type_in: [String]
type_not_in: [String]
scope_eq: String
scope_not_eq: String
scope_starts_with: String
scope_ends_with: String
scope_contains: String
scope_in: [String]
scope_not_in: [String]
synonyms_eq: String
synonyms_not_eq: String
synonyms_starts_with: String
synonyms_ends_with: String
synonyms_contains: String
synonyms_in: [String]
synonyms_not_in: [String]
id_eq: ID
id_not_eq: ID
id_starts_with: ID
id_ends_with: ID
id_contains: ID
id_in: [ID]
id_not_in: [ID]
status_eq: String
status_not_eq: String
status_starts_with: String
status_ends_with: String
status_contains: String
status_in: [String]
status_not_in: [String]
version_eq: Int
version_not_eq: Int
version_lt: Int
version_gt: Int
version_in: [Int]
version_not_in: [Int]
created_equal_date: Instant
created_not_equal_date: Instant
created_lt: Instant
created_gt: Instant
lastModified_equal_date: Instant
lastModified_not_equal_date: Instant
lastModified_lt: Instant
lastModified_gt: Instant
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit_eq: Boolean
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit_not_eq: Boolean
input WhereCONTENT_TeamInput {
AND: [WhereCONTENT_TeamInput]
OR: [WhereCONTENT_TeamInput]
_search: String
createdBy_eq: String
createdBy_not_eq: String
createdBy_starts_with: String
createdBy_ends_with: String
createdBy_contains: String
createdBy_in: [String]
createdBy_not_in: [String]
lastModifiedBy_eq: String
lastModifiedBy_not_eq: String
lastModifiedBy_starts_with: String
lastModifiedBy_ends_with: String
lastModifiedBy_contains: String
lastModifiedBy_in: [String]
lastModifiedBy_not_in: [String]
permissionParent_eq: ID
permissionParent_not_eq: ID
permissionParent_starts_with: ID
permissionParent_ends_with: ID
permissionParent_contains: ID
permissionParent_in: [ID]
permissionParent_not_in: [ID]
teamId_eq: String
teamId_not_eq: String
teamId_starts_with: String
teamId_ends_with: String
teamId_contains: String
teamId_in: [String]
teamId_not_in: [String]
id_eq: ID
id_not_eq: ID
id_starts_with: ID
id_ends_with: ID
id_contains: ID
id_in: [ID]
id_not_in: [ID]
status_eq: String
status_not_eq: String
status_starts_with: String
status_ends_with: String
status_contains: String
status_in: [String]
status_not_in: [String]
version_eq: Int
version_not_eq: Int
version_lt: Int
version_gt: Int
version_in: [Int]
version_not_in: [Int]
created_equal_date: Instant
created_not_equal_date: Instant
created_lt: Instant
created_gt: Instant
lastModified_equal_date: Instant
lastModified_not_equal_date: Instant
lastModified_lt: Instant
lastModified_gt: Instant
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit_eq: Boolean
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit_not_eq: Boolean
input WhereCONTENT_TopicInput {
AND: [WhereCONTENT_TopicInput]
OR: [WhereCONTENT_TopicInput]
_search: String
createdBy_eq: String
createdBy_not_eq: String
createdBy_starts_with: String
createdBy_ends_with: String
createdBy_contains: String
createdBy_in: [String]
createdBy_not_in: [String]
lastModifiedBy_eq: String
lastModifiedBy_not_eq: String
lastModifiedBy_starts_with: String
lastModifiedBy_ends_with: String
lastModifiedBy_contains: String
lastModifiedBy_in: [String]
lastModifiedBy_not_in: [String]
permissionParent_eq: ID
permissionParent_not_eq: ID
permissionParent_starts_with: ID
permissionParent_ends_with: ID
permissionParent_contains: ID
permissionParent_in: [ID]
permissionParent_not_in: [ID]
applications_eq: String
applications_not_eq: String
applications_starts_with: String
applications_ends_with: String
applications_contains: String
applications_in: [String]
applications_not_in: [String]
name_eq: String
name_not_eq: String
name_starts_with: String
name_ends_with: String
name_contains: String
name_in: [String]
name_not_in: [String]
tags_eq: String
tags_not_eq: String
tags_starts_with: String
tags_ends_with: String
tags_contains: String
tags_in: [String]
tags_not_in: [String]
path_eq: String
path_not_eq: String
path_starts_with: String
path_ends_with: String
path_contains: String
path_in: [String]
path_not_in: [String]
icon_eq: String
icon_not_eq: String
icon_starts_with: String
icon_ends_with: String
icon_contains: String
icon_in: [String]
icon_not_in: [String]
mainArticle_eq: String
mainArticle_not_eq: String
mainArticle_starts_with: String
mainArticle_ends_with: String
mainArticle_contains: String
mainArticle_in: [String]
mainArticle_not_in: [String]
headerImageId_eq: String
headerImageId_not_eq: String
headerImageId_starts_with: String
headerImageId_ends_with: String
headerImageId_contains: String
headerImageId_in: [String]
headerImageId_not_in: [String]
title_eq: String
title_not_eq: String
title_starts_with: String
title_ends_with: String
title_contains: String
title_in: [String]
title_not_in: [String]
description_eq: String
description_not_eq: String
description_starts_with: String
description_ends_with: String
description_contains: String
description_in: [String]
description_not_in: [String]
id_eq: ID
id_not_eq: ID
id_starts_with: ID
id_ends_with: ID
id_contains: ID
id_in: [ID]
id_not_in: [ID]
status_eq: String
status_not_eq: String
status_starts_with: String
status_ends_with: String
status_contains: String
status_in: [String]
status_not_in: [String]
order_eq: Float
order_not_eq: Float
order_lt: Float
order_gt: Float
order_in: [Float]
order_not_in: [Float]
version_eq: Int
version_not_eq: Int
version_lt: Int
version_gt: Int
version_in: [Int]
version_not_in: [Int]
created_equal_date: Instant
created_not_equal_date: Instant
created_lt: Instant
created_gt: Instant
lastModified_equal_date: Instant
lastModified_not_equal_date: Instant
lastModified_lt: Instant
lastModified_gt: Instant
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit_eq: Boolean
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit_not_eq: Boolean
hidden_eq: Boolean
hidden_not_eq: Boolean
root_eq: Boolean
root_not_eq: Boolean
topics_empty: Boolean
conversations_empty: Boolean
input WhereCONTENT_TownInput {
AND: [WhereCONTENT_TownInput]
OR: [WhereCONTENT_TownInput]
_search: String
createdBy_eq: String
createdBy_not_eq: String
createdBy_starts_with: String
createdBy_ends_with: String
createdBy_contains: String
createdBy_in: [String]
createdBy_not_in: [String]
lastModifiedBy_eq: String
lastModifiedBy_not_eq: String
lastModifiedBy_starts_with: String
lastModifiedBy_ends_with: String
lastModifiedBy_contains: String
lastModifiedBy_in: [String]
lastModifiedBy_not_in: [String]
permissionParent_eq: ID
permissionParent_not_eq: ID
permissionParent_starts_with: ID
permissionParent_ends_with: ID
permissionParent_contains: ID
permissionParent_in: [ID]
permissionParent_not_in: [ID]
title_eq: String
title_not_eq: String
title_starts_with: String
title_ends_with: String
title_contains: String
title_in: [String]
title_not_in: [String]
description_eq: String
description_not_eq: String
description_starts_with: String
description_ends_with: String
description_contains: String
description_in: [String]
description_not_in: [String]
id_eq: ID
id_not_eq: ID
id_starts_with: ID
id_ends_with: ID
id_contains: ID
id_in: [ID]
id_not_in: [ID]
status_eq: String
status_not_eq: String
status_starts_with: String
status_ends_with: String
status_contains: String
status_in: [String]
status_not_in: [String]
housingID_eq: Float
housingID_not_eq: Float
housingID_lt: Float
housingID_gt: Float
housingID_in: [Float]
housingID_not_in: [Float]
version_eq: Int
version_not_eq: Int
version_lt: Int
version_gt: Int
version_in: [Int]
version_not_in: [Int]
created_equal_date: Instant
created_not_equal_date: Instant
created_lt: Instant
created_gt: Instant
lastModified_equal_date: Instant
lastModified_not_equal_date: Instant
lastModified_lt: Instant
lastModified_gt: Instant
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit_eq: Boolean
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit_not_eq: Boolean
districts_empty: Boolean
input WhereCONTENT_WikiInput {
AND: [WhereCONTENT_WikiInput]
OR: [WhereCONTENT_WikiInput]
_search: String
createdBy_eq: String
createdBy_not_eq: String
createdBy_starts_with: String
createdBy_ends_with: String
createdBy_contains: String
createdBy_in: [String]
createdBy_not_in: [String]
lastModifiedBy_eq: String
lastModifiedBy_not_eq: String
lastModifiedBy_starts_with: String
lastModifiedBy_ends_with: String
lastModifiedBy_contains: String
lastModifiedBy_in: [String]
lastModifiedBy_not_in: [String]
permissionParent_eq: ID
permissionParent_not_eq: ID
permissionParent_starts_with: ID
permissionParent_ends_with: ID
permissionParent_contains: ID
permissionParent_in: [ID]
permissionParent_not_in: [ID]
tags_eq: String
tags_not_eq: String
tags_starts_with: String
tags_ends_with: String
tags_contains: String
tags_in: [String]
tags_not_in: [String]
discussionID_eq: String
discussionID_not_eq: String
discussionID_starts_with: String
discussionID_ends_with: String
discussionID_contains: String
discussionID_in: [String]
discussionID_not_in: [String]
rawMigrationData_eq: String
rawMigrationData_not_eq: String
rawMigrationData_starts_with: String
rawMigrationData_ends_with: String
rawMigrationData_contains: String
rawMigrationData_in: [String]
rawMigrationData_not_in: [String]
teamID_eq: String
teamID_not_eq: String
teamID_starts_with: String
teamID_ends_with: String
teamID_contains: String
teamID_in: [String]
teamID_not_in: [String]
groupID_eq: String
groupID_not_eq: String
groupID_starts_with: String
groupID_ends_with: String
groupID_contains: String
groupID_in: [String]
groupID_not_in: [String]
ownerID_eq: String
ownerID_not_eq: String
ownerID_starts_with: String
ownerID_ends_with: String
ownerID_contains: String
ownerID_in: [String]
ownerID_not_in: [String]
authorID_eq: String
authorID_not_eq: String
authorID_starts_with: String
authorID_ends_with: String
authorID_contains: String
authorID_in: [String]
authorID_not_in: [String]
avatar_eq: String
avatar_not_eq: String
avatar_starts_with: String
avatar_ends_with: String
avatar_contains: String
avatar_in: [String]
avatar_not_in: [String]
headerImageId_eq: String
headerImageId_not_eq: String
headerImageId_starts_with: String
headerImageId_ends_with: String
headerImageId_contains: String
headerImageId_in: [String]
headerImageId_not_in: [String]
lockedBy_eq: String
lockedBy_not_eq: String
lockedBy_starts_with: String
lockedBy_ends_with: String
lockedBy_contains: String
lockedBy_in: [String]
lockedBy_not_in: [String]
content_eq: String
content_not_eq: String
content_starts_with: String
content_ends_with: String
content_contains: String
content_in: [String]
content_not_in: [String]
title_eq: String
title_not_eq: String
title_starts_with: String
title_ends_with: String
title_contains: String
title_in: [String]
title_not_in: [String]
id_eq: ID
id_not_eq: ID
id_starts_with: ID
id_ends_with: ID
id_contains: ID
id_in: [ID]
id_not_in: [ID]
status_eq: String
status_not_eq: String
status_starts_with: String
status_ends_with: String
status_contains: String
status_in: [String]
status_not_in: [String]
version_eq: Int
version_not_eq: Int
version_lt: Int
version_gt: Int
version_in: [Int]
version_not_in: [Int]
created_equal_date: Instant
created_not_equal_date: Instant
created_lt: Instant
created_gt: Instant
lastModified_equal_date: Instant
lastModified_not_equal_date: Instant
lastModified_lt: Instant
lastModified_gt: Instant
lockedDate_equal_date: Instant
lockedDate_not_equal_date: Instant
lockedDate_lt: Instant
lockedDate_gt: Instant
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit_eq: Boolean
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit_not_eq: Boolean
generateTableOfContent_eq: Boolean
generateTableOfContent_not_eq: Boolean
onlyICanEdit_eq: Boolean
onlyICanEdit_not_eq: Boolean
locked_eq: Boolean
locked_not_eq: Boolean
input WhereCONTENT_WikiTagInput {
AND: [WhereCONTENT_WikiTagInput]
OR: [WhereCONTENT_WikiTagInput]
_search: String
createdBy_eq: String
createdBy_not_eq: String
createdBy_starts_with: String
createdBy_ends_with: String
createdBy_contains: String
createdBy_in: [String]
createdBy_not_in: [String]
lastModifiedBy_eq: String
lastModifiedBy_not_eq: String
lastModifiedBy_starts_with: String
lastModifiedBy_ends_with: String
lastModifiedBy_contains: String
lastModifiedBy_in: [String]
lastModifiedBy_not_in: [String]
permissionParent_eq: ID
permissionParent_not_eq: ID
permissionParent_starts_with: ID
permissionParent_ends_with: ID
permissionParent_contains: ID
permissionParent_in: [ID]
permissionParent_not_in: [ID]
tag_eq: String
tag_not_eq: String
tag_starts_with: String
tag_ends_with: String
tag_contains: String
tag_in: [String]
tag_not_in: [String]
id_eq: ID
id_not_eq: ID
id_starts_with: ID
id_ends_with: ID
id_contains: ID
id_in: [ID]
id_not_in: [ID]
status_eq: String
status_not_eq: String
status_starts_with: String
status_ends_with: String
status_contains: String
status_in: [String]
status_not_in: [String]
version_eq: Int
version_not_eq: Int
version_lt: Int
version_gt: Int
version_in: [Int]
version_not_in: [Int]
created_equal_date: Instant
created_not_equal_date: Instant
created_lt: Instant
created_gt: Instant
lastModified_equal_date: Instant
lastModified_not_equal_date: Instant
lastModified_lt: Instant
lastModified_gt: Instant
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit_eq: Boolean
onlyLastModifiedByCanEdit_not_eq: Boolean
input WhereContentSave {
savedBy: ContentWhereIdFilter
savedOn: ContentWhereDateTimeFilter
input WhereContentSlug {
language: String!
value: String!
input WhereContentVersion {
version: ContentWhereNumberFilter
input WhereCustomerMessageDearchiveInput {
id: ID!
input WhereCustomerMessagesInput {
excludeAcknowledged: Boolean
inboxFilter: InboxFilter
isRead: Boolean
personId: ID!
priorityFilter: [MessagePriority!]
query: String
typeFilter: [MessageType!]
withAttachmentsOnly: Boolean
input WhereCustomerMessageTypesInput {
ids: [Int!]
query: String
input WhereCustomerSatisfactionCategoriesInput {
personId: ID!
input WhereCustomerSatisfactionScoresInput {
from: DateTime
to: DateTime
input WhereDashboardMicroblogsInput {
Get only microblogs from a specific type
microblogsType: SocialMicroblogsType
The scope to limit the microblogs in
scope: SocialMicroblogsScope
input WhereDefectsInput {
query: String
Contacts department filter
input WhereDepartmentInput {
Generic search argument, see nameContains
_search: String
Filter on Name
nameContains: String!
Document preview metadata
input WhereDocumentPreviewMetadataInput {
Sizes for the image previews of a document
previewSizes: [PreviewSize!]
Document items filters
input WhereDocumentsChildrenInput {
Generic search argument, see contains
_search: String
Filter on title, content and tags
contains: String
Filter to exclude files and return only folders
excludeFiles: Boolean
Specify which directories to be included in the search criteria (e.g. recursive search or not). Default is CurrentFolderAndSubfolders
searchTarget: SearchTarget
Filter on tags. Can be combined with 'Contains' filter for more accurate result
tags: [String]
Document filters
input WhereDocumentsInput {
Search by title, content and tags
_search: String
The start date of document creation date range
dateCreatedFrom: DateTime
The end date of document creation date range
dateCreatedTo: DateTime
input WhereDossiersInput {
assignedTo: [ID!]
closedOnAfter: DateTimeOffset
closedOnBefore: DateTimeOffset
createdOnAfter: DateTimeOffset
createdOnBefore: DateTimeOffset
isClosed: Boolean
searchQuery: String
input WhereEmotionInput {
Choose for which emotion type you wish to return a connection of emotions. If none, then all emotions are fetched
emotionType: SocialEmotionType
Event filters
input WhereEventInput {
The unique calendar event id
id: String!
input WhereFaqsInput {
query: String
status: PublicationStatusFilterInput = PUBLISHED
suggestionQuery: String
suggestionTargetGroupIds: [ID!]
tagId: ID
input WhereFavoriteInput {
The end date for the date range filter of the time when the item was marked as favorite
endDate: DateTime
The start date for the date range filter of the time when the item was marked as favorite
startDate: DateTime
input WhereFavoritesInput {
Ids of any entities that are marked as favorites
ids: [ID!]!
Files filters
input WhereFilesInput {
Search by title, content and tags
_search: String
The start date of file creation date range
dateCreatedFrom: DateTime
The end date of file creation date range
dateCreatedTo: DateTime
input WhereFileUploadRestrictionsInput {
mediaCategory: MediaCategory!
Input for querying a file with a specific version
input WhereFileVersionInput {
Id of requested file. Can either be SocialEmbraceFile, SocialOneDriveFile or SocialM365File
id: ID!
The specific version identifier corresponding to a file version
versionLabel: String!
input WhereFormInput {
formId: ID!
selfServiceScenarioId: ID!
singleServiceToken: String
stateContinuationId: ID!
input WhereFunctionGroupsInput {
personId: ID
residentialZoneIds: [ID!]
searchTerm: String
tagIds: [ID!]
input WhereGeographyAddressesInput {
houseNumber: Int!
houseNumberLetter: String = ""
zipCode: String!
input WhereGroupDashboardMicroblogsInput {
Get only microblogs from a specific type
microblogsType: SocialMicroblogsType
Return only important microblogs
onlyImportant: Boolean
input WhereGroupFilesInput {
Get files of specific path
path: String
input WhereGroupsInput {
Generic search argument, see contains
_search: String
Filter groups on Title, Tags, Description and ProjectType
contains: String
The start date of group creation date range
dateCreatedFrom: DateTime
The end date of group creation date range
dateCreatedTo: DateTime
Exclude specific groups from the result
excludeIds: [ID!]
Get only groups which are default or followed by current user
isFollowedOrDefault: Boolean
Filtery by returning only groups with Membership request enabled; combines only with OrderBy.MessageCount
isMembershipRequestEnabled: Boolean
Matches a group with the exact title provided
title: String
input WhereGroupTimelineInput {
Get only microblogs from a specific type
microblogsType: SocialMicroblogsType
input WhereGroupWidgetsMicroblogsInput {
Filter by creation date. Only microblogs created after specified date will be returned
createdAfter: DateTime
Get only microblogs from a specific type
microblogsType: SocialMicroblogsType
Filter by microblog tags
tags: [String]
input WhereIContactDossiersInput {
isClosed: Boolean
input WhereIContactTasksInput {
excludedTaskTypeCategories: [TaskTypeCategoryInput!]
searchQuery: String = ""
input WhereIdentityGroupInput {
_search: String
input WhereIdentityResourceInput {
_search: String
input WhereIdentityResourceScopeInput {
_search: String
input WhereIdentityResourceServerInput {
_search: String
excludeScopesAndResources: Boolean
input WhereIdentityRoleInput {
Searching by role name and description.
_search: String
excludeScopesAndResources: Boolean
containerId: String
Deprecated. Use _search instead.
RoleName_Contains: String
input WhereIdentityUserInput {
_search: String
Image preview input model
input WhereImagePreviewInput {
Desired preview size
previewSize: SocialImagePreviewSize!
Image preview input model
input WhereImagesInput {
Sizes for the image previews
previewSizes: [PreviewSize!]
input WhereImpersonationInput {
channelType: ChannelTypeInput!
dossierId: ID
personId: ID!
ticketId: ID
input WhereInvoicesInput {
contractId: ID
dueYear: Int
endDate: DateTime
searchQuery: String
startDate: DateTime
status: BillStatusFilter = ALL
input WhereIsMemberOfServiceFundInput {
contractId: ID!
selfServiceScenarioId: ID!
serviceFundId: ID!
singleServiceToken: String
Job title filters
input WhereJobTitlesInput {
Generic search argument, see contains
_search: String
Filter on Title
contains: String
input WhereKccEmailMessagesInput {
query: String
input WhereKccEmailThreadsInput {
addressListQuery: String
assignedTo: [ID!]
fromDate: DateTimeOffset
query: String
relatedPerson: [ID!]
state: ThreadStateOption
toDate: DateTimeOffset
input WhereKccMailboxInput {
isActive: Boolean
input WhereKccMailboxItemsInput {
addressListQuery: String
assignedTo: [ID!]
fromDate: DateTimeOffset
query: String
relatedPerson: [ID!]
threadState: [ThreadStateOption!]
ticketIds: [ID!]
toDate: DateTimeOffset
input WhereKnowledgebaseItemsInput {
query: String
Contacts location filter
input WhereLocationInput {
Generic search argument, see nameContains
_search: String
Filter on Name
nameContains: String!
input WhereLookupAddressInput {
id: String!
input WhereMailAttachmentDownloadUrl {
mailAttachmentId: ID!
mailId: ID!
input WhereMailsInput {
query: String!
type: String
input WhereManagementContactsInput {
Text to filter on
_search: String
Filter options
filterOption: SocialManagementContactFilterOption
Column to sort by
sortBy: SocialManagementContactSortableColumn!
Sort direction
sortDirection: SocialSortDirection!
Contact status
state: SocialManagementContactState
input WhereManagementCustomResourceUploadInput {
Resource for which you want to generate an upload url. Accepted file extensions are jpg, jpeg and png.
resourceType: SocialCustomizationResourceType!
input WhereManagementCustomResourceUrlInput {
Resource for which you want to get a url. Accepted file extensions are jpg, jpeg and png.
resourceType: SocialCustomizationResourceType!
input WhereManagementGroupsInput {
Text to filter on
_search: String
If archived groups should be returned
includeArchived: Boolean
Column to sort by
sortBy: SocialGroupSortColumns!
Sort direction
sortDirection: SocialSortDirection!
Filter by the group state (Archived, Active, All)
state: SocialGroupStateFilter
Filter by the document storage type of the group
storageType: SocialGroupStorageType
input WhereManagementPersonMembershipsInput {
Text to filter on
_search: String
The id of the person
personId: ID!
input WhereMediaChildInput {
AND: [WhereMediaChildInput]
OR: [WhereMediaChildInput]
_search: String
path_contains: String
name_contains: String
createdBy_contains: String
lastModifiedBy_contains: String
directoryId_eq: ID
type_contains: String
type_eq: String
type_not_eq: String
discriminator_contains: String
mediaChildType_eq: MediaChildType
input WhereMediaFileInput {
AND: [WhereMediaFileInput]
OR: [WhereMediaFileInput]
_search: String
path_contains: String
name_contains: String
createdBy_contains: String
lastModifiedBy_contains: String
tags_in: String
tags_list_contains: [String]
ids_list_contains: [String]
processed_eq: Boolean
downloadUri_empty: Boolean
directoryId_eq: ID
type_contains: String
type_eq: String
type_not_eq: String
input WhereMediaFolderInput {
AND: [WhereMediaFolderInput]
OR: [WhereMediaFolderInput]
_search: String
path_contains: String
name_contains: String
createdBy_contains: String
lastModifiedBy_contains: String
isGroup_eq: Boolean
isGroup_not_eq: Boolean
isCatalogue_eq: Boolean
isCatalogue_not_eq: Boolean
directoryId_eq: ID
input WhereMediaInput {
mediaTypes: [MediaTypesInput!]
input WhereMediaItemsInput {
expiredRecently: Boolean
expiringSoon: Boolean
input WhereMembersInput {
Generic search argument, see contains
_search: String
Filter on all profile fields
contains: String
Message cursor
input WhereMessagesInput {
A cursor that can be used to receive new updates after the last request. Only use the update cursor of the first page, when the update cursor of another page is used the update request will also contain the items of the previous pages.
updateCursor: Cursor
input WhereMicroblogAttachmentsInput {
Width to be used for constructing a preview url for an image. Default value is Width300
imagePreviewSize: SocialImagePreviewSize
Width to be used for constructing a preview url for an image. Default value if none provided is 300
previewSize: PreviewSize
input WhereMicroblogsSearchInput {
Search by content and tags
_search: String
The start date of microblog creation date range
dateCreatedFrom: DateTime
The end date of microblog creation date range
dateCreatedTo: DateTime
input WhereMostPopularPostsInput {
Filter by creation date. Only microblogs created after specified date will be returned
createdAfter: DateTime
input WhereMyCustomerMessagesInput {
excludeAcknowledged: Boolean
inboxFilter: InboxFilter
isRead: Boolean
priorityFilter: [MessagePriority!]
query: String
typeFilter: [MessageType!]
withAttachmentsOnly: Boolean
input WhereMyLexSearchInput {
Search term
_search: String
New documents filters
input WhereNewDocumentsInput {
Filter by scope
scope: SocialDocumentsScope!
input WhereNotificationsInput {
Filter on read/unread notification status
filter: SocialNotificationFilter!
input WhereOEmbedHtmlInput {
Height of the container where the element will be displayed
height: Int!
Url for which to fetch preview html
url: String!
Width of the container where the element will be displayed
width: Int!
input WhereOEmbedInfoInput {
Valid url for which metadata should be fetched
url: String!
input WhereOffice365SearchInput {
Search term
_search: String
Scope the search to the provided groups only
groupIds: [ID!]
input WhereOneDriveFilesInput {
The path of a specific folder within the user's personal files. (ex. /Folder1/Folder2)
path: String
input WhereOneDriveSearchInput {
Search term
_search: String
input WhereOpenSearchSearchInput {
Search term
_search: String
Contacts organization filter
input WhereOrganizationInput {
Generic search argument, see nameContains
_search: String
Filter on Name
nameContains: String!
Out of office filters
input WhereOutOfOfficeInput {
Filter by groups scope
scope: SocialOutOfOfficeScope!
input WherePersonCaseFlowsInput {
searchQuery: String
statuses: [CaseFlowStatus]
input WherePersonContractsInput {
status: [ContractStatusInput!]
unitQuery: String
input WherePersonCustomerMessagesInput {
excludeAcknowledged: Boolean
inboxFilter: InboxFilter
isRead: Boolean
priorityFilter: [MessagePriority!]
query: String
typeFilter: [MessageType!]
withAttachmentsOnly: Boolean
Person followers filters
input WherePersonFollowersInput {
Generic search argument, see fullNameContains
_search: String
Filter on FullName
fullNameContains: String
Person following filters
input WherePersonFollowingInput {
Generic search argument, see fullNameContains
_search: String
Filter on FullName
fullNameContains: String
input WherePersonInicatorsInput {
includeContractIndicators: Boolean!
includeUnitAndComplexIndicators: Boolean!
Person filters
input WherePersonInput {
Find person by email address
emailAddress: String
Find person by the id which comes from the IdP
externalId: String
Find person by GraphQl id
id: ID
Persons filter for external identifiers
input WherePersonsByExternalIdsInput {
Find persons by the ids which come from the IdP
externalIds: [String]
input WherePersonSelfServiceScenariosInput {
query: String
Persons filters
input WherePersonsInput {
Generic search argument, see contains
_search: String
Filter on all profile fields
contains: String
The start date of person creation date range
dateCreatedFrom: DateTime
The end date of person creation date range
dateCreatedTo: DateTime
Exclude specific users from the result
excludeIds: [ID!]
Filter on FullName
fullNameContains: String
Filters to be applied only when wanting to access Embrace Users
managementFilters: SocialPersonsManagementFiltersInput
Exclude members of a specific group from the result
notMemberOfGroupId: ID
Filter on groups scope
scope: SocialPersonsScope
input WherePersonTicketsInput {
contractIds: [ID!]
endDate: DateTime
firstActivityTypes: [String]
query: String
startDate: DateTime
status: WherePersonTicketsStatusInput
ticketStatus: TicketStatusInput
enum WherePersonTicketsStatusInput {
Phonebook filters
input WherePhonebookInput {
Search by all contact fields and all person fields
_search: String
input WherePhoneCallStatisticsInput {
from: DateTime!
personId: ID!
until: DateTime!
input WherePhoneFavoriteInput {
searchQuery: String
input WherePlanningOptionsInput {
endDate: DateTime
numberOfOptions: Int
selfServiceScenarioId: ID!
singleServiceToken: String
startDate: DateTime
stateContinuationId: ID!
Input type used for applying filter on PortalProviderAllowedWidget items
input WherePortalProviderAllowedWidgetInput {
AND: [WherePortalProviderAllowedWidgetInput]
OR: [WherePortalProviderAllowedWidgetInput]
_search: String
props_eq: String
props_not_eq: String
props_starts_with: String
props_ends_with: String
props_contains: String
props_in: [String]
props_not_in: [String]
systemProps_eq: String
systemProps_not_eq: String
systemProps_starts_with: String
systemProps_ends_with: String
systemProps_contains: String
systemProps_in: [String]
systemProps_not_in: [String]
title_eq: String
title_not_eq: String
title_starts_with: String
title_ends_with: String
title_contains: String
title_in: [String]
title_not_in: [String]
shortDescription_eq: String
shortDescription_not_eq: String
shortDescription_starts_with: String
shortDescription_ends_with: String
shortDescription_contains: String
shortDescription_in: [String]
shortDescription_not_in: [String]
longDescription_eq: String
longDescription_not_eq: String
longDescription_starts_with: String
longDescription_ends_with: String
longDescription_contains: String
longDescription_in: [String]
longDescription_not_in: [String]
createdBy_eq: String
createdBy_not_eq: String
createdBy_starts_with: String
createdBy_ends_with: String
createdBy_contains: String
createdBy_in: [String]
createdBy_not_in: [String]
createdOn_eq: String
createdOn_not_eq: String
createdOn_starts_with: String
createdOn_ends_with: String
createdOn_contains: String
createdOn_in: [String]
createdOn_not_in: [String]
changedBy_eq: String
changedBy_not_eq: String
changedBy_starts_with: String
changedBy_ends_with: String
changedBy_contains: String
changedBy_in: [String]
changedBy_not_in: [String]
changedOn_eq: String
changedOn_not_eq: String
changedOn_starts_with: String
changedOn_ends_with: String
changedOn_contains: String
changedOn_in: [String]
changedOn_not_in: [String]
id_eq: String
id_not_eq: String
id_starts_with: String
id_ends_with: String
id_contains: String
id_in: [String]
id_not_in: [String]
isMaster_eq: Boolean
isMaster_not_eq: Boolean
isDependent_eq: Boolean
isDependent_not_eq: Boolean
canBeManaged_eq: Boolean
canBeManaged_not_eq: Boolean
status_eq: PortalProviderAllowedWidgetStatusEnum
status_not_eq: PortalProviderAllowedWidgetStatusEnum
tags_list_contains: [String!]
tags_list_in: [String!]
supportedPortalTypes_list_contains: [PortalProviderPortalTypeEnum!]
supportedPortalTypes_list_in: [PortalProviderPortalTypeEnum!]
requiredRoles_list_contains: [String!]
requiredRoles_list_in: [String!]
widgetTypes_list_contains: [PortalProviderBaseWidgetTypeEnum!]
widgetTypes_list_in: [PortalProviderBaseWidgetTypeEnum!]
Input type used for applying filter on PortalProviderArea items
input WherePortalProviderAreaInput {
AND: [WherePortalProviderAreaInput]
OR: [WherePortalProviderAreaInput]
_search: String
systemProps_eq: String
systemProps_not_eq: String
systemProps_starts_with: String
systemProps_ends_with: String
systemProps_contains: String
systemProps_in: [String]
systemProps_not_in: [String]
props_eq: String
props_not_eq: String
props_starts_with: String
props_ends_with: String
props_contains: String
props_in: [String]
props_not_in: [String]
tenantId_eq: String
tenantId_not_eq: String
tenantId_starts_with: String
tenantId_ends_with: String
tenantId_contains: String
tenantId_in: [String]
tenantId_not_in: [String]
screenContainerId_eq: String
screenContainerId_not_eq: String
screenContainerId_starts_with: String
screenContainerId_ends_with: String
screenContainerId_contains: String
screenContainerId_in: [String]
screenContainerId_not_in: [String]
contentOrientation_eq: String
contentOrientation_not_eq: String
contentOrientation_starts_with: String
contentOrientation_ends_with: String
contentOrientation_contains: String
contentOrientation_in: [String]
contentOrientation_not_in: [String]
contentHorizontalAlignment_eq: String
contentHorizontalAlignment_not_eq: String
contentHorizontalAlignment_starts_with: String
contentHorizontalAlignment_ends_with: String
contentHorizontalAlignment_contains: String
contentHorizontalAlignment_in: [String]
contentHorizontalAlignment_not_in: [String]
contentVerticalAlignment_eq: String
contentVerticalAlignment_not_eq: String
contentVerticalAlignment_starts_with: String
contentVerticalAlignment_ends_with: String
contentVerticalAlignment_contains: String
contentVerticalAlignment_in: [String]
contentVerticalAlignment_not_in: [String]
contentWrap_eq: String
contentWrap_not_eq: String
contentWrap_starts_with: String
contentWrap_ends_with: String
contentWrap_contains: String
contentWrap_in: [String]
contentWrap_not_in: [String]
zIndex_eq: String
zIndex_not_eq: String
zIndex_starts_with: String
zIndex_ends_with: String
zIndex_contains: String
zIndex_in: [String]
zIndex_not_in: [String]
backgroundImage_eq: String
backgroundImage_not_eq: String
backgroundImage_starts_with: String
backgroundImage_ends_with: String
backgroundImage_contains: String
backgroundImage_in: [String]
backgroundImage_not_in: [String]
backgroundColor_eq: String
backgroundColor_not_eq: String
backgroundColor_starts_with: String
backgroundColor_ends_with: String
backgroundColor_contains: String
backgroundColor_in: [String]
backgroundColor_not_in: [String]
backgroundImageSize_eq: String
backgroundImageSize_not_eq: String
backgroundImageSize_starts_with: String
backgroundImageSize_ends_with: String
backgroundImageSize_contains: String
backgroundImageSize_in: [String]
backgroundImageSize_not_in: [String]
spacingUnit_eq: String
spacingUnit_not_eq: String
spacingUnit_starts_with: String
spacingUnit_ends_with: String
spacingUnit_contains: String
spacingUnit_in: [String]
spacingUnit_not_in: [String]
gapUnit_eq: String
gapUnit_not_eq: String
gapUnit_starts_with: String
gapUnit_ends_with: String
gapUnit_contains: String
gapUnit_in: [String]
gapUnit_not_in: [String]
name_eq: String
name_not_eq: String
name_starts_with: String
name_ends_with: String
name_contains: String
name_in: [String]
name_not_in: [String]
userWidgetCollectionId_eq: String
userWidgetCollectionId_not_eq: String
userWidgetCollectionId_starts_with: String
userWidgetCollectionId_ends_with: String
userWidgetCollectionId_contains: String
userWidgetCollectionId_in: [String]
userWidgetCollectionId_not_in: [String]
id_eq: String
id_not_eq: String
id_starts_with: String
id_ends_with: String
id_contains: String
id_in: [String]
id_not_in: [String]
inherited_eq: Boolean
inherited_not_eq: Boolean
allowUserWidgets_eq: Boolean
allowUserWidgets_not_eq: Boolean
desktop_eq: Boolean
desktop_not_eq: Boolean
tablet_eq: Boolean
tablet_not_eq: Boolean
mobileLandscape_eq: Boolean
mobileLandscape_not_eq: Boolean
mobilePortrait_eq: Boolean
mobilePortrait_not_eq: Boolean
userPermissions: UserPermissionsEnum
Input type used for applying filter on PortalProviderBaseWidget items
input WherePortalProviderBaseWidgetInput {
AND: [WherePortalProviderBaseWidgetInput]
OR: [WherePortalProviderBaseWidgetInput]
_search: String
name_eq: String
name_not_eq: String
name_starts_with: String
name_ends_with: String
name_contains: String
name_in: [String]
name_not_in: [String]
title_eq: String
title_not_eq: String
title_starts_with: String
title_ends_with: String
title_contains: String
title_in: [String]
title_not_in: [String]
shortDescription_eq: String
shortDescription_not_eq: String
shortDescription_starts_with: String
shortDescription_ends_with: String
shortDescription_contains: String
shortDescription_in: [String]
shortDescription_not_in: [String]
longDescription_eq: String
longDescription_not_eq: String
longDescription_starts_with: String
longDescription_ends_with: String
longDescription_contains: String
longDescription_in: [String]
longDescription_not_in: [String]
source_eq: String
source_not_eq: String
source_starts_with: String
source_ends_with: String
source_contains: String
source_in: [String]
source_not_in: [String]
assets_eq: String
assets_not_eq: String
assets_starts_with: String
assets_ends_with: String
assets_contains: String
assets_in: [String]
assets_not_in: [String]
thumbnail_eq: String
thumbnail_not_eq: String
thumbnail_starts_with: String
thumbnail_ends_with: String
thumbnail_contains: String
thumbnail_in: [String]
thumbnail_not_in: [String]
changedBy_eq: String
changedBy_not_eq: String
changedBy_starts_with: String
changedBy_ends_with: String
changedBy_contains: String
changedBy_in: [String]
changedBy_not_in: [String]
changedOn_eq: String
changedOn_not_eq: String
changedOn_starts_with: String
changedOn_ends_with: String
changedOn_contains: String
changedOn_in: [String]
changedOn_not_in: [String]
systemProps_eq: String
systemProps_not_eq: String
systemProps_starts_with: String
systemProps_ends_with: String
systemProps_contains: String
systemProps_in: [String]
systemProps_not_in: [String]
props_eq: String
props_not_eq: String
props_starts_with: String
props_ends_with: String
props_contains: String
props_in: [String]
props_not_in: [String]
id_eq: String
id_not_eq: String
id_starts_with: String
id_ends_with: String
id_contains: String
id_in: [String]
id_not_in: [String]
hasFullHeight_eq: Boolean
hasFullHeight_not_eq: Boolean
canBeManaged_eq: Boolean
canBeManaged_not_eq: Boolean
isDependent_eq: Boolean
isDependent_not_eq: Boolean
tags_list_contains: [String!]
tags_list_in: [String!]
previewImages_list_contains: [String!]
previewImages_list_in: [String!]
supportedContentTypes_list_contains: [String!]
supportedContentTypes_list_in: [String!]
supportedPortalTypes_list_contains: [PortalProviderPortalTypeEnum!]
supportedPortalTypes_list_in: [PortalProviderPortalTypeEnum!]
widgetTypes_list_contains: [PortalProviderBaseWidgetTypeEnum!]
widgetTypes_list_in: [PortalProviderBaseWidgetTypeEnum!]
Input type used for applying filter on PortalProviderColumn items
input WherePortalProviderColumnInput {
AND: [WherePortalProviderColumnInput]
OR: [WherePortalProviderColumnInput]
_search: String
systemProps_eq: String
systemProps_not_eq: String
systemProps_starts_with: String
systemProps_ends_with: String
systemProps_contains: String
systemProps_in: [String]
systemProps_not_in: [String]
props_eq: String
props_not_eq: String
props_starts_with: String
props_ends_with: String
props_contains: String
props_in: [String]
props_not_in: [String]
unit_eq: String
unit_not_eq: String
unit_starts_with: String
unit_ends_with: String
unit_contains: String
unit_in: [String]
unit_not_in: [String]
min_eq: String
min_not_eq: String
min_starts_with: String
min_ends_with: String
min_contains: String
min_in: [String]
min_not_in: [String]
max_eq: String
max_not_eq: String
max_starts_with: String
max_ends_with: String
max_contains: String
max_in: [String]
max_not_in: [String]
id_eq: String
id_not_eq: String
id_starts_with: String
id_ends_with: String
id_contains: String
id_in: [String]
id_not_in: [String]
Input type used for applying filter on PortalProviderGrid items
input WherePortalProviderGridInput {
AND: [WherePortalProviderGridInput]
OR: [WherePortalProviderGridInput]
_search: String
systemProps_eq: String
systemProps_not_eq: String
systemProps_starts_with: String
systemProps_ends_with: String
systemProps_contains: String
systemProps_in: [String]
systemProps_not_in: [String]
props_eq: String
props_not_eq: String
props_starts_with: String
props_ends_with: String
props_contains: String
props_in: [String]
props_not_in: [String]
name_eq: String
name_not_eq: String
name_starts_with: String
name_ends_with: String
name_contains: String
name_in: [String]
name_not_in: [String]
minDeviceWidth_eq: String
minDeviceWidth_not_eq: String
minDeviceWidth_starts_with: String
minDeviceWidth_ends_with: String
minDeviceWidth_contains: String
minDeviceWidth_in: [String]
minDeviceWidth_not_in: [String]
maxDeviceWidth_eq: String
maxDeviceWidth_not_eq: String
maxDeviceWidth_starts_with: String
maxDeviceWidth_ends_with: String
maxDeviceWidth_contains: String
maxDeviceWidth_in: [String]
maxDeviceWidth_not_in: [String]
rowGap_eq: String
rowGap_not_eq: String
rowGap_starts_with: String
rowGap_ends_with: String
rowGap_contains: String
rowGap_in: [String]
rowGap_not_in: [String]
columnGap_eq: String
columnGap_not_eq: String
columnGap_starts_with: String
columnGap_ends_with: String
columnGap_contains: String
columnGap_in: [String]
columnGap_not_in: [String]
id_eq: String
id_not_eq: String
id_starts_with: String
id_ends_with: String
id_contains: String
id_in: [String]
id_not_in: [String]
heightType_eq: GridHeightTypeEnum
heightType_not_eq: GridHeightTypeEnum
Input type used for applying filter on PortalProviderPlacedWidget items
input WherePortalProviderPlacedWidgetInput {
AND: [WherePortalProviderPlacedWidgetInput]
OR: [WherePortalProviderPlacedWidgetInput]
_search: String
changedBy_eq: String
changedBy_not_eq: String
changedBy_starts_with: String
changedBy_ends_with: String
changedBy_contains: String
changedBy_in: [String]
changedBy_not_in: [String]
changedOn_eq: String
changedOn_not_eq: String
changedOn_starts_with: String
changedOn_ends_with: String
changedOn_contains: String
changedOn_in: [String]
changedOn_not_in: [String]
props_eq: String
props_not_eq: String
props_starts_with: String
props_ends_with: String
props_contains: String
props_in: [String]
props_not_in: [String]
systemProps_eq: String
systemProps_not_eq: String
systemProps_starts_with: String
systemProps_ends_with: String
systemProps_contains: String
systemProps_in: [String]
systemProps_not_in: [String]
themeVariant_eq: String
themeVariant_not_eq: String
themeVariant_starts_with: String
themeVariant_ends_with: String
themeVariant_contains: String
themeVariant_in: [String]
themeVariant_not_in: [String]
padding_eq: String
padding_not_eq: String
padding_starts_with: String
padding_ends_with: String
padding_contains: String
padding_in: [String]
padding_not_in: [String]
height_eq: String
height_not_eq: String
height_starts_with: String
height_ends_with: String
height_contains: String
height_in: [String]
height_not_in: [String]
width_eq: String
width_not_eq: String
width_starts_with: String
width_ends_with: String
width_contains: String
width_in: [String]
width_not_in: [String]
instanceVars_eq: String
instanceVars_not_eq: String
instanceVars_starts_with: String
instanceVars_ends_with: String
instanceVars_contains: String
instanceVars_in: [String]
instanceVars_not_in: [String]
userProps_eq: String
userProps_not_eq: String
userProps_starts_with: String
userProps_ends_with: String
userProps_contains: String
userProps_in: [String]
userProps_not_in: [String]
userSystemProps_eq: String
userSystemProps_not_eq: String
userSystemProps_starts_with: String
userSystemProps_ends_with: String
userSystemProps_contains: String
userSystemProps_in: [String]
userSystemProps_not_in: [String]
userInstanceVars_eq: String
userInstanceVars_not_eq: String
userInstanceVars_starts_with: String
userInstanceVars_ends_with: String
userInstanceVars_contains: String
userInstanceVars_in: [String]
userInstanceVars_not_in: [String]
id_eq: String
id_not_eq: String
id_starts_with: String
id_ends_with: String
id_contains: String
id_in: [String]
id_not_in: [String]
hidden_eq: Boolean
hidden_not_eq: Boolean
inherited_eq: Boolean
inherited_not_eq: Boolean
thirdPartyAvailability_eq: Boolean
thirdPartyAvailability_not_eq: Boolean
isDetail_eq: Boolean
isDetail_not_eq: Boolean
canBeHidden_eq: Boolean
canBeHidden_not_eq: Boolean
desktop_eq: Boolean
desktop_not_eq: Boolean
tablet_eq: Boolean
tablet_not_eq: Boolean
mobileLandscape_eq: Boolean
mobileLandscape_not_eq: Boolean
mobilePortrait_eq: Boolean
mobilePortrait_not_eq: Boolean
isHidden_eq: Boolean
isHidden_not_eq: Boolean
userPermissions: UserPermissionsEnum
Input type used for applying filter on PortalProviderPortal items
input WherePortalProviderPortalInput {
AND: [WherePortalProviderPortalInput]
OR: [WherePortalProviderPortalInput]
_search: String
name_eq: String
name_not_eq: String
name_starts_with: String
name_ends_with: String
name_contains: String
name_in: [String]
name_not_in: [String]
title_eq: String
title_not_eq: String
title_starts_with: String
title_ends_with: String
title_contains: String
title_in: [String]
title_not_in: [String]
uri_eq: String
uri_not_eq: String
uri_starts_with: String
uri_ends_with: String
uri_contains: String
uri_in: [String]
uri_not_in: [String]
route_eq: String
route_not_eq: String
route_starts_with: String
route_ends_with: String
route_contains: String
route_in: [String]
route_not_in: [String]
changedBy_eq: String
changedBy_not_eq: String
changedBy_starts_with: String
changedBy_ends_with: String
changedBy_contains: String
changedBy_in: [String]
changedBy_not_in: [String]
changedOn_eq: String
changedOn_not_eq: String
changedOn_starts_with: String
changedOn_ends_with: String
changedOn_contains: String
changedOn_in: [String]
changedOn_not_in: [String]
props_eq: String
props_not_eq: String
props_starts_with: String
props_ends_with: String
props_contains: String
props_in: [String]
props_not_in: [String]
systemProps_eq: String
systemProps_not_eq: String
systemProps_starts_with: String
systemProps_ends_with: String
systemProps_contains: String
systemProps_in: [String]
systemProps_not_in: [String]
lockedBy_eq: String
lockedBy_not_eq: String
lockedBy_starts_with: String
lockedBy_ends_with: String
lockedBy_contains: String
lockedBy_in: [String]
lockedBy_not_in: [String]
lockedUntil_eq: String
lockedUntil_not_eq: String
lockedUntil_starts_with: String
lockedUntil_ends_with: String
lockedUntil_contains: String
lockedUntil_in: [String]
lockedUntil_not_in: [String]
id_eq: String
id_not_eq: String
id_starts_with: String
id_ends_with: String
id_contains: String
id_in: [String]
id_not_in: [String]
defaultLocale_eq: PortalProviderLocaleEnum
defaultLocale_not_eq: PortalProviderLocaleEnum
type_eq: PortalProviderPortalTypeEnum
type_not_eq: PortalProviderPortalTypeEnum
state_eq: PortalProviderPortalVersionTypeEnum
state_not_eq: PortalProviderPortalVersionTypeEnum
locales_list_contains: [PortalProviderLocaleEnum!]
locales_list_in: [PortalProviderLocaleEnum!]
publishRoles_list_contains: [String!]
publishRoles_list_in: [String!]
screenTemplateManagerRoles_list_contains: [String!]
screenTemplateManagerRoles_list_in: [String!]
userPermissions: UserPortalPermissionsEnum
Input type used for applying filter on PortalProviderPortalVersion items
input WherePortalProviderPortalVersionInput {
AND: [WherePortalProviderPortalVersionInput]
OR: [WherePortalProviderPortalVersionInput]
_search: String
changedBy_eq: String
changedBy_not_eq: String
changedBy_starts_with: String
changedBy_ends_with: String
changedBy_contains: String
changedBy_in: [String]
changedBy_not_in: [String]
changedOn_eq: String
changedOn_not_eq: String
changedOn_starts_with: String
changedOn_ends_with: String
changedOn_contains: String
changedOn_in: [String]
changedOn_not_in: [String]
props_eq: String
props_not_eq: String
props_starts_with: String
props_ends_with: String
props_contains: String
props_in: [String]
props_not_in: [String]
systemProps_eq: String
systemProps_not_eq: String
systemProps_starts_with: String
systemProps_ends_with: String
systemProps_contains: String
systemProps_in: [String]
systemProps_not_in: [String]
id_eq: String
id_not_eq: String
id_starts_with: String
id_ends_with: String
id_contains: String
id_in: [String]
id_not_in: [String]
versionTypeValue_eq: PortalProviderPortalVersionTypeEnum
versionTypeValue_not_eq: PortalProviderPortalVersionTypeEnum
Input type used for applying filter on PortalProviderPosition items
input WherePortalProviderPositionInput {
AND: [WherePortalProviderPositionInput]
OR: [WherePortalProviderPositionInput]
_search: String
systemProps_eq: String
systemProps_not_eq: String
systemProps_starts_with: String
systemProps_ends_with: String
systemProps_contains: String
systemProps_in: [String]
systemProps_not_in: [String]
props_eq: String
props_not_eq: String
props_starts_with: String
props_ends_with: String
props_contains: String
props_in: [String]
props_not_in: [String]
id_eq: String
id_not_eq: String
id_starts_with: String
id_ends_with: String
id_contains: String
id_in: [String]
id_not_in: [String]
Input type used for applying filter on PortalProviderRow items
input WherePortalProviderRowInput {
AND: [WherePortalProviderRowInput]
OR: [WherePortalProviderRowInput]
_search: String
systemProps_eq: String
systemProps_not_eq: String
systemProps_starts_with: String
systemProps_ends_with: String
systemProps_contains: String
systemProps_in: [String]
systemProps_not_in: [String]
props_eq: String
props_not_eq: String
props_starts_with: String
props_ends_with: String
props_contains: String
props_in: [String]
props_not_in: [String]
unit_eq: String
unit_not_eq: String
unit_starts_with: String
unit_ends_with: String
unit_contains: String
unit_in: [String]
unit_not_in: [String]
min_eq: String
min_not_eq: String
min_starts_with: String
min_ends_with: String
min_contains: String
min_in: [String]
min_not_in: [String]
max_eq: String
max_not_eq: String
max_starts_with: String
max_ends_with: String
max_contains: String
max_in: [String]
max_not_in: [String]
id_eq: String
id_not_eq: String
id_starts_with: String
id_ends_with: String
id_contains: String
id_in: [String]
id_not_in: [String]
isSticky_eq: Boolean
isSticky_not_eq: Boolean
Input type used for applying filter on PortalProviderScreen items
input WherePortalProviderScreenInput {
AND: [WherePortalProviderScreenInput]
OR: [WherePortalProviderScreenInput]
_search: String
name_eq: String
name_not_eq: String
name_starts_with: String
name_ends_with: String
name_contains: String
name_in: [String]
name_not_in: [String]
title_eq: String
title_not_eq: String
title_starts_with: String
title_ends_with: String
title_contains: String
title_in: [String]
title_not_in: [String]
description_eq: String
description_not_eq: String
description_starts_with: String
description_ends_with: String
description_contains: String
description_in: [String]
description_not_in: [String]
keywords_eq: String
keywords_not_eq: String
keywords_starts_with: String
keywords_ends_with: String
keywords_contains: String
keywords_in: [String]
keywords_not_in: [String]
path_eq: String
path_not_eq: String
path_starts_with: String
path_ends_with: String
path_contains: String
path_in: [String]
path_not_in: [String]
icon_eq: String
icon_not_eq: String
icon_starts_with: String
icon_ends_with: String
icon_contains: String
icon_in: [String]
icon_not_in: [String]
redirectTo_eq: String
redirectTo_not_eq: String
redirectTo_starts_with: String
redirectTo_ends_with: String
redirectTo_contains: String
redirectTo_in: [String]
redirectTo_not_in: [String]
theme_eq: String
theme_not_eq: String
theme_starts_with: String
theme_ends_with: String
theme_contains: String
theme_in: [String]
theme_not_in: [String]
partial_eq: String
partial_not_eq: String
partial_starts_with: String
partial_ends_with: String
partial_contains: String
partial_in: [String]
partial_not_in: [String]
changedBy_eq: String
changedBy_not_eq: String
changedBy_starts_with: String
changedBy_ends_with: String
changedBy_contains: String
changedBy_in: [String]
changedBy_not_in: [String]
changedOn_eq: String
changedOn_not_eq: String
changedOn_starts_with: String
changedOn_ends_with: String
changedOn_contains: String
changedOn_in: [String]
changedOn_not_in: [String]
systemProps_eq: String
systemProps_not_eq: String
systemProps_starts_with: String
systemProps_ends_with: String
systemProps_contains: String
systemProps_in: [String]
systemProps_not_in: [String]
props_eq: String
props_not_eq: String
props_starts_with: String
props_ends_with: String
props_contains: String
props_in: [String]
props_not_in: [String]
createdBy_eq: String
createdBy_not_eq: String
createdBy_starts_with: String
createdBy_ends_with: String
createdBy_contains: String
createdBy_in: [String]
createdBy_not_in: [String]
createdOn_eq: String
createdOn_not_eq: String
createdOn_starts_with: String
createdOn_ends_with: String
createdOn_contains: String
createdOn_in: [String]
createdOn_not_in: [String]
originId_eq: String
originId_not_eq: String
originId_starts_with: String
originId_ends_with: String
originId_contains: String
originId_in: [String]
originId_not_in: [String]
id_eq: String
id_not_eq: String
id_starts_with: String
id_ends_with: String
id_contains: String
id_in: [String]
id_not_in: [String]
hiddenInMenu_eq: Boolean
hiddenInMenu_not_eq: Boolean
desktop_eq: Boolean
desktop_not_eq: Boolean
tablet_eq: Boolean
tablet_not_eq: Boolean
mobileLandscape_eq: Boolean
mobileLandscape_not_eq: Boolean
mobilePortrait_eq: Boolean
mobilePortrait_not_eq: Boolean
tags_list_contains: [String!]
tags_list_in: [String!]
userPermissions: UserPermissionsEnum
Input type used for applying filter on PortalProviderScreenTemplate items
input WherePortalProviderScreenTemplateInput {
AND: [WherePortalProviderScreenTemplateInput]
OR: [WherePortalProviderScreenTemplateInput]
_search: String
partial_eq: String
partial_not_eq: String
partial_starts_with: String
partial_ends_with: String
partial_contains: String
partial_in: [String]
partial_not_in: [String]
changedBy_eq: String
changedBy_not_eq: String
changedBy_starts_with: String
changedBy_ends_with: String
changedBy_contains: String
changedBy_in: [String]
changedBy_not_in: [String]
changedOn_eq: String
changedOn_not_eq: String
changedOn_starts_with: String
changedOn_ends_with: String
changedOn_contains: String
changedOn_in: [String]
changedOn_not_in: [String]
systemProps_eq: String
systemProps_not_eq: String
systemProps_starts_with: String
systemProps_ends_with: String
systemProps_contains: String
systemProps_in: [String]
systemProps_not_in: [String]
name_eq: String
name_not_eq: String
name_starts_with: String
name_ends_with: String
name_contains: String
name_in: [String]
name_not_in: [String]
props_eq: String
props_not_eq: String
props_starts_with: String
props_ends_with: String
props_contains: String
props_in: [String]
props_not_in: [String]
id_eq: String
id_not_eq: String
id_starts_with: String
id_ends_with: String
id_contains: String
id_in: [String]
id_not_in: [String]
isDetailScreenTemplate_eq: Boolean
isDetailScreenTemplate_not_eq: Boolean
userPermissions: UserPermissionsEnum
Input type used for applying filter on PortalProviderTenant items
input WherePortalProviderTenantInput {
AND: [WherePortalProviderTenantInput]
OR: [WherePortalProviderTenantInput]
_search: String
nameIdentifier_eq: String
nameIdentifier_not_eq: String
nameIdentifier_starts_with: String
nameIdentifier_ends_with: String
nameIdentifier_contains: String
nameIdentifier_in: [String]
nameIdentifier_not_in: [String]
id_eq: String
id_not_eq: String
id_starts_with: String
id_ends_with: String
id_contains: String
id_in: [String]
id_not_in: [String]
Input type used for applying filter on PortalProviderTheme items
input WherePortalProviderThemeInput {
AND: [WherePortalProviderThemeInput]
OR: [WherePortalProviderThemeInput]
_search: String
systemProps_eq: String
systemProps_not_eq: String
systemProps_starts_with: String
systemProps_ends_with: String
systemProps_contains: String
systemProps_in: [String]
systemProps_not_in: [String]
props_eq: String
props_not_eq: String
props_starts_with: String
props_ends_with: String
props_contains: String
props_in: [String]
props_not_in: [String]
draftProps_eq: String
draftProps_not_eq: String
draftProps_starts_with: String
draftProps_ends_with: String
draftProps_contains: String
draftProps_in: [String]
draftProps_not_in: [String]
favicon_eq: String
favicon_not_eq: String
favicon_starts_with: String
favicon_ends_with: String
favicon_contains: String
favicon_in: [String]
favicon_not_in: [String]
logo_eq: String
logo_not_eq: String
logo_starts_with: String
logo_ends_with: String
logo_contains: String
logo_in: [String]
logo_not_in: [String]
id_eq: String
id_not_eq: String
id_starts_with: String
id_ends_with: String
id_contains: String
id_in: [String]
id_not_in: [String]
userPermissions: UserPermissionsEnum
Input type used for applying filter on PortalProviderUserWidget items
input WherePortalProviderUserWidgetInput {
AND: [WherePortalProviderUserWidgetInput]
OR: [WherePortalProviderUserWidgetInput]
_search: String
changedBy_eq: String
changedBy_not_eq: String
changedBy_starts_with: String
changedBy_ends_with: String
changedBy_contains: String
changedBy_in: [String]
changedBy_not_in: [String]
changedOn_eq: String
changedOn_not_eq: String
changedOn_starts_with: String
changedOn_ends_with: String
changedOn_contains: String
changedOn_in: [String]
changedOn_not_in: [String]
props_eq: String
props_not_eq: String
props_starts_with: String
props_ends_with: String
props_contains: String
props_in: [String]
props_not_in: [String]
systemProps_eq: String
systemProps_not_eq: String
systemProps_starts_with: String
systemProps_ends_with: String
systemProps_contains: String
systemProps_in: [String]
systemProps_not_in: [String]
themeVariant_eq: String
themeVariant_not_eq: String
themeVariant_starts_with: String
themeVariant_ends_with: String
themeVariant_contains: String
themeVariant_in: [String]
themeVariant_not_in: [String]
padding_eq: String
padding_not_eq: String
padding_starts_with: String
padding_ends_with: String
padding_contains: String
padding_in: [String]
padding_not_in: [String]
height_eq: String
height_not_eq: String
height_starts_with: String
height_ends_with: String
height_contains: String
height_in: [String]
height_not_in: [String]
width_eq: String
width_not_eq: String
width_starts_with: String
width_ends_with: String
width_contains: String
width_in: [String]
width_not_in: [String]
instanceVars_eq: String
instanceVars_not_eq: String
instanceVars_starts_with: String
instanceVars_ends_with: String
instanceVars_contains: String
instanceVars_in: [String]
instanceVars_not_in: [String]
userId_eq: String
userId_not_eq: String
userId_starts_with: String
userId_ends_with: String
userId_contains: String
userId_in: [String]
userId_not_in: [String]
id_eq: String
id_not_eq: String
id_starts_with: String
id_ends_with: String
id_contains: String
id_in: [String]
id_not_in: [String]
thirdPartyAvailability_eq: Boolean
thirdPartyAvailability_not_eq: Boolean
Input type used for applying filter on PortalProviderVersionType items
input WherePortalProviderVersionTypeInput {
AND: [WherePortalProviderVersionTypeInput]
OR: [WherePortalProviderVersionTypeInput]
_search: String
name_eq: String
name_not_eq: String
name_starts_with: String
name_ends_with: String
name_contains: String
name_in: [String]
name_not_in: [String]
id_eq: String
id_not_eq: String
id_starts_with: String
id_ends_with: String
id_contains: String
id_in: [String]
id_not_in: [String]
isMutable_eq: Boolean
isMutable_not_eq: Boolean
isUnique_eq: Boolean
isUnique_not_eq: Boolean
doesRequireAuth_eq: Boolean
doesRequireAuth_not_eq: Boolean
input WherePublicKnowledgebaseItemInput {
id: ID
slug: String
Filter RecentFiles
input WhereRecentFilesInput {
The storage to return files from
storage: SocialPersonalFileStorage!
input WhereRepairRequestItemsInput {
personId: ID!
singleServiceToken: String
input WhereRepairRequestPlanningOptionsInput {
endTime: DateTime
numberOfOptions: Int
repairRequestId: ID!
singleServiceToken: String
startTime: DateTime
input WhereRepairRequestsInput {
repairRequestState: RepairRequestState!
withIds: [ID!]
input WhereRssFeedsInput {
RSS feed URLs
feeds: [String]!
input WhereSearchAddressInput {
limit: Int
query: String!
input WhereSelfServiceScenariosInput {
idIn: [ID!]
ids: [ID!]
query: String
input WhereSessionInput {
conversationId: ID!
input WhereSocialCalendarEventsInput {
Generic search argument, see contains
_search: String
Filter on title field
contains: String
The end date of the date range filter for calendar events between two dates (UTC)
endDate: DateTime
The start date of the date range filter for calendar events between two dates (UTC)
startDate: DateTime
Contacts filter
input WhereSocialContactsInput {
Search by name, email address, phone number, address etc.
_search: String
Documents filters
input WhereSocialDocumentsInput {
Documents path to query on
path: String
Search for calendar events within a specific group
input WhereSocialGroupCalendarEventsInput {
The end date of the date range filter for calendar events between two dates (UTC)
endDate: DateTime
Filter based on calendar event type. If no event type is provided, all calendar events are returned.
eventTypes: [SocialCalendarEventType!]
The start date of the date range filter for calendar events between two dates (UTC)
startDate: DateTime
input WhereSocialManagementBestBetInput {
Search for best bets that contain specific value
_search: String
input WhereSocialManagementEventLogInput {
Optional filtering of the eventLog
statusType: SocialManagementEventLogStatus
input WhereSocialManagementFilesInput {
Text to filter on
_search: String
Text to filter on
filter: String
Available filter options
filterOption: SocialManagementFilterOptionInput
Sort direction
sortAscending: SocialSortDirection
Column to sort by
sortColumn: SocialManagementFilesSort!
Sort direction
sortDirection: SocialSortDirection
Filter for personal files
input WhereSocialPersonalFilesInput {
Path of folder to query
path: String
input WhereSocialWidgetsCalendarEventsInput {
The end date of the date range filter for calendar events between two dates (UTC)
endDate: DateTime
Filter based on calendar event type. If no event type is provided, all calendar events are returned.
eventTypes: [SocialCalendarEventType!]!
The scope to show from where calendar events need to be displayed
groupsScope: SocialGroupsScope!
The start date of the date range filter for calendar events between two dates (UTC)
startDate: DateTime
input WhereSuggestAddressInput {
limit: Int
query: String!
input WhereSuggestInput {
Additional filter for suggestion type Tag. Custom tags to be suggested. Expects values from QueryTypes.SocialProfileCustomField.TagsGroup. Not allowed in combination with TagsType filter
customTagsGroup: Int
Text to filter on
filter: String!
GroupId is required only for suggestions in a closed group, otherwise it must be NULL
groupId: ID
Suggestion types to be returned
suggestionTypes: [SocialSuggestionType!]
Additional filter for suggestion type Tag. Type of tags to be suggested. Default is General. Not allowed in combination with CustomTagsGroup filter
tagsType: SocialTagsType
input WhereTagsInput {
query: String
input WhereTasksInput {
completeBy: [ID!]
completeBy2: TasksCompleteByInput
completeByType: CompleteByType
completion: CompletionState
createdBy: ID
createdBy2: TasksCreatedByInput
createdOnAfter: DateTime
createdOnBefore: DateTime
deadlineAfter: DateTime
deadlineBefore: DateTime
excludedTaskTypeCategories: [TaskTypeCategoryInput!]
searchQuery: String
statuses: [TaakStatus!]
taskTypes: [String]
input WhereTaskTypesInput {
onlyVisible: Boolean = true
input WhereThesaurusTagExpertsInput {
unitId: ID
input WhereTicketActivitiesInput {
activityTypes: [String]
excludedTaskTypeCategoriesForTaskCreatedActivities: [TaskTypeCategoryInput!]
status: WhereTicketActivitiesStatusInput = ACTIVE
enum WhereTicketActivitiesStatusInput {
input WhereTicketsInput {
firstActivityTypes: [String]
personId: ID!
query: String
input WhereTicketTasksInput {
excludedTaskTypeCategories: [TaskTypeCategoryInput!]
input WhereTopDeskIncidentsInput {
Filter by type of the incident
incidentType: TopDeskIncidentType!
input WhereTopDeskSearchInput {
Search term
_search: String
input WhereUnitCollectiveObject {
locationTypeId: ID
input WhereUnitContractsInput {
status: [ContractStatusInput!]
input WhereUnitHousingValuation {
endDate: DateTime
startDate: DateTime
input WhereUnitsInput {
query: String!
input WhereUnitTasksInput {
excludedTaskTypeCategories: [TaskTypeCategoryInput!]
searchQuery: String = ""
input WhereUnitTicketsInput {
contractIds: [ID!]
endDate: DateTime
firstActivityTypes: [String]
query: String
startDate: DateTime
status: WhereUnitTicketsStatusInput
ticketStatus: TicketStatusInput
enum WhereUnitTicketsStatusInput {
input WhereWidgetsMicroblogsInput {
Filter by creation date. Only microblogs created after specified date will be returned
createdAfter: DateTime
Get only microblogs from a specific type
microblogsType: SocialMicroblogsType
The scope to limit the microblogs in
scope: SocialMicroblogsScope
Filter by microblog tags
tags: [String]
input WhereWriteableFieldsInput {
personId: ID!
input WhereZenyaCollectionsInput {
Filter by collection name
_search: String
Filter by collection Ids
ids: [ID!]
input WhereZenyaContentInput {
Filter by date of last visit, will return results after this date
afterLastVisited: DateTime
Filter by Collection Ids
collectionIds: [ID!]
Filter by content type ids
contentTypeIds: [Int!]
Retrieve specific content items by their Ids. ContentTypeIds should also be specified
ids: [ID!]
Filter by Portal Id
portalId: String
Filter by text
textContains: String
input WhereZenyaTasksInput {
Filter by Tasks Ids
ids: [ID!]
type WidgetPack {
widgetPackName: String!
@deprecated(reason: "Please use V2 variant for this field.")
input WidgetPackInput {
widgetPackName: String!
type WorkArea implements INode {
expertises: [Expertise!]!
id: ID!
name: String!
resource: IContact
type WorkingHour {
dayOfWeek: DayOfWeek!
description: String
Format: HH:mm
endTime: String
Format: HH:mm
startTime: String
type WorkingHourListSocialProfileField {
state: SocialProfileFieldState!
value: [WorkingHour]
type WritableFields {
capabilities: PersonFieldCapabilities
fields: [PersonFieldTypes!]!
type ZenyaCollectionItem {
Id of the collection
id: ID!
Name of the collection
name: String
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type ZenyaCollectionItemConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [ZenyaCollectionItemEdge]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [ZenyaCollectionItem]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type ZenyaCollectionItemEdge {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: ZenyaCollectionItem
type ZenyaContentItem {
The name of the content item type
contentType: String
The id of the content item type
contentTypeId: Int
Id of the document
id: ID!
DateTime for last modified
lastModified: DateTime
Retrieve meta data for documents
metadata: ZenyaContentItemMetadata
Title of the document
title: String
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type ZenyaContentItemConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [ZenyaContentItemEdge]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [ZenyaContentItem]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type ZenyaContentItemEdge {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: ZenyaContentItem
type ZenyaContentItemMetadata {
If the document is active
active: Boolean!
If the document is marked as favorite
isMarkedAsFavorite: Boolean!
QuickCode of the document
quickCode: String
Url of the document
url: String
Version of the document
version: Int!
type ZenyaFavoriteItem {
Description of the item
description: String
Hyperlink id of the item
hyperlinkId: GUID
Id of the item
id: ID!
Order position of the item, zero based
order: Int!
Url of the item
url: String
type ZenyaTaskItem {
Description of the task. Can contain html
description: String
Id of the task
id: ID!
Title of the task. Can contain html
title: String
Url of the task
url: String
Connection to related objects with relevant pagination information.
type ZenyaTaskItemConnection {
Information to aid in pagination.
edges: [ZenyaTaskItemEdge]
A list of all of the objects returned in the connection. This is a convenience field provided for quickly exploring the API; rather than querying for `{ edges { node } }` when no edge data is needed, this field can be used instead. Note that when clients like Relay need to fetch the `cursor` field on the edge to enable efficient pagination, this shortcut cannot be used, and the full `{ edges { node } }` version should be used instead.
items: [ZenyaTaskItem]
Information to aid in pagination.
pageInfo: PageInfo!
A count of the total number of objects in this connection, ignoring pagination. This allows a client to fetch the first five objects by passing "5" as the argument to first, then fetch the total count so it could display "5 of 83", for example. In cases where we employ infinite scrolling or don't have an exact count of entries, this field will return `null`.
totalCount: Int
An edge in a connection between two objects.
type ZenyaTaskItemEdge {
A cursor for use in pagination.
cursor: Cursor!
The item at the end of the edge.
node: ZenyaTaskItem